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Anna Ch. 08

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Sexual adventures with the mother of my friend.
5.5k words

Part 8 of the 11 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 06/30/2008
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I didn't see Anna for at least another two weeks. Her husband, Ken, was taken ill and was rushed into hospital. He only stayed in hospital for one night and then they let him out. Anna was a little busy looking after him. I only found all this out from Rachel who I had called round to see (hoping to get my leg over) but she had company so we just chatted on the doorstep for a few minutes. She asked me to return the next day but when I did, she had gone out. All I got was a text the next day saying she was sorry she missed are little rendezvous. I was sorry too and by the end of that week I was a little sex starved to say the least. By the end of the second week things hadn't improved and I was really struggling. Although I could function pretty normally, my mind was totally distracted with thoughts of sex. Every female I looked at triggered sexual urges. These urges weren't always limited to the person I was looking at but just the sight of a lovely round ass walking past would get me thinking of Anna naked or a girl with great legs would start me thinking of Rachel on the kitchen floor.

One night I was working behind the bar in the pub when Ken came in with his drinking buddy. The sight of Ken back on his feet was most welcome. I started to think about Anna and over the next ten minutes my thoughts changed from deciding when to call round and see her to actually dashing round at that moment with Ken still in the pub. I told my boss I was feeling a little unwell and then made my way home. As I walked back, I called Anna.

"It's me!" I said knowing she had me programmed into her phone as some imaginary girlfriend.

"Hello," she said.

"What are you doing now?" I asked

"Watching TV," she answered.

"Can I come round, I just saw Ken in the pub, and so I left early." There was a little urgency in my voice.

"Jesus, you don't miss a chance do you!" she said. "How far away are you?"

Knock, Knock, Knock. I knocked on her back door at exactly the moment she asked the question. The line went dead and about 20 seconds later she answered the door. She was smiling but blocking the door. I smiled back, leaned forward and she slowly opened the door to let me into the darkened room. We didn't speak. The door shut behind me and we just smiled at each other. I walked towards her and this time she didn't step back. We embraced and kissed passionately. I had missed seeing her and presumed from the way she grabbed me that she was feeling the same. We just kissed for a few moments. I was lost in the moment of our passionate embrace but then Anna broke off.

"We haven't got long, he's only out for a quick pint." Anna gave me the bad news. As she did she started to undo my trousers and lower my zip. I took over and dropped my trousers to the floor. Anna lifted the skirt she was wearing and pulled down her panties. Then she stepped back to the counter that was along one wall and sat on it. I stepped towards her and as I did, she opened her legs and smiled as she stared at my swollen cock. Her skirt was hitched to reveal her pussy in the darkness and she shifted forwards so I could enter her. As my cock slid into her she put her legs and arms around me and we started to fuck. She lifted herself up off the counter, resting on her hand, and drove her pussy onto my cock. The feeling of being inside her again was fantastic and I just pumped with everything I had. Two weeks of frustration were being erased in 5 minutes. We both panted with every thrust and she moaned as I slowed the pace down and I slipped in and out of her, rubbing her clit each time. We both stared down and there was just enough light to see my cock sliding in and out of her. I pushed her back and lifted her legs onto my shoulders. She was exactly at the right height to allow me to fuck her as she lay back on the counter with her legs high in the air. I could make out her tits bouncing under her clothes as I fucked and fucked.

We were lost in the moment so much that we didn't hear the car pull up outside or Ken make his way to the door. We didn't even here the door open. We just heard Ken call out, "Hi honey" at the bottom of the stairs. From where he was, we were in the utility room on the other side of the kitchen. The lights were off but we just froze. "Oh shit" was all I could think. Ken had just got back from the pub and there was I with my trousers round my ankles and my cock in his wife's pussy as she lay back on the counter. We were both gripped with fear but I kept my cock in her as neither of us dared move. Her legs were high in the air as her ankles rested on my shoulders. Ken turned off a downstairs light and made his way upstairs to find his wife. We were both breathing hard but trying to keep quiet. When he got upstairs she pushed me off and told me to go. She disappeared into the kitchen and as I made my way into the darkness of her garden I could hear a toilet flushing and Anna calling out, "I'm down here honey".

