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Anne-Marie - Forced to Whore Pt. 04


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I couldn't help it, I couldn't help myself. I gave a little cry of: "Oh god!" and I came hard, spasming around the finger embedded in my tight sex as my clit throbbed under my thumb.

I began to sob, full body-shaking sobs. What had I become that I could orgasm when he was saying words like that to me.

"Good girl. Dirty girl. Daddy's words really seem to have an effect on you. Dr. Lau's conditioning really seems to be working. We will have to ensure she is properly rewarded?"

Mr. Croker must have seen the shock and terror on my face as the meaning of his words hit home because he said: "What? Were you that stupid as to think that Daddy's only modification was going to be tightening your cunt? The most important element in sex is the mind Anne-Marie. You'd be a fool to think I wouldn't want to modify the way you think before you began your 400 days of being my forced whore. Now be a good girl and clean Daddy's cock and zip it up when your done. I'll see you in three days time for your first fucking."

Tears pouring down my face, my saltwater mixing with the salt of semen that plastered me, I did as I was told. I was utterly broken. I no longer even knew if I was me. Had Mr. Croker and Dr. Lau really brainwashed me into being a whore?

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AmbulAmbul8 months ago

"You move like a dead body being dropped down some stairs by the undertakers. How are you going to strip on stage when you can't even strip for Daddy?"

So many fabulous passages. Here Mr. Croker may be telegraphing to Anne-Marie that she will indeed be stripping on stage in front of an audience. Her dreams of engaging in depraved and perverted sex acts may too be a foretaste of what is to come. I doubt if Dr. Lau picked those out of a hat when she implanted those thoughts in Anne-Marie's subconscious.

AmbulAmbul8 months ago

I really like Anonymous’s last comment, especially the part where he/she states that “the hypnotic training will allow Anne-Marie “to slowly come to terms with her changes by not acknowledging her complicity in the process - she can cope better thinking of it as something being done to her rather than something she is actively participating in.” And yes, the story is both fabulous and believable.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I'm surprised too see so many comments about how hypnosis could not achieve what is described here. It's really not that far-fetched. Yes, hypnotherapy cannot forcibly alter someone's mind, but that isn't necessary in these conditions. Our MC is in an incredibly traumatic and stressful situation, so she needs only have part of her hypnosis emphasize that submitting to and embracing the hypnotic training will allow her to cope better with her predicament. This includes "losing" the specific memories of the conditioning process, as that better allows her to slowly come to terms with her changes by not acknowledging her complicity in the process - she can cope better thinking of it as something being done to her rather than something she is actively participating in.

The hypnotherapy aspects of this story are both perfectly believable and quite erotic. I'm loving this tale, and looking forward to future chapters!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Hypnotherapy doesn't alter your mind, it makes subliminal suggestions to help when needed. She could still choose between what she knows as right and wrong.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I have to admit I love this story. I read the first part to understand the situation and premise then skipped to #4. I could still follow it and love how she is being trained and manipulated. Great job.

AmbulAmbul8 months ago

Some readers seem to confuse other readers' comments with the author's story. Readers may speculate all they want, but the author writes the story, determines its content and trajectory, and defines the characters. If the author is not interested in readers' speculations as to what might happen in subsequent chapters, she will ignore them. If the author finds them helpful, then great. Of course the author can turn off the comments at will. Readers too are not obliged to read other readers' comments, and can offer their own interpretation of the story to date. If they have nothing constructive to say, best say nothing. For me this story has triggered my imagination as to where it could go. Less well conceived and well written stories don't do that.

AmbulAmbul8 months ago

With all the demands that will soon be put on her body, I anticipate that Anne-Marie will be working out daily in a gym and doing a lot of running. Mr. Croker does not want her to be just an ordinary whore, stripper, or porn actress, able to handle multiple cocks, but to be his "perfect," big titted, very fit, toned, and shapely whore. For this her body must be up to the tasks he has set out for her in the months ahead.

