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Ashley Ch. 02


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I couldn't answer her; I could only stare at her foot teasing me.

After a few painfully slow strokes, Ashley bumped the front of her chair into my legs, her knees bending as we moved closer. She straightened her right leg to my face and lifted my chin with her toes. Sucking the tip of her left pinky in the corner of her mouth, she ran her foot down my chest. "You look really, really cute."

Ashley sunk lower in her chair as she continued to play with my cock. Both of her feet moved in tandem in an attempt to get me off. At least that's what I was hoping was her intention. Otherwise I'd be in a very grumpy and bitter mood.

The feeling wasn't as intense as the messy handjob from last night, but any sort of advance on her end was enough to arouse my senses. Being able to see my sister do this in broad daylight was icing on an already yummy cake. To gaze into her light brown eyes, to lust after her airy lips, to adore her rosy cheeks... she could've been sitting there reading a book and I would've felt the same way.

Ashley began to stroke my hard-on in opposite directions, moving one foot downwards while the other went up. Occasionally they'd meet in the middle and she'd give me a squeeze. And every time she did, I'd bounce off the backrest as shivers rippled through my spine. Excited as I was, her docile pace prevented me from going completely overboard in pleasure.

Oddly, it was Ashley who appeared to be getting restless as the footjob went on. Her butt squeaked against the leather seat as her knees couldn't decide whether they wanted to stay apart or together. I could see her breasts swelling through the loose shirt she still wore.

What my sister did next shouldn't have surprised me anymore, but it did. Not one to ignore her own needs, her right hand hovered over the hem of her shorts, her middle finger poking its way through the waistband. Closing her eyes, she bit down on the pinky in her mouth as she slowly played with herself.

Ashley giggled a giggle that border lined naughty and nice. "Mmm, it's been too long. Twelve hours at least."

I watched her finger slide in and out of her shorts with pure devotion. "We've been asleep for almost ten of them," I said.

"You know what I was dreaming about?" She tilted her head to her left, causing strands of her hair to partly drape over her face.

"Normally I'd say rainbows and unicorns but now I don't know what to think."

Ashley opened her eyes. "I'm impressed. But then, maybe I should be worried."

"About what?"

"You can actually joke around with your cock being toyed with. I hope I'm not losing my touch." At the microscopic chance she was, she increased the pressure on my shaft. It stretched as high up as it could under my shorts, allowing her easier access to rub the entire girth.

If the size of my cock wasn't enough proof, I faintly assured her, "Don't worry, you're not."

"I kind of liked it when you can't say anything. Besides sex-related stuff."

"I thought my witty comments were what you liked the most about me?"

"Yeah, just like that one." In the brief second it took me to gaze at my sister's smile, she slipped two more fingers inside her shorts. Her ability to fulfill her own desires while handling mine also had me grinning.

"How many times a day do you, um, do that?" I asked.

Ashley pulled her hand out to examine its shiny coating. "What makes you think I even do it every day?"

Before two days ago, nothing would've led me to believe she does it at all. Not that I believed she wasn't educated on the subject, but because she's my little sister and it's forbidden to masturbate with a horny older brother who yearns for her one room away. Kind of ironic now that I think about it. "All right, how many times a week?"

"Hmm... at least fourteen." Inserting her fingers into her mouth, she sucked loudly on her juices. My eyes nearly fell out of their sockets; how I wished it were my mouth tasting her delectable juices! I became thirsty in an instant, and the only thing that could quench it was my sister's moisture.

Ashley pulled her fingers out with a pop, and then slipped them back into her shorts. "I've been doing it more and more recently," she freely added.

"So, ah, at least twice a, uh, day?" I gulped between every word.

"Mm-hmm. You're quite the curious one today."

"I thought I knew everything about you, but now I'm learning you're a sex-crazed bunny."

"You make it sound like a bad thing. It's only your carrot I'm hungry for." Ashley winked slyly beneath the hair over her eyes.

"And that's what you're digging for?"

"Yep, exactly."

Life was good and all seemed to be going smoothly. A nice conversation between siblings with a little bit of foreplay to spice things up. That is, until a motherly voice in the background nearly caused me to jump out of my seat. Thank goodness Ashley's feet were there to hold me down.

Our mom poked her head into the room. "Hey kids, doing okay in here?"

