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Ashton Hill Fools


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"That must have been amazing," Quinn said. "You're so lucky to have a Daddy that does cool things like that with you," she enthused. "I wouldn't even know what a dinosaur egg looked like!" She laughed genuinely with a full-bodied sound that made the baby in her lap reach her arms up and wave them around and Noah giggle.

This was what he had always wanted for his son and his family. This idyllic moment of laughter and joy, food and the warmth of a kitchen, the smell of home cooking and a beautiful woman who loved his son as much as he did. Having this with Quinn, though, was totally out of the question, he lectured himself and dug his fingers into his thigh. This wasn't going to happen, not today, and not with her.

"We can show you, can't we, Dad?" Noah looked in his direction with the question making his presence known to the two women in the room.

"Sure, buddy, but I don't think Aunty Quinn is going to want to trek down through all that mud just for dinosaur eggs," he turned his penetrating gaze on Quinn. His chest had constricted as he watched the little scene play out.

"I'm sure I've trekked through worse places," she laughed again, and April squealed happily, turning toward the sound. Quinn looked away from him quickly, feeling the heat of seeing him after last night flush her cheeks. She cuddled April close, thankful when Melody spoke, interrupting the awkward moment.

"Grayson, you're here, good," Melody said as he stalked across the kitchen to the coffee machine, keeping his back to the source of his ill-feeling this morning. He needed to get his head on straight and pull himself together before he went to work.

"Is there a reason you are up and cooking us pancakes this morning, mother?" he asked in a surly tone, willing the coffee machine to work faster. He needed caffeine or a brain transplant, badly.

"Yes, as a matter-of-fact there is," she stated, sounding far too happy this morning, Grayson noted, and narrowed his eyes at her.

"No!" he said abruptly. "Whatever it is you're about to spring on me, mother, No!" He nailed her with a hard look.

"Sit down," Melody waved a spatula at him. "Then maybe you can remember your manners and say good morning to our guests!" She spoke to him like a naughty little boy.

"Good morning, Quinn," Grayson said, despite his stormy face. He carried his cup over to the table to sit with his son for breakfast and greeted April, "Good morning, Honey," he ruffled the small wisps of blonde hair that decorated her head. April gurgled at him happily. She really was a sweet baby, he thought. She smiled, revealing two little white teeth, and raised her chubby arms toward him.

"May I?" he asked before taking the child from Quinn and settling her on his hip where she immediately grabbed his tie and wrapped it around her fingers.

"You don't have to hold her. You're already dressed for work," Quinn said quickly, seeing April lift his tie toward her mouth.

"It's okay, I love kids," he shrugged. It was true, not once had he regretted having Noah. His son was his world, and he had raised him from infancy pretty much on his own. He'd have a house full of kids if he found the right woman. When they found Rheagan, he would give her a reality check she wouldn't forget. How could she abandon another child this way? He owed it to Noah as well as his half-sister to make her take responsibility in some way for the lives of these two amazing kids.

Melody joined them at the table, placing a huge platter of pancakes between them, and Grayson finally sat, tucking April into the crook of his arm.

"You're going to get Roland to find Rheagan, aren't you?" it was more of a statement than a question Melody made.

"I am, she can't get away with doing this again, it's..." he said shifting his gaze to his son. "It's not acceptable," he grumbled.

"Are you going to find my Mum?" Noah asked, a frown crossing his face. "She went away to find somewhere to be happy, but Dad and I are happy here. Aren't we, Dad?"

"We sure are," Grayson said. His explanation had always been that Rheagan was unhappy here in this town, so she went to find another one so she could be happy, like them. His son accepted this simple truth, and he had no reason to expand on it.

"No, Noah. I'm going to find her, and when I do I am going to tell her how tall and handsome and strong you are," Quinn smiled. "Maybe you could draw me a picture to show her. Your Dad is going to stay right here with you. I am the one who has to go and find her."

"Okay," he said in the easy way of small children, and Grayson breathed a sigh of relief that Quinn had not disillusioned his son in any way.

"I thought you were going to hire Roland to find her?" Melody frowned.

"I hired Roland to help me, it has nothing to do with Grayson now," Quinn said stiffly.

