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Arranging my Wife's Violation Ch. 03

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A husband's fantasies start to become real.
2.4k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 12/03/2021
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Once I submitted my wife's profile and offered her up to the group for rape, I was allowed full access to the system. Inside, I found countless profiles created by other husbands. I began to click through them. They featured wives from all races and creeds, and from all walks of life and backgrounds. Their locations spanned the globe. I was astonished that there were over seven thousand profiles of wives whose husband's had offered them up for rape. I realized that I was now truly a part of a global community of like minded individuals.

As I browsed the profiles, I noticed that each one was clearly designated as "raped" or "not yet raped". Some profiles had award banners which indicated that the woman had been raped two, three, or more times. Many of those were in developing countries, but I had aspirations of helping my wife earn such a distinction.

All of the profiles that had been designated as raped contained either photo or video documentation of the event. My cock ached as I watched video after video of wives just like mine being raped. I was extremely aroused at the idea of my wife's rape being recorded and watched by thousands of men around the world. The footage would be forever preserved online, and men fifty years from now would cum watching her violation.

My hands trembled and my heart raced as I clicked on video after video. The variation among the rapes I was witnessing was impressive. The rapes ranged from loving to brutal. Some involved one rapist, others involved dozens. Some rapes were over in an hour, while others took a weekend. Still others seemed to involve some form of captivity and were ongoing with no end in sight.

The mechanics of the rapes were equally diverse. Most wives had their cunts or asses raped. Some wives were orally raped as well. This tended to involve the presence of multiple rapists. Specifically, one rapist would hold the wife's head in place to ensure that she wasn't going to bite down while another rapist fucked her face. Some rapes were truly creative and involved the use of machines that could rape a wife for hours up to and beyond the point of physical exhaustion and collapse.

As I browsed the profiles, I started to get notifications that I had messages and that people were commenting on my wife. Many of the other guys were complementing me on how attractive my wife was and offering their wishes that she be raped soon. Others told me in graphic detail exactly how they were going to rape her. I have to confess that the more depraved those messages were, the more turned on I got by them. I made sure to respond to each message and post that I received.

For the next week, I had trouble leaving the site even to eat or sleep. I was completely addicted and in a constant state of edging. I had developed connections with a large number of other guys on the site and was feeling at home in my new community. I was searching for wives in my area that had not yet been raped when I got a message from Chris. Chris was a moderator on the site, and his messages appeared on top of whatever a user was doing.

Chris asked me how I was enjoying the community, and I replied with the expected enthusiasm. To my delight, Chris informed me that my wife was now one of the most popular on the site. Chris explained that when a wife makes it to one of the top spots, there is an obligation to get her raped in short order to satisfy public demand. He cautioned me that this couldn't happen until I was ready, and that I needed to take the next step in my journey now. Any delay would cause a drop in morale within the community. They were practically foaming at the mouth to watch my wife get raped.

I told him that I understood, and that I was ready for the next step.

"Good. You will be present and participate in your wife's rape. I will be there to rape her as well. I always claim the choicest brides for myself. I am in the process of locating a suitable third rapist for the adventure," he explained.

"That's great. I look forward to it," I replied.

"I know you do, but you have never participated in a rape before. Women scream. They fight. Things don't go the way you expect. This is particularly dangerous, since if you slip up in a situation like that, your wife might recognize you. That would be a disaster," he cautioned.

"Yes, that would. How do I prepare?" I asked.

"The only way you can prepare is to practice rape under controlled conditions. This will be a two step process for you. First, you will sexually assault a woman who is a complete stranger to you. You won't rape her during this assault though. The purpose of this experience is to show you how a female responds when she senses a sexual attack and to see if you can handle it," he said.

"I understand. What is the second step?" I inquired.

"If you are successful with the first task, the next task will involve you actually raping a wife featured in one of our profiles. You will do that with the assistance of two more experienced rapists. They will show you the ropes and teach you the craft. Prove yourself and we will be ready to rape your wife next," he offered.

