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Art Classes

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Wife is seduced by a fellow art student.
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Art Classes


This is a fictional story where the wife is seduced by a fellow art student. There is a cuckold husband who watches his wife have sex.

This is a cheating wife story with redemption. If not your type of story, please move on and save comments for some other story.

I am Jim, 48, and my wife, Helen, is 43. She is still very attractive for her age. We have been together for 23 years. I dated a lot of women before we married, but Helen was special; she fit into my life perfectly. We like the same things; we agree on almost everything and we have never had a real quarrel. Oh sure, we have had a few disagreements but never anything serious and no one ever went to bed angry. Our sex life is excellent! Helen really loves and desires sex and there is nothing that Helen won't do or try. Our lovemaking has always been very passionate!

My wife works at a local bank and was recently promoted because she has a kind and caring way to deal with people. Recently she found her job very stressful due to some reorganizational changes at the bank. Her doctor suggested that she find a hobby that was relaxing in the hope that it would take her mind off the bank problems. After some online research she decided that she wanted to do watercolor painting. After buying a lot of paints, brushes and other supplies, she enrolled at the local junior college to take some adult classes on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.


Helen seemed to be enjoying the painting classes. After each class she would bring home whatever she painted that evening to show me. She did seem to have an artistic talent so I encouraged her.

One Tuesday evening, she called me and said that a group of her classmates were going for a drink after class and that she would be getting home a little late. I decided to wait up for her. As it became later and later, I called her cell phone several times but it went to voicemail each time. I became very concerned that something might have happened to her because she was never this late and it was past our usual bedtime. She will definitely have difficulty getting up in the morning for work.

About 1 a.m. I heard a car on our driveway. I looked out the window but it was not my wife's car. It was a car that I did not recognize so I wrote down the license plate number. Two of our neighbors in the next block have had break-ins so I didn't want to take any chances. The only light available for the driveway was the reflected light from the car lights on the garage door. I could barely see a driver and a passenger but could not make out any details. They both leaned to the middle of the car and shared a long passionate kiss. Then the woman got out of the car and walked to the door. It was my wife; she was finally home! I met her just inside the front door. I did not give her a chance to kiss me.

"Where have you been? I have been worried that something happened to you," I said.

"We were having such a good time talking and telling stories that time just slipped by. You didn't have to wait up for me, Honey," my wife said.

"Where is your car?" I asked.

"After class, I put my painting stuff in my car and one of the guys took several of us to Duffy's Bar two blocks away. I had several drinks while we there so I thought I should not drive home. The nice man brought me home," my wife explained.

"Do you always kiss a stranger goodbye?" I asked.

"That was just a thank you kiss for driving me home," my wife said.

"That was a more serious kiss than a thank you. Is there something more going on here other than just drinks after class?" I asked.

My wife's eyes opened wide and her face blushed. I think I hit a nerve. She gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

"No, silly! A group of us went to the bar and we had a few drinks. There is nothing to be concerned about," my wife said. "I need to take a shower and go to bed. I have to get up for work in the morning."

"OK but we need to discuss this some more tomorrow," I said.

We went upstairs to our bedroom. My wife jumped into the shower and I undressed and waited for her to come to bed. As I lay there my mind wandered. Was she telling the truth or did Helen do more than have a drink with someone?

After she was dried off, she climbed into bed with me and laid on her left side so that she could kiss me. I thought I would fuck her to see if her pussy was full of cum.

"Roll back onto your back. I think I would like a quickie before we go to sleep," I said.

"Honey, not tonight. I am really tired and I have to go to work tomorrow," my wife replied. She rolled on her other side so that her back was to me. She must have done something because she does not want me to fuck her tonight. We make love almost every night so this is very unusual for my wife. I turned out the light but I had a hard time going to sleep. Something is going on but I am not certain what it is or how to deal with it.


The next morning, my wife got up a little late. It was clear that she had a bad hangover but she managed to get dressed and was ready to go to work without eating any breakfast. I reminded her that she had left her car at the college, so I agreed to take her there on my way to work. We both headed for the garage.

