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Angels Ch. 16 - Confidant

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The lengths you go to for the one that you love.
5.3k words

Part 16 of the 24 part series

Updated 03/31/2024
Created 09/17/2022
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This story contains characters from other stories but is intended as stand alone.

All comments and feedback are gratefully received as I'm hoping the feedback will encourage improvements in my work. This is a work of fiction from the deep dank recesses of my mind and any resemblance to real people is purely accidental.

This story depicts a man giving his wife to another, if this not to your liking, please visit some of my other submissions, otherwise I hope you enjoy.


Ordinarily John would have looked upon someone like himself as a scum bag. He had been fucking his colleague Andi for around six months behind her husband's back. He had even met her husband Sam at a couple of works functions and got on with him but that didn't stop him being a scum bag.

He was the photographer and Art Director of the company's lingerie catalogue and when he took on this role the company had used to hire in external models, but he quickly came to the realisation that the company had a number of shapely female employees that were just as good, if not better, than the models he could hire in while providing a healthy bonus in their pay packets in return -- and yet still saving money compared to professional models. Andi being one of the first to fall under his spell and if he had to pick a favourite muse for his camera, he would probably pick her. The fact that they used real people was something that the company never made public knowledge, he half suspected it would boost sales immeasurably if the customer thought the person answering their call might be the model they were looking at, but he was the master of discretion if nothing else and only let certain senior people at the organisation in on his secret of the new and abundant talent he could call up on for the company's quarterly magazine.

Of course, being lingerie, it meant John got to see more of his colleagues than most, just one of the many perks of his job. Some were natural exhibitionists only too keen to parade around in very little clothing, others had to be coaxed into posing using his charm, thankfully not many turned him down. Another secret he was keen to keep hidden is that he was having sex with most of the models, whether they were single or not -- he was, after all, a scumbag.

He never made it secret between them although they only knew of the other models when they were photographed -- or occasionally fucked - together. A side-line of Johns was to provide photo portfolios for some of his colleagues come models. Most featured your typical lingerie pictures in various sexy poses although they weren't the full extent of some of the sessions - who am I kidding, most of the sessions - some sessions were downright pornographic, but most subjects didn't disclose that kind of picture to their loved ones.

Andi had attended a number of these sessions, had fucked John on each occasion and had even confessed to her husband that John had been the photographer. She had only shown him the tasteful pictures but that didn't ease her concerns whether Sam would kick off at having his wife show herself off to another man. Thankfully Sam had previously shared a few beers with John at functions and took very little persuading that she and John were merely good friends.

At this point I ought to describe Andi. She's around 5 feet 8, not an ounce of fat on her but with very shapely breasts, butt and thighs -- not large but shapely none the less - but it was that smile that often made John stop in his tracks, that and her long dark hair and angelic features that really crowned off the complete package.

Although initially shy in her first shoot, Andi took her lead from John's professionalism. That professionalism ended once she had lowered her panties to the floor and he had attached his enquiring tongue to her clit. Beneath her shy demeanour Andi turned out to be a bit of a wild cat trying anything and everything that John suggested.

The session invariably followed a common approach. Lots and lots of pictures showing gradually more and more flesh, either John or Andi would start proceedings by dropping to their knees to orally service the other. At some point Andi would declare that she "Needed a cock in her, NOW" and so John would lower himself to lie on the floor reaching out and helping Andi to straddle him. Slowly she would descend, touching her soft warm flesh to the sensitive tip of his dick and she would ever so slowly sink her snug pussy down his length enjoying its steady gradual incursion into her depths where it belonged. She knew it was by far John's favourite position with her and would drive him mental with her slow rise and fall.

Andi would purposely take the longest time. It was perhaps her favourite position also as she was in control. She was under no illusion with herself, sometimes she craved the animalistic pounding she received in the doggy position banging away at her g-spot that would follow but while she was in the driving seat, she took a perverse pleasure from teasing him.

