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Astra Pt. 08

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The story of Astra and Jack continue.
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Part 8 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/17/2019
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Artificial Sentient Terraforming Robotic Automaton (ASTRA)

Synopsis: With the fall of humanity the fate of its survival and resurrection resides in the hands of a very attractive female Android and the man chosen to be that champion; Jack Travus.

Inspired by so many things but not endorsed by any of them. © EmotionalStorm May 2022. This story cannot be transferred to any other site besides Literotica.com without prior authorization in writing from the author and EmotionalStorm must be credited for this work.

Author's Warning: There is a graphic discussion about incest between a brother and sister in this section. The discussion is from a security camera point of view.

Author's Note: Originally released © EmotionalStorm July 2019, this is an updated version with hundreds of edits/corrections. For those who have not read my bio, please note I write as a form of therapy for a Traumatic Brain Injury. I know the English majors will probably encounter issues that annoy them. If these are your focus, instead of the story itself, then this is not the story for you. I am not and will never be a professional writer. I do it to tell the story, for those who wish to read them.


It was a good backdrop to show the stars. "Half power." He nodded as the other focused on him, "Full power." They saw the expanse of stars as Jack pushed them through with kid gloves. Jack purposefully took them through with a 30-degree up angle on his arrival point.


Jack called out, "Nose down 30 degrees."

He hit his comms, "Tau Ceti Towers. Your eyes are not deceiving you. This is Command Admiral Jack Travus, Call sign DF-1 Presidential."

They heard, "How in the He..."

Jack hit his comms button, "We have Tera News cameras rolling over here. Paul, would you like to accompany the delegates with your wives as I brought your family. Bring Zander along. For the cameras and to answer your unasked question. You just participated in the first human system-to-system wormhole drive jump. 12 light-years in seconds.

The power is required to open the wormhole. To pass through you must have a strong telepath that bridges the connection between the astral plane. Same thing I did for the communication crystals for our satellites on a much larger scale. Secondary shield down, Aiko could you lead them up please from the shuttle bay."

He hit the update and sent a message to the Master Chief, "I will get crews right on that."

The Master Chief looked over, "Change designation to HGEBS-1 Kirishima. You dropped the C and added an E."

Jack nodded, "Explorer. The C will be discussed when everyone gets here. Display the image in the briefing room. Main screen, Astra, connect to the Capitol Operator."

The operator looked up, "Oh my god, Connecting you!"

He was connected to the Vice President and cabinet no less. President Grendal looked across, "We have only been gone a few seconds."

Vice President Lauran Dickenson looked across, "What the hell happened?"

President Grendal looked across, "This is being recorded For Tera News. Jack Travus just initiated the first human system-to-system jump via a wormhole. We are in Tau Ceti. He was right, I might want to extend this visit by a few days. This is truly amazing. For those that were asking why Jack Travus was getting so powerful, it was a build-up to do this. It requires a powerful telepath to execute the jump. He told me about the technology months ago. I just did not realize how close to reality he had it."

Jack called out, "Send outside front views to the Capitol. Astra my office, connect us to Tera News. I will be right back. I want to ensure that everyone knows we are here to prevent a panic."

President Grendal waved him over and shook his hand, "Lauran you know how to contact us. Astra, disconnect us and put that call through in here."

Jack stood next to President Grendal as the operator looked, "Just one second. Jack waved the reporter, Jenni Landreth, over so she could stand there beside Jack. Jenni just beamed. She saw her producer, "Just put us on the air, Randy. You got another exclusive story of the decade here if not the century! History!!"

Randy pointed, "You are on the air."

Jenni talked, "This is Jenni Landreth with Tera News, I am standing here with President Grendal, Jack Travus, and a room full of guests for what was a surprise launch of Jack Travus's battleship through a wormhole generated by his ship to the system of Tau Ceti."

Jack called out, "Back wall, display forward cameras, and pan around the ship for those who are wondering what Tau Ceti looks like."