"Oh, he's very expensive; Grayson will pay his fee for you. I'm sure he wants to locate her just as much as you, for April's sake," Melody blinked in astonishment at Quinn's stiffness and frowned at her son. Something had happened between these two, and she had a fairly good idea what.

"My problem, my money," she said seriously. "I've already imposed too much on Grayson and your life. I should never have come here yesterday; I was just in a bit of shock and wasn't thinking straight. I'm much better today." She gave a radiant smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.

"No, Grayson will pay his fee, and you can pay him back by staying here and looking after Noah for Nanny Jo while she takes a long overdue holiday to visit her son in the city. Two weeks, a month at most," Melody said almost flippantly.

"Mum! What the hell!" Grayson almost swore in front of his son.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Ryde, I'm leaving today," Quinn said almost at the same time as Grayson's outburst.

"Call me Melody, darling," she said, and sent Grayson a serene look that belied the steely determination in her eyes. "No, you won't be leaving today. I couldn't, in good conscience, let you leave when you have nowhere to go to. That child needs a bed and bottles and more than what's in that carry-all. We have all the things she needs available in the nursery upstairs that aren't being used. You neither have the time to shop nor where-with-all. You two need to think about what's best for April. Like it or not she is part of this family, if only tenuously at the moment."

"Mother, I don't think you understand," Grayson growled. "Quinn knows nothing about kids or family. She's a free spirit, a jet-setter. She travels the world, she doesn't want to be tied to a job you forced on her."

"I understand perfectly that Jo has wanted to go and see her son and new grandbaby for months now and has been putting it off because of you. I, too, am planning a trip with Paul, as you know. The world can't stop for everyone else just because it doesn't suit you, Grayson, no matter how much we love you. This is the perfect solution for us all," she took a pancake from the platter and put it on her plate as if she didn't have a care in the world. She cut a piece off and popped it into her mouth while winking at Noah, who tried and failed to wink back.

"You're right, that doesn't work for me, mother!" he used his authoritative CEO voice that he couldn't ever recall using with his mother before.

"It doesn't work for me either," Quinn said, somewhat taken aback by the situation.

"Grayson, we've given you six months to find another nanny you can trust to look after Noah, now we have made a choice for you. Quinn is Noah's Aunt, and she is lovely, and she needs our help. The choice has been made for you because you didn't do anything with it when you had that choice," Melody still spoke cheerily, but Quinn could see the determination in her posture and the look she gave her son. "I called Quinn's boss to get a reference for you. An executive producer of something or other. I think his name was Keith, or something like that."

"You did what?" Grayson exclaimed.

"Oh God!" Quinn said, horrified.

"According to this Keith, Quinn is punctual and easy to work with. She writes and co-produces most of her pieces when not live action, and even then has a good grasp of it and the logistics involved. She's smart, talented and, best of all, utterly reliable," Melody finished.

"As for you," Melody turned her attention to Quinn, making her cringe and hide her face in embarrassment. "Where would you go, what would you do? You don't have any family in this town anymore, and you need to stay here until Roland's located Rheagan. This is the only place you should be right now, and it has the added bonus of getting to know your nephew a lot better, and, trust me, he is the most amazing young man you could ever hope to have as a nephew."

"She's your mother, Grayson, talk to her!" Quinn appealed to him, her jaw working as she tried to find something to argue with in Melody's well-constructed little speech, and just as she was about to argue about her independence and her mother's estate, there was a quiet knock on the back door of the kitchen.

"Mum, you can't ambush us like this." Grayson said more calmly than he felt.

"Just did," she shrugged, getting up to answer the door. "That will be Mary Delaney. I told her to come around the back when she got here. Try to remember your manners, Grayson," she gave him a look that brooked no argument and went to answer the door.

"Mary Delaney?" Quinn tilted her head. There was something she should know about Mary Delaney, and her eyes widened as she froze. Her mind reached back to that awful hospital under siege for two days, the gunfire and the soldiers, Australian soldiers, who had come to get her out of the war zone. Harrison Delaney, he'd recognised her, spoke to her about her friend, Annie, kept her sane and awake as the pain of being transported threatened to overwhelm her. More gunfire, Harrison's calm voice, and then nothing.

Grayson watched Quinn freeze and go deathly pale as if she could see something he couldn't in front of her that horrified her. As quick as the look had formed it disappeared when Noah tapped her arm and spoke to her, bringing her back to the here and now.

