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As The Cock Crows, Neighbors Visit Pt. 02

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Watchers learn their lesson and are forever changed.
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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 09/19/2022
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As requested I'm adding to the original story. For the most part, the original was non-fiction. So l will have to enter into Fiction for this next part and it starts where the other last off. Hopefully, l can meet expectations. (l answer the door where the young woman from across the street is waiting)

Me: "Why good morning Beth, what can l do for you?"

Beth: "l just wanted to stop by and apologize, and l hoped a cup of coffee would serve as a peace offering."

Me: "Thank you for the coffee but you owe me no apologies and you never need a gift with me. But come inside l believe we still have some Italian cookies left, they go great with coffee. Ah, yes our luck holds and my husband loves these. Please take a seat and explain why you feel you owe me an apology."

Beth: "I'm very embarrassed for looking in on you and your husband, please forgive us."

Me: "Honey there is no reason to be sorry, we all have sex. And besides your secret is safe with me, my husband never saw you guys."

Beth: "Well we never had sex like that, and does it have to be a secret?"

Me: "Okay, l think you lost me. l mean I'm sorry if your sex isn't measuring up but why the breaking of the secret, l don't follow your reasoning."

Beth: "I'm sorry, this is hard for me to talk about. (l take her hand in mine) Ah you see, we want more or better sex life. We just don't know how, l mean we know how but we're stuck on page one. (Blushing) l want the whole book."

Me: (laughing) Honey you came to the right place, we have a whole collection. Is this you or is your husband on board? We wouldn't get involved for just one of you unless we are told by the other it's okay. Even then l would warn you it's dangerous waters."

Beth: "Oh, no Ben asked me to talk with you this morning. He's on board and maybe more than me. l mean l want to be but I'm afraid, Ben has been my one and only. l never even kissed another boy, not like adults anyways."

Me: "l agree it all starts with a kiss and that is more than half the battle, so we should be able to help you on to page two without a problem. Have you ever kissed a girl?"

Beth: "Sure my friends and my mom of course."

Me: "No honey, kiss one like you kiss your husband."

Beth: "Oh God no, l mean l have thought about it. l mean girls are softer and pretty and l ah ah ah, sorry."

Me: "Okay, do you trust me? And if l can finish your thought well you let me show you something?"

Beth: "l don't think you know but okay, it won't hurt will it?"

Me: "No never, even things you think will hurt won't, but one step at a time. So you've thought about kissing a girl (I'm looking in her eyes) you've even masturbated to the idea (Beth is trying to look away) You've thought about going past a kiss, far past it. And those thoughts remain now. Well, how did I do?"

Beth: (Still refusing to look at me) "How did you know?"

Me: "Believe it or not, l was you. l mean l had only been with two boys before my husband, they were terrible and l was glad it only took seconds. And those thoughts of other females filled my thoughts, especially when l was with my girlfriends messing around. l just lacked the courage, luckily that is no longer a problem for me."

I leaned over and kissed Beth against her lips and as she was not pulling back l pressed my tongue into her mouth. Then l took her hand and placed it on my breast, l coaxed her but soon enough she was on her own. She actually climaxed from just that and l thought to myself how much fun this was going to be. (Yes, it's good to be me sometimes, well most of the time.)

Beth: "Oh my God, I'm sorry"

Me: "Sorry for what Sweetheart, there's nothing to be sorry for. If l ever do something you feel is wrong or you simply want me to stop just say so, and l will. You must find trust first or this will never work. l can't hesitate on everything l do or say, your trusting me is the key. And that will go with my husband and ever yours if you're not to that point already. You both will have to give yourselves to us and as l said, know to the power to stop is yours at any time."

Beth: "Okay, you make perfect sense and l understand. Can we start today and what was it you wanted to show me?"

Honestly, l forgot my place but her reminder got me on task again. l took her hand and brought her to my bedroom.

Me: "Okay, how well do you know yourself?"

Beth: "What did you mean?"

Me: "sorry my mistake. Do you even know what you like, I mean details? Some women like lots of oral, give or take. And as to your Kitty, some like penetration most, and others attention to their Clitty. I mean all the above should be enjoyed but you need to know yourself or how can he know what to do?"

Beth: "That makes sense but I'm not sure, sorry."

Me: "No more sorry, just trust. got it?"

Beth nods in agreement and l then ask her to take her pants off and sit on the bed, she does so but reluctantly due to shyness. l reached into my nightstand and pulled out samples of different kinds of toys. Then l explained their use and differences for each.

Me: "Now lay back and just say what is on your mind to each item l try on you. This is a bullet (l touch the vibrating egg around and then directly on her clit.)

Beth: "Oh my God, that's my favorite!"

Me (laughing) "You might want to give the others a chance also, just saying."

I took a smallish vibrator and rubbed it on her creamy pussy before slipping it inside of her. She commented it feels like her husband but not warm. So l turned it on.