"Yes, mom," Ashley answered casually, still rubbing my straining shaft. She didn't look the least bit surprised. Instead, she simply gave me another wink.

Because Ashley was between the door and me, our mom couldn't see what we were doing. Only the top half of Ashley's head and my upper body were visible over the backrest of her chair. For all she knows, we could've just been chatting in front of my computer.

Shuffling through her purse, mom said, "I'm going to the market right now and I'm wondering if there's anything else besides the norm you guys want me to pick up. Your father wants to try out his new grill tonight for dinner."

"How about some whipped cream and chocolate syrup," Ashley asked, a wicked grin stretching across her face.

"Hmm? What for?" Mom looked up at me a little perplexed. I tried my best to recompose my dumb expression, but Ashley wasn't making it easy for me.

"I want to have some toppings with my hot, tasty ice cream." As Ashley said "cream," she gave my erection an extra rough grope.

I lurched forward with mom still eyeing me. My heart stopped from the shock and dread of getting discovered. It wasn't until a foot nudged me in the stomach it resumed beating.

Despite my sister's strange choice of words, "hot" and "ice cream" didn't seem to register anything out of the ordinary in our mom's mind. "Are you okay, Brian? Your cheeks are bright red. Almost as bright as your nose last night."

"Don't you have to go now," I desperately pleaded. The dam was nearly ready to burst and it wasn't something I wanted my mother to witness.

"There's no need to be so subtle. If you want me to go, then just tell me. We're both adults here; let's not beat around the bush. Time is precious, right? Tell me to quit blabbing away and-"

"Mom!" I yelped.

"Oh c'mon, I'm only messing with you. Okay, I'll go now. Picking up Nicole on the way home as well. See you guys in an hour." She disappeared before Ashley and I could say our good-byes.

"Ash, you're killing me," I exasperated.

"Really? You want me to stop?" She eased her feet off my throbbing cock. I felt a healthy dose of cum trickle out of it beneath my shorts. "I thought we're having so much fun together."

"You'll kill me if you stop."

"Sounds like a no-win situation." Putting her feet back where they belong on my crotch, "If I were you, I might as well die after cumming."

"My sentiments exactly."

After a momentary pause, Ashley asked, "So how about you?"

"What about me?"

"How many times do you masturbate," she blurted.

I sensed her breathing heightening as her strokes on me, and herself, accelerated. "Once a night, almost every night."

"Why not every night?"

"Sometimes I'm so sleepy after spending all night with you I crash face first into my bed."

"That won't be a problem anymore. Next time you spend all night with me, I'll make sure my Tiger is taken care of." Ashley pressed the head of my cock down, watching its shape spring back up when she let it go.

"Are you referring to me or my little friend down there?" I said staring at her foot.

She watched my erection bounce as she continued to flick the head and brush the side it with her other foot. "Both. And I wouldn't exactly call it small."

"My friend thanks you for the compliment."

"It should come out and thank me personally."

Using each set of toes, Ashley grabbed the top of my shorts. I lifted myself up on the edge of my seat, allowing her to demonstrate how agile her toes were by pulling them to my knees. My cock rose even higher, struggling to free itself from the thin fabric of my boxers. Ashley moved her left foot into the gaping right sleeve and lightly touched the sensitive tip. A sample of my pearly cream welcomed her presence.

"Fuck, that's hot." With her right foot, she tried to pull the sleeve as far up my leg as she could. My cock poked its bulbous head into the open air and she started to flick and stroke it.

"It won't be much longer," I groaned. The contact was agonizing, amazing, and I wasn't sure if I wanted it to end of go on forever.

Ashley moved her hand faster between her thighs, biting her lower lip as her trembling knuckle gripped the seat's armrest. "I'm going to cum, too."

When she announced her imminent orgasm, I lost control. The first spurt shot right past her foot, landing on the edge of her seat. My pulsing cock jumped excitedly for the next one, hitting the side of Ashley's left ankle. She blocked the last one with her foot, the stream splattering against her toes. Having came so much the previous night, the amount of jizz I unloaded was three spurts more than I was expecting.

"Ooh, now that is hot," Ashley cooed.

I slumped down in my chair. "Did you cum?" I was so enthralled in my own orgasm I couldn't tell if my sister got off.

"Oh yeah," she said softly. "It's nice to have a smaller one every once in awhile. My body can only take so much."

