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Art Classes


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"He was crying so hard that it broke my heart. I know the poor man needed some help and it made me feel good inside that I was able to help him. As I said it is just like when I give a homeless man some money, I felt good afterward. I honestly thought that it did not really concern you. You aren't concerned when I give money to the homeless. Nothing has changed about how I feel about you or how I treat you. Other than getting home late that night, my helping another person in need really didn't affect you in any way," my wife said.

"Oh yes it did! You refused me sex that night. I had asked you for a quickie before we went to sleep but you refused me because you were afraid that I would know that you had sex -- that there was semen inside of you. A good, loyal wife never refuses sex to her husband. You had sex with a man that you don't know well and then refused your husband. I think that could be grounds for a divorce," I said.

"Oh shit! I kind of remember now. I did refuse sex with you that night. God, I must have been pretty drunk that night! I am having a hard time remembering any details of what exactly happened. I can sort of remember having sex in his car," my wife said. "Wait! A divorce. Who said anything about a divorce?"

"When a wife cheats on her husband and you have cheated, it usually results in a divorce, but we will talk about divorce later," I said.

"I wasn't cheating. I was helping a poor man in need. It didn't affect how I feel about you so it is not cheating," she said.

"If you fuck someone other than your husband, it is cheating!" I said angrily.

"Honey, I must have been really drunk because I am having a hard time remembering. I know we screwed once lying down in the seat and then I recall giving him oral sex to get him hard again so we must have done it a second time..... I just can't remember," she said.

"Have you had sex with him other than these two times? Maybe you came home early one afternoon?" I asked.

"No, Honey, we just did it both times in a car. I would never dream of bringing him into our home," my wife said.

"You lied to me about that late night where you fucked him and you lied again tonight about being late. You have become quite a lying wife. I am not sure that I can believe anything that you say," I said. "I want to check your story further. One more phone call and I will put it on speakerphone so that you can hear."

I then hit speed dial #6 and it rang Kevin Wilde's home. A woman answered the phone.

"Mrs. Wilde?" I asked.

"Yes. Who is this please? she replied.

"My name is Jim. I am the husband of another student in your husband's watercolor class. Did your husband get home late tonight?" I asked.

"Yes, he was late. He said one of the other student's cars wouldn't start and he took her home," she said.

My wife's face was white with fear and her hands were shaking badly.

"Mrs. Wilde, that student was my wife and it had nothing to do with her car. Your husband has been having sex with my wife. They did it tonight after class and also a couple of Tuesdays ago they stayed out until 1 a.m. fucking. Do you remember your husband getting home late on that Tuesday?" I said.

"Yes I do. I waited up for him but I finally went to bed. I know he came home late and crawled into bed with me but I don't know what time it was," she said. "You think my husband and your wife are having an affair?"

"Yes they are but first, Mrs. Wilde, I need to ask you a very personal question. Do you have cancer?" I asked.

"No! Why would you think I have cancer?" she said.

"Your husband has been telling my wife that you have cancer and are dying. Because of your cancer, he has not had sex in over a year. I believe that he told my wife those lies so that she would give him 'pity sex'," I explained.

"That son-of-a-bitch! You bet he is lying," she said.

"I know they have had sex at least twice because my wife has confessed to me tonight. Please write down my phone number in case later you need to talk with me further about this," I said. I heard her scribbling as I gave her our home phone number.

"Can I speak with Kevin?" I asked.

"Not right now, he is in the shower," she said.

Just then we heard a man's voice say, "Who are you on the phone with? Answer me!"

We heard someone grab the phone and then a male voice said, "Who is this?"

Then we heard Mrs. Wilde's voice say, "So you have been screwing someone from your painting class! You bastard!" Then we heard glass shattering and a thud. The phone went dead.

I looked at my wife -- her face was still white but I saw anger in her eyes.

"So you have corrupted our marriage to give sex to some guy whose wife is supposedly dying. Only she isn't! He lied to you so that he could fuck you and then you have lied to me to hide it! There is going to be hell to pay for this!" I said angrily.

"I believed him! He even cried real tears a couple of times! I felt so sorry for him! The bastard took advantage of me!" my wife said.

