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Astra Pt. 08


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Justice Incarnate spoke to his younger and local self. "He is remaining. He more than passed the tests here to be a Drakor Justice hybrid for a new sector. He had no idea he was fighting only for his own life here. The ones who watch the Timeline will get a copy of the report we give them in our time. They may congregate and get answers for both groups, your time, and ours. They will both be interested in that. They may require further testing of him.

Humanity will remain lost in our timeline. He has let them go, yet he does not know that fact. Those who control the Timeline will weigh in, from your council, or ours. It makes no difference. He would be a truly graduated individual if he had returned and got his species in line."

The younger and local Justice Incarnate responded, "He is heavily reliant on his wives, his mates here. He does much of this to save humanity and his family here. I ask you to respect that we accept this testing as sufficient to answer those questions. I will submit it to our Time Guardian representative to try to avoid further testing on him. I pulled what you did to him from his mind. You exceeded the testing standards with him, but you were fair in giving him energy back as you used this test differently than intended."


Jack bowed to them and walked away. Though he saw no faces he knew there was a crowd of thousands watching; if not millions. He knew this ship and they wanted to see what he could do. He went to his ship and powered up as the doors opened and he returned to his battleship his necklace went off. Every wife tried to talk to him at once, and Astra jumped in.

He called out. "Calm down. They are from the future or a different future. Justice Incarnate told them I was special. They wanted to evaluate me. I passed. I could have graduated again, whatever that means. I was told that meant leaving all of you. Instead, I told them I was tasked to help humanity and I cannot abandon that task. One at a time. Mr. President?"

He sighed, "Did those magnetic jump points you talked about for these time travel events get bigger?"

Jack chuckled, "Massively larger. Especially the one on the outer rim. It is a clear and present danger and we should be working on technology to negate those fields and put a dampener at each location. Time to build a bigger shield. Time to find a way to earn the people's trust because constantly saving them just makes them fearful of the power I am amassing. I am working to be able to move Colossus through a Jump Point. Eventually unassisted. That is my goal; I just pick up other talents along the way.

Colossus is a colony mover and it is a troop transport. It is a fully functioning dry dock with two factories aboard it. It is the future of humanity if we cannot stop these time travel events. I am the only one right now; from a leadership role to an industry role in Tera, attempting to work these problems. I have been pushing and financing it all, even the penal colony. The colonies have been great in their co-op style at supporting my projects.

While I get anything and everything built for them. Let us continue this discussion aboard my ship if you like. My head is pounding after the mental exertion they put me through. Astra, please have lots of food ready for me, and the others. With a case of mead."

The others went quite thankfully and he got the shuttle down in the shuttled bay cutting groove marks on the floor. The Drakor ships moved off and then jumped back to their given time frame at all locations. Jack opened the door and he had 2 mechanics insist on helping him out of his seat. One looked at him, "Admiral, you look like hell."

Jack nodded, "Like a 12-hours sparing match with Aiko and Ash at full speed."

Astra swopped in, "I got him! Thank you."

They nodded to her. "Wives want you going straight to bed. You have been gone just under 5 hours."

Jack looked over. "Which is why you will follow my orders on this. I need to eat. I need to finish getting this off my mind else I won't rest."

She nodded and got him to the bridge, the food and the wives were waiting ahead of him. Grace looked at him, "What did they do to you?"

Jack groaned out as every muscle of his ached, "They tested my powers and my ability. Justice Incarnate told them I was something special. They tested me to see if I would pass. I did apparently. I could have graduated whatever that meant. I figure it was another test. To see if my resolve for humanity was broken. It is not. I am going to keep pushing on and plowing you ladies."

They laughed at that and gave him time to eat, at 3x speed, through 3 steak dinners and a whole cherry pie as the other walked in. They sat down as his fourth empty mead bottle hit the table. He grabbed a fifth. President Grendal looked over, "What in the hell happened?"

Jack skipped over most of the details of each test just telling them it was very tiring then he looked at them. "The last test, or should I say second to the last test, was 20 of them charging me with swords."

President Grendal asked, "You beat down 20?"

Jack shook his head, "The goal was to get to the blue circle without getting hit."