Beth: "Oh shit, his penis doesn't do that! That's better than the first one"

Me: "Slow down we have more to try" I take my favorite rabbit and no question or answer was needed and she quickly came all over the toy and my hand. "So, which did you like best?"

Beth: " I'm a slut, l liked them all! But the last one was the one."

Me: Okay, you have a good balance and that's a good thing. So l need to talk with my husband first but l can tell you I don't see any problems. You need to talk to yours and if still on board let me know. But before you go let me show you one last thing."

I lift my house dress and revile my smooth pussy to Beth.

Me: "I'm not saying you have to make yours like mine but guys like it better, or most do. And l love it like this too, l would do it just for myself but luckily my husband loved it also.

Beth: "My lord, it's cute even, mine will look like that?"

Me: "First yes, we have the same parts so yours will look like mine. And thanks you for the compliment, l hope you two become good friends."

I kissed her cheek and sent her back home. When my husband got home we discussed our friends over dinner. Now we just had to see if they dared to take the next step. Did l do too much or not enough? Only time will tell.

We had to skip dessert that night because before l could clear away the dinner plate l received a text from Beth (We're in, can we come now?) l texted her back (We need to shower and if you haven't l would suggest you so. And to give us an hour) and then her rapid response (Good idea, be there in an hour. can't wait!) l explained the timeline and we went back to shower.

It was about forty-five minutes later when they came over but we were done so no harm. We didn't bother to get dressed so we greeted them in our robes.

My husband: "Come on in, our home is your home."

Beth: "robes, we should have thought of that."

Me: "No I'm glad you got dressed because undressing someone can be considered foreplay. Follow me back to our room"

Me: "Now if you were our play friends we would undress you both at the same time. But as you both need to learn we will go back and forth with everything, at least at first. Honey, why don't you start with Beth?"

My husband looked at Ben and got his nod of okay before being. He whispered something in her ear, I could not make it out but I'm sure it was an assurance of sorts as Beth remains very nervous.

He kissed her eyes and then a soft kiss upon her trembling lips. With each button of her blouse, he took the time to whisper something again to her. With her blouse open he moved on and started on her pants, then he wiggled them off her slender body. Another soft kiss but held longer, I don't think she knew exactly when her bra came off but it was laying on the floor now. And last was her tiny panties, he removed them from behind her. Kissing the small of her back as he tossed them on the stack and it was then I noticed she took my advice and her pussy was clear of all hair.

Beth tried to cover herself up now naked before us. My husband took care of that.

My husband: "Beth you are a beautiful woman with a fantastic body, don't ever be ashamed of it. Ben isn't she beautiful?" Ben shakes his head in agreement.

Now it was my turn. "For me, l get more pleasure watching a man undress than me doing it for him, what do you think Beth?

Beth: "l would agree with that."

Been stood frozen in place so l offered that my husband and l shed our robes which might help Ben get past the blockade that's holding him back. Simple enough to do and it worked well.

"Since you're already hard I'll start with you, Ben." l dropped to my knees and took Ben's cock into my warm mouth. Beth got right in there and paid very good attention."now you try Beth." We did some back and forth but before we could cover all the bases Ben lost his war trying not to cum. l licked what my tongue could reach which brought Beth to ask if I was eating it. l told her to open her mouth, I used my finger to gather some from her cheek and I placed it on her tongue.

Beth: "Salty"

Me: "it can be"... "Drinking some pineapple juice can do wonders."

My husband showed his talents with Beth's pussy and l found my time was spent trying to get her to not cum. l slowed her down from becoming cummed out, to save something as we were not done.

Next came a show from my husband and l, we found it hard to go as slow as we wanted so we just went for it as if they were not there. I came many times as we gave one another oral pleasure and l always have to take my hat off to my husband's staying power. (maybe l just wasn't good at it? Nah)

We had them show what they learned from us and gave them critiques along the way. Ending the night with them giving each other oral pleasure without interruption. It seemed like a marked improvement over just a couple of hours earlier and we told them so before they returned home for the night.

l told them to go home and fuck each other before returning. Because that will be the last time you have sex that way in their lives. Then for them to return tomorrow for lesson two.

That was a Saturday so we were still having our coffee when they came a-knocking, you have to admire their spirit. But luckily it doesn't take much to get us in the mood, and two young hard bodies could do just that easily. That said I'm sure we would have made a game plan but now we were on the fly.

We didn't have to ask if they bathed as their hair was still wet, but we hadn't had the chance yet, so we excused ourselves to do so. It was perfectly fine and not a surprise when they came in to watch us, it just now took a bit longer as we used the opportunity to school them a bit more.

