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Astra Pt. 02

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The story of Astra and Jack continues.
46.7k words

Part 2 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/17/2019
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Artificial Sentient Terraforming Robotic Automaton (ASTRA)

Synopsis: With the fall of humanity the fate of its survival and resurrection resides in the hands of a very attractive female Android and the man chosen to be that champion; Jack Travus.

Inspired by so many things but not endorsed by any of them. © EmotionalStorm May 2022. This story cannot be transferred to any other site besides without prior authorization in writing from the author and EmotionalStorm must be credited for this work.

Author's Note: Originally released © EmotionalStorm June 2019, this is an updated version with hundreds of edits/corrections. For those who have not read my bio, please note I write as a form of therapy for a Traumatic Brain Injury. I know the English majors will probably encounter issues that annoy them. If these are your focus, instead of the story itself, then this is not the story for you. I am not and will never be a professional writer. I do it to tell the story, for those who wish to read them.


Jack managed to get out of LA with no issues. He heard the comms, "This is Wildcard to Merlin."

Jack smiled, "You ready to learn a few things young pup? No weapons from me. You could not handle it when I hit your craft. You just try and bring my shields down."

He laughed, "Alright rabbit, call out your percentages so I don't blow you up."

Jack laughed, "I'll give you one minute before I throttle up and blow your canopy off. Then I will leave you tumbling in space."

Jack threw the engines in reverse. He hovered. Pointed straight down. Launched in reverse again as the fighter shot in front of his ship. He inverted spun left and threw it into half-forward, as he kept speeds down to this era's normal. Then turned 90 degrees and spun to point down. Threw it into reverse again.

It went past and barely missed the fighter who had to take evasive action. He went into a death blossom but kept changing directions from forward to backward so it skipped across the sky. He countered one spin. The lasers flew in and hit the shield. He flew backward over the fighter then locked a tractor beam on him and stacked him 30 meters above his wingman but inverted.

He releases and aimed between the two ships and threw it to full speed. He called back, "Wildcard shield went to 98%...wait. It's 100% now." He heard his wingman laughing, "This is Crazy Eights, Merlin, that was over the top flying for a shuttle. What did you use to capture his fighter? Wildcard will be hearing about this because I filmed it all. That was 2 minutes of flying by the way."

Jack responded, "Crazy Eights this is Merlin, that is an experimental item called a tractor beam, it is proprietary. I had to wait for him to hit me once before leaving him to eat my vapor trail. My certs on my file told you I trained Fighter Pilots. I took him to school. Everyone knows Merlin is a magician."

He heard laughter from both of them.

He got to the ship and docked. They went inside and he assembled the wives to be, "Grace you are a lawyer my fiancé, adviser, personal, and business manager. I will need you for this."

Grace smiled, "Thank you. We got all the bride magazines we could find. One of the last printed publications in existence. Some new clothes for Ash as well."

Jack laughed, "A lot of women want to be brides when it is three women to every man, and some of them are gay or asexual. That creates a problem."

Grace nodded, "Closer to 4 or 5 to 1. While I have all the brides gathered none of us has serviced him once today. Two ladies are going to have one hell of a honeymoon. He went and found a 6th candidate that will arrive tomorrow."

Jack looked over, "All 3 of the bride's maids strip, lube up, and bend over the bed. I will marry the brides while servicing you to take some of the pressure off them. Bedroom 5 minutes."

Sprits walked over, "Thank you for marrying me."

Jack looked at her, "Marrying you first, my little nymph."

They got to the bedroom and he stripped as they finished lubing the last lady. He looked down, "One of these is on lease. Is the ass open for this?"

Danyelle laughed, "Yes."

He slowly worked his way into her ass and she liked it more than she was willing to admit.

He bottomed out, "Sprits, do you take me and any current or future wives we have into your bed, to ravage, care for, and love as much as you can."

He slowly fucked Danyelle's ass through this, "Knowing full well that Jack will be fucking more women to try and bring them into this marriage, until the day that you die?"

Sprits laughed as he started pounding Danyelle's ass faster. Sprits said, "I do."

He finally exploded into Danyelle 20 minutes later after her second climax. He went over to Grace and ran his cock down the crack of her ass for a minute before sliding into her with much greater speed. Fully buried in 3 strokes.