"Are you going to pick me up from school today, Aunty Quinn?" He asked earnestly, trying to make sense of what just happened.

"It looks that way," she smiled at the little boy and then gave Grayson a look that said 'she's your mother, you do something about the situation'.

"Mary, you remember Quinn, no doubt, but this is little April," Melody introduced Quinn and April.

"Yes, Quinn, it's so good to see you. Your recovery has been quite miraculous, from what I hear. How's the hip?" Mary asked. "We were all so worried about you. It's a shame you didn't come back for the festival, Harrison was home, and I am sure he would have liked to have seen you."

"You were? He was?" she came to her feet and spontaneously hugged Mary. "Harrison is a real hero, you must be so proud. I am not sure I would have made it out of there without him holding my hand and reminding me of home. Do you think he would mind if I gave him a call sometime?"

"He would love it, I am sure. It's probably better if we give him your number, he can be a bit hard to track down these days. Why don't you pop over and see Annie as well while you're home, she's as big as a house at the moment, and doesn't like to go out much," Mary Delaney said in her matronly way. She had been the local midwife and community nurse for as long as Quinn could remember.

"Annie, as big as a house?" Quinn gaped at the woman. The Annie she knew was always so slim and fit.

"She's having twins and having nightmares that they'll turn out like her brothers," Mary laughed, taking the baby from Grayson without asking as if it was the most natural thing in the world. "Aren't you a pretty little princess," she spoke to the baby girl. "Speaking of brothers," she looked up as Byron and Thorn walked in.

Quinn blinked as the two tall immaculately groomed and dressed men walked in. 'My God,' she thought, 'the Ryde brothers are sexy men.' Noah leapt to his feet, hurling himself against hard legs as he was boosted up and over broad shoulders to be tickled by each man. Grayson watched on indulgently before trying to regain some control and tell them to all sit down so Noah could finish his breakfast before he left for preschool.

"What are you two doing here?" Grayson grumbled. He needed his brothers here like he needed a hole drilled into his skull.

"Pancakes!" Thorn exclaimed, and slid into the seat beside Quinn and flashed her a grin as he began to fork pancakes onto his place. "You're Quinn, right? The bride of Satan's sister?" he asked with amusement.

"I'm Quinn, yes, and you're... Thorn?" she took a guess, noting that, although his eyes were wary, he wasn't directing any hostility at her personally.

"Yep, and that's Byron," he nodded at his brother, who, in turn, nodded at Quinn in greeting.

"Dude, you're looking a little rough this morning. Bad night?" Byron asked, gripping Grayson's shoulder as he sat down.

"You have no freaking idea," Grayson grumbled and glared at Quinn, who returned his blistering look with one of her own and eyed Melody as if to put the blame where it really should be. When she looked back, Byron was also giving her a hostile look that said 'hurt my brother, and I will end you'.

"So, we understand Rheagan has run away and left a baby in a basket on your doorstep," Thorn said, teasing his brother.

"No, actually, she left the baby with me, and I can handle this on my own, so, if you'll excuse me," Quinn rose from the table and went to pick up April out of Mary's hands.

"Why don't we go up to the nursery so I can give her a quick examination first. It doesn't hurt to be careful, now, does it," Mary said reasonably and still holding April.

"You finish your breakfast first at least, if you're determined to leave," Melody encouraged, giving her sons a hard look. "I'll show Mary the way."

Quinn wanted to argue, wanted to rage at the woman who was trying to manipulate her circumstance for heavens knows what reason, but sat and sighed heavily.

"Noah, come with Grandma and brush your teeth before school," she said, taking the little boy with her.

"So, what's the action plan here?" Byron asked, grabbing a few pancakes before Thorn finished them all.

"The plan was for Roland to look for Rheagan, and Quinn to get some solid legal advice and find a place of her own today," Grayson grumbled. "Mother has her own plans, however."

Quinn stayed silent, watching the exchange between the brothers. Her eyes took in the near-empty platter that had been piled high with pancakes and considered if Melody knew the brothers would be here this morning or if she had invited them herself.

"What's mother done?" Thorn asked, forking more pancake into his mouth, and Quinn could have sworn she saw the hint of a smile on his lips, which made her wonder what the hell was really going on here.

