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Ask and You Shall Receive

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Getting the courage to fulfill her fantasy.
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The car lurched to a stop in front of his building. She wasn't used to driving in the city but with the parking as it was it was too inconvenient for him to have a car here. He worked close by and walked to work anyway. With her living way out on the edge of town it was easier for her to come by when they wanted to go out together, nevermind that it made her more comfortable. At first she offered to drive as a precaution. If their first date had gone badly she'd have a way of getting out, something she wished she'd had done on past dates. As it was, their first date was not one she wanted to leave early. He was sweet, warm and made her laugh on a night when she really needed to. The next two times they saw each other she only grew more and more infatuated with him. Some nights, after they parted, she'd lie in bed imagining him beside her and consider what it would be like to start a family with him.

This was out of the ordinary for her. She always told everyone her career was the most important thing in her life and though she dated often and loved sex, a family and children was not what she wanted. She believed that too. Though it was not her goal, she wondered what it would be like with him. He was so much she wanted in a man- handsome face with a muscular, athletic body. He was smart, kind, romantic and passionate and those hands...Sheila had always been drawn to men with large strong hands and his were undoubtedly that. Large, strong and rough like he'd been at sea for weeks. When they held her she felt as if they covered her completely. She'd imagined his hands on her, forcefully gripping her breasts, spreading her thighs apart and searching through the soft down between her legs.

They had not gone far though that had been her preference. Right now she wasn't sure what she wanted. Her mind was full of so many conflicting emotions that took too much out of her to piece together. If he were just another one of many it would have been much easier. She wouldn't concern herself with where she stood with him, what she wanted and all the other thoughts that seemed to worry her constantly. It would be so much easier if he weren't exactly what she wanted.

Now there was that moment, that silent, anxious moment when neither was certain how to act. It was dark, with only the light from the dash illuminating them both. Her face was covered with shadows, the sadness of her downturned eyelashes was more prominent now. It was palatable between them and neither could deny it. Something was wrong, very wrong and in that space he searched for whatever it could be. Everything had gone perfectly between them, the only sign something was out of sync was just now. She had been quiet before and her deep brown eyes seemed lost when he was looking at her. Her smile, wide and honest, told a different story, as did her laugh and the bright tenderness of her voice as they spoke.

He moved in, more out of necessity than anything else. He wanted to touch his lips to hers, comfort her and let her know how he cared but he couldn't tell how she'd take it. Just as they were about to touch she stopped, abruptly pressing the palm of her hand into the center of his chest. She looked away, down at her hand nervously clenching and releasing in her lap.

"Wait...wait a minute. We need to talk."

He stopped and looked at her. He knew what those words usually entailed but didn't believe that was what she wanted. There was something between them, both of them felt it and she couldn't turn from it.

Her eyes looked up at him under dark lids. "It's not that," she brushed away the worry on his face. "I just don't know if I'm right for you."

He reached to her, coming close to offer reassurances but she stopped before any words passed his lips. "Just listen to me for a moment," she pleaded. "I know something's happening here, something we both want, but I have to be upfront with you before we go any further."

She seemed immensely sad and Jeff wanted to take her in his arms and comfort her but felt the weight of what she was going to say. It had to be said. One hand rested on hers and she did not shake it off but curled her fingers around his, accepting his support.

"I'm a well put together woman, you know, grad degree, great career, possible PhD in my future. I'm the classic Virginia Slims woman right? The modern woman?" She stopped and hesitated.

"I've always been in control, especially with men. I've never allowed myself to be taken advantage of, used or hurt. What I wanted happened or nothing at all." She waited for a response but there was none, only him allowing her to continue.

"Jeff," she sat up, brushing her auburn hair from her face. "There's no other way to say this. I won't blame you if you run and never want to see me again. I'll accept that. You'll think I'm strange, maybe even demented, but I have to get this out." Her eyes closed for a moment and when they opened they were vivid, completely aware. She held his gaze as she spoke.