Grace came from the insertion. "I hereby take Sprits to be my wife from this day forward to ravage, care for, and love. Knowing that she will join the other wives and wife candidates in bed even if I am busy or busy trying to fuck another woman into joining us."

The ladies laughed. "I now pronounce us man and wife. You may kiss me now."

She came over and kissed him hard and long. He banged Grace's ass for 20 minutes before exploding into it. "Ash, do you take me and any current or future wives we have into your bed, to ravage, care for, and love as much as you can. Knowing full well that Jack will be fucking more women to try and bring them into this marriage, until the day that you die?"

He withdrew and moved down to Holly. He slid along her cheeks until hard. Ash smiled, "I do."

Then he inserted and hit bottom in one go. That turned Holly into a gibbering climaxing doll as he became buried, He went slow and picked up the pace at a steady rate. He took her to a fast and furious rate and it still took 30 minutes to shoot off.

She was wasted on the bed after her ninth or tenth orgasm. She had sprayed the bed as he sprayed her bowels. "I hereby take Ash to be my wife from this day forward to ravage, care for, and love. Knowing that she will join the other wives and wife candidates in bed even if I am busy or busy trying to fuck another woman into joining us."

He got up and walked to Ash, "I now pronounce us man and wife. You may kiss me now." She threw her arms around Jack and kissed him long and hard. She backed away. He pointed at Sprits and the two of them kissed each other long and hard.

He waved the two brides back into the shower with him. "I will ravage both of you when I get back. Ash, you are going as we are revealing to the President and a xenobiologist. They will learn about the timeline and the separate ways we became the same."

Ash nodded, "Not afraid they will arrest us and chop us up?"

He pointed, "You still have a choice to back out of it if they try that. There would be nothing but injuring a disabled human girl. Our legal counsel will have a field day with this. That and they would lose all control as Astra would follow her secondary protocol. That would broadcast the facts about me, the aliens, and the lost fight with them that we were trying to prevent. Complete with the historical record. They would lose all of the technology I have yet to release. They would know why this was occurring and who was responsible for holding us back."

Ash nodded, "You have leverage."

Jack smiled, "You're my wife and we have leverage. Grace, we need to put the 2 swords in your bag. You're an attorney and you have 2 non-battery-powered boyfriends. One for each hole, or the lady you happen to be playing with."

He thought out, "Meltora, did you hear me on the planet?"

Meltora replied, "No, but I have been following along with your plan. If she goes to destroy the ship I will just escape into the asteroid belt. The ship cannot be harmed here from what I have heard. You are honorable. Even Hands of Justice."

He smiled, "Change TMU-4798 to TAR-1 They gave us a new designation Tera Armed Research vessel."

They dressed and left the swords and guns behind with Grace carrying the 2 Psi swords. They knew the Presidential flying compound was just outside of Houston this week. Next month it would travel to be near Moscow; then Sydney. Beyond that, they had not announced it to the public. He could have found out if he needed to but it was not worth knowing. They took the Excalibur Between Tera-1 and Tera-6. They were intercepted as they approached and slowed down to planetary speed.

Fighter one called out, "Excalibur where are you headed today?"

Jack replied, "Into orbit, we will be launching shuttle MERLIN TPS-497042 headed to the Tera Presidential Compound."

The fighter responded, "MERLIN checks out. Why are you not docking?"

Jack laughed, "Last time it caused a riot on Tera-3. No telling after today's news what that would likely cause."

The fighter responded, "Understood."

They got into orbit and went down in the shuttle. They came in away from Houston proper, "Tera Federation Compound. This is MERLIN TPS-497042 requesting permission to land."

Jack got a response, "MERLIN TPS-497042 This is TFC, cleared to land on pad 2 set exit door away from the building and ensure any weapons remain with your Shuttle."

Jack sighed, "TFC did you wish to change our pad assignment. Pad 3 would be better. To ensure the door opens away from the building and the guns on this shuttle are not pointed at the building."

TFC responded, "MERLIN, thank you for informing us. Land on Pad 3. Please keep shuttle weapons pointed away from the compound at all times."