My cell phone rang at that moment. I noticed that the call was from Kevin Wilde.

"Yes!" I said as I answered the phone thinking Kevin wanted to talk to me.

"Jim, this is Sara Wilde again," she said.

"We thought we heard a fight or something. Are you alright?" I asked.

"Yes, I am fine. He came after me and grabbed the phone. I thought he was going to hurt me so I hit him with a glass vase full of flowers. He is out cold on the floor. I am so upset that I don't know what I should do now," she said.

"I really want to talk with Kevin so we are leaving for your house now. It will take us about 3 minutes to get there," I said.

My plans for dealing with Kevin had just changed from last week. I needed to think of a new plan quickly. I pulled my wife to her feet and we headed for the garage.

"Come on! We are going to Kevin's house so that I can talk with him. You are going to explain to his wife what happened and then ask for her forgiveness," I said.

I grabbed my military medical kit from a shelf in the garage and we got in my car. I brought up his address in my GPS and we headed to south Boulder to the Wilde residence.

"How did you know his name and how do you know where he lives?" my wife asked.

"I wrote down his license plate number when he brought you home that late night. The DMV gave me everything," I answered.

"What are you going to do with Kevin? You want to hurt him don't you," my wife asked.

"The most important thing is to keep Mrs. Wilde and her children safe from her husband, but there are a couple of things I need to do. First, I will get to the truth by talking to both you and Kevin at the same time. Secondly, I intend to put a stop to this affair by exposing it to his wife. Finally, I plan to do something to him that will remind him the rest of his life that he should not have fucked my wife," I said.

"What are you going to do about me..... us?" my wife asked.

"First, I have to deal with the seducer. Later I will deal with your unfaithfulness," I said.


The Wilde family lived in a newer suburb of Boulder. They had a rather large home with a 3-car garage. The fancy BMW was sitting on the driveway. I pulled onto the Wilde's driveway and a security light on their garage came on. I grabbed my medical kit and we walked to the door. I rang the bell and an attractive, thin woman with blonde hair answered the door. I recognized her from her husband's Facebook page.

"Mrs. Wilde? I am Jim and this is my wife Helen. May we come in?" I said.

"Yes. Please come this way," she said.

She took us to their family room where Kevin was laying on the floor naked with his bath towel still around his waist and still out cold. Mrs. Wilde was finishing up cleaning the glass and flowers on the floor.

"Honey, take a seat on the couch. I want to talk to Mrs. Wilde a moment then I will join you," I said to my wife.

"Mrs. Wilde...." I said.

Interrupting me, she said, "You may call me Sara. I was just finishing cleaning up the mess I made."

"Sara..... Are your children safe?" I asked.

"Yes, they have been in bed for a couple of hours," she answered.

"Are their bedroom doors closed? I asked.

"Yes, and they are very sound sleepers. I doubt a bomb would wake them," she answered.

"Tonight my wife has told me several versions of what has happened with your husband. I just want to get to the truth for both you and me. By exposing their tryst, I hope that this affair will be over. I am sorry that we have to do this," I said.

"Are you going to hurt him?" she asked. "I really don't care. I want to hurt him too. How could he cheat on me? The lying son-of-a-bitch!"

I didn't answer her; I kneeled down beside Kevin. He was a handsome man so I could see why women would be attracted to him. He had blond hair and was about 5-11 and 200 pounds. His body looked as though he visited a gym often. I would swear that he shaves his chest for sex appeal.

His eyes were trying to open and he looked confused. I opened up each eyelid with my fingers to check for a concussion with my medical flashlight, but there was no evidence. I rolled his head to one side and I could see a 1-inch gash in his scalp behind his ear and it was bleeding. His hair was blond which gave him a youthful and playboy look, but as I was examining his wound, I saw dark roots. He was a bottle blond! That was part of his ploy to attract women.

I pulled the towel from around his waist and put it under his head to keep the blood out of the carpet. His body was not very hairy and his pubic region and balls were shaved smooth. His dick and balls were the size of an average male - nothing special.

I put my face in front of him and said, "Kevin, are you awake? Nod your head yes if you are."