When I got over the shock of nearly being caught, a feeling of annoyance overcame me. Fucking Anna again had been fantastic but I hadn't shot my load and I felt very frustrated. The next day I called round to see her but Ken answered the door. I gave him some lame excuse that I was looking for a DVD I had loaned to James so Ken told me to go up to his room and have a look for it. Anna heard Ken and I coming up the stairs. As I was just at the top step she came out of her bedroom still tightening the belt on her robe. Ken explained that I was looking for the DVD and then said that he was just on his way out. He kissed Anna on the cheek and said goodbye to me. I was in James' room pretending to look for the DVD when I heard the front door click. I turned expecting to see Anna but she wasn't there. I went into her room but she wasn't there either. I tried the third bedroom at the front of the house and there she was peering round the curtain and looking out onto the road to check Ken was leaving.

"Well?" I asked.

"Coast is all clear," she said with a big grin. "Follow me." I did exactly as I was told and followed her into her bedroom. She took a towel and laid it on the bed. Then she removed her robe and lay completely naked on top of the towel. There was no seduction, no discussion and no flirting. We were both there for one thing and one thing only. We were there to fuck each other's brains out. For the next twenty minutes I gave her the hardest fucking I had ever given anyone. There were no gentle slow strokes this time. It was just a passionate pump and grind session in the missionary position with a little doggie style half way through for good measure.

The sight of Anna, in the daylight, naked beneath me was a joy to behold. Her tits bounced and her face glowed in pleasure as we worked our magic together. We were just two people doing what we did best. We had learned what felt good and now we were practising the art of making each other cum. Anna came first and then I came deep insider her. We stared at each other as my cock pulsed inside her and my cum filled her. We held our embrace and as my cock became slightly limp, it slipped out of her and we both looked down and watched. She caressed it with her hand and told me how wonderful she thought it was.

"I've missed your cock so much," she said. "And I've missed you."

I smiled and didn't say anything. She sounded different and for some reason, I didn't want to hear her articulate her feelings. I was feeling things for her but I wasn't going to tell her, especially as I didn't know what they were. I loved being with her. I loved fucking her. I missed not being with her when we were apart. That was all there was to it as far as I was concerned.

Then I suddenly remembered the text message on my phone from two weeks earlier about the car wash. I almost blurted it out to Anna but managed to hold my tongue in check.

"What?" she asked.


"Yes it was, you were going to say something." Anna continued to push me to say what I was thinking. I then realised that she was expecting me to express my feelings for her. What I was really thinking was whether to tell her about the phone message. No way, I decided.

She smiled and moved her mouth to my cock. Her eyes fixed on it and I stared at her as she seemed to drift into her own little world. It was like I wasn't there as she moved even closer to it and her tongue slipped out from her lips and just slightly lipped the tip. I swelled to full hardness as Anna let the tension mount. She smiled at the effect her attention was having on me and slowly opened her mouth, I was transfixed by her widening lips and could only think of plunging my cock between them. I didn't have to wait long and soon took me fully into her mouth and mumbled a long "mmmmmmm". I loved the sight of her naked body as she sucked me off. Her legs were stretched out and her tits rested on the bed right up against me. Her head bobbed and her mouth sucked. Pure pleasure ran from my cock to my brain, but not for long.

DING DONG. A ring at the door interrupted the blowjob. Anna froze. With my cock still in her mouth, she kept still and we both listened. I think she was hoping whoever it was would go away but the there was another DING DONG.

"Shit! Wait her and don't move." said Anna as she got up, put on her robe and shut the door behind her. I also got up and moved to the door to try to hear who it was. I could here Anna talking with someone, probably a female, at the door. The female sounded upset and Anna was telling her to calm down. By opening the door slightly, I allowed myself to hear more.