President Grendal looked at Jack as he had them all on the edge of their seats. Jack brought up his arm with his sword in hand and passed through the table. "I ran through them."

Jack put his sword away. "I got enough things that people get freaked out that I can do. I don't advertise everything I have done or I can do. Taking my body into the astral plane, like my sword. Some of the wives have seen me do this when I was in the medical bay, before the wedding. Yet, this was longer and more difficult to do as I physically still traversed the distance. I had no engine if you will and every muscle in my body aches from that exertion.

The last test, from my point of view, was to see if I had given up on humanity to get there. To graduate, just myself, and leave you all behind. No details were given when I asked...other than I would leave you all behind. I was concerned it would mean the end of humanity and myself for failing in my duty to get the people ready. To check if I was selfish. Even if my perception of this test was wrong. I wanted to remain with humanity.

I want a better result than one getting there. I don't believe they are expecting humanity to all have powers. They just need to accept the fact that some do and it is for a good reason. Break down what we know on these events, Astra, and what we think will happen next dealing with these time events."

Astra sighed, "We had 6 events in Tau Ceti, 10 on the Outer Rim, and then 6 at Jupiter. Times that by 2 as we had outgoing events with them. This latest round started with 4 more on the outer rim, this time they came in groups of 6 at Jupiter and Tau Ceti.

Each ship jumped individually which appears to be the Drakor way of doing it. After which it was 14 events on the outer rim, instead of 16, while the other 2 remained constants at 6 each. If it holds this pattern the next 6 or12 jumps in time will be near Jupiter's orbit. The information is from the satellite; it wasn't destroyed."

Jack shook his head, "Those ships are massive and they move them through wormholes and time. While we have just gotten one battleship to do it through a wormhole. Astra did not count in their departures. We have no idea how that will play into this. Another variable in a complex equation that we don't understand. Astra in this time, who are the 5 top scientists in the study of time travel."

Astra went through her data, "There are only 3, they are working on it together. Two more would graduate soon."

He paused and thought for a second. "Check fields of study that deal with time travel and use the current listing of all those studying it. I might have children doing some of this as they come into or out of college. Some might have started master's degrees or doctorate programs. There is elevated intelligence in all the children.

If they are not geniuses, they are close to it. I need Paul to throw into the schedule the building of 2 more Dreadnaughts, different styles. I will draw it up later. It will be a very powerful carrier. Maybe 300 fighters. Tag these as Ceti craft. I want the additional constant support in my home system."

He got two nodding heads from the local leaders.

Jack smiled, "Paul is working fighters for my Colossus; If he could move that work to your 2 spaceports, he might be able to start on those carriers sooner. After the next 6- or 12-time jumps, they will be back here if we cannot stop this soon."

The 2 nodded their understanding. "The need for the caterpillar is worth the risk on the return jump. Astra, take us to caterpillar 4. We will need your Security Service to dock or use our shuttle bays. We might have room for them on the return. He walked out to comms, "XO, when we have all our shuttles returned, how many open slots will we have?"

Zack laughed, "None."

Jack nodded, "We need your Security Service guys to dock and they can use our shuttles to escort you down."

President Grendal looked at Jack, "What are you doing?"

Jack sighed, "Those hatches will be blocked unless they are already docked. We can adjust the side to keep them cozy.

President Grendal made the call and they waited for them to be docked, "Astra, docking protocol with caterpillar with the 2 destroyers factored into the simulation."

Astra expanded the caterpillar arms enough and moved inside while taking it to within centimeters of the bridge.

She brought the ship's arms around the Katana's frame. She then accessed the auxiliary arms he built into these arms and clamped them perfectly to the outer hull. "Astra how much bigger will we have to make the hole to take the caterpillar through?"

She looked, "20% should give us a good safety margin."

He nodded, "Master Chief, Deck 10 storage and platform 6 and another 8 cores. Tie those directly to labs for now."

He heard Daniele groan, "That is the last platform that will fit in here. I am running out of room to walk Admiral."

Jack chuckled, "You want more room to walk, invert the shield generator and mount it to the bottom of one of the platforms. You must move it anyway. That is where the next power cores would go."