Ashley removed her hand from her crotch. It was slicked with her juices, practically dripping from her fingers. With a sudden swipe, she scooped up as much of my cum as she could from her leather seat. The scent of our sex fluids mixing together was intoxicating.

"My favorite," Ashley swooned, bringing the load closer to her wet lips.

"Think it'll really taste better with chocolate and whipped cream?"

Ashley just giggled as she stuffed her fingers into her mouth. Raunchy sucking noises ensued, ending with another pop as she pulled them out.

"I'll clean you up," I told her. I stood up and lifted my shorts, ignoring the stray cum spots on my leg.

"Thanks," she said, as I handed her the hand towel I had used to dry her with from last night. She wiped her leg clean and tossed the soiled towel to me.

"Oh gee, thanks a lot." Discarding it with my growing pile of cumstained laundry from the past two days, I sat back down at my computer. "Guess I'll come back for this guy after another level."

In a low voice, Ashley confessed, "I don't think I'll ever get addicted to playing that game. But," leading my chin toward her with her fingertips, "I am addicted to playing this one."

"I'm starting to like this one, too. It doesn't cost me fourteen bucks a month to play."

She leaned forward and gave me a small peck on the lips.

"You haven't told me what you were dreaming about," I said to her, remembering our sidetracked discussion.

"It doesn't matter anymore. It won't be a dream for much longer."

* * *

"One well-done steak ready to go," my dad shouted over his shoulder.

"I'll take that," Ashley said as she passed the grill.

It was six in the evening and dad was cooking up steaks in the backyard. Less than an hour had passed from our afternoon romp when Nicole, my other younger sister, came home with mom from her sleepover. My time with Ashley had been kept relatively tame for the remainder of the day.

Dinner proceeded like almost every dinner before it. Except Ashley couldn't keep her feet to herself. Wearing knee-high socks, she brushed my leg throughout the entire meal. Not surprisingly, I didn't do anything to stop her. It felt comforting, like one of those things you don't think about, but when it's not there, you wonder how you ever lived without it.

As dinner came to an end, dad came up with an idea. "Everyone up for some golf after dinner?"

Mom quickly replied. "What, this late on a Sunday night?"

"Sure, why not. The kids don't have school."

"Yes, I'm well aware of that, but we still have work in the morning."

"Come on, mom," I interrupted, "it's not late at all; not even seven yet. Don't tell me you're afraid of losing?"

Mom shot me a piercing glare, though her smirk belied her true competitive nature. "Oh please, don't be so naïve. Just because you guys almost tied with me last time doesn't mean you're good enough to beat me."

"Then you wouldn't mind putting us in our place one more time."

"Don't try that trick on me. I know I'll win and I don't need to prove it. But," sensing every pair of eyes on her, "a little bit of exercise can do us all some good, especially you, Brian. You stay home way too much for a college student. You even have a car to get away from us with."

"Um, I'll be sure to think about that." Was my mom insane? The more time I spend away from the house, the less time I'll get to spend with my sister. Guess I'll just have to kidnap Ashley and take her with me wherever I go.

"Then it's settled," dad smiled, unaware of the wacky conclusion his son resolved upon. "Lace up your golf shoes and let's hit the green!"

* * *

"You can do it, Rich!" my mom inspired. "Last one, make it count."

"Yeah, yeah, let me concentrate," dad retorted. After a seemingly long warm-up stretch, he swung his golf club and smacked the ball along the artificial grass. It bounced off a bumper to the left, ricocheted off another to the middle, and then descended down a short hill. "Oh yes, I think I got it," he declared enthusiastically. The ball continued to roll toward a fearsome orange polka-dotted dragon, but just as the ball was about to enter its open mouth, its jaw snapped down and blocked the narrow path. "Damn it!" he yelled.

For the umpteenth time, my dad feel victim to the various traps littered throughout the park's courses. It wasn't unusual for him to slip up - it's virtually reached the point of being ritualistic - but no matter how many times it happens, he always manages to draw a roar of laughter from the family.

Mom announced from the other end of the hole, "Nicole, sugar, it's your turn."

Nikky got up beside me from the bench and made haste to the starting area.

"Good luck," Ashley encouraged from the comfort of my lap.

Once Nikky had her ball settled, my right hand peaked into view, skimming over the bare skin before me. It had become a gut reaction for whenever Ashley and I sat alone. The benches at each hole were, conveniently, big enough for only two. Being the suave gentlemen I am, I let Ashley sit on my knee so we could make room for Nicole. But even when it was Nicole's turn to golf, Ashley never bothered with the empty seat.

