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Arabian Nights

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I was 19 and watched my mother being abused.
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Back in the 70s my father took up a three year senior position with a global corporation in one of the Gulf States, which I don't want to name it for a variety of reasons. My mother joined him after a month or so but as I was in the middle of my uni degree in London I didn't get to visit them until my summer holidays. Normally a 19 year old might not be interested in spending his holidays with his parents but I was really interested in exploring such an exotic part of the world. My parents' house turned out to be a single story villa style building with a large garden and a small swimming pool and they were provided with two servants, Abdul and his wife Fatima - he did work around the garden and she did some house cleaning chores. They had a small hut at the side of our house for sleep overs as they only worked 3 days a week.

I only got to spend a short time with my father before he went upcountry for a two week business trip. A few days after he left I was coming back from a tennis game around mid-afternoon, a time when everyone took shelter from the blistering heat, and going around the side of the house to get to the swimming pool I heard some deep guttural sounds that seemed to be coming from the servants' hut. My curiosity was peaked. I paused just outside their cabin where a gentle breeze was opening and closing the door curtain. Through the gap I could see the back of Fatima's head, which was being jerked violently back and forward by Abdul's large hands. I couldn't see much more but it was obvious that she was sucking his cock and I was mesmerised by the motion of her head being pulled and pushed faster and faster by Abdul.

All of a sudden he stopped and I looked up and I saw he was staring straight at me. I froze. Without taking his eyes off me he reached out and pulled the curtain back more. I was shitting myself, thinking he was going to beat the crap out of me. Instead he grabbed Fatima's head once more and continued to face fuck her. He continued to hold my gaze and after what seemed like an eternity he pushed her head away and unleashed a huge load of semen onto her face and over her head. However, what took my breath away was the sight of his cock. It was enormous. I had never seen a fully erect penis before, apart from my own but Abdul's was monstrous by any measure. When I looked at his face once more, he was grinning whilst stroking his cock and he winked at me!

I hurried to my bedroom and collapsed in a heap of overwhelming and conflicting emotions where I stayed not wanting to have any further contact with Abdul. How could any woman take such an enormous penis in her mouth? What would it be like to have my cock sucked by Fatima, or any woman for that matter? I noticed I was aroused by these thoughts and the memory of what I had seen, a first for me and I had unconsciously started playing with my own penis, which at 7 inches seemed ok but now I doubted I was going to be enough for any woman, when my time came. Yes, my to my amazement and disappointment I was still a virgin, part of the legacy of having attended an all-boys boarding school.

The next day was really awkward. Over the morning I saw Fatima on a few occasions but she gave no indication that she knew anything of what I had witnessed and I eventually concluded she didn't know what had witnessed. I did feel sorry for her, having to cope with a husband who had a horse cock and who seemed to be something of an exhibitionist. He, on the other hand, smirked at me whenever I saw him out and about doing his gardening. At one point I saw my mother giving him instructions about some planting she wanted him to do for her and as she was kneeling to show him where some plants should go, he looked over at me and opened his throbe and there it was on show once again; a shiny 8 inches of slack cock which he swayed from side to side. What he didn't notice, such was his focus on me, was that my mother had turned her head around and was now looking at this swaying cock no more than a foot away from her face. She actually toppled over and as Abdul tried to help her up, I believe her hand touched his cock because she let out a shriek and ran back into the house. Abdul looked extremely worried by these turn of events and he should have been because if my mother reported the incident to my father he would be dismissed immediately and worse consequences could have followed. She didn't.

The following week I was again returning from my tennis game and as I came around the side of the house to access the pool I saw Abdul standing outside my parents' bedroom window and it was obvious he was wanking himself. He occasionally would move closer to the window and then step back again to continue wanking. I felt I should do or say something but couldn't so I went back to the front door and went towards my parents' room with every intention of informing my mother what Abdul was doing. As I approached her door I heard some moaning sounds and thought she must be unwell. Just as I was about to say "Mum, are you ok" I heard her say "Yes, yes, yes" and then "Yes Abdul, please fuck me". Like a lightning bolt it struck me my mother was playing with herself and the very idea shocked me.