I was exhilarated at this prospect. Not only did I long more than ever to watch my own wife get raped, but I had also developed a fetish for raping other men's wives as well. There was only so long I could watch videos of wives getting raped in every imaginable way before I had to join in myself.

After some thorough planning, I decided to enact part one of Chris' test. Chris insisted that the sexual assault be recorded, so I purchased one of those wearable body cameras. The location I chose was a rural college campus about 60 miles from where I lived. I planned to select a woman, lift up her shirt, grope her breasts and flee. The plan was simple enough, and it was time to make things real.

I sat in my idling car on the chosen day. I felt alive in a way I had never experienced before. I could hear every fluttering leaf hit the ground and see every flash of movement from the squirrels playing nearby. I felt connected to my environment in a way that I hadn't before. I felt like a predator in the wild.

I exited my car and made my way to my chosen location, a multi-level parking garage on the edge of campus. There were fours ways in and out of the parking garage, so there was little chance I would get trapped. The parking garage sat at the top of a hill with a wooded slope to its South side. On the other side of the woods was a quiet street where my car was parked.

I lingered in the garage for a moment pretending to be looking in my backpack. I had decided to dress as a college professor in order to fit in. I wore khaki pants and a dark knit sweater which partially camouflaged the sports camera strapped to my chest. I also wore a surgical mask which obscured a good portion of my lower face. It turned out that there were some benefits to living in a pandemic environment.

I heard the gentle beep of a car being locked, and I casually turned around. I saw a young woman stepping away from a foreign, luxury SUV. She looked to be around 21 years old and was extremely attractive. She wore yoga pants and a pink sorority shirt and was focused intently on her phone. She appeared oblivious to her surroundings as she made her way to the gym down the street from the garage.

I looked around and verified that nobody else seemed to be in the vicinity before positioning myself behind a support column out of view. As she walked by, I grabbed her and slammed her into the column. She appeared stunned as her phone cracked and clattered to the ground. I spun her around and pushed her back up against the column. I yanked her shirt up over her head so that it revealed her breasts and covered her face. With both hands, I pulled her bra down under her breasts and began to kneed and grope them roughly for the camera.

"You fucking slut," I hissed at her as I pinched her nipples hard.

With surprising agility, she yanked her shirt down with one hand while she swung at me with her other. I could see the jagged edges of keys standing out between her knuckles as her fist closed in on my face. I caught her wrist before she connected. I twisted her arm and bent it behind her back as she dropped the keys. I pushed her hard against the column and pressed my body against hers to restrict her movement. I could feel the soft contours of her ass against my raging erection and it electrified me.

"You stupid cunt. Did you think that would work?" I asked as I twisted her arm harder.

With my free arm, I pushed the side of her face hard into the column so that she couldn't make any noise or move. I released her wrist with my other hand and grabbed the back of both her pants and panties with the other. With one movement, I yanked both down around her knees.

"What have we here?" I asked as I ran my hand down over her ass and let it come to a rest on her cunt.

"You fucking bastard. H---!" She started to scream as I pushed her mouth closed.

"I want you to know that you deserve this," I scolded her as I slid my fingers into her cunt.

I worked my fingers in and out of her cunt as she moaned. I first put in one finger to loosen her up, then two and three fingers. I wanted her to feel this after I was done. As I violated her cunt with my fingers, I began to feel her get wet. She stopped struggling as much, and she began to emit quiet moaning sounds. Her cunt was now sounding distinctly wet, as I inserted all five fingers and began to try to push my fist in.

As my knuckles broke the threshold of her cunt, I felt her spasm. It began with her cunt and traveled throughout her entire body like a quake. I loosened my pressure on her as she collapsed to the floor. We made eye contact, and I brought my hand up to my face and licked each finger clean in front of her. Once she saw what I was doing, she looked away.

I picked up a little case she was carrying it and opened it. I saw that it contained her driver's license, student ID, and credit card. I removed her driver's license and held it up to the sports camera as I read her information off of it.

"We have your information now. Sooner or later, one of my brothers is going to rape you with his cock instead of his fingers. Look forward to that day. You will never know when it will come," I said as I tucked her license into my pants pocket as a souvenir.