AmbulAmbul8 months ago

26-year old Anne-Marie now has the slim body of a much younger woman, and with her small 34B tits, could pass for a virginal schoolgirl. But Mr. Croker wants a big-titted but very youthful-looking whore he can dress as a schoolgirl. Soon I expect Anne-Marie will have her tits significantly enlarged; on her slender and petite frame and they will look huge. Perfect for displaying, stripping, and filming ("Busty schoolgirl gets gangbanged"?).

Tattoos and piercings on her slim and now busty body further announce that Mr. Croker's "perfect whore" is ready for service.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

In reading these comments, instead of being a director of this story, you should make the effort of writing your own...I'm sure with all these ideas, it would be fantastic! I would give it a 5

AmbulAmbul8 months ago

At some point I can imagine Mr. Croker taking Anne-Marie to a BDSM sex club where she be the featured entertainment with both men and women. She will a special treat for the. club members and will subjected to the most

perverted sexual abuse. By this time her hypnotherapy will have normalized such acts in her mind .and Anne-Marie will orgasm multiple times in front of the enthusiastic audience. She will crave more of the twisted and degraded sexual pleasure, but will be sufficiently aware of what she is becoming to hate Mr. Croker, her husband, and herself. Perhaps she also could come to hate the thought that she might embrace what she is becoming.

AmbulAmbul8 months ago

Anne-Marie is working on her cocksucking skills, despite her anger at what she is being forced to do. However, the hypnotherapy is working and soon she will be looking

forward to getting Mr. Croker's cock in her mouth and down her throat. She may be horrified if she orgasms just from him cumming in her throat, but will want it again.

AmbulAmbul8 months ago

Once Mr. Croker has taken Anne-Marie's anal

cherry, perhaps he could arrange a gangbang to celebrate her "coming out" by having

all her holes filled at the same time - over and over.

AmbulAmbul8 months ago

It would be great to read that Anne-Marie becomes a fit (from constant gym workouts), tanned, and very big titted stripper and lap dancer. Tattoos and piercings would give her a sluttish and exotic look that would draw a bigger audience. Of course she would be entertaining customers as called upon in a private VIP room, further cementing her new whorish life. She would love how aroused she gets from displaying her gym-fit and toned enhanced naked body to an audience even as her mind is in turmoil about what she has become. Her constant need to be fucked and for orgasms still confuses her.

AmbulAmbul8 months ago

Anne-Marie is becoming perpetually horny and dreams of getting pleasure from the most degrading sexual acts. Soon she will become aroused at the thought of displaying her hot body, big tits, and quite possibly tattoos and piercings as a whore, a stripper, and a porn star. For a while, and possibly for the entire 400 days, Anne-Marie may hate what she is finding so pleasurable, but will want everything she is forced to be. She will be aware of what Mr. Croker has transformed her into, and there will be no turning back.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

This story is amazing!! I think that objectifying Anne-Marie with markings like tattoos and piercings would absolutely fit the proposed transformation. I keep getting an image of an Anne Marie, leaning against a wall, her new tits and adornments clearly visible and smoking a cigarillo...the trademark of a true whore that has accepted and embraced her new life, enjoying the voyeurism and looking for the next thrilling fuck. Delicious!!!

AmbulAmbul8 months ago

Nothing shouts out “stripper,” “pornstar,” or “whore,” more than big tits, a shaved, tight cunt, and 6” stiletto heels.

AmbulAmbul8 months ago

"I was disgusted with myself. I had no idea where these degrading, hideous thoughts were coming from, but they made me intensely dislike myself."

Odd that Anne-Marie hasn't figured out that all these thoughts were the result of her hypnotherapy sessions. Her mind obviously is being trained to normalize the very degrading and twisted sex acts and to make her want to cum when imagining them being done to her.

AmbulAmbul9 months ago

"I began to sob, full body-shaking sobs. What had I become that I could orgasm when he was saying words like that to me."