President Grendal spoke, "He explained to me months ago, when I ambushed him into the meeting with Gonzales, what he was working on as a means to make travel between systems faster. The key to these drives is they require a powerful telepath to establish the connection between a place he has been and the place he is leaving. This means getting to the systems is the first stage. Later we might be able to work a method to move entire colonies."

Jack looked up, "Project Colossus is underway to do just that. It is being built in Tau Ceti and will require several powerful telepaths to operate that Engine."

They heard, "Contact made! This just appeared beside us." Jack smiled, "Display on right side front and back wall."

Jack saw the image, "That would be a Drakor Capital ship. Open Shuttle Bay. Grace, would you greet our guests. Ensure shield 2 is down for them. Connect me to the towers."

He sighed. "This is Command Admiral Jack Travus. The Drakor presence at such a monumental moment is not to be unexpected. With two colony leaders and President Grendal here, it presents an opportunity for some Alien introductions and potential negotiations to occur. Do not read too much into this. We will know more later, as they had not told me directly that they would be here. I always expect them to show up when something big happens."

Grace walked onto the deck with 3 Drakor Jack gave a slight bow. He handed the President a bracelet. "Put that on, I built it for us to talk." Lucas put it on and it lit up. "Press it." He pressed it and heard a voice, "I am the one he calls Justice."

Jack thought to him "Tell them your sword name. It is time."

Justice looked over, "You are right Dispenser of Justice. In Drakor society, you are named by your persona. When you select a blade it gets a name. That name is you as you are the sword. My name is Justice Incarnate. He guessed early on that I was a Justice when we spoke mentally. We are at a point where more descriptive names would be within your customs. We came to talk with your leaders and with Dispenser of Justice Jack Travus."

Jack looked back over, "We will get with you after we have had a private conversation. End transmission."

He motioned and thought, "There is a conference room right over here. Grace I am going to need that Home Guard treaty."

Grace sighed, "Now WOULD be a good time to do that."

Jack thought, "Add an entry for Justice Incarnate to sign it."

She nodded as leaders moved into the room and the 2 who accompanied him stayed back with the Security Service forces. Jenni and her camerawoman were having a field day. They left the still camera in place and started interviewing the crew. Starting with the Master Chief.

Jack closed the door with Justice Incarnate, Grace, Paul, The President, and both the current and newly elected Colony leaders. Jack looked over, "I created up 3 of these bracelets. I can be contacted from anywhere at any time if I am wearing this necklace. It has a corresponding crystal they are tuned together.

Blue for Tera, Green for Geos, and Clear for Meos. When it lights up it means I am trying to get a hold of you. It has an electronic to a psionic interface. Something I can look to build into ships one day, but for now, it is a part of the satellites.

To allow all of them to talk if need be, but they will need a central location to work from most likely. Still working on plans for those. Justice Incarnate can also communicate through the device. The President's bracelet is currently active."

He lit up the other two and they pressed the button, Justice Incarnate bowed, "Just a demonstration I cannot turn on the electronics in it. That choice is yours. His thoughts will sound like his voice. His mind's image of his voice. This is the mind's image of all Drakor voices. I am not likely to contact you or your successors unless another meeting like this is required. Lady Justice, Grace you have a document."

She set it down. He put a finger upon it, "Justice Incarnate on behalf of the Drakor Nation. I accept on behalf of my people, to our part of this treaty as written."

President Grendal looked at Jack, "What part is that?"

Jack put his thumb on the pad, "Jack Travus, Dispenser of Justice on behalf of the Human Hybrids and the Home Guard. I accept. To answer your question, Mr. President, this treaty has a built-in contract that calls for me to be judged and likely executed for an action deemed to be in defiance of my nature. For the betterment of the human people. You, and many others, have asked me who would judge me.

Now you know. It also has provisions for separating Ceti forces from Home Guard Forces over time. As these locations grow politics will set in. I cannot be involved in politics and you will need a new admiral who is not a hybrid. Not all hybrids will be a part of the Home Guard military, but they would follow Home Guard law. Some will live among you and help where they see issues. Like the judges on the Ceti colonies. They ran unopposed again?"