My hands spent more time rubbing Ashley's legs than they did holding my golf club. There was no way I could keep them off her; especially with the skirt she was wearing. It was black and ruffled with white floral patterns, covering the top half of her thighs while hanging dangerously low on her hips. Her white blouse, which ended above her midriff, was just as elegant and sexy, featuring an even more complex floral design in golden sequins. The ensemble flourished more flesh than her regular outfits but was still far from showing "too much."

Supporting the definition of beauty were two heeled sandals. Dad disliked the shoes, saying they'd be a pain to golf in, but mom fell in love with the diamond-studded straps and demanded Ashley tell her where she had bought them. After asking where she got the money to pay for them, of course. The heels leveled my sister's eyes with mine and made her appear much older, like she was twenty instead of eighteen.

Ashley watched the others with a wide smile, doing very little else to let me know I was having any effect on her. That was fine with me, though; I was enjoying myself.

Unfortunately, mom had to butt into our affairs once again. "Ashley, it's your turn!"

Ashley plucked my hand off her left leg and stood up. "Coming!"

Sighing alone on the dark bench, I watched my sister prepare her swing. Like a proper girl should, she bent her knees as she positioned her ball instead of bending at the waist. It was to be expected, being with family and all. She had done this with the previous seventeen holes, but that didn't mean I couldn't pray for her to lean forward just once to get a snippet of her panties. If she even wore any that is, which, judging by how careful she was being with her skirt, could very well have been a possibility. Granted it's a minor possibility seeing as how I had never caught her without one.

Ashley swung her golf stick in a superb showcase of beauty and strength. Everything around her was reduced to slow motion. Her lengthy hair floated in the breeze as her skirt flew effortlessly through the air. Torso entirely rotated, arms fully extended behind her, she looked more professional than Tiger Woods. At the apex of her swing, her hair fell neatly in place around her shoulders, her clothing looking as sleek as the day she had bought them. Sure, it was just miniature golf, but this was miniature golf at its finest.

Her ball managed to accomplish what our dad's couldn't. It entered the dragon's mouth unscathed and rolled out through its tail to the lower level of the course, resting a mere foot away from the hole. Ashley hit her ball the closest out of all of us so far, and her elated laughter made sure everyone knew it.

I didn't give mom the liberty of introducing the next golfer, nor did I wait for Ashley to leave the starting mat before prepping my turn. She saw me coming and took two steps backwards, giving me all the space I needed. Sizing up the obstacles, I struck the ball with precise timing, allowing it to rebound off the corners and through the dragon to a hole-in-one.

"Nice shot!" Ashley exclaimed behind me.

A smug smile crossed my face. "Thanks. You're pretty good at handling long, hard sticks yourself."

She mirrored my grin. "Only because I have a brother who lets me practice."

Wrapping my left arm around her shoulders, we waddled side by side to the rest of the family as they finished their turns.

* * *

Shortly afterwards, it was time for mom's ceremonial reading of the scores. "With a final score of forty-two, taking home the title of winner and champion, is none other than me, the almighty Helena of Camelot Golf Park. Hold off the applause until after I'm done, thank you, thank you."

The audience booed unanimously.

"Ouch, ow, tough crowd. Moving on then. Coming in second, trailing by four strokes is 'Macho Man' Brian. So close, dear, better luck next time?"

"Yep. Next time, mom," I said.

"Looking forward to it. Behind Brian by five strokes is Nicole. Great job, honey. You made the biggest improvement out of all of us tonight."

"Yeah, Nikky," Ashley said, giving her younger sister a high-five, "you really surprised us."

"Ash, you're getting better, too. You were behind Nicole by only two," mom stated. "Last, and certainly not least, is Richard, whose score I will keep secret between the two of us."

Dad loomed over mom's shoulder. "It can't be that bad. Let's see, I got a score of... oh... this will remain classified information between adults."

There was a small round of laughs.

"What time is it now?" Nicole asked.

My dad peeked at his watch. "It's five past eight. About another hour 'til closing time. We won't be able to finish a full course at our rate."

"How about going straight to the more intricate holes?" mom suggested. Even though she had refused to come in the first place, the taste of victory proved to be too sweet to deny.

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