John was busy working at his computer one day when he heard a wrap of knuckles at the door. He looked up quizzically and saw Sam stood at the open door. Greeting him with a smile and "Hey dude".

Sam took a step inside asking "Do you have a minute?".

John was naturally curious as this was a new turn of events for him. All the same he gestured to a seat on the other side of his desk and said "Of course, come on in. What can I help you with?"

It struck John as even more strange that Sam closed the office door and tentatively took a seat, looking first down at the floor and then up at John asking, "We're friends, right?" John simply nodded and so his visitor went on "I need you to be honest now. Is Andi sneaking around behind my back?". She was, with John, but he was hardly going to confess that until he worked out what Sam knew/suspected.

"Dude, this is your Andi we're talking about, right? She isn't like that. Why do you ask?" John enquired.

"Well. I know you two are good friends, but as a designer you've got to admit she's a real looker. God knows there is only me and her doctor that has seen more of her than you."

John let out a nervous laugh and nodded adding "You make a good point. Yes, she is a friend so I hope she wouldn't mind me confessing this to you. As models go, I have rarely seen a better subject for my camera. She needs next to no coaxing or coaching during a shoot and is very photogenic. What can I say, the camera loves her! You are a lucky man, but I guess you know that already but what you've said doesn't go to explain why you're suspicious."

Sam shrugged adding "It sounds completely irrational now I say it out loud, but I've seen the way blokes look at her in the supermarket or a restaurant and I know I'm not the brightest star in the sky. What if I'm not good enough for her anymore?", he shrugged again and looked down at the floor.

If that was the extent of his suspicions then John was in the clear, although it had to be said, even though he was a scumbag, he was more concerned with making sure he had Andi's back covered than his own sorry hide. "Dude, I'll say again Andi just isn't that type. I don't know if she's mentioned this to you -- and if she hasn't you can't say a word about it especially not tell her it came from me -- but I was walking down the corridor a couple of weeks ago and this newbie who thought he was god's gift to women starts sauntering up to her giving her the big chat up."

Sam quickly looked up with a furrowed brow but then physically relaxed when John added "She just looked at him with that stare -- you must know the one -- and cut him down until he looked at a foot tall. As a spectator sport it was great to see, but she told me afterwards that it didn't matter how big a hunk he was, he wasn't you. The two of you have been an item since forever, you have two great kids together and you treat her like a princess. That my friend is the sort of wife you have, she's dotty about you. No other man stands a chance."

As his posture visibility relaxed, Sam smiled back at John rocking slightly in his seat "She said that? Well, she's never told me that to my face"

John decided to labour the point by adding "Look I know how good you are for each other and if she was to do the dirty, I'd be the first one counselling her against it". He was sure to go to hell for these lies but the last thing he would ever do is dump her in it and break up a perfectly sound family.

Sam shook his head and smiled "Sorry to bother you man. Has she told you that we're trying for another brat?"

"It's no bother my friend just do not tell her all that stuff came from me, I value myself as a confidant to her and, if needs be to you as well. Ordinarily I wouldn't have said anything. She has recently mentioned you were trying -- a lot" said John with a mischievous grin as he stood up and slapped Sam's back as he escorted him to the door. She had this week more than confessed they were trying; she had insisted that John added his seed to the mix on a number of occasions. Whatever. Sam was leaving walking a few inches taller with his ego suitably inflated. John smiled, shook his head and headed back to his desk; he had a deadline to meet.

It was a fraction over a week later when he heard the news. Sam was in hospital having sustained a very bad accident at work. John hadn't wanted to intrude but he did send Andi a text the day he heard 'I doubt I can be much help but all you need to do is ask. I'm there for both of you'. All that came back was 'K'. News started to filter through the next week, although it would be a while until Andi returned to work. Thankfully the organisation had told her to take as much time as she needed, they'd be fully supporting her.