"You better come in," said Anna. With that she lead the mystery visitor into the house and they went to the kitchen. I listened but couldn't hear much other than the sound of someone crying and Anna consoling her. I sort of knew I wasn't going to get any more action so quietly got dressed and straightened the room out, being extra careful not to make any noise. Finally I sat down and started to work out how I was going to get out of this. I didn't have to wait long as Anna came up the stairs and into the room shutting the door behind her. She held a finger to her mouth to indicate I was to keep quiet and then whispered to me that it was her sister who had just turned up and was in a right state. Her sister had just left her husband and on the spur of the moment had turned up at Anna's asking for somewhere to stay. Anna got dressed and told me to stay in the room. For all I knew at that point I was going to be trapped in the room for a long time. I was curious to see what Anna's sister looked like and I wondered if I would find her attractive. My cock twitched at the thought of another woman with the same DNA as Anna. For no reason I could figure out, I imagined her to be older than Anna. My mind drifted and I hoped she was as sexually switched on as Anna had become. How nice it would be to fuck both of them and compare. My juvenile fantasies were out of control as I waited in the room for some signal from Anna that I could escape.

The signal didn't come. I waited for a couple of hours but the whole time was spent with me listening to the barely audible mumble from downstairs of Anna's sister pouring her heart out. I did think about trying to sneak out but didn't as I was always hoping in the next five minutes Anna would come to my rescue. After 3 hours passed I was getting really pissed off with the whole situation. Anna made it upstairs only to tell me to keep waiting and not try anything stupid. She was in a real panic. I was now completely bored. Anna disappeared downstairs almost immediately and continued her impromptu marriage guidance counselling with the sister who I was slowly growing to hate.

To pass the time I started to have a sneaky look thought the drawers and wardrobes. I found some of Anna's underwear but it wasn't that attractive. My preference was and always has been for women to have no underwear on. I also found a vibrator in one of her drawers, which made me smile. I turned it on, out of curiosity, but it had no batteries. The rest of the time in the room was spent doing nothing but waiting. It's amazing how the minutes take forever but the hours pass quite quickly. Anna made another visit upstairs to the toilet and told me she was going out and to use the back door when they were gone. I eventually escaped.

Later on at work that day I reflected on the disappointment of a curtailed session with Anna but was also curious to learn more about Anna's sister. I daydreamed my way through my shift and on the way home stopped off at the tree behind Anna's garden. Climbing the tree, my only intention was to have a quick look to see if I could see Anna's sister. The curtains were drawn closed and there was no great show as there had been on the previous occasion. Just before I started to climb down from the tree, I heard the back door open. Anna's sister stepped out into the darkness and lit a cigarette. There was enough light to make out her overall figure. Even though she had a coat over her shoulders, I could see that she was in fact a little younger than Anna. Her hair looked similar but her body was slightly thinner and she was probably a little taller. I felt attracted to her just on the basis she was Anna's sister but in actual fact, the dim view of her smoking in the darkness added to the attraction. Anna's sister looked like she might be hot. My poor abandoned cock swelled at the thought of fucking the sister. There in the tree, my hand rubbed my cock as I stared at her drawing long puffs on her cigarette. I badly need to get my end away but knew there was no chance with Anna.

To solve my sex starvation, I texted Rachel a quick "hello" hoping she might be up for some action. She replied with a single "hello" back. After a brief exchange of mildly flirtatious texts I suddenly stopped and made my way round to her house. She texted me a few times but I just ignored them until I got to the door. I knocked three times and she opened the door with a knowing smile, "What do you want?"

"I want to come in?" I answered.

"What for?" Rachel asked, still smiling and flirting with her eye contact.

"I thought you might like some company." I said with not even the slightest trace of hidden meaning.