Daniele laughed into the comms, "I like the idea for the shield generator. More power cores along the bottom? I am surprised I'm not glowing."

Jack smiled, "Go to medical and see if you're pregnant. Then we will know if you're glowing. Seriously, that was my plan if I had to boost our physical power more."

She sighed, "That explains the extra length on the power regulators cabling. Damn, you are always 10 steps ahead of me."

Jack got up, "Correct Master Chief. I am taking my shuttle to the surface to spend time with my children."

The wives shook their heads. Sprits spoke, "We will fly you down. We heard about the gouges in the deck."

Jack nodded, "I was low on energy. I feel somewhat better after you ladies shunted some into me. Yes, I noticed."

They laughed at that and headed for the shuttle bay.


Jack spent the whole 12-hours of his time playing and loving on his children. They asked about the latest ships that came in and Ash spoke with her children and the others and explained it to them as the others listened. They had a crowd outside and Grace spoke with them about what happened in the Drakor ship. Jack timed it so he did not run into the reporter. She had gone to the other colony.

He did not talk with the wives, or answer comms unless it was an emergency. He had it all forwarded to Grace. She even wore the necklace which she discovered was a real pain in the ass. He returned to the ship and went straight to bed. He woke up with Astra sucking away and the wives nowhere to be seen. His balls let loose a load of semen for her.

She smiled, "Sprits and the others paired off for the night or ganged up. Anyway, they got up about 3 hours ago. You have been out for 12 hours. 404 ml, they wanted the extra sent here for women who are waiting."

Jack nodded, "Understood."

He showered and dressed and Astra was back with breakfast for him and his coffee. She pointed, "Eat, Core Doctors orders now that it is fully operational again."

President Grendal contacted him, "You awake yet Jack?"

Jack sent back, "Eating breakfast and drinking coffee. Have an armed bot at the door glaring at me."

President Grendal laughed, "May I come down to your room?"

Jack looked at Astra who went for the door. He walked in and was unsure of himself. Jack looked up, "Be decisive. I do not judge or bite."

Jack sighed and looked at Astra, "Astra, kill the cameras in here. Do not record this conversation."

She nodded, "Understood."

President Grendal sighed, "I saw that list of surgical procedures you had, they dealt with your genitals."

Jack nodded, "You wanting some of those done for you and your ladies?"

He nodded, "That was the thought."

Jack looked at him. "If you're not lasting as long as you want, no more than 10% nerve reduction, which is truthfully a relocation. Look at the numbers for the sack from what it was to where it finished. Cut it in half. The girth and length, I think the psychotic bitch got that part right. At least for my ladies."

President Grendal laughed. Jack pointed, "Astra, Take John Wickstein to medical, clear the area and get him scanned and what he wants. She runs the core and would be the only one who knows."

President Grendal nodded, "Thanks, Jack."

Jack nodded, "No thanks necessary." He smiled and left with Astra which gave him an escape from the room to get to the bridge, "Master Chief, Status on the power cores?"

She looked over, "I am glowing. Thank you for the recommendation."

Jack looked at her, "Well, how many?"

Daniele smiled, "2 girls and a boy."

Jack nodded, "Is my son, Admiral Zander, onboard?"

She nodded, "He brought a few others. Half of your hybrid sons that were going to leave opted to stay. So did 13 others. Then about 20% of the others who were looking to leave returned. Especially those younger than 18 who learned that would become the new minimum age for local forces to deal with the position issues."

Jack nodded, "Astra nothing should be running in my lab so shut it down. Master Chief, drop the shields on the cores. Shields, take us to the 1st shield only when called for."

He gave a few hours for everyone to get back and all shuttles accounted for. As well as the fighters. Jack worked a pad and planned out modifications to make a Carrier class ship. One that would dry dock a couple of destroyers and several scouts at the same time.

Jack looked up at his son Zander behind him "When we go from half to full, I want you to connect into my mind and see what this looks like. It will save you some damage to your ship when it is ready. You will need the extra power cores in that design update."

Zander nodded, "Can something small like a fighter move ahead of you?"