I wonder if Anne-Marie had ever fantasized about being a whore, getting fucked for money and having orgasm after orgasm. If so, her fantasies have become a nightmare. Even so, her body, and perhaps her mind, might have recalled those pleasurable fantasies of being a whore and they became mixed with what Mr. Croker was doing to her and how much pleasure she was getting from it. Mr. Croker may found a ready victim in Anne-Marie. Perhaps already, unbeknownst to her, she was primed for whoredom.

AmbulAmbul9 months ago

Mr. Corker is taking videos of Anne-Marie masturbating, calling her a “wanton whore” all the while. She is becoming aroused from the physical sensations and his verbal abuse. Will she eventually crave having an audience and being filmed while fucking?

AmbulAmbul9 months ago

To Anolnymous: Tattoos and piercings are a mark of ownership in these kinds of stories, and Mr. Crocker may or may not use them. He seems to want to impress on Anne-Marie her new role as his sex slave and whore so tattoos and piercings are a very visual reminder of that, something that she would see every morning in front of her mirror as she examines her now modified body and puts on her slutty clothes for a day or night of fucking. I like the possibility.

robertjohnrobertjohn9 months ago

I wasn't sure at first whether I was going to like this series, but it has grown on me. What dark fantasies you do have ! I admit I am looking forward to the next part. It is all very well written too.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Love the story arc, hopefully you don't go down the route of getting her tattooed pierced etc etc like every other story in this mold

Amy_2_3Amy_2_39 months ago

Omg.. I love this.. this is my fantasy and I am so horny now. I can feel my legs are almost jelly from wanting a cock in me..gosh I live this..

AmbulAmbul9 months ago

So far, in my opinion, this story looks to be one of the best that I have read on this site. The author has told the story from Anne-Marie's POV and has masterfully interwoven her thoughts and feelings with the words of Mr.

Crocker. The impact on the reader, or at

least this reader, has been both fascinating and

compelling. As her body - and mind - are being modified and and she is being transformed, the author has Anne-Marie express her inner turmoil in ways that are incredibly real. I really look forward to the journey for Anne-Marie that the author will be sharing with us readers..

AmbulAmbul9 months ago

Very evil Mr. Crocker wants to transform Anne-Marie's body and mind into his sex slave, slut, and whore. He has had her cunt lips tightened for his pleasure and the hypnotherapy has Anne-Marie increasingly horny and thinking

if sex. If her tits were enlarged several cup sizes to huge stripper/pornstar proportions. and she was tattooed and pierced prominently, every day when she looked in the mirror she would see what she had unmistakably become. There would little escape from this powerful visual reinforcement of her transformation even as she hated it all.

AmbulAmbul9 months ago

To des911: Amen. A story without hope in the face of overwhelming degradation would be very hard to read.

flynbo52flynbo529 months ago

Love it keep it going i need more of this story

AmbulAmbul9 months ago

If Anne-Marie does remember her former life, then she has a choice to make after the 400 days about who she wants to be?

des911des9119 months ago

The basic premise of blackmail has been used many times but the quality of your characterisation of Anne-Marie makes the story stand out. The male characters are despicable to a man; she is what makes it interesting. As a reader, I have two fears - that she is forced into ever more extreme acts that will turn me off reading, or that she is left without hope of recovery and finds only despair.

I hope you can surprise me by threading the needle.

Thank you for sharing

AmbulAmbul9 months ago

“Had Mr. Croker and Dr. Lau really brainwashed me into being a whore?”

Hardly, they probably did assist Anne-Marie’s mind to get more in sync with her body, which was responding more more quickly to all the stimuli (did she harbor hidden thoughts of being a slut or whore?). She will quite likely always have a kernel of doubt, of shame, a sense of humiliation even as she becomes a slut and whore, but eventually may not be sure where those feelings came from. Who knows; it does seem certain that she is fast becoming a sexual submissive, not just because of the blackmail, and will become whatever Mr. Crocker wants her to become. And yet Anne-Marie is so three dimensional and believable as a character. I assume, and hope, that she will remain more complicated than the one-dimensional bimbo sex slave that Mr. Crocker is trying to make her into. Her resistance may only be in her mind, and even that will certainly be compromised by the hypnotherapy and what she will be forced to do every day. Indeed, she may continue to hate what she finds herself increasingly willing to do in large part because of the intense pleasure that she gets from the constant sex and displaying her body. What a story!

