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As The Cock Crows, Neighbors Visit

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An unexpected visit can be the start of something great.
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Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 09/19/2022
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l guess it is debatable but for us having a pool sometimes felt as if it wasn't worth the hassles. But then we would have to cast aside all those memories of our kids and then grandchildren enjoying it so much. And those late-night nude swims under the stars were not half bad either.

So l guess l answered my position and my husband's, but we make the most of it. We are on a corner lot so only one other house to our side. There lived a nice couple and their three kids. They had no pool so one day when our grandkids were here with us and hitting the pool was on the menu l sent the eldest to see if the kids next door wanted to join in. Of course with their parent's approval and l or my husband would be out there at all times.

All the kids were having a grand time, but as it always seems to happen it came to an end when the neighbors came to gather up their children. From that day on we offered that the couple uses the pool at any time they wished to, as long as one of the parents is present. l enjoyed going into the kitchen and looking out and finding them romping around, it brought a flood of memories of yesteryear and those times with our kids.

So when a young couple moved in across the street from us, it wasn't long until the same offer was presented to them. They didn't take us up on it until after a pool party we had which they attended. After that, they were frequent visitors outpacing our friends next door. Mostly either early or late in the day with their cute toddler, but sometimes on their own leaving the baby with her grandma who lived with them.

Watching them at those times also streamed memories, young hard bodies with none of the limits age brings along with it. The reward for our kindness returned and then some. And now to the story which l hope you enjoy it.

It was in early Spring and our favorite time of the year, everything is showing off its beauty in wonderful fashion. The plum blossoms scattered over the pavers of our private courtyard, how l wish they lasted longer. The big oak that shades the courtyard year around has no time for such silliness, and as that part of the house and courtyard is elevated there was more of a sense as if you were in a treehouse rather than being tired of the ground.

My husband stirred about as I wondered if he has gotten up as he kept early hours even on the weekends so Mondays are not so tough. But then l feel a brisk breeze which had to be from him opening the double glass doors in our bathroom that leads out to the courtyard. Then the warmth of his strong naked body once again against mine. If there is heaven on earth this has to be mine. Or at least a great start to the day.

Now warm again l begin to melt to soft kisses upon my left shoulder, and my soft moans join in. l could spend the morning just there, just like that. But my husband has other ideas as his hand cups my breast, my nipple happy to play along. I sound out a playful "ouch" to pinch but there's no fooling him, he knows all too well and he doesn't hesitate to pinch my nipple again.

But payback is a bitch as they say, so l reach behind me and after passing up his already hard cock to get a pinch to his sack. He pulls back while screeching "hey know" but he should know by now l give back as well as l get.

When he returns to close quarters his focus has changed and now it's upon my moist pussy. He's teasing my outer lips like an oyster to steal my pearl, they gladly part as if curtains, and now my bean begins to cream under his gentle touch. It's a pleasant surprise yet not uncommon.

The covers are taken from us as if the brisk breeze did so and now the chill feels more as if a tickle rather than sting. The contrast between his warm hands and hot lips wins the battle over the Spring morning air, as l have the Sun at my side also.

l delight of the changing of the guard, my husband exchanging his talented finger for his wet tongue. The open door has forgotten l sing out the pleasure of such and since we are alone l find no reason to muffle such. "oh my God, that feels so good, oh God, oh god" more moaning to the point l must have more. "fuck me, honey l need you inside of me, pleaseeee fuck me"

My husband allows my pleas to fall upon deft ears until a mighty climax shakes my whole body. My heart still pounding he enters me, l gasp as he fills my creamy hole up. l place my hands upon him but he needs no coaching as he knows me better than l know myself, proving such once again as my knees squeeze him as l come again.

Now it is my turn to return the pleasure given, he lays upon the bed, his hands behind his head knowing of his job well done and what's coming next. There's no time for teasing, not this time. l want his cock in my mouth as much as he does, my plump lips surround him only to yield to my tongue when it demands equal time. I've come to love the taste of myself upon him, which sadly only lasts so long as my mouth passes over his flesh over and over again.

I'm not sure if was a sense l got or movement in the corner of my eye, but when l looked over our young neighbors were standing at our open doors. l had no idea how long they were there nor what they had seen, but they were happily touching each other over their wet swimsuits. The class was in and had a lesson plan, one they were not going to forget any time soon.

l looked to my husband, his eyes closed lost in the feeling of my plump lips upon him. l brought my attention back to my husband and continued on my quest of coaxing an early morning snack of hot cum, now fueled even more by our visitors. taking him in my mouth over and over and faster and faster. l did not look over again in fear of chasing them away as my husband's fight to hold off his end was a losing battle.

Wanting to join him l placed two fingers in my sloppy hole, bringing me to the point once again. Then the feel of his balls drawn up close just before they explode, with years of practice, not a single drop is wasted.

Shortly after that received my reward and was always taught to share my tongue slipped out teasing my husband's lips to open and share out the first kiss of the day.

Now l looked back toward the still open doors but l only found our babbling fountain.

I did not mention our onlookers to my husband, not then anyway. And the following day a couple of hours after my husband left for work a knock came from the front door. There stood the young lady from across from us with two store-bought coffees.

"Come in," (said the spider to fly)

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Nice hot story. One time while getting a mustache ride form my husband I saw one of my daughter's girlfriend from college watching us from an open doorway. I looked backed down at my husband, occasionally telling him to keep going, every so often I checked to see our voyeur was still there. Soon I announced very loudly don't fucking move because I'm cumming, I swung my head up and locked my eyes with her as I had tremendous orgasm. ps When she was leaving the next day, I just gave her a nice smile until she reddened and looked away

Bronco56Bronco56over 2 years ago

Hot story. Please add many more chapters. 5stars

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