"Honey, wait for me in the car. I forgot something," I said.

I ran upstairs to our bathroom and searched through the dirty clothes basket for her panties from last night. I found them stuffed to the bottom and under a lot of other clothes. I ran to the kitchen and put them in a plastic baggie and put it in my pocket.

There was no conversation in the car because of her hangover. I decided that we would have our talk after dinner.

While I was at work, I pulled out the baggie with her panties inside from my pocket. I did not have time to examine them this morning when I found them. There was no need to remove them out of the baggie because I could see the dried cum in the crotch and on the front of her panties. There was "nothing to be concerned about" according to my wife. She had sex last night and it wasn't with me! In 23 years of marriage she has never strayed before, in fact, she had never shown an interest in other men.

I looked up the car license plate number on the DMV website. The car, a blue BMW, was registered to a Kevin Wilde in Boulder. I wrote down his name and address and emailed it to my home computer. If my wife is fooling around with someone then this is most likely the guy. It certainly was the guy she kissed last night in the car. I searched the internet and I found his phone number which I programmed into my cell phone under speed dial #6. Then I searched for the guy on the social media sites. Sure enough, on Facebook were photos of him with a beautiful blonde wife and 3 children. The posting said that they lived in south Boulder. When I left work that day, I programmed Kevin's address into my GPS in my car. I might need to check on him sometime.

Before I make any decisions, I will talk with her again tonight to get her to tell me the truth. If she admits to fucking the guy, then I have two things to deal with: her adultery and her lying to me. However, if she lies to me again, then I will have to confront her. If I have to do that, then I need to decide when and how exactly to do it.

I view our 23 years of marriage as an investment and I am not willing to cash-in my investment until I know more about what happened. I know that there are men who would immediately throw the wife out and divorce her. Cut and dried. I believe those men think of their wives as an employee who cooks, cleans, and takes care of the kids for them. In that case, then "firing" the wife immediately may make sense.

I really love my wife a lot and I want her to explain to me exactly what happened and then we can deal with it in an adult manner. I am not above divorcing her if that needs to be done, but I want to keep my investment if possible. In years to come I will need someone that I love and trust to live with me and take care of me.


That evening, I tried again to get my wife to tell me the truth about last night.

"Helen, I know that there was more to last night than just drinking. I want you to tell me the truth about what you did. I promise that I will not get angry but if you lie to me, then there will be serious trouble that could affect our marriage," I said.

"Honey, you are making too much out of an after-class get together. I have told you, a group of us just went for drinks. There is nothing to be concerned about. Why are you checking up on me? Don't you trust me?" my wife asked.

"It is not that I don't trust you, but I don't believe that you are telling me everything. Last night was very much out of character for you. You have never gone for drinks with any of your coworkers at the bank, and you have never gotten home at 1 a.m. before. Also, a man brought you home and you kissed him. What am I supposed to think?" I explained.

"I have told you that there is nothing to be concerned about," she said.

"I am concerned about you and our marriage. You may not realize it but you are very important to me and I love you. I don't want to lose you. I have chosen you to grow old with!" I said.

I could show her the panties but that will lead to a heavy discussion that also deals with her lying to me which could backfire and push us apart. I had thought about it all day and I need to proceed carefully.

I love her very much and could not imagine life without her and I thought that she felt the same way but....... I will wait to see if anything else happens at her next class but in the mean time I will prepare a plan to deal with them both just in case I need it. I will call my lawyer tomorrow for advice.

That night we made love like nothing had happened.


The next 2 classes Helen came home at her usual time and with her completed artwork in hand. On the following Thursday night she was 45 minutes late and she didn't call me to tell me that she was going to be late. I again met her at the door.

"Where have you been? You are 45 minutes late and you didn't call," I said.

"I ahh.... A couple of us were having trouble with a technique so the teacher stayed late to help us," she said.