"She let Jo go off on vacation this morning to see her new grandchild right when she is planning on taking a trip with Paul," he pulled a disgusted face. "She's leaving me high and dry with no one to look after Noah! You both know what a crazy week or two this will be at work."

"Doesn't sound like mother to just up and leave without putting something else in place for Noah. She's been planning this trip for a while, you knew it was coming. The same with Jo, you knew you had to sort a new nanny, so why haven't you? Or, better yet, what solution did mother give you?"

Quinn knew at that moment that Melody had invited the brothers and told them exactly what was going on. There were no secrets in this family, and, despite the initial warning look she got from Byron, they didn't seem to hate her or blame her for anything Rheagan had done. It wouldn't matter what Melody or his brothers promised him, the fact was she knew Grayson would never let her stay, not that she wanted to. Her practical side knew that having a nursery all set up where she wouldn't have to worry about buying supplies or equipment would be amazing. So, too, would be the opportunity to spend time with her nephew and build a relationship with the little dynamo, but living in the same house as her sister's ex, a man who only has to walk into a room to have her libido singing, would be beyond idiotic, and Grayson knew it too. They were polar opposites. He was Mr. Traditional, and she was a free spirit who had never wanted to be tied down.

"Grayson! What was mother's plan?" Byron asked again, and Quinn looked up to see him staring at her, his jaw working as if he knew he needed to speak but didn't want to say the words.

"She suggested that Quinn stay here with the baby and fill in for Jo while she's away, just until I find someone more suitable." He ground out.

"Why isn't Quinn suitable?" Thorn asked, looking at Quinn. "She seems more than capable to me."

"I don't know her, she showed up here yesterday!" he spat.

"You wouldn't know anyone from an agency either," Thorn reasoned.

"They would have done background checks and made sure the nanny was suitable," Grayson argued. "Not someone who just landed on the doorstep having been made an instant mother and admitting she didn't even know how to change a nappy!"

"You do realise I'm sitting right here?" Quinn said acidly.

"You need a Nanny, Gray, unless you're planning on taking some time off work, you need her," Byron said calmly in the face of his brother's obvious annoyance.

"I am not leaving my son with a stranger!" He stated categorically.

"A new nanny would be a stranger too. What you're really saying is that you won't leave your son with me," Quinn accused.

"Yeah, I won't leave him with Rheagan's sister!" he agreed hotly as their eyes clashed across the table.

"Stop comparing me to my sister!" she raged.

"If it walks like a duck..." he let the saying hang.

"Dammit, Gray, stop being an asshole," Byron groaned, as Thorn shook his head disapprovingly.

"I'm not making assumptions here. Rheagan talked about her. She never went to college, preferring to travel the world and party instead. She told me about the countless family celebrations you missed because you couldn't be bothered coming home, how there was always something better to do than support your family, your sister, even for our wedding. You shy away from any commitment; you've quit countless jobs and ended relationships on a whim. You hold your freedom above all else, and I won't have you walk out and hurt that little boy like his mother did!" he raged. "That kid is my whole world, and I am not trusting him to the likes of you!"

Quinn was horrified at the lies that spilt out of his mouth, she had gone to college, she'd been loyal and faithful to her network since then, and she had never even been invited to a family celebration, let alone turned one down. Tears stung her eyes, but she got to her feet and looked him in the eye.

"You got all your information about me from Rheagan, yet here I am with her abandoned child, the second one she abandoned, trying to do the right thing. There's something wrong with that picture, don't you think?" she asked and turned, walking towards the doorway, then stopped and turned back to look at him. "At least your mother bothered to get a reference from a more reliable source. I'll be gone within the hour, I'm sure Melody has a car seat I can borrow for April."

"You fucking arrogant moron!" Thorn hissed in a sibilant whisper once he was sure she was gone and pulled a computer printout from his pocket that Melody had sent with her email this morning. "That girl worked part-time jobs to put herself through college and works for the same network she joined when she graduated! You just listed off Rheagan's bio, not hers, you wanker! And to top it all off, her mother's estate she said she came back to settle? She's the executor, but all of it, every last cent, goes to Rheagan, and you wonder why she never came home! She probably knew what Rheagan had said about her, she didn't seem shocked to hear it! Why would she try to see her nephew when his father thought that badly about her!" He shook his head disgustedly.

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