"I want you to spank me."

She expected him to laugh, gasp or curse her but her did none of these things. Slightly trembling, she looked away and out the window. "I don't know why, I just feel like I need that in my life. I confess it's something I've always wanted but have been afraid to face. I know it's perverted but I've accepted it as part of me."

The silence was tangible but his hand never left hers. In fact he gripped her tighter, her palm closed completely in his strong, warm hand.

"I'd like to see you again," she said, still not looking at him. "But I think you should consider that side of me. I know your schedule is keeping you busy this week and we won't be able to see each other so that should give us a good amount of time to think things over." There was a long pause and when she spoke she was quieter. "If you don't call and don't want to see me, I'll understand completely."

As if a monstrous weight was relieved from her she felt free. When she saw him bend towards her once more she met him halfway. His hug was warm and assuring and she didn't ever want it to end. A moist kiss on her cheek helped her. "Go home and sleep, sweetie," he whispered. "We'll discuss this later," and then, with the slightest brush of his lips on hers, he slipped out the door and into his building. She was left feeling dazed, as if she'd just woken from a long sleep.

That night she was thankful to slip into bed. Her body was tired but her mind was what fatigued her. She couldn't shake the feeling that she'd made a bad decision in opening up so to Jeff. He was a good man; honest, kind and sweet and didn't need such an ultimatum. She was certain they wouldn't talk again. A man such as he would have no problem finding a less complicated woman to make him happy.

She sighed softly. Instinctively she reached under her nightgown to stroke her sex but felt empty. She had let herself down. She let Jeff down and ruined any chances for happiness between them. If she could she would have cried. Instead, she rolled to her side and pressed her face into the pillow, allowing sleep to overtake her with a slow darkness.

He didn't call the next day or even the day after that. It became easier for her to deal with. Work took up much of her time and she busied herself to occupy her mind away from thoughts of him. Each day was better than the last and each time she checked her voice mail and heard no word from him, she became more and more certain that she had done the wrong thing. Such a strange request would surely push any man away. She began to see it as a curse. Her desire, which she now knew she was unable to ignore, would keep her from having any healthy relationship. Instead she would attract the type of man that would be drawn to such a strange practice- deviant men most likely rife with viruses, men of low intelligence that had no consideration for a woman or how to keep her happy, men that lived in a fantasy world of abnormal fetishes.

Other couples, those without deviant lusts, seemed so happy together. They held hands, smiled, laughed and comforted each other. She was a beautiful woman, tall and in great shape. She could have most any man she chose yet she seemed as far from a healthy relationship as any woman could be.

Days passed in the same way. She thought of him less and less, even wondering why a man, whom she'd known for not even a month, caused such feelings. At one time she was certain he was the man she was meant for but now she tried to put it out of her mind. She had missed her chance and did her best not to feel the regret she knew she deserved.

It was much later when she lay soaking in the bath. A full two weeks had passed since their last encounter and thoughts of him, though far from having disappeared, had diminished until he seemed nothing more than a recurring dream. It was a long week, only slightly more hectic than the one before, and she treated herself to a package of bath luxuries. Body oils, bath beads and bubble bath helped ease her mind as she rested naked in the slowly cooling water.

With her head resting against an inflatable pillow and a damp washcloth over her face she barely heard the phone ring. At first she thought it was her neighbor's then heard it in the living room. She sat up immediately and listened. Her breasts broke out in tiny goosebumps from the cool room air and suds slowly slipped down her torso to collect in the water below.

She rose to get it and slipped out of the warm bath, shivering as she ran. Her bare feet padded through the house, leaving thin pools of water behind. Just as she reached the living room her answering machine clicked on. Timidly, with her arms clutched together in front of her for warmth, she listened.

"Sheila, it's Jeff. I had to take some time off and think about what you said. That's a lot to handle and I wanted to make sure I got it right." There was a pause and she was afraid he would hang up in a cruel taunt. "I'd still like to see you if you're still interested. You know my number, give me a call and we can set up a time."