"I know that something is going on and you are lying to me about it," I said. "Have you been drinking tonight again? Let me smell your breath," I said.

She hung her head down for a few seconds trying to decide what to do. She finally raised her head up and blew her breath at me. I noticed that she had a flushed red face and her hands were trembling. Something was bothering her.

"Thank you! You indeed have not been drinking; however, I smell something else on your breath," I said. "Do it again."

"Honey, you are being ridiculous. Let's go up to bed and read for a while," she said

She started for the stairs but I grabbed her arm and pulled her back to me. I knew exactly what I smelled on her breath. It was semen! She had given a man a blowjob and let him come in her mouth.

"I said that I want to smell your breath again. So do it!" I said firmly.

She gave me a short, small breath.

"There. Satisfied? Now let's go to bed," she said.

I was still holding her arm so that she could not move away from me. I grabbed her by both shoulders and turned her to face me. I could see fear in her eyes.

"I know that smell on your breath. Every guy knows that smell. It is semen! You have given a man a blowjob and he came in your mouth!" I said angrily.

She put her head down and started crying. I pulled her over to the couch and sat her down. Now is the time for us to have a serious talk without lying. She was shaking as though she was cold. I thought a drink might calm her down enough so that we could have a decent discussion.

"Let me get a drink for us and then we have to talk," I said.

I went to the liquor cabinet and pulled out a 23-year-old Port wine and poured two glasses half full. I handed my wife one of the glasses and then sat down beside her.

"Honey, on that Tuesday night your class was finished at 9 pm and you came home at 1 am, I know exactly what you were doing; you were having sex and I can prove it. Now tonight you are late again and you smell of semen. Both times you lied about what happened. You have to explain to me exactly what you have been doing..... without lying this time," I said.

My wife had stopped crying but just hung her head down and said nothing. Time to show her that I mean business. I took my cell phone from the table and I dialed a number that I had taped to the back of the phone. A lady answered the phone so I put it on the speaker phone so that my wife could also hear.

"Is this Mary Fish?" I asked. I was calling my wife's painting teacher.

"Yes. Who is this?" she asked.

My wife had a very surprised look on her face. Then her hands started shaking because she knew what her painting teacher would tell me.

"My name is Jim and I am Helen's husband. She is in your Tuesday/ Thursday watercolor class. Did any of the students stay after class tonight?" I asked.

"Oh, no. I have to lock up the room promptly at 9 pm," she replied.

"Did any of your students go for a drink after class a couple of Tuesdays ago?" I asked.

"Not that I know of but they are usually gone by the time I get to my car," Mary Fish replied.

"One last question. How artistic is Kevin Wilde's work?" I asked.

My wife had surprised look on her face. I am certain that she didn't suspect that I knew her lover's name.

"He really isn't very good. He seems more interested in talking to the women in the class than painting. I would discourage him from taking any more classes," she said.

I thanked her and hung up. I looked at my wife and she was as white as a sheet.

"You see how easy it is for me to find out that you are lying to me. After all these years why have you started to lie to me?" I asked.

"I did something tonight that I thought was charitable and helpful for someone in need, but now that you are questioning me, I am feeling guilty for what I did. Please forgive me. It was just......not....," she said her whole body was shaking.

"Take another sip of wine and tell me about it," I said.

My wife sipped her wine and thought for a minute about what she would say next.

"There is this nice man who sits next to me in class. While we are painting, he and I talk a lot. His wife has cancer and he is afraid that he may have to raise their kids without her. I have been telling him encouraging things and I try to be a friend that listens to his problems," my wife said.

"It's good of you to try to help him. Now tell me what happened tonight," I said as she took another sip of wine.

