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Arranged Marriage Ch. 06

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The Conclusion.
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Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/17/2019
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"You should have told me you were coming." Anitha said reproachfully. "I would have taken leave, nuh!"

"I thought of that. However, I was more focussed on watching the expression on the Cockroach as he saw me suddenly at the door. God! It was hilarious."

"We can watch it again, you know. I have cameras everywhere."

"Maybe later, I need some food first."

At this, Anitha took the crop that she had placed on the table and gave two more to Karthik. Karthik jumped up and twitched uncontrollably.

"Slave, Lakshmi has been here for nearly an hour and you still have not offered her anything. Where are your manners? Now, apologise to her."

Karthik knew exactly how Anitha wanted him to apologise. He bent down and kissed Lakshmi's feet multiple times and begged her to forgive him. Lakshmi said that since he did not offer food for 53 minutes, he would receive that many hits from the riding crop. Karthik accepted it tearfully and brought the breakfast in. They had breakfast sitting on the table while he sat on the floor to eat, as usual. Once they were done, Karthik cleared the plates and found them already with the riding crop in hand. Karthik knelt in front of them and begged them to have mercy. Anitha told him to take his position on the dining table and he laid on it with his ass hanging out.

Lakshmi was ruthless. The vicious attack on him left him screaming and crying as he took more pain than he had in his life. For Anitha, smacking him was just a chore. She still hurt him badly. But then, the hurt was just a by-product. What she wanted was to put the fear of the devil in him. Lakshmi, however, revelled in the opportunity to punish a meek human and went after him gleefully. By the time she was done, Karthik could not even stand. Obviously, this did not let him off the hook for the rest of his day's chores. Anitha left for office and informed Lakshmi that she would work from home the rest of the week. Privately, away from Karthik's eyes, she warned Lakshmi not to get too carried away and she did not want to take the wimp to a doctor. Lakshmi promised to keep herself in check.

She did not have to reduce the amount of fun she had, though. The first thing she did was to order him to lick all Anitha's shoes again. It was quite a while since he had done that and he felt sick and degraded again. While he licked, she called him every demeaning name possible and he teared up again. She then informed him that she planned to go on a trek that weekend. She was already planning to play volleyball the whole week. Karthik wondered why she was telling all this when she gave him the body blow. During the whole week, she intended to wear only one pair of socks. Karthik paused from his shoe-licking to stare at her, horrified. Waiting for it, Lakshmi whipped him further. Karthik resumed his shoe-licking but he could not get the image of sniffing six-day old socks out of his head. Was there no end to the unfair hand that life had dealt him?

Lakshmi kept him working the whole day despite the pain in every part of his body. She made him clean the toilets, once again without a brush. She then told him he was forbidden from washing his hands until she said so. While the stench was horrible, this at least gave him some respite since it kept Lakshmi at an arm's length. Lakshmi wanted to resume punishing him quickly so she told him that he had clean the house again even though it was already spotless. That ensured that he spent sufficient time with his away from her while she sent some shocks his way. He eventually finished cleaning and washed his hands as she commanded before coming back and kneeling in front of her. She bemoaned the fact that she had already bathed that day which ensured that her feet were not smelling. However, she once again reminded him that the coming Monday, she would treat him to feet that wore the same socks for a week.

"Just imagine. Three days of Volleyball wearing the same socks. Then, those same socks to a trek. Just imagine the amount of sweat it will collect. Just imagine the stench it would create. And, you will sniff and sniff those feet for hours. Then, you will lick them. God! I am getting wet just thinking of you doing it."

Karthik could only just stare at her in hatred and fear. He knew begging and pleading with her would only make it worse. After he was forced to do further chores and after lunch, she finally decided to take a nap. She told him that he would lick her feet until she woke up. Karthik went into action. There was a small amount of sweat on her feet. She was indoors, she had not lifted a finger the whole day and yet there was some amount of sweat, however small. Karthik wept thinking of how her feet would be after three days of volleyball and two days of trekking. What had he ever done in his life to deserve this?

As it turned out, things were still not over, yet. That evening, once Anitha returned from work, they resumed tormenting him together. Anitha had already made up her mind that he would be going to bed hungry that night. When she informed him, he let out a fresh groan.