She stood shivering in the empty room and watched the light begin to blink on the phone. When she returned to her bath, it was colder than she left it and she couldn't find the solitude she had before. With an aggravated sigh, she dried herself off, put on her gown and went to bed.

She wanted to call him but didn't want to seem too pushy. He already thought she was most likely a mental case. No reason to give him any further evidence. Getting out from beneath the heavy sheets, she tiptoed into the living room and played his message to hear the uncertain nervous quake in his voice and the soft tone she missed. She played it several times until she had the words memorized. The sound of his voice played in a loop in her mind, lulling her into the first peaceful sleep she'd had in weeks.

She called him on her lunch break after putting it off all the next morning. He was the first thing she thought about when she got out of bed and couldn't get him out of her mind the entire morning. Little work was done as the thought of him kissing her, touching her hand, his voice on the machine filled her thoughts. Though she caught him at work, he seemed unfazed to hear from her.

"Are you free tonight?" He asked, allowing her a moment to compose herself. She told him she was and before she said anything he asked to see her. She answered quickly, cursing herself for sounding too eager.

When work ended she rushed home, wanting to make sure everything was perfect. She jumped in the tub and soaked until her skin was warm and soft then coated herself with baby lotion so she felt extra girly. She knelt in the tub and used a generous amount on her bottom until it was extra smooth and soft. When she was finished and her skin baby soft she patted herself dry with a fluffy beach towel, idling at the freshly shaven cunny between her bare thighs.

The clock told her it was getting late. Jeff would be here soon, she thought scrambling to her bedroom to put on the outfit she had chosen. It wasn't a lot; just a miniskirt and a loose blouse, but it made her feel especially feminine while being sensible enough to get him wondering.

By the time the he knocked on the door, she had just finished putting her hair up and applying a quick dose of vanilla smelling perfume. Wishing she could go naked, she chose thong panties beneath her skirt. A mixture of anticipation and nervousness filled her.

Would he think her a freak and laugh at her before telling her they'd never see each other again? She wished she could go back in time and refrain herself from blabbing about spankings. She sat on the coffee table, bare feet tapping on the floor as she thought about that night. Like always, good judgement went out the window whenever she got horny. Everything was going right; a romantic time, a beautiful, warm evening and everything happened at once. At that moment she felt like she had say it.

There was a knock on the door, stirring her from her thoughts. Taking a moment to compose herself she opened it and saw him standing there with a bouquet of roses. He smelled wonderful and instantly she took him into her arms, casting the flowers to the floor. There was no time for him to speak and Sheila stopped any chance of reproach with her lips on his.

He accepted her kiss with fervor. His lips caressed hers and she exhaled in relief as he wrapped his arms around her. When they broke he pushed her back a step to regard her. He could see she was nervous. Her eyes were wide and frightened and there was a tiny tremble to her bottom lips. She seemed much younger than she was, definitely not the strong, professional woman he always thought she was.

Taking her hand, he led her to the sofa and urged her to sit beside him. She did so, her bare knees pressed together and angled towards him. He kept her hand in his as he spoke.

"I've thought a lot about what you've said and I have to admit I didn't know what to do at first. I've never considered treating a woman in the way you described. I thought it was strange and I was a little bothered by it." She cringed slightly, doing her best to hide her reaction. "I read up on it and learned it's not that uncommon, nor is it abnormal." He reached to her forearms to guide her closer to him. She responded until she sat beside him and rested her head on his broad shoulder. He noticed her cheeks were rouged and the shade of her lipstick redder than usual. It made her look younger and softer. She reminded him of Lolita.