He nodded his head yes but he acted dazed.

I put my hands under his shoulders and pushed him into a sitting position. Then I grabbed him under his armpits and lifted him to his feet and then dropped him into a chair that was next to where he laid. I grabbed my medical kit and put on some surgical gloves. I cleaned Kevin's head wound and then put a bandage on it to stop the bleeding. I removed my gloves and closed my medical kit.

Mrs. Wilde was sitting on the couch but at the opposite end from my wife. I went into their kitchen and brought back a chair. I placed the chair in front of Kevin's chair so that he could see me when we talked, but slightly to the side. I have to stay clear of his feet. I turned to face Mrs. Wilde.

"Mrs. Wilde.... sorry, Sara, when my wife was late again tonight, we had a serious talk about what has been going on. There was some lying and half-truths coming from my wife, so I wanted to get to the bottom of the activity between these two. I thought that coming here to your home, I could get information from your husband about exactly what is going on. I wanted you to hear both sides of the story so that you could decide what you want to do about your husband. I will decide what to do about my wife when we get back home," I explained.

Kevin seemed to be fully conscious now.

"Kevin, my name is Jim! I am Helen's husband," I said.

Kevin looked at me with a frown and shook his head as if to clear it. He noticed that he was nude and started to get up. I forcefully pashed him back into his chair. I handed him the towel that he was wearing. He put it across his lap to hide his pubic region.

"You are wondering why you are sitting here in the nude in front of all of us. I will help you to remember. You were taking a shower," I explained.

"Yah.... I was just finishing when I heard the phone ring," he said.

"When you came out of the shower with just a towel on, you saw your wife talking on the phone," I said.

"Yah," Kevin said.

"You became angry because you suspected that she was talking to a man and you immediately thought that she might be having an affair. Isn't that right?" I asked.

"Yes, that is exactly what I thought," Kevin said as he looked at his wife.

"Kevin, your wife is not cheating on you. I was the one on the phone with your wife. I was telling her that you have been having sex with my wife, Helen. You remember Helen don't you, Kevin?" I asked.

"Yes, I know Helen but I don't know anything about having sex with her," Kevin said.

"I know that you had sex with her and I can prove it," I said.

"No, you are wrong! I have done nothing with your wife," Kevin replied.

"Kevin, you are lying because you don't want your wife to find out about it," I said.

I took out of my pocket the baggie with my wife's panties inside.

"These are my wife's panties from that 1 a.m. evening. Your semen is all over them. I can have them tested for DNA and I will bet it is your semen," I said.

Kevin lost the color in his face and stared at the baggie. His wife had a shocked look on her face. My wife just hung her head down.

"So I know that you have fucked my wife that late night and I know that my wife gave you a blow job tonight. So let's get down to the details then we will leave," I said.

Kevin arose from his chair and was intending to come at me. I stood up and quickly put my right fist into his midsection. His breath went out and he fell back into the chair.

"That was foolish of you! Now sit there like a good boy or there is more where that came from. I just want to ask you some questions about this affair that you are having with my wife and then she and I will leave. I expect you to answer my questions truthfully. However, if you fail to answer my questions or you lie to me, I will hurt you. Got it?" I asked.

He just stared at me. I stood up and I slapped him hard across the face. It shocked him and I could see that it made him angry because he clinched his fists. I repeated my question, "I asked you if you understood."

He looked at his wife and shook his head yes.

"Kevin, I can see in your eyes that you would love to have a fight with me. You are bigger than I am and you are confident that you could easily beat me up. Isn't that right?" I said.

"You bet, " he said clinching his fists again.

"I was a medical officer in the Army but my specialty was hand-to-hand combat. I don't think you want to mess with me," I said.

Kevin turned red with anger but sat still.

"I was very angry with you after my wife confessed to having sex with you. I have decided to come over here and cut your balls off. You see, I grew up on a ranch and we cut all the male cattle every spring so I know how to cut off balls without the steers bleeding to death. I can do the same procedure on a human male," I said. "I even brought my medical kit to perform the operation on you tonight."

I held up the medical bag for Kevin to see. I heard his wife let out a soft "Oh" and my wife looked shocked. Kevin's face turned pale and his eyes grew large. I decided to let him think about that while we talked.