"Please, mistress. Please. I am sorry for anything I did. Please allow me to have some food."

"Not gonna happen, naked boy. Lakshmi has come all the way from India for us. Can't you do such a small thing for her?"

"Please, mistress."

"That's it. Fetch the whip."

And, he was whipped further. Karthik felt new levels of pain. Whether by accident or plan, they had managed to spread the pain. The morning smacks and shocks were concentrated on his buttocks. Licking all of Anitha's shoes made his tongue sore and painful. Cleaning the house twice was already having it's effect on his hands and legs. Now, the whiplashes landed on his back. Pain radiated from every inch of his body as his mistresses laughed at him squirming and twitching. Obviously, this did not let him off the hook. He still had dinner duties to perform. They watched as he panted and gasped even for small things like putting the tava on the stove. Not to mention, he was obviously naked. Not a stitch on and his ass was red hot. His ass twitched and shook with his every pained movement and his balls and cock moved in all directions as he miserably continued to cook. When he was adding the ingredients, he added enough for two people and he once again turned to them. The two women silently dared him to plead with them. Karthik did not take the bait and continued to cook.

As they ate, Lakshmi asked Anitha to play the home cameras footage. Karthik was kneeling next to them ready to serve whatever they asked. Anitha rewinded the most recent video of him licking her sweaty ass and sweaty feet. Both were naked on the camera and Lakshmi playfully teased Anitha. If it was not for the naked man whimpering on his knees next to them, most people would see this as a harmless scene where a woman was showing her homemade sex videos to her best friend. Lakshmi asked her to rewind further until the beginning of the video. She saw Karthik smile evilly before going to lick her.

"What was that?"

Karthik looked up. So far, Lakshmi's tone had either been ruthless or humiliating. This was different. He saw her watching the video with a cold look. He was horrified to see himself smile on video. He was horrified. For, like a second. The next second, Megan's voice spoke to him.

"People need to take care of themselves."

This was it. He could make or break his life today. Megan was right. He had to take care of himself. He could not do that physically. His studiousness had seen to that. He could not do that legally, as of now. Anitha's videos were a barricade to that. However, he was not going down easily. With every ounce of mental strength he had, which came in only due to having had sex with Megan yesterday - she was her God now - he managed to keep his face expressionless. In a bizarre turn, his weak physical body became his greatest strength. The pain in every area of his body ensured that he had enough things on his mind to cover his scared looks.

"What the fuck are you planning, Karthik?"

"What planning?" Anitha cut in. "He is not planning anything. Maybe he just wanted to make himself get into some sort of mood to start licking yesterday."

"Anitha, somehow that smile looks different. Look at him. It feels to me like he is plotting something."

"Oh, please. What will he do? He is trapped and he has nowhere to go. Besides," she turned to Karthik. "Will you dare plan to escape, naked boy?"

The edge in her voice was so venomous that Karthik did not have any need to pretend. He was now terrified. Terrified that he would be exposed. As he started to imagine the consequences, he forced himself to speak.

"No, mistress." He prostrated himself and this added a fresh wave of pain to his hips. "AaaH! Please trust me, mistress. I am a worm and nothing more. Please, please don't hurt me. I am not planning anything, mistress. Please, trust me."

It convinced Anitha but not Lakshmi.

"He is plotting something, Anitha. After all, you have been at him for 4 months now. Enough time to think of an escape."

"Hmph! He is just a worm, Lakshmi. He exists beneath my feet. I think you are overreacting. He was smiling just to get to some mood. Or, maybe it is a coping mechanism. Maybe we should take him to a psychiatrist."

"I don't know. I still think he is plotting something. I will torment a confession out of him."

"Oh! Come on! He-"

"Look. I will torture him mercilessly. If he is plotting something, he will confess. If not, no harm no foul."

The fact that they were speaking about torturing him right in front of him further pushed his resolve. He was going to get them, no matter what.

Anitha looked at her friend and her worm. "Fine. But, no broken bones. Not a single bone gets broken. Also, no burns."

"Cigarette burns? Pretty please." Lakshmi asked and Anitha nodded.

And so, the first order of the next day, Tuesday, was that Karthik was burnt with at least four cigarettes. His ass showed the marks and the pain stung for the whole day. Anitha, who was now working from home disappeared after breakfast until it was time for lunch. Lakshmi mercilessly belted him.

