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Anna von Kleev Ch. 01: A Proposal

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Anna von Kleev receives a proposal.
3.2k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 04/10/2024
Created 03/13/2024
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[I should like to thank one of the visitors to Emily's Escorts, MrG, for this suggestion. Apologies to my readers for the long absence, but as some of you know, other matters have been detaining me]

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a lady of breeding will be required to breed, so when my Lady Anna told me that her mother, Duchess Maria, wanted to "have a word" about marriage, it came as no surprise. It was not the first time that my lady had been led to the market. At the age of twelve she had been betrothed to the Duke of Lorraine, but nothing had come of it. Now, at the age of twenty-four, it was time, her brother, Duke William had decided, to marry her off.

"What should I do, Pippa?" Anna looked at me with anguish.

"Do you know who the groom is to be, my lady?" I asked. Her sweet face looked flushed.

I had known her since we were both twelve. My mother had been a lady in waiting to the Duchess of Lorraine, and I had been despatched off to Cleeves to help prepare young Anna for the future. But that future never came, and as the division between Catholic France and Protestant Germany grew, I had found myself stranded in Cleeves when the betrothal was cancelled; not that I minded.

Duchess Maria was an extremely devout woman, and she brought Anna, and her sisters, Sybille and Amelia, up to be good wives, which, as far as I could see, involved squashing any measure of originality and initiative out of them all. The older and the younger retained that spark, but Anna, the middle daughter, was a dutiful girl and did as she was told. Soon after her eighteenth birthday, I found I could make good use of her docility.

Anna was not a reader, nor was she good with her letters, but she was supposed to be able to sing well. But in the practice with our teacher, Signor Pellini, she had been frightfully off key. He was something of a disciplinarian and told her he would have to report her to the Duchess. Knowing what would happen, I intervened and said he could leave it to me. As he had a soft spot for me and liked to please me, he agreed. Afterwards, Anna thanked me and asked why I had done it, as she clearly deserved to be punished.

"Oh Anna, you will be punished, but you know what Mama would do, and you don't want to be confined to your room for a month and put on short rations, do you now?"

"No Pippa, I don't. But I feel bad."

"So, you want to be punished, Anna?"

She blushed as she looked at me. Her halo of strawberry-blonde hair made her red face seem to shine. She nodded.

"I think, Anna, we need to go back to our room and discuss this, don't you?"

"Yes Pippa."

We had our own rooms in the west wing of the palace, and when we got back there, I dismissed the servants, telling them that they would not be needed that afternoon.

"Why did you do that, Pippa?" Anna asked.

"Because what is going to happen now is not for their ears. I want you to undress for me, you may keep your chemise on."

It was typical of Anna that in the face of a firm instruction she did not demur, and she immediately began to undress herself. Standing there in just her chemise, I was struck by her beauty.

Being petite myself, I considered all women tall, but Anne, at nearly six foot was very tall. The chemise revealed her small, firm breasts, the nipples visibly hardening, and as I circled her, I could admire her firm buttocks, and boyish figure. She blushed as I circled her.

"So, punishment is needed, Anna?"

"It is, Pippa."

"If I am to punish you, I think I deserve a title of more respect, do you not agree?"

"Yes, Miss," she said, obediently.

"You are a good girl, Anna, and that shall be borne in mind. But you were a lazy girl, and you did not learn your lessons the easy way. I think your arse will have to pay for that."

Anna and I had often kissed and cuddled as close friends will, but I was not sure if she had come to feel for me as I felt for her; now we would find out.

"Anne, I want you to bend over, hands on the table and legs apart."

"Yes Miss."

Saying that, she obeyed in a most pleasing fashion. I felt a tingling between my thighs and was suddenly aware of a wetness; that, too, was pleasing.

Standing behind her, I raised her chemise, tucking it in so that her arse cheeks were on show; I ran my hands over them. She lacked curves, but her arse was soft and smooth, and my hands lingered over her cheeks. I was conscious that she was moaning. It was time to put things to the test. Suddenly I brought my hand back, then with a hard slap, I brought it back against her arse; I liked the noise it made; I liked the noise she made even more. I did it thrice more, each time with increased force; each time she made that delightful moaning sound. Then, on a sudden, I gave her two very hard spanks, one of each of her reddening cheeks. She moaned more loudly.

"Now, Anna, shall we see what effect that has had? But ought you not to thank me for disciplining you?"

"Yes, Miss, thank you Miss!"

Sliding my hands between her thighs and cupping her pussy, I felt what I had more than half expected; she was swollen and wet; her pubic hair was matted. Parting her lips with two fingers, I slid a third along her folds, dipping between her pendulous lips, which made her gasp excitedly. When my index finger touched her bud, she gave out a loud moan, which made me circle it, pressing it upwards. In response she pushed back and down.

"Anna, your pussy is so wet. I begin to think you are not the respectable lady we supposed. Perhaps you are like those low girls we have seen by the taverns, a slut wanting to sell herself for pleasure?"

The idea of my demure Lady Anna being one of those low-born strumpets was, whist in itself absurd, one which in this context aroused her. As I would come to know, the very idea of sinking from the status of a pure and demure aristocrat to the level of a common slut, was one which fully engaged my Lady's erotic imagination.