"Tonight he walked me to my car and he helped me load my art stuff into my back seat. The whole time we were walking to my car he was crying tears about how ill his wife is and how badly he felt because he has had no sex in over a year. He said that his sperm was backed up and he was in pain. He really touched my heart with his story and I was feeling compassionate for him. As we were standing by my car, he kissed me passionately. We got in my back seat and started making out. I went along with it because I thought that I could cheer him up. I even let him play with my tits. When he started playing with my pussy on the outside of my panties, I pulled his hand away and told him that I could not be late again or I would have trouble at home. Instead of fucking, I gave him a blow job. I wasn't cheating on you. I was just helping a poor man who has not had sex in over a year because his wife has cancer. I felt like I had done something really charitable for a nice man who was in need, but when I came home, you started attacking me as soon as I walked through the door. I suddenly felt guilty," my wife explained.

"So you gave Kevin a blowjob," I said.

My wife's face went white and I could see fear in her eyes and she said, "How.... How did you know his name? I heard you ask Mary about him. How could you know?"

"You must think that I am stupid! You thought that I had allowed you get away with your 1 a.m. adventure. Well, I know whom you fucked that night. Tonight you thought you would try my patience again to see if you could get away with having sex a second time. Do you believe that I am stupid or maybe a 'wimp husband' that will let you get away with having an affair? Well, I am not a wimp husband and I will not put up with you having an affair. You are my wife and as such you do not have sex with other men," I said firmly.

"Honey, I was just trying to help this poor man. It was just something between him and me. I didn't think that it was anything that concerned you. It was just like when I give money to a homeless man; it makes me feel good inside and it doesn't concern you either. Helping this poor man doesn't change how I feel about you or how I treat you. Let's go upstairs and I will give you a blowjob too," she said.

"Oh, no! I don't do sloppy seconds!" I said angrily.

"Honey, I didn't mean it that way. I thought maybe you were angry because Kevin got one and you didn't," she answered.

"Helen, as long as we are discussing you and Kevin, let's go back to that 1 a.m. Tuesday night. I know that you are cheating on me with Kevin! Over the years, you and I have had some discussions about some of our friends who have cheated. You know from those discussions that I will tolerate a lot of things in our marriage but I will not put up with cheating," I said angrily.

My wife hung her head down and refused to look at me.

"I will give you one last chance to tell me about that late night. If you lie to me again, I will throw you outside and lock the door," I said.

My wife said nothing for a while, then she asked, "How did you know that we had sex?"

"Two things told me that you had sex with him that night. First, if you drank from 9 pm to 1 am, you would have consumed so much alcohol that you would be in the hospital with alcohol poisoning. That tells me that something else was going on besides drinking that night. Plus there is this," I said.

I reached in my pocket and took out the baggie with her panties inside. She took the baggie and just stared at it.

"Oh, God!" she said.

"These are your panties from that late night. There are cum stains on them, which tell me that you fucked Kevin after class. I could have DNA testing done on the sperm cells to prove the cum belongs to Kevin but I don't have to because you are going to tell me everything," I said. "I am tired of you lying to me. You better start telling me the truth or you can go pack your things and leave. Now which is it?" I asked.

"I wasn't lying to you. What I did tell you about that night was the truth, but I just didn't tell you everything. Four of us went for a drink after class. Kevin offered to drive us there so we all rode with him. After one drink, the other two women walked back to the college to get their cars. Kevin said he needed one more drink and he wanted to talk to me some more. We had a couple more drinks and I was beginning to feel the alcohol. I told him that it was getting late and I had better get home while I could still drive.

"As we walked out to his car, he started crying and he thanked me for listening to his problems. Then out of the blue, he kissed me -- a long passionate kiss. The kissing plus the drinks really got my blood boiling. He opened the backseat door of his car and got in. He held out his hand to me and I followed him. We made out passionately like we were teenagers. I have to say that he was very good and I enjoyed it. I assumed that it would cheer him up and soon we would stop so that I could go home. When he started playing with my tits, I realized that he wanted more than making out with me. He put his hand in my pants and started playing with my pussy. You know that when you play with my pussy, I have to have sex right away because there is no stopping me. So we had sex in his car. I was so drunk that I don't remember any details.

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