Jack shook his head, "No they would have to see the beams, be telepathic, and in a seat connected to that engine."

Zander nodded, "Inside your shields works I see."

Jack nodded, "Connected to the ship, inside the shields is untested as of yet. How I got the Security Services to dock their destroyers. I told them before I started the engine, I did not want any stray unseen beams hitting their ships. They were fine inside of our shields and docked. The President ordered them to dock."

Zander laughed, "Why the nose up when you arrived?"

Jack smiled, "I wanted them to take in what we just accomplished. Not have it thrown right in front of him. Take a second and give them that moment of awe for the first time of seeing another solar system from within."

Zander smiled, "I will remember that."

Jack sighed, "Everyone who saw that will remember that. Everyone ready?"

They nodded. "Master Chief, half power." She looked over and he nodded. She drove it up half-power. Jack then nodded, "Full power."

Astra called out, "30% over. We have plenty of room."

Jack felt his son and showed him the gentle hand that pushed the craft and then let go. He brought them 100 km from the moon as it rotated away from them. "Astra, fully extend Caterpillar to stage 1 and put it in lunar orbit near our Dreadnaughts." He heard from the tower, "Tera-1 Tower, HGEBS-1. I do not see you in our system."

Jack called back, "Hit the yellow icon in the bottom left-hand corner and you will get an update from Tau Ceti."

He asked, "Are you unloading a dry dock?"

Jack called back, "No. That is a caterpillar II Space Base Construction Platform. That can build Dreadnoughts. This is Merlin DF-1 Presidential."

The operator seemed to fumble around, "I was told to contact someone when you arrived. We all were."

Jack called out, "Calm down. We all put our pants on the same way."

He found it, "The Capitol."

Jack smiled, "Don't bother."

Jack hit comms, "Astra, Capitol."

The operator smiled, "You are all they talk about around here. One moment."

She patched him into the office with the cabinet and they all looked on with a sigh of relief. Jack called out, "Don't look too relieved. We know where the next 6-12 time jumps are coming in at. All in the system around Jupiter's orbit."

They groaned as President Grendal looked on, "We got other issues to address including this treaty for the Home Guard, and the signed documents with both Tau Ceti colonies."

They nodded and the Secretary of State sighed, "The colony stuff they like and approved. But they want to rewrite this Home Guard Treaty."

Jack looked at them, "No. They take it as written or not at all. Hybrids do not play politics."

President Grendal looked on, "This is one time where we have to stand firm. That warning at the end of the meeting was real. Those ships that came in yesterday. They were from the future. They were 10-12 times as long as the Dreadnoughts. At least 10 times as thick, but these were cylinder-shaped. I have never seen one."

Jack sighed, "I have, it was a short clip from AI Bob showing the Drakor wiping out all human life on the surface of Tau Ceti clean. With thousands of fighters and landing craft to kill off all of the humans that remained in the colony. Leaving all the plant life and such for another species. The Tera system was already gone, as well as every colony in the other systems. To the best of the AIs knowledge."

Jack looked up from his pad and sent them the schematics. "Someone wanted an aircraft carrier. That Construction platform could be used to build it. Astra, show them external cameras and take the caterpillar II to Fully extend caterpillar stage 5. Split-screen it for us. The ones I left with you could not handle building bigger than a battleship or three and they were built into the space stations. We build 4 of these. The other 3 are in use. They are gearing up for after you get hit with 6-12 events, they would get hit next.

They will get returned in kind most likely. The pattern is not completely predictable now as these events increase. Then it is back here for 14-28 on the outer rim. Then a repeat or increase possibly at Jupiter. We need to get the science behind it to dampen those locations. Fix whatever we can there. That should also be a priority. Put a cork in it before it swallows us. When does congress wish to see me?"

President Grendal laughed, "You probably got a dozen subpoenas already."

Astra looked, "You have 5, all for the same time, same building but different committees."

Jack nodded, "Politics. Which committees?"

She looked at them, "One is researching if sedition charges should be filed against you. The next is the Ways and Means committee. Followed by Energy and Commerce. That is followed by the Judiciary Committee on patent issues. Also, we have one here for Science, Space, and Technology."


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