Jack looked over, "Somethings never change."

The ladies nodded as they had surmised, that he knew about this from his previous life. They landed and Jack called out, "Astra when I call out for phase 1, I want you to sweep the area for listening devices. Phase 2 will operate the secure link to my holoprojector. Have Holly with you in medical. I will ask for files and you can bring them up. I will set the display for what we need. If I call out for Phase 5 or do not return, execute secondary protocol after recalling the shuttle and getting the other ladies off-loaded. Use hard shields to avoid being boarded."

Astra responded, "Understood." They opened the hatch and looked at the guards, "We left our hand weapons on the Excalibur. Figured they would be a bad idea here."

The guard looked around and nodded. They stepped out. Jack looked at him, "You know me, this lovely lady is one of my wives Ash Travus. This woman is one of my fiancés, my business manager, and my lawyer. The lovely Grace Winters."

He nodded and led the 3 of them through to the security checkpoint where they went through metal detectors. He set it off and they scanned him and found metal in his head and stomach. "I have an implanted communication device for my ship and research laboratory. The other was from a piece of shrapnel. Some devices do not play nice with others. Hazards of the job."

They nodded and took them to a room to wait. A doctor joined them a few minutes later, "I am Dr. Carol Druthers; do you know why I am here at this ungodly hour?"

Jack nodded, "Yes I do. We are waiting for the President."

Jack smiled at her and Carol just let out a sigh, "I hope it is bloody important."


Carol had never been with a man. She had been career-focused most of her life. She was attracted to him and had seen him on the holovid. She was getting damp being in the same room, but he had 2 women with him who were far younger and extremely beautiful. She felt he was unlikely to consider her for a mate. She did not send off a message, she had tried to draft one, but figured it would be a longshot. Now she was in the same room with this mysterious Jack Travus. She reigned in her fantasy life in her mind.


Jack looked at her, "At this hour it would have to be."

Another 10 minutes and the President arrived. He looked at Jack, "Is this room alright?"

He looked around "Astra, phase 1."

She groaned in his head, "2 meters from you and it is an alien listening device, not the Drakor but a species known as the Killor. They never posed a serious threat to us but they were annoying at bugging our facilities. Look for a green square under a table toward the door you came in. Fold it in half and breaking it will disable it. They contact them in another 5 years."

He walked over to the table and held a finger to his mouth. He looked under and found the 1cm square. He pulled it off, walked back over, and bent it in half twice before setting it on the desk in the room, "You will want your tech department to look at that alien listening device. The species is known as the Killor and they will contact humanity officially in about 5 years. They like to plant listening devices but for the most part, they are benign. Phase 2."

He activated the holovid with Astra and Holly stood there, "You know Holly. Astra was built at the same time as my ship in the year 3080 or shortly before then. We made contact with many species at that point but we will only be talking about 2 today in any detail. Grace set the 2 on the table. Let the Doctor look them over. The Excalibur was sent back to the year 2684 when it rescued me after a ship accident. The plasma line ruptured from a GS engine to the power core. It cost me my right hand.

Astra, show the picture of me from attempt one." The image appeared. "The ship was then sent back to this time with a mission. Now before you ask about the colony and the people all that information was factual except for me being there. All 9 ships lost were lost to power core explosions from GS products. If GS went unchecked, they would be the defense contractor into the 28th century. The image shows me with a robotic hand. All information on my time was lost after a year on that last attempt.

They succeeded in getting me to the right place but did not get the result they wanted. Knowing now that I had lost my hand, they went a different way. Please show the image of me when I awoke but was still strapped on the table. On the left show the list of procedures that were done to me on the orders of our government without my express consent to any of them."

Astra chimed in, "I only have this one image of you on the table at that time."

Jack was fully nude. The doctor dropped one of the swords and President Grendal shook his head. "We were under orders to not reveal we were from the future. We both know they are going to ask about this disease. They will find out a lot more than they bargained for if I am examined."

Jack held out his right hand, "You see the hand on the screen and you see the hand now. Keep this in mind. Ash, tell your story."