"Confess! Confess! Confess what you were planning to do and this will all be over." Karthik resolutely denied any scheme and repeatedly begged her to stop hurting him.

Wednesday, Lakshmi switched things. Anitha informed Lakshmi that she would be logging in only post-lunch that day so they could go for some volleyball. Lakshmi whispered into Anitha and she smiled. Anitha went to take a dump before leaving. Lakshmi also took her dump and came out. She retrieved the handcuffs and ordered Karthik to follow her back into the toilet. The growing stench told Karthik what had happened. Neither of them had flushed. Lakshmi cuffed one of his hands on a pipe next to the toilet.


"Please, don't do this to me. I am not scheming anything."


"No, please."

"Fine! We are leaving now. One of your hands is free. Go ahead!" She moved closer watching him intently. "You can flush with your free hand."

Lakshmi kicked his balls and left. Karthik stayed with his hand cuffed. Obviously, he did not dare flush the toilet. He breathed in the horrific stench and inevitably started vomitting. He finally understood the concept of how could people choke on vomitting. He once even considered actually doing it. Ending everything now. The thought of his mother stopped him as he endured the two hours. Anitha came into the toilet.


"Please mistress, trust me. I am-" he started coughing and he ended the sentence with another lame "Please."

A second later, he heard the toilet flush. Anitha sprayed water on the vomit and actually cleaned it up. She then carried him to the bedroom. On the way, he saw Lakshmi. She showed him her socks and placed it on a window. He understood that she was going to keep the socks uncleaned as she went back into the toilet. He had noticed yesterday as well that she took dumps a lot. Anitha placed him on the bed, left her phone and went to get some water. Karthik, using his last ounce of energy, sent a text message to Megan.

"Use my software to send blank messages to both Anitha and this number on Friday." And he added Lakshmi's number. It was the first step of his plan. He was glad that Lakshmi added herself to the list. He deleted his message and laid back down on the bed a minute before Anitha came in. Lakshmi punished him physically and starved him for the next two days. Looking back, Karthik could never believe how much he endured in those 5 days. However, he had endured and not even come close to confessing.

Anitha, Lakshmi and naked Karthik in the backseat drove to Megan's on Saturday morning. Lakshmi was wearing the socks she had worn all week. The stink in the car was nauseating even Anitha.

"Just imagine, naked worm. Two more days of sweat, after which you get to sniff the whole shebang."

Anitha endured the stench to make Karthik even more miserable.

Megan wanted to help Karthik simply because it was the right thing to do. She took advantage and tormented him in the last four months because she firmly believed in people helping themselves. Nothing was handed out to her in life. She had to fight and fight for everything. She had told Gen that she would help Karthik, but only if he had the nerve to ask her. She felt nothing torturing him. She now felt nothing helping him. However, when she saw the beaten, cigarette burn-marked, starved Karthik crawling out of the car, she was shocked to the core. She hated the women for this. This was not BDSM. This was plain torture. She hated herself for being a part of this. While she could tell herself that she was just going along with Anitha, there was no denying that the feet-sniffing was her idea. She felt sorry for Karthik and she told herself that she would not punish him anymore. Once she took him from them and they had left, she presented him with a set of clothes.

"I was going to give you this later, but I see no harm now. Go ahead, wear it and go to sleep. The shop is closed for the day and you don't have to do anything."

Overwhelmed, Karthik hugged her and kissed her. She kissed him back for some time. He pulled back after some time and looked at her awkwardly.

"I am sorry."

Megan smiled and kissed him again. She then handed the clothes again.

"I will wear clothes once all this is over."

He handed them back. Megan gave him a thumbs-up and led him to bed. Karthik plopped on it and went to sleep. He woke up to the smell of Biriyani. It was the tastiest fragrance of his life as of now.

"I ordered it from HSB. I heard it is the most favourite for Indians in America." Karthik kissed her in gratitude again and ate them. He had a large fill and he felt he had born again. He wanted to get started but Megan stopped him. She told him that she wanted some legal stuff done. It was then that he noticed there was someone in the next room. He put his arms around Megan's shoulder and she put hers around his waist as they went there.

"Two women! Typical!" He nudged Megan.