The thought of my parents having any kind of sex life was repulsive, being the innocent I was. I was dumbfounded but my curiosity was peaked and I bent down to look through key hole and saw my mum's legs wide apart and her hand furiously rubbing her pussy and her body shaking. Next she began roaring "O Jesus, o my god, fuck me, fuck me, so big, so big oooohhhh" and she climaxed. And then I remembered Abdul and where he was, what he was seeing and what he was doing. I was totally confused and hugely excited and just managed to stand up and lean against the bedroom wall and wank myself like a maniac.

After I gathered myself I went outside to see what Abdul might be up to but he was longer around. I went to the window where he had been standing, and wanking, and had a quick peek myself. My mother was lying on the bed completely naked with her eyes closed, looking exhausted. This was the first time I had seen my mother's naked body and it was quite nice for a 41 year old woman: she has small breasts but very big nipples and, as was the style of the time, a very hairy pussy. My cock was getting erect once more and I almost starting wanking but then I noticed some large smears near the bottom of the window and my only guess was that it must be Abdul's semen! I recoiled and left and went for the swim that I now desperately needed; I had to cool down.

Over the next few days I started giving much more attention to my mother's body, noticing her protruding nipples when she was sunbathing, which seemed much bigger after a swim and occasionally looking at her crotch and catching some stray pussy hairs. Abdul and Fatima were away and not due back for another few days and so sometimes I sneaked around to my mother's bedroom during the day, and at night, hoping to catch her naked or even masturbating once more. Much to my regret, there was nothing to see. I did wonder about my mother fantasying about Abdul and his huge cock and about Abdul wanking as he saw her masturbating and whether he could hear what she was saying. Every time I saw them in the same place, mostly in the garden, I watched closely to see if there was any connection between them but there didn't seem to be. If anything, they seemed avoidant of one another.

My father returned from his business trip and things became very quiet and normal, even if I noticed Abdul's cock swinging around under his throbe on a few occasions and I definitely heard him and Fatima fucking one afternoon but as my father was in house having a siesta with my mother, I didn't hang around. However, I couldn't stop wondering once more what it must be like for Fatima trying to accommodate Abdul's massive cock and I began longing to see her being fucked by him and me fucking her too, which was pretty fancy thinking on my part as I was still a virgin.

Some days later my father was off again on one of his trips and shortly after I had another opportunity to witness Abdul wanking. I was once more returning from a tennis outing and rushing to hop into the pool for a swim but as I rounded the house there was Abdul standing at the far corner, holding his gross cock in both hands and sliding them up and down his shaft in a slow rhythmic pace. I froze and watched and then saw what he was seeing. I looked through my mother's bedroom window and through the open bedroom door and I saw her lying near the pool on a sun lounger in her one piece bathing suit, facing slightly away from the corner where Abdul was wanking. My attention was brought back to Adbul as he gave a low groan and quickened his stroke before releasing huge loops of semen. And then my mother let out a shriek, which was a sign to Abdul to leave and as he turned he saw me watching him with my mouth open and he paused, grabbed his elongated cock, waved it at me and casually walked towards his hut and disappeared.

My mother was still making noises so I dashed around the corner while asking was she ok. She believed a bird had crapped on her but I knew it was some of Abdul's semen and I actually laughed, which really annoyed her and she roared at me to go get some paper towel to wipe it away. Some of it had landed on her hair and I hadn't the courage to tell her, knowing what it was and what I had seen.

Why was I not reporting Abdul's behaviour to my parents? I was in two minds. Abdul was a big man, well over 6 foot with a build to match and frankly, I was scared of him. On the other hand I had witnessed some pretty wild stuff because of him and I thought there may be more to come. And there was.

Towards the end of my summer holidays I had a planned stay over with a tennis friend but because his family had an emergency to deal with I returned home that evening around 5pm. I wasn't expected and it was only my mother who was at home and I didn't mind the idea of spending some time with her before going back to uni. As I entered the house I immediately knew something was going on; there were moaning noises coming from my parents' bedroom and it sounded like my mother was giving herself some happy time. Of course, I wanted to know if there might be something to see.