It suddenly dawned on me that I was so absorbed that I hadn't even been paying attention to whether anyone else had shown up and was watching. I didn't even fully know how long I had been at it. I quickly surveyed the area and didn't see anyone else, and I decided to flee the garage. I ran down the wooded area, and I reached my car without being seen. I followed my predetermined route out of town. I had carefully chosen that route in particular as it avoided intersections with traffic cameras and was one of the shortest routes to the highway.

When I arrived home, my wife commented on my disheveled and nervous state as I poured myself a drink. I took her by the hand and brought her over in front of me. I then put my hands on her shoulders and gently pushed her down to her knees. I had gotten really excited from the day's previous activities, but I had not gotten the chance to cum. With my wife looking up at me, I took down my pants and got my cock hard with a couple of quick strokes. I positioned my cock at the entrance to her mouth and began to push it inside.

"Whoa! What? Like this?" She questioned with confusion.

"Yes, like this. Shut up and suck," I instructed as I grabbed her by the back of the head and pushed her face onto my cock.

As I felt my cock enter her warm mouth, I recalled how I held another girl similarly just an hour ago. I recalled how good it felt to overpower and control her. I thought about how her driver's license was in my pocket at that moment. I owned her now in a certain way. I thought about how my hand was covered in the cum I forced out of her cunt. I noted how that same hand was now on the back of my wife's head as I moved it back and forth like a fuck toy.

Lost in my thoughts, I realized that I had more or less been fucking my wife's face instead of receiving a blowjob. I felt my orgasm arrive as I worked my cock furiously in and out of her mouth. I pushed my cock all the way to the back of her throat and held it there as I drained out any remaining seed.

My wife coughed and gagged as I pulled out of her mouth.

"I don't know what that was, but I didn't like it" she admonished me.

I looked down at her on the floor as she wiped a mix of cum and saliva off her chin. That was a good look for her. I smiled at her as I zipped up. It wasn't a smile of thanks, but one of knowing. I smiled because I knew what was coming for her.

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

To all having a panty twist about doing this to your wife who you are supposed to love blah blah.... this is A STORY A FANTASY A DAYDREAM IT'S NOT, repeat NOT, REAL. Jeez man oh man, why can people read Vampire Tales, James Bond, Star Trek and Winnie the Poo and realise that but not Literotica? Get a life read something else if this bothers you! Dmitrisdream you are doing fine forget the idiot detractors as a poster said you are not writing for them you are writing for the sane ones who know this is fiction!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

The story isn't for me.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I want to see where it ends. one rape or two or three or all in a few hours apart. This could go in any direction so I'm holding on and waiting to see.

blunderwolfblunderwolfalmost 3 years ago

Folks, it's fantasy. Some of us have dark fantasies. Imo it's ok to express them in this form. No one is really getting hurt, and I think everyone can understand the difference between reading something in a dark jerk off story vs actually wanting it to happen irl.

Personally I love this story and hope it continues to escalate. Don't hold back. The people who already hate it are going to continue to hate it, but you're not writing for them.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

love to see his face if she actually enjoys it or better still she is fucking someone else when rapists get there

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

The death spiral finally hit rock bottom on this pathetic drivel.

AngelRiderAngelRideralmost 3 years ago

Lovely. Always gotta have the women love it because you know that's realistic. Fucking diseased maggots.

ecboyecboyalmost 3 years ago

This story is wrong, with a capital W

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

This story is very worrying. Even trying to be broadminded I still think it would be best unpublished.

75enu8u275enu8u2almost 3 years ago

How do I join the site And house soon can my wife experience it

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

looking forward to next chapter

Amy_2_3Amy_2_3almost 3 years ago

Whackdoodle exactly my thought. When she goes crazy and kill her self. Well seems like he doesnt give a shit...

WhackdoodleWhackdoodlealmost 3 years ago

Da’fuq did I just read?

Fantasy is one thing, hell even CNC is ok; but to brutalize, rape, imprison, torture and break your wife, the person you vowed to love, honour and cherish is something else completely.

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