So it was that a month later Andi finally came back to work and came and spoke to John in his office. She had naturally broken down in tears a couple of times, but he simply put his arm around her shoulder and listened through the combination of squealing, crying and blowing her nose. Although he repeatedly insisted that she take some more time, she had refused, both her and Sam wanted to try and come to some kind of normality. Sam was confined to a wheelchair with some doubt over whether he would walk on his own again. Their employer had been really supportive buying special beds and hoists for home even though Andi was their employee, not Sam, it helped being one of the favourite submissive slaves for the CEO.

Andi and John's relationship was a special one. The two hadn't had sex since Sam's accident but Andi knew she could come to John at any time and could tell him things that she could never say to her family or even Sam and so it went on for weeks that Andi would spend most lunch breaks in John's office talking, about nothing in particular sometimes. Slowly but surely the old Andi was re-emerging. Sam was slowly making steady progress, she confessed neither expected him to walk again and that they were thinking of abandoning plans for another child.

A few months later John was once again at his desk tussling with yet another deadline when there was a familiar wrap of knuckles on his door. When he saw who it was, he beamed the broadest smile and went to meet his visitors. Sam was in his wheelchair being wheeled around by Andi looking at her most beautiful.

After vigorously shaking Sam's hand he invited the two in, dispensing with one of the chairs in front of his desk so that Sam could be wheeled up in line with his wife. The deadline was well and truly forgotten as the three caught up with Sam's progress. His employers had gone above and beyond to support him - as they should. Their negligence had led to his accident, but Sam wouldn't hear of suing them. Andi did alright with her salary, but his employers had created a new job and promoted Sam as he was still a valued employee, just not on the shop floor anymore.

John had to admire his attitude but then an hour into the conversation the crunch came. "This is going to sound so left field, but we want to ask a really, really big favour of you" Sam asked almost with an apology on his face.

"Anything man, literally anything. Apart from being a friendly ear to Andi here I haven't been able to help much up to this point and so as I say, anything" John replied looking from one to the other.

Sam smiled and replied "Be careful how you phrase that. We've both been talking -- and I mean a lot - and decided you are the only one that can help us given our current situation".

John really was getting curious now "Will you just spill the beans. You're killing me already".

Sam shrugged nervously stating, "Well. It's like this. I said to you just before all this happened that the two of us were trying for another little one". John simply nodded and so Sam continued gesturing down to his crotch "Well I'm totally useless in that department now with no long-term hope on the horizon and so we need a bloke to stand in for me". John looked from one of his visitors to the other with a quizzical look on his face.

"You mean?... That is, you both want... a sperm donor?" replied John as he blew out his cheeks, shook his head and leant back in his chair.

Andi let the request sink in before adding her own bomb "It took a lot of careful thinking before we committed to having another child, but the girls are old enough now, I know my career is secured here so now is an ideal time if it's to happen at all. We'd rather not have to fork out on fertility clinics though. God knows what outgoings are coming our way in the future".

John tilted his head to one side obviously not getting it yet "You mean you don't want to go down the whole turkey baster route?" Andi nodded. "That means... Hang about, that means you want..." John's eyes went wide when the realisation hit. He turned his attention to Sam while jerking his thumb at Andi "Are you seriously saying you are looking for another man to make your wife pregnant -- as we're having this conversation in my office, I'm guessing it's me you're thinking of". He sat back again as both Sam and Andi slowly nodded at him and so Sam took up the batten.

"You're the only one both of us could rationally think to help us, we're desperate man. My ego couldn't cope with anyone else, but you're different, you're our friend. You've seen almost as much of Andi as I have but you are discreet and that's important. You wouldn't try to take her away from me and the kids" Sam said with almost a pleading tone in his voice.

Once again John looked between the two of them. "Have you seriously sat and thought this through" he felt compelled to ask, they nodded in unison. "Now don't get me wrong, you know I think she is the most beautiful model I have to call on. We've talked - a lot. We've confided in each other. We've shared lunches. As a model she's absolutely gorgeous but this is... This is different. This is full blown intercourse we're talking about now" for Andi's sake he felt compelled to add "This is taking things to a whole new level above admiring one of the best bodies a photographer could have as a muse".