"Hey! I asked you to wear clothes."

The two women were briefed on what to expect. Still, the naked man walking in casually shook them. By now, Karthik had come to like this. A new woman seeing him naked for the first time. They showed shock, at first. Then, as their eyes went down, his gigantic cock would make it's impact and the women would ogle openly. Today, however, he was fully flaccid and did not generate the same effect. Megan once again showed her dominance over him when she ordered him to sit naked on the floor in front of the three clothed women.

"This is my lawyer friend, Grace. That is Claire, from the RAI group." Claire was a pleasantly unexpected addition to the plan. Karthik took her details and she left. Grace had already informed Megan that she had to keep her involvement to the bare minimum. Megan nodded and Grace took out a set of papers. Megan told him what it was.

"Naked boy, I need a waiver from you. You need to sign and consent that, you will never try to turn around and charge me for the way I tormented you in the last 4 months. You can see it in the papers."

Karthik cut through all the legal structs. The key was the bunch of statements each of which had a blank next to it for signature.

Karthik shall never bring any charge against Megan for forcing him to strip naked in front of strangers in her shop.

Karthik shall never bring any charge against Megan for forcing him to strip naked in front of strangers in her house.

Karthik shall never bring any charge against Megan for forcing him to take dildoes up his derriere naked.

Karthik shall never bring any charge against Megan for forcing him to suck continuously on dildoes in front of strangers fully naked.

Karthik shall never bring any charge against Megan for forcing him to smell and lick her feet.

There were similar clauses indemnifying the four neighbourhood women as well against them forcing him smell and lick their feet naked. Karthik hesitated at first but re-asserted to himself that they were not the enemy. In a literal sense, they were. But, it was Anitha who was the cause. Once that was fixed, Grace once again asked him to put his signatures on a bunch more documents asserting that he was advised of all his options but chose to - there were a bunch of legalese terms which, in effect just meant - let Megan off the hook. Megan waited until her lawyer left and carried Karthik to the computer.

Karthik went to work. It was simple enough. Once the recipients had opened the blank message, he could take control of all the information in their phones at his leisure. Both Anitha and Lakshmi had done so yesterday itself. He now had full control of their phones. He was able to get their Cloud passwords from there and he logged into those accounts. Nothing was stored on the phone anymore. Once he logged in to the cloud accounts, it was easy to find those old videos. He watched in fury as, 5 months ago he was forced to kneel-walk and kiss the feet of the four women. Meanwhile, he sent a blank message to Anitha's two friends in India as well. They had opened it and he would come to them soon. He deleted every video and photo of him naked or submitting to them and waited. He then deleted them from the cloud accounts of the other two women as well. He then did what he really intended to do.

With the information from their phone, Karthik entered into the bank accounts for both Lakshmi and Anitha. Anitha worked in the payroll department and, as such, had access to the salary accounts for all the employees. From her corporate account, he made a simple transaction transferring 2 million dollars into her personal account. He then transferred 1 million of this money to Lakshmi's account. From each of their accounts, he transferred the whole sum to a defunct publishing company. This company was a known front for the radical RAI group which was where Claire came in. The RAI were responsible for multiple bombings and riots. Megan kept detailed information on all her customers in her sex shop. Through one of them, she had got into contact with Claire. She was sympathetic to the RAI, mainly because they always ensured to bomb only government buildings and simultaneously always made sure nobody got hurt. The FBI, police and other agencies were obviously not so taken with them and they had already flagged this publishing company. Karthik originally just wanted to transfer some money from Anitha's company account to her personal account. However, Megan's friend Claire had given him a bigger fish.

That night, after dinner, Megan looked expectantly at Karthik. Karthik told her that he may not be able to, but Megan took it as a challenge. It was not just for play, though. This was the first time that Karthik had not become erect the whole day and she hated Lakshmi more than life itself for it. Karthik laid down on the bed and Megan licked, sucked and pumped him and he finally started growing. Once it started, there was no stopping as he reached his usual gigantic erection. They once again had sex and Megan loved it. She got on with both men and women but Karthik's size ensured that he was the best she ever had. They again had sex the next morning and Megan did not let Karthik raise a finger. She told him she had talked to the neighbour woman and informed them that their foot slave contract was over. They seemed to take it in their stride.


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