Ash talked about the aliens she ran into and the lack of choice in fixing her body. Jack reached over and removed the synthetic skin from her hand. "One hand sent back from 3081 and another just a few months ago in the past. I stumbled upon her because I was told she was there by another alien known as Meltora. Meltora is a benign creature. It is a space-based single-cell organism and everyone has seen it.

Astra, show the camera from the Tera-3 space dock right after arrival and the left side near the bridge. We had to register the ship and sell the cargo to pay for the registration. Watch closely." They watched the number and name appear under the bridge. "The organism agreed to travel with us back in time. It reproduces by fragmentation and lives off space particles that will even travel through shields.

Also, the exhaust particles from the engine. She is the cleanest running ship in this galaxy. Astra, remove your shirt and open your chest panels." She popped them to the shock of the guests. "Go ahead and fix that Astra. Give us a display of my service record."

President Grendal looked up, "Says your last name is Scrogum."

Jack nodded, "If people called you Scrotum you would want to change it. The choice was not mine. My ID and name were put together by those in 3081. Named for someone who had died in an orphanage fire by all accounts, yet the name existed. Doctor are you done with her hand?"

Carol looked over, "It is marvelous."

Jack looked at her, "She mentioned her sword blade color is red."

Jack looked over, "Ash call your sword. Let is start but shut it off immediately." It flew from the desk into her left hand and lit up.

She turned it off, "There is a second color blue. The writing on hers, by the way, translates to 'Vengeance will be mine.' Red swords are geared to those wielders who lash out or are aggressive. Blue swords are the cautious defenders. Mine says 'The Even Hands of Justice.' He summoned his over and pointed it away and activated, "Dark purple."

He turned it off and handed it back to the good doctor, "There are no buttons. The swords are powered by psychic energy and are DNA encoded from what we can tell. My experience occurred on the ship under the direction of the government from 3081. It was based upon the information provided by alien traders who had witnessed this ritual. There were 2 blades in the room for me. Red and blue. Display that recording. What was happening was, that I tried to force my will on my hand to choose a sword.

When it did this it merged and started pulling the energy out of me until it was done. The writing on those two said, 'Wrath of Vengeance' and 'Protector of the Innocent or chosen.' The words have a double meaning. I have 2 swords that are purple now bound to me, the same inscription on both. My 6th candidate that arrives tomorrow might be able to show me how to fight with both. I have not tried to summon to my other hand yet. Telepathy and telekinesis, I know."

He saw a pen on President Grendal's desk and pulled it to Jack's left hand.

He handed it back to him, "That was not a psychic weapon. The pen is mightier than the sword though."

President Grendal took his pen. "Now a thing about telepathy. It allows for two psionic minds to talk. It does nothing, that I have found yet with a non-psychic. I became psychic when the hand was attached and I did the swords. The encoded DNA spoke to me later as it could not talk with me until it connected to my mind. That DNA can give extraordinary things. Knowledge of alien technology. The ability to read their writing and psychic communication.

I want to talk about this last part. A race sent out a scout ship. Found a woman in distress and fragmented themselves. I use this word because it is one of the ways they reproduce. They have sexual relations when an egg is ready and only then. Never for enjoyment. Information from the hand. Now show the image of Ash on the table. Next to it, show the image of what I look like today."

The Doctor moved closer and looked at Jack's image more intently, "Both legs, the right arm, the right lung, and into the brain. A second heart!"

Jack nodded, "32% according to the table from the year 3080 and the computer behind it. Now she was told she had a choice and she will have to choose. One choice is to reject it. The hand and foot would die and she would be disabled. The second choice is a hybrid. Now my guess is hers will be left-side focused if she does. You missed one doc. My chest plate was reinforced as well."

She nodded excitedly. "The only thing from this alien DNA that was added that has impacted the sex addiction is with 2 heart, I never get worn down from sex. Right now, I keep a steady 30 beats per minute. My need for sleep is negligible now. I have been up 45 hours now with no sleep."

The doctor looked at him, "That heart rate is awfully low." Jack nodded, "Like those of a well-trained athlete. But I have two of them running that low. When I sleep, I do sleep. I just have not felt run down or fatigued from being up so long. The new lung functions at the same capacity as the old one did. The intelligent alien DNA left my long bones in the legs. It knew of the red blood cells that are generated for the body but encased them.

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