"I was just going to bed!" said Rachel with a suggestive expression in her voice. I kept quiet,she smiled and opened the door wider to let me in. She was wearing the same velvety tracksuit as last time. My cock swelled at the thought of what was about to happen. As soon as the door was closed, Rachel walked over to me and we embraced. Her lips were on mine and we kissed passionately. Before too long, our hands were all over the outside of our clothes, rubbing and feeling our bodies. My hand slipped inside the back of her waistband and grabbed her bare cheek. Rachel moaned as I started to massage her. My hardened cock was pushing against her and she forced her body closer so she could feel it. After a little more kissing and grinding, she took me by the hand and I followed her up the stairs. The site of her perfectly shaped middle-aged ass was more than I could take. I reached out and pulled down her jogging bottoms just as she made it to the top step. Rachel stopped and allowed me to slide up behind her. Both my arms enveloped her as I climbed up onto the step behind her and pulled her back towards me. She offered no resistance as I ran my hands up inside her top and over her tits. My fingers slipped inside her bra and found her nipple. It was hard and she moaned even more as I caressed it. Her hand reached behind and searched for my cock. In an instant I had removed my trousers and my cock sprung up to meet its intended target. As Rachel bent her knees to allow me to enter her, I thrust forward and my cock struggled to find its way. She was a little dry but with a quick dab of saliva I was lubricated and soon entering her doggie style at the top of the stairs. She fell forward onto her hands and knees as I thrust into her. The first few thrusts felt fantastic and the feeling of satisfaction from burying my cock in her surged through my body.

The stairs wasn't that comfortable for either of us so we made our way to the bedroom and proceeded to fuck like teenagers. She was insatiable and encouraged me to keep fucking. The longer it went on the more encouragement she offered and the more she used the word fuck. " I want your cum this time!" she demanded.

"What?" I asked.

"You have never cum inside me," she said. "Fuck me! Cum inside me, I need to feel your cum." I didn't need telling twice and after a few more minutes I held one last thrust and shot my load as deep into her as I could. I thought about her in the sauna and then on the floor in her living room. I thought about her naked body and how she climaxed in the sauna. It was all too much and I shot even more steams of cum into her. It probably wasn't so but it felt like I came twice in quick succession. Rachel loved every minute of it and just moaned and showed her appreciation with "yessss" in slow whispers over and over again. She was in a world of her own but she soon came round and sat up crossed legged on the bed. Her naked pussy was leaking my cum onto the bed and I enjoyed watching it ooze. She was comfortable with me watching and seemed almost proud that I was staring at her freshly fucked sex. We were both out of breath and enjoying the relaxing feeling that great sex instils in your body. This had been a wonderful fuck and on a par with anything that Anna and I had done.

"Stay the night," she suggested. I smiled at her and climbed under the duvet. Rachel left the room to go to the toilet but then returned and climbed under the covers with me. We cuddled up to each other and fell asleep in each other's arms. I awoke in the night and just lay there trying to come to terms with the fact I was sleeping with the mother of one of my friends. I felt out of place. I watched her closely, enjoying her breathing and the peaceful look on her beautiful face. She really was fantastic looking and the blonde hair made her even more so. I got hard again as I thought about how we had fucked each. I wanted her again so made my move. To my surprise she responded without really waking up and soon we were gently fucking. Rachel's eyes stayed shut but her whole body moved slowly to the rhythm of my cock slipping in and out of her. I soon came inside her and she let out a long contented "mmmmmmm" and went back to sleep.

I awoke the next morning to find the bed was empty. I could hear the shower running and I got up to see where Rachel was. I could easily make out her naked body behind the frosted glass of the shower door and I did the inevitable and joined her in the shower. We embraced and then soaped each other all over. Her nipples hardened and my cock swelled. We were in no rush to fuck again and just continued to rub each other in the soapy water. After a little while and without any obvious communication I lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around me. I took the full weight of her body and was shocked how wet her pussy was. My cock slipped into her with only the slightest adjustment as I lowered her onto it. We fucked for a few seconds with her in this position but it wasn't as comfortable as it looked in the movies and I soon let her down. She slipped off my cock but dropped to her knees and took me in her mouth. Thoughts of coming in her face filled my mind and I tried to come as quickly as possible. Of course it doesn't work like that and it took some time before my orgasm started to build. Rachel was an expert cock sucker and knew the effect she was having on me. I wanted to come over her face but she just grabbed me and pulled herself onto my cock at exactly the moment of eruption and I came down her throat. She swallowed it all and continued to suck every last drop.


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