They both nodded. Jack looked over, "There will be humans and hybrids in the Home Guard. We are the force that will be able to move from one system to another. When help is needed, we will work to get you immediate aid. With that said the furthest moon on Geos. I plan to terraform as a base for the Home Guard. Our major facilities to build are here. Our connection with humanity is strongest here. In compliance with the charter.

We will allow for the setting up of embassies for aliens who are in good standing with humanity. We may become your ambassadors in helping with these relations. That will be up to you to decide. The choice is yours. We built up a large fleet of battleships and several smaller craft for planetary defense. The Dreadnoughts and the assets with those would become the Home Guard. Moving from system to system as needed. We have 2 in Tera and 4 here.

I have Colossus being built to move colony ships to new colonies. It will have 2 cruisers, 4 destroyers, and 8 scouts that will dock and cycle around the crew during these journeys. We have four systems and we will be the founders of them because nobody else has stepped up in 20 years and created another colony. We will send out another unit the long way if you will with the ships traveling separately at 5x with one of our telepaths. If I can figure out how to do what Justice Incarnate does, focusing upon the individual.

Most likely with an attuned crystal. I might be able to look through his eyes and jump to that system. Right now, I am the only one strong enough. My son Zander, who oversees the 3rd group would be next. Getting his battleship retrofitted would be a good idea. I am centuries ahead of where they expected any of us to be at this point. Nobody has advanced as fast as we have. Part of the reason is we embraced the hand we were dealt, quite literally. We took on this code and this mission to protect humanity.

We want to avoid civil wars and fighting but we cannot eliminate them. Those who are the politicians must do that. Going back to this death contract. That means as the two eternal judges we would judge if they acted against their nature and it did harm to mankind. We will, of course, look at local law. You must remember because a law is on the books it does not necessarily make it just. We are still humans who have taken on this burden. The only way to do that is to be the Home Guard.

Not Tera and not Ceti. We will take our transponders as HG with no system name. I predict we will have a movement of colonists to a lot of places as I work to finance things. As I have been doing. As such. I am turning over complete control of the 2 Starbases we are building here to the respective colony leaders' oversight. I still suggest one system force. We do not need a civil war between planets. With that expansion of people will be the need for funding. Moving from a coop to an economy.

Not today, but not far off. When that happens, you should set up a bank and use the satellite connection and allow people who move here to move their TCs here. TC Would be Terran Credits in all systems if we do this right; except for Pena. Now the caterpillar construction platforms would remain with the Home Guard. I want to transfer and take caterpillar 4 back with us and put it in orbit around Luna. For every colony we bring on Mr. President, I will release one of the 6 stations in orbit of Tera.

Provided they remain under civilian control. Up to 5 of them, as I will need one in Tera orbit at times. The ones out at Jupiter and Saturn I am keeping operational under me. Under my business entity. This answers your question about controlling all the space docks. If I can get caterpillar 4 back through with us, we will look at transferring over Tera-7 to civilian control. I would sign it over to the man who has been running all of them. But he would own it and he is strictly human.

He is also here because I invited him to be here. This will need to be read by each of you. But I will tell you I believe I am giving humanity the best path forward. Even if you do not take this treaty you have it on record in front of 3 leaders that the Drakor will continue to watch me as things continue. Act if action is required upon me. Not the rest of humanity. He would likely take on that role with Grace or the next most senior justice; wait I covered that. He would.

If I am here and it is Grace that steps out of line; highly unlikely but still. I would be expected to judge her and probably be forced to kill her if it is completely unrecoverable. They told us to watch and deal with our own and we are charged with that already. We just have to get humanity as a whole to understand this arrangement."

President Grendal looked at the contract and read it out loud to all of the leaders. He finally nodded, "President Grendel, I accept on behalf of the people of Tera."

The other 2 quickly followed suit. Jack looked over, "Now we know how the Home Guard is defined. The businesses I have will be the funding for the Home Guard. The moon we will call Mixtios. Take on the Latin word for blend or to mix. Another word for hybrid yet covers every cross-cultural marriage mankind has had."