"Girls...women," he corrected himself. "Have these feelings since childhood though most ignore and repress them. Because of this many end up sorely dissatisfied sexually and in their relationships. They're never able to put their finger on it but something just seems to be missing." She looked up at him, his soft, giving eyes, and realized he described exactly how she felt. "A great number of women were punished by their fathers as little girls, more than you would believe. It's frightening but ultimately they feel the sense of security and protection that little girls need. They find love from their father in the form of spanking. As they grow older and become women they never lose the need for security but are unsuccessful in finding the discipline it comes with in today's society. Men are being taught to become so sensitive to women that they forget their place as the head of the relationship. They give in to women too easily and too often, making them feel disappointed and lost."

Realizing he sounded too clinical and much of what he said came word for word from the articles he read, he added his own thoughts. "Women, grown women, have a need for discipline that shows itself as they realize themselves as adults. If they don't accept it they feel lost and unwanted." He took her hand in his and raised her chin until his eyes met hers. "Let me assure you, you're far from unwanted."

This warmed her heart but she couldn't shake the jittery nervousness that filled her. She was confused, uncertain of how to act. Every feeling in her body was attuned to him. Her heart beat fast so it rang in her ears. It was best to calm down and follow what he said, allow him to direct the evening.

He stood, his hand still grasping hers and she rose to follow him, her feet almost tripping over each other as she followed. They walked to the bedroom silently and, as he opened the door her breath caught in her throat. It's actually going to happen! Right here in her own bedroom, the place of solace where nothing could hurt her, that distinctly feminine room she had made her own. He's going to punish her like an as she always wanted right here?

Now she trembled visibly. When he sat on her four poster bed and turned her to face him with her hands in his she could only swallow anxiously. He noticed her reaction and calmed her, a slow hand against the backs of her palms.

"Darling girl," such a term, she thought. In any other circumstance she would have found it condescending. Here, it fit. "You've needed this for a while. I see that now. A girl like you needs a stern, stinging spanking to your bare bottom." She flushed at the description. "You need it so you can be a good girl again. It lets you know that I'm in charge and will care for you." Subconsciously she nodded, her eyes wide as saucers. "I'm going to take you over my lap and spank you on your bare behind. Maybe then you'll learn not to cross me and listen when I speak. Do you understand?"

She stalled, unable to speak, but managed a quiet chirp of "Yes, sir." Coming naturally, it seemed the right thing to say.

Jeff reached for the clasp on the side of her skirt and opened it. She froze as she felt him grip the zipper and slowly draw it down her thigh, her smooth flesh being revealed inch by inch. When he finished she made no move to stop him, only felt it as he slid past her bare legs to drop them around her ankles. His fingers traced up her thighs, both examining and adoring. She felt on display, open to him. The thought made her wet.

He palmed the heft of her buttocks and slid his fingers in the thin waistband of her black silk panties. It was frightening to her, but she did not resist. He had never seen her naked and the thought of him seeing her in such a position on their first time made her lightheaded. She had a soft tuft of curls at the top of her slit, protecting her clit as it rested beneath its folds. Her pussy was almost completely shaven with two tight, pouting lips that shined with the first moisture of her arousal. When was the last time she came, she wondered? Last night? The day before? Whatever it was it had been too long.

Though she could feel him eyeing her he didn't touch her. One hand remained on the curve of her hip and when he had gotten his fill of her sex, he directed her to stand to his left. She obeyed without a word and continued when he took her hand and guided her over his lap. It was strong and she felt comfortable in such a position as it supported her weight.

His hand rested on the full cheeks of her ass. It was slightly chubby but he could see the results of her constant jogging. She had a very cute ass, round and feminine. Jeff felt very close to her. She looked like a young girl stretched across her father's lap waiting for a well deserved punishment.

There was a stillness in the room as Jeff raised his hand, raised it to strike the woman he dated on the plump cheeks of her ass. He saw her tense just before his hand fell. She squealed in a mixture of arousal/happiness/fear as the sting flooded through her backside.

The next strokes increased in intensity. Soon Sheila was crying out, a sight with her long, runner's legs kicking frantically in the open air. Her full asscheeks shook as Jeff's hand continued to pummel her.


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