"Surely it would be best to wait until you know reproduction isn't an option" John added trying one last role of the dice. He was more than happy to get between Andi's legs, but he wanted it willingly not as a token.

Andi looked over at her husband who shrugged and said "We've been told to expect the worst, this is probably it. If you don't do this, it isn't going to happen. Andi couldn't do this with another man, and I doubt I could live with it happening with anyone else but you".

John leant forward and asked conspiratorially "And yet you can live with me taking your wife to bed -- on numerous occasions because you can't guarantee a one hit wonder -- her carrying MY child for nine months and then raising it as your own, looking at him/her and possibly wearing my features. Plus, where does that leave me?" he asked leaning back and opening his arms wide.

Sam was the next to speak after a short pause "I love my wife, but I can't please her the way I want to. We haven't discussed this between us yet, but I was going to propose that the two of you actually continue sleeping together after she gets pregnant". This latter revelation made Andi turn to her husband with her jaw dropped.

"Don't look at me like that. I so, so want to be a good husband but where that is concerned, I need help. From a friend" Sam pointedly said turning to John. "I don't want to lose my wife and I have very real concerns that if I can't please her -- no matter how much she says otherwise -- that I will lose her that way eventually. I need help from a friend that will satisfy that part of her on a regular basis but not want to take her away from me or the kids. By my reckoning if the two of you have a regular assignation you will have no cause to split the family up. Please. I won't ask for another thing if you can do this for us. You are the only one who can help us".

John sat back in his chair looking from one to the other while contemplatively chewing his thumb nail. Sam swallowed nervously; Andi sat on her hands to avoid seeing them shake. John turned to Andi and should really have won an Oscar for his performance "You are trying to tell me that you are willingly going to fully undress in front of me, make love in the most intimate and intense way possible with me and then return to your husband and kids as though nothing had happened?"

Andi in her turn did a suitably star performance replying "I couldn't, wouldn't, even contemplate it with any other man. I love Sam dearly and want to please him anyway I can. You are the natural choice. If I'm to carry another man's child, it has to be yours. You know me, I will love this child perhaps more than my daughters knowing that it was Sam's wish, and you can have as much time with them as you want. They will grow up thinking Sam is their father; I don't know if I'd tell them who their real father was until they were mature enough to understand but we want you to be a part of their upbringing -- their favourite uncle if you like." And with that Andi went silent, she and Sam looking across at John who continued to chew on his nail.

Andi continued to fidget in her seat while Sam simply looked down at the floor. John sat with his head in one hand, he wasn't acting this time. This time it was real and his voice changed perceptively "This is going to change the dynamic between us", Andi slowly nodded in response. "This means we are to become lovers" he said, another nod was her response. Thinking back to their past loving John said, "This is not some role on the bed. This is making another human being. I hadn't thought to being having this conversation for a few years yet."

Sam was on tenterhooks, figuring John could sway either way and felt like he needed to say something to push the man he wanted to become his wife's lover, "Don't make me beg. I've had a lot of time to mull this over, I'm sure you'll agree that not many blokes would willingly ask their beautiful wife to take a lover, but I want the very best for her and that is you. I will never ask another thing of you as long as I live."

John looked across to Andi who gave another slow nod, her jaw was set tensely but he could see the hunger in her eyes. "You want this don't you" John asked directly.

It was her response that finally swing it "More than you could ever imagine. I too have thought long and hard, if I'm going to take a lover, it's you or nobody".

"It doesn't sound as though I have much of a choice. Besides I'd be one of life's complete halfwits if I were to turn down such a beautiful woman" John responded with a smile over to Sam but, as much as he wanted Andi, he thought it was only fitting to add as he turned to her "Just give me a bit of time to get my head around this, when I came into work this morning, this is the one conversation I never imagined would take place."


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