Jack looked at Justice Incarnate, "You are free to stay if you wish."

Justice Incarnate thought back, "You have given them a good start. We are not in a position for formal talks yet with your people. I took this up for you because of the rate you were increasing and it was causing problems for your people. You have aided us twice and this was the least we could do."

Justice Incarnate looked around, "It is time for me to depart. We have far to go before we can establish formal relations. This was a very good start for Dispenser of Justice. I know you have a Congress who must consider this. If they do not approve of it what would they propose? You know we have the power to do what is required. If hybrids fail for humanity then humanity will fail. Easier to support them, than fight them."

He turned and walked from the room as Grace walked with them.

Jack smiled, "That side of the table, please. I can put the view from our cameras and impose an image of Earth to scale so they can see the big difference in the world here and the room to grow." He tested each crystal with them to see that they all worked and he could hear them in his head."

He nodded, "Anywhere I am with this necklace on; I can be reached. I pay taxes in Tera for things for Tera and I would do the same here if we ever get a bank and economy here."

They laughed at that. Jack nodded, "We have a reporter to grab for this signing. Just a second."

He stepped out, "Admiral Grant, Ms. Landreth, and your camerawoman for the week. Treven family, you can crowd together at the end down there to watch history again. Astra, and Master Chief. My son and XO Commander Zack, and his brother Commander of the 3rd Dreadnaught right beside me, my son Zander."

Zack smiled at his father, "I asked her, and the 2 others. They were glad you looked at that list for your adult sons. We hit it off and I told them when you and Grace are off the ship. I run it."

Jack nodded, "I cannot transfer you now as I will need my Master Chief. Unless I have you running escort next to mine while she works on mine. Part of my Battlegroup for colony exploration."

Zack nodded, "We would be restricted to 5x speed and I am sure you got a hanger for a shuttle."

Jack nodded, "All true."

The camerawoman was ready and nodded. As the three leaders accepted copies of the documents and traded pads to do it 3 times. The President spoke, "This is the second document this group has signed today. The first was an accord, a treaty, that defined the role of the Home Guard."

Jack asked for the pad and Grace handed it to him as he set it on the table, "One has not signed this yet, and I wanted it to be witnessed. She will say she is the only AI from her time but she would be wrong now. I am not looking to make hundreds of AIs or even patent them. But as the de facto leader and a member of the Home Guard, who is not human. You should sign this contract as well in regards to the future for your species."

Astra smiled, "Astra, On behalf of the Terran AIs, I accept this treaty."

Jack looked over, "Now if the Tera or Ceti court ever asks again. She is covered under the Home Guard treaty as a non-human Sentient Entity. She is a separate species in the scheme of things."

President Grendal smiled, "Brilliant move. I had been getting some questions about how to deal with Astra. But now I just refer them to you."

Jack smiled, "The way it should be."

President Grendal asked, "Who is the second one?"

Jack smiled, "Bastra. This was a test run of keeping Astra on the battleship and Bastra on the Base. They can communicate through the satellite and stay updated. Until we move the core into Colossus. I will have to try a super dreadnaught before I do the Colossus. Incremental steps.

Another reason to get the caterpillar out there. I built the pylons large enough to do just that. You have lots to discuss with them in regards to trade as well. For say 30 colony ships?"

President Grendal smiled, "You can get 30 colony ships back to Tera?"

Jack smiled, "XO, set course for Capillary 3."

They went out. Jack looked over, "Time for you to see the 'BIG surprise.'"

He went out and grabbed the pad from Grace and pulled down some patents and she looked at what they were for. Grace smiled, "That Army General might kiss you."

Jack laughed, "Not my type. The prototypes will be finished when we get back."

She transmitted it and the Admiral wanted to look over what the Home Guard contract did. She saw what Jack was doing. "The Drakor essentially put it in writing to kill you if you fall from being a justice."

Jack nodded, "I know. I helped write it, I did not know they would show. I will