"Yes, oh yes," she gasped, pressing herself onto my fingers, "I am a slut, a trull, a common strumpet."

"And do sluts have pussies?" I asked her.

"No, no Miss."

"What do they have?"

"They have cunts, Miss, dirty wet cunts."

Of course, it was forbidden to do anything which might tear her hymen, but that did not stop me from telling her to turn round, sit on the edge of the desk and open her legs.

Anna's face was red with effort and excitement. Her small breasts sported the hardest nipples I had ever seen. Her bushy pubic hair showcased as very wet and swollen cunt. Kneeling and looking up, I asked"

"Does your arse feel sore, slut?"

"Oh yes, yes Miss," she moaned.

"Let us take your mind off it shall we?"

With that, my tongue slid along her lips, dipping in to taste her tangy juices. I wanted her. Broadening out my tongue and parting her lips, I licked along her glistening pinkness until I encountered her bud, which was so erect that I was able to suck it, pulling her out of her hiding place and munching her with my lips. My lady was much bigger than I was, indeed, as I would discover, her clitoris was larger than most. I pulled, I let go. She gasped so loudly that I did it again. Each time her cries of passion grew louder until, to my surprise, she suddenly began to shake, her pubic hair scratching my face as she pushed hard against me, spreading her thick juices onto me. Her cries continued, as I refused to stop.

Gripping her thighs, I lapped up her wetness, leaving her clit to settle, but concentrating instead upon her inner lips. I felt her hands on my head as she steadied herself.

"Oh Pippa, Pippa, what on earth was that?"

I looked up, sure that my wet face must be quite a sight.

"That, my darling Anna, is what good girls get when they obey me."

"Ohhh," she moaned as my tongue continued to tease her. Looking up, I could see her massaging her breasts. "Don't stop, please Miss, don't stop!"

Nor did I, until she had orgasmed twice more.

That first time at eighteen, set the tone for our love. I did love her, I still do, and can never imagine loving anyone else as I do my Anna. But Anna was biddable, easily influenced, and obedient. In other hands she could have been manipulated and exploited, and though some might think I have done that, in my own mind I am clear that whatever I have done, I have done for her. Have I profited, yes, but only as my lady has.

That was why on that fateful day, Anna asked me what she should do.

We had known the day must come. Her elder sister, the beautiful redhead, had married the Elector of Saxony in 1527, and it was now Anna's turn.

"Do you know who your suitor is?" I asked.

"Not yet, but I am told that he is also considering my younger sister, Amalia."

"Well, we can't have that my darling. You are already twenty-four, and as long as the suitor is a good match, we must ensure it is you. Should I talk to Mama about it?"

"Oh my darling Pippa, would you? You know how Mama overwhelms me. I feel such a dunce with her."

Duchess Maria was a woman of firm views, and since the death of her husband, she had become if anything, sterner. Oddly enough, she had a soft spot for me. I think she liked the way I protected Anna and stood up for her.

I went to her quarters.

"I had imagined you might come to me Philippa. I take it my daughter is rather concerned?"

"Yes, my Lady, it is as you say. You know what a state she will be in at this prospect. I want to help."

"I sometimes do not know what the child would do without you. I am glad you came. To be sure, I am not sure myself, but the prospect is a grand one. King Henry of England seeks the hand of one of my daughters."

"Not the head?"

I should not have said it, but I can no more resist a sharp word than I can carry a hot coal in my lips."

"Philippa! It is just that which concerns me. An annulment, a beheading and a wife died in childbirth, and he is older than she is by nearly twenty years. I am not sure I wish that sweet child such a match."

I could see her dilemma clearly

"I take it Duke William wants the match to strengthen the Protestant cause?"

"If you'd been a man, Philippa, you'd have made a good counsellor. You see things in their bigger aspect."

I curtsied.

"Thank you, my Lady. Would it be in order for me to offer counsel?"

"I wish you would. That was why I was glad you came. Anna would just have said yes, she always does."

I pondered and then said what was in my head.

"Let me put it this way my Lady. Duke William will not be gainsaid, so there is nothing down that route. I gather the King would consider either of the girls?"


"Amalia is too spirited, my lady. I suspect the King needs a docile wife, and Anna would be suitable. I should, of course go with her."

"Of course."

"Well, we can delay matters a little. I know that the King likes to send his favourite painter to create likenesses of potential brides, so let us reply to his request by asking him to do that. It signals our assent, and who knows, he may not like the portraits."

"Well, Anna does have her father's nose," the Duchess giggled.

"That, my lady, can be dealt with," I replied. I had already decided that this was too good a match for my lady. It was true that King Henry VIII was a man with a record which would make any woman hesitate to marry him, but he was immensely rich and powerful - and my lady was not a conventional beauty.

"You will convey the news to Anna?"

"I shall, my lady. Will you tell the Duke?"

"We are agreed," she smiled. "Why could I not have had a daughter like you?"

"Well, my lady, you have in me your surrogate, and you know how I love Anna."

She looked at me and smiled.

"Oh, Philippa, I know just how you love Anna."