My husband pulled us away from the pounding water just a bit then he kissed me hard on the mouth. His hands ravished my body as it was now his to do as he pleased.

l stood with legs wide open just in front of the Marble bench, my hands reaching over it as if l were under arrest. His strong body between me and the spray of the water, he took the bottle of baby oil off the shelf. Then he rubbed his oily hand over my hairless pussy. His hand continued upward, l trembled as l knew what was coming next. When his hand moved downward he slipped a finger in my ass.

l pushed back trying to find more, success found when a second finger joined it. With my body adjusted and once again in the need of more. l called out loudly. "Fuck my ass, please fuck me" It was all I could do to stay standing as he pounded away, and when he reached around and rubbed my pussy l had met my match. I rewarded his hand in conjunction with his cock for a job well done by the lava-like cum escaping from me.

Then on a dime, we went from lust to love again as he softly kisses me and whispered sweet nothings that were never meant for them to hear. Reassurance that I am his and he is mine and nothing in the world would ever change that.

As we got out and dried ourselves off Beth wanted to make sure she saw what she thinks she did. "Was he in your butt and didn't it hurt?"

Me: "yes he was and no it did not hurt. he knows not only how to go about it so it would not, but just as important he makes me want him in my ass. But let's not get ahead of ourselves."

We asked them to get on our bed and show us how they have sex. They went straight to missionary and he began pounding away. l watched as Beth struggled at first to find any pleasure at all in what was happening to her, and only after a few minutes did l begin to see any signs of pleasure from his cock inside of her.

At that point, I asked them to stop and now to make love to one another.

Ben: "Didn't we just do that?"

My hope for them took a big hit at that moment and l began to fear our efforts just might be wasted. Addressing Ben directly "Are you okay with my husband having intercourse with your wife?"

Ben: "Ah, yeah l guess so. l mean we're here to get help, and if that is what it takes then sure l guess. (he looks to his wife) "are you okay with it?"

Beth: "Yes honey, please."

At that point, the class was in. My husband took her small foot in his hands and began to massage it, he knew tension is built there and it was best to release it. Beth was already moaning louder to my husband's hands at a single foot, then hers with his cock in her.

The other foot gets the same treatment before he even thinks to move on. And when he does it's a soft kiss and whispers of his lust and assurance again, then a second kiss far harder. Everything has its purpose and that second kiss is to judge if she is ready. l could tell from how she kissed him back it was as if they were the only two on the face of the earth. An easy call as I've been there myself more times than l could count, and blessed for it.

Now his kisses move downward, the neck then to her chest. He reluctantly passes her now hard nipples by, as he explores her flat stomach. She can feel his warm breath upon her sweet pussy, she bites her lip with excitement. Then without warning, he quickly moves to her nipples as if they were forgotten. His mouth upon one as the other is rolled between his thumb and index finger. A playful bite before they switch places. Her moans are no longer hers, they now belong to the Nights passion.

Now he moves in, she will never be the same. Her eyes are closed as she is far away from a place she has never known. The tip of his tongue cuts like a knife parting her outer lips, she's creamy and wanting. He looks up and smiles seeing her pull upon her nipples feeding their envy of attention placed elsewhere. She pinches them hard as he sinks his warm tongue into her hot box. Husband there or not she begs his man.

Beth: "Fuck me, please fuck me. I need you inside of me, please don't make me wait any longer, please."

She then feels the head of his cock being pressed against her, and she pleads again. And it is only then he slowly enters her. She clutches the sheets below not wanting to be moved, she has found the spot she has looked for all her life.

Beth: "Yes, yes, l need you. l need your cock and faster, please. Oh God, fuck me faster, fuck me."

She reaches climax but he doesn't break stride as he knows she has yet to reach her finish. But he has weaknesses of his own and at that moment he needed something for himself. He slips down her body and once again he locks his mouth upon her, drinking in her nectar.

She's about to I'm again where he lifts her higher as if she was made of leaves. He darts his tongue into her virgin ass. She screams with pleasure and showers him with cum.

He kisses her, his lips still coated in her juices. Finding his cock he sets it upon its path entering her once again. She wraps her legs around him never waiting for him to escape.

As much as he wants to fact enter the process, where he has no choice but to leave her. For she has defeated him in her own way and release demands its moment. He lays at her side coaxing his seed out with his hand. That is until gratitude wraps its lips around his member. The warning is quick but long enough, but she remains wanting her prize. Without permission or guilt, she swallows every drop offered. Then falls by his side, his trophy is for only that night.

Beth: "oh my fucking God, that was amazing, Honey, he's fantastic!"

I was not going to attempt to make Ben follow what just took place in front of his eyes. Instead, l took his throbbing cock into my mouth and quickly after his hot seed.

There was no hurry for them to return home and they did not look for one. All four of us laid out on the bed, each taking from that night of what they wanted. As for me a couple of new special friends and the hope we helped them on the track of taking the most out of life. And an example is that if you do so with the one you love your life becomes limitless as does the pleasure that can be found in it.

The following days brought waves and smiles as they always did between us, but now they were a bit different. And it was about three weeks later when they knocked on our door. My husband and l answered the door together, and there they were.

Together: "More, more please."

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Timeless13579Timeless13579over 2 years ago

An erotic tale that cultivated a full garden of flowers out of the seed of Part 1! Loved it!

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