The door was slightly ajar and I immediately fell to my knees in bewilderment at what I was witnessing. Abdul was standing at the end of my parent's bed, with his back to me, and he was doggy fucking someone in a very vigorous way and muttering unintelligible words and sounds. It was Fatima and I quickly recovered my senses and started to watch Abdul ploughing her pussy and sympathising with her whimpering noises. I dropped my tennis shorts and starting stroking my own cock and getting really excited at what I was seeing. I must have groaned or made some noise because Abdul turned his head around and glared at me in his most intimidating way but then he smiled when he saw my rapidly deflating cock. He stopped, flipped Fatima and went back to fucking her in a kind of missionary position. After a minute or so he literally lifted her off the bed with his cock inside her and stood up while still fucking her.

Holy fuck. O my god. It wasn't Fatima. It was my mother. He was screwing my mother. And then he started to walk towards where I was standing with my shorts at my ankles, my limp dick and my red face burning like a furnace. What was he up to? As he walked toward me, carrying my mum impaled on his supernova cock he took one hand away from her bum and waved at me to kneel down. I did automatically. He put his hand back on my mum' s arse and began lifting her up and down on his cock. I was no more than 6 inches away from seeing my mother's anus and her pussy dripping with her juices. I could smell their sex. It seemed as if Abdul simply wanted to humiliate me and it was working. To my horror, I got an erection and didn't know what I should do. What I couldn't stop doing was watch his cock stretching my mother's pussy and hearing her heavy breathing every time he pushed more of his cock in her. I started masturbating. I was incredibly aroused by the sights, sounds and smells of raw sex and I even forgot it was my mother he was fucking.

Abdul then turned back toward the bed and as he did so my mother saw me, kneeling with cock in hand and wanking. She let out a curious deflated whimper and to this day I'm not sure she was fully conscious of what was happening to her. Abdul threw on back on the bed, flipped her over and began doggy fucking her again. Almost immediately he raised a hand and his finger beckoned me over. I obeyed without hesitation. As I got close to where he was he grabbed my arm and took my hand and wrapped it around his shaft, and there was still lots of it that couldn't or wouldn't penetrate my mother's pussy. He held my hand as he went in and out of her pussy and my hand became sticky and wet very quickly.

Some minutes later he nodded to me and glanced at my other hand, indicating very obviously that I should start playing with my own cock. Again, I found it too easy to comply. To my undying shame I started to ejaculate and as I did so Abdul made sure some of my semen landed on my mother's bum. I was in some kind of ecstatic state as he took my other hand off his shaft and used my fingers to rub my semen into my mother's skin and then taking one of my sticky fingers, he ramped it into her anus. All this time my mother was taking whatever was coming and she continued to moan and whimper and sometimes I heard her saying "thank you, thank you".

It wasn't long before Abdul started to come and just as he was about to ejaculate he pulled his monster cock out of my mother's pussy and unloaded a huge amount of semen on her pussy, her bum and her back. I stood in awe at what he had released. However, the final humiliation was just about to happen. He grabbed me by hair, yanked me to the ground and then mashed my face into my mother's hairy pussy with globs of his semen all over it. He held me firm and was uttering what I could only assume were curses and the like in Arabic. When he eventually pulled me away, he actually smacked me on the face with his somewhat deflated penis and then started shouting and pointing to the door. I left in a stupor as he slammed the door behind me.

All this happened over 20 years ago and I still wonder if parts of what I remember are the fitful imaginations of a sex hungry teen. I do know that my mother made no reference to the event itself and it would seem that she had no recollection of my presence at it or what I did and was forced to do. However, I suspect that she and Abdul may have reached some kind of agreement as he was still in service when I returned some months later for the Christmas holidays. Inevitably, I became a witness to other sexual encounters between them and occasionally a willing participant; I gave up my virginity to my mother, even if to this day she didn't know it was me but that's another tale from my Arabian Nights.

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Joker2029Joker202910 months ago

Came back for a second wank, grt job

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Satisfying 😌

merrySMmerrySMover 2 years ago

Please continue this story. Very well written through the son's eyes. Would like to see her shame and that she was forced into sex with Abdul (even though she enjoyed it, she knows it is wrong). More coercive non consent with the mother, maybe anal that she does not want.

TheWanderer1010TheWanderer1010almost 3 years ago

Great job! Looking forward to your future stories!

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