She said nothing more, which was sufficient for me. I had thought that she must have gotten wind of our loving from some servant or other, but it was good to know that she did not hold it against me.

When I told Anna the news she squealed.

"I will do as Mama says. What do you think? Is it a great match? Didn't he chop off his wife's head? Hasn't he been married lots of times? Oh Pippa, what should I do?"

"As I advise your Mama. Now, beloved, be calm."

I held her hands. Suddenly I realised how vulnerable she was. She did not know what to do, but wanted to do the right thing.

"Mama and I have agreed that the idea has to be pursued. Your bother William wants it, and Amalia is not suitable."

"Why, darling?"

There was no point dissembling.

"Amalia is a free spirit and I think would not suit a man who likes to get his way. You, on the other hand, my darling, are a good girl, and you will not contest his will."

Had anyone spoken to me in such a manner, I should have protested, but it was a sign of how correct that estimate was that Anna simply replied:

"I am, and of course, I will be guided by my husband. But what if I offend him?"

"You won't, Anna, you really won't. I will go with you as head of your household. But we must prepare you for marriage."

"How?" She looked nervous.

"Men tend, I am told to want one thing, or perhaps if they are kings, two."

"What are they?"

"They want to mate you and they want an heir."

"So I am to be a brood mare?"

"Yes, exactly."

"Is, is it like what we do?"

I sighed, sorry for my darling.

"No, what we do is centred on your pleasure, King Henry will be centred on his own."

"What does that mean?"

"Men are equipped with something called a penis, you will have seen them with the dogs and the horses. Like a bitch or a mare, your job will be to receive his seed and be bred."

She blushed.

"Do you know what it is like?"

"Good God!" I exclaimed, "of course not, I am a virgin and intend to remain one. But imagine something being inserted into your pussy in the way I insert my finger into your arse, and it will be like that."

Bless her, Anna nodded.

"That is bearable. But will I still be able to play with you, Pippa?"

I grinned my assent.

"Of course, and I will be happy to prepare you for the King."

"In what way?"

"Well, my darling, your pussy will need to be wet and ready to receive him, and I can make sure that you are in a fit state for his attentions; that should please him too."

She smiled that beatific smile which I loved so much. I embraced her.

Looking into her eyes, I smiled:

"And let's practice now."

Our lips touched.

As ever, the mere touch of her lips and the taste of her, aroused my desire. She really is the sweetest and most adorable woman. We helped divest ourselves of our clothing, and once naked, I pulled her to me, and we fell together on her bed. I lay on her, our hard nipples rubbing together, my thigh presses her legs apart and pressing into her matted bush. Her moan delighted me, as ever. I loved how expressive she was, so unguarded and eager for pleasure.

My lips found her nipples, first the right one, then the left. I circled them, one by one, enjoying them as they hardened and crinkled. My lips fastened onto the left nipple, and I pulled it, hard, my other hand caressing her right breast, which made her moan more loudly. My thigh, as it pressed, could feel her gooey wetness. My lady would, once aroused, have no trouble consummating her marriage.

I turned us on our sides and slid myself up until our pussies met. She was far more endowed with fur than I was, and her lips more pendulous, and as her lips pressed against mine, I groaned. The wet friction, the feel of her hair, the juices we were sharing, all sent thrills through me. Anna leant in and sucked my right nipple, and as she pulled on that with her sweet lips, I gripped her hip so that I could grind against her. She pushed back, and soon we were both pressing as hard as we could, our hands all over each other, pleasuring and being pleasured in turn, the rubbing becoming all the more urgent as we both felt the pressure rise. Our eyes locked. I nodded as though to say: "now!"

Her eyes rolled, as I am sure mine did, as our orgasms came together, drenching us and the bedsheets. I did not want it to stop, and kept rolling my hips and grinding against her. As I knew she would, Anna came again, which set me off into a second orgasm which flowed through me like a great wave of pleasure. We fell together. That night we were not parted.

On the morrow I went to see the Duchess.

"Anna is content, my lady. But I wonder if we do not need to look into this matter?"

"What do you suggest?"

"Well, as my father comes from Calais, which the English rule, I have a good command of their tongue. What if I were to go as an envoy to the Court of King Henry and discuss the arrangements for the possible marriage. I can talk with the King's Ministers and report back. I have a feeling we should not go into this blindly."

The Duchess looked at me:

"You are an amazing creature, Philippa. I will tell William that such an embassy needs to be handled by a woman, and we shall sent to King Henry telling him you are coming."

With that, the die was cast. To fogbound England I was bound.

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PixiehoffPixiehoff5 months agoAuthor

Thank you so much, Christie_Ann xxxxx

Christie_AnnChristie_Ann5 months ago

I could visualise the intimate times between Pippa and Anna, my head was spinning and your command of language is exquisite. Thank you so much

PixiehoffPixiehoff5 months agoAuthor

Thank you so much genz xxxxx

genzsubgenzsub5 months ago

So glad to see you back to writing! I always love your style and this was no exception!!

PixiehoffPixiehoff5 months agoAuthor

Thank you so much, SB, so glad you have enjoyed this xxxxx

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