"Kevin, I called your art teacher tonight. According to Mary Fish, you have no talent for painting and she said that she could not recommend you to take further lessons. I think you took the painting class just to meet women hoping that you could get one or more of them to fuck you. Isn't that true?" I asked.

"No, that isn't true. I just wanted to get out of the house. Besides, I have decided tonight that I am not going back to class," Kevin said.

"You are not going back to painting class because you have fucked the only woman there that you wanted. Now there is no reason to go back. Isn't that correct?" I asked.

"No, I lost interest in the class," he said.

"I think that you like to go to places where there are a lot of women. You knew that the painting class would be mostly women so you would have choices of who you wanted to fuck. Somehow you selected my wife as your prey. I can certainly see why -- she is very attractive. You made certain that you sat next to her in class so that you could seduce her. Isn't that right?" I asked.

"I sit next to your wife but that is just how the seating ended up. Of course we talk while we paint but that is all," he said.

"You intended to befriend my wife so that you could get into her pants. Isn't that right?" I asked.

Kevin did not respond so I raised my hand to slap him again but he still did nothing.

"I can see that slapping you has no effect at all. I think I will have to step up my game," I said.

I noticed that the Wilde home had a fireplace. I walked over to it and picked up the poker and returned to my chair. I laid the poker across my lap. I saw Kevin's eyes grow large and his face went white.

"I asked you a question and we are all awaiting your answer. I can use force or you can answer the question. You befriended my wife so that you could fuck her, didn't you?" I said.

He stared at the poker and then shook his head no.

"I warned you what would happen if you lied," I said.

I hit him with the poker across his right shin, not hard enough to break a bone but hard enough to cause great pain. He screamed and grabbed his leg with both hands. I could see tears in his eyes.

"I will ask you again. You befriended my wife so that you could fuck her, didn't you?" I said.

He said nothing but was holding his leg. I raised the poker to hit him again and he said, "Yes" rather softly -- probably hoping that his wife would not hear him.

"Why did you choose my wife? I asked.

"She is the best-looking woman there," Kevin softly replied with tear rolling down his cheeks.

"You are right. Helen is a beautiful woman. You have been telling Helen that your wife has cancer and most likely will not make it. You further stated that you have not had sex in over a year and that you have a bad case of 'blue balls'. Isn't that correct?"

Before he could answer his wife ran to him and slapped him hard across the face.

"You bastard! You used me to get women to screw you! How could you do that?" Sara said.

Kevin didn't respond but just sat there rubbing his face with his hand. It was beginning to sink into his head that his affair was now exposed and he was in trouble with his wife.

"Kevin, you are the one who suggested going for a drink after class, isn't that correct?" I asked.

"Yah, we were just going for a drink after class and I offered to drive everyone. I was just trying to get to know some of the students better. It was nothing really," he said.

"You took 3 women with you, hoping that you could fuck one of them but you had really been priming my wife for that. The other two women left after one drink so then you succeeded in getting my wife drunk. Is that true?" I asked.

"The two ladies left after one drink. Helen and I had a couple more drinks and we just talked. When she told me she had to leave, I took her home," he said.

"Kevin, you are skipping over the sex part. Once my wife was drunk, you then fucked her in the back seat of your fancy car. Isn't that right?" I asked.

He sat still and said nothing. I understand why he did not answer because he would be admitting to his wife that he had sex outside of their marriage.

I picked up the poker and he leaped to his feet.

"I am going to take that poker away from you and beat you with it," he threatened.

I punched him with the end of the poker handle in his sternum and he stopped dead in his tracks. His mouth was open but nothing was coming out. I pushed him back into the chair.

"Maybe after our talk, you and I can go outside. I would like that, you wife fucker!" I said.

His body was still in shock and he did not answer but he stared at me.

"We can either do this the easy way or the hard way. I asked you a question. You succeeded in getting my wife drunk. Then you fucked her in the back seat of your fancy car. Let me refresh your memory," I said and I held up the baggie with my wife's panties inside.

I was holding the poker ready to strike again. This time he shook his head yes.

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