AmbulAmbul9 months ago

As another commenter noted, these changes so far appear permanent. Well before 400 days Anne-Marie will likely know only the slut and whore that she has become. Her former life, if she recalls it at all, will probably seem to belong to an entirely different person.

AmbulAmbul9 months ago

I find the hypnotherapy very imaginative. Anne-Marie mind is being trained to normalize all sorts of sexual experiences, no matter how twisted, and to become aroused as she thinks of them. She is finding it harder and harder to imagine "normal" sex and instead is becoming wet when imagining more extreme sex that is forced on her - and that this is what she wants. She is understandably finding this very confusing. I love what the author is doing with her character Anne-Marie.

AmbulAmbul9 months ago

Whack doodle should write his own story instead of criticizing the author because she did did not write the story as he would prefer. I have made this point elsewhere, but the author sets the rules for what is "real" in her story and so long as she is consistent with them it is easy to suspend disbelief. If a reader finds the author's "reality," "fiction," or "fantasy " not to his or her liking, find another story that is. If a reader cannot make constructive comments it is best not to say anything at all.

Claudia69Claudia699 months ago

This series keeps getting better and better. Thank You Emily for your creative writing and kinky mind. Please continue this series..

VincepetroneVincepetrone9 months ago

Please continue with the Perils of Anne Marie

lightsendlightsend9 months ago

Loving this story series so far. Hanging out to read her getting fucked for the first time.

Don't worry about Whacky - like most coward criticism they've never submitted their own work.

EmilyTyersEmilyTyers9 months agoAuthor

Whacky, it's a long serious, the main point isn't mind control. Vaginoplasty recovery is around 30 days – do some medical reading. In fact Whacky, let people get on exploring and enjoying their fantasies and sharing them with others and maybe focus on creating your own work or at least don't project your own ideas onto a text that doesn't support them.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

What a lucky lady, I really would like to read more about the great things this woman will get to experience in the 400 days ahead. Deep down I bet all woman would love to experience this if they were truthfully being honest with them selves. Great story!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Ever think of having a proofreader go over your writings?

AmbulAmbul9 months ago

I can imagine a very youthful looking Anne-Marie in a girl’s school uniform with her new tight cunt and new, very big tits. Innocent and slutty. Just what Mr. Crocker seems to have in mind.

AmbulAmbul9 months ago

What an incredible and very erotic tale so far, and one of the best I have read on this site.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

following , I like it , good job

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Love the series the modifications so far are great. The changes seem permanent laser hair removal, surgeries, and now mind control is a lifetime submission coming?

WhackdoodleWhackdoodle9 months ago

Wrong category: if you’re going to hypnotize or brainwash her then put this in Mind Control.

She’s had major surgery and you expect us to believe that he wants a virgin tight pussy? Why? It’s just going to hurt and how long before she enjoys sex or is stretched enough?

This sounds more like a pedophilic fantasy than a married woman.

And if Crocker wants to indulge in his rape fantasies, body modification, degradation and humiliation, then why pick her? Because he can? Why not indulge in a snuff fantasy while you’re at it? Because it’s against the rules? Really? This multi billionaire that enjoys dominating shirting women isn’t going to subject her to waterboarding? Electro shock torture? Hanging? You want us to believe that this sexual degenerate wouldn’t indulge the most cruel of fantasies on a slave? That somehow he’ll return her to normal after turning her into a sex toy bereft of independent thought or will? That she would be content to return to her husband and become a wife and mother after a year of torture, pain, degradation, humiliation, solitude and imprisonment?

Hell, even prisoners are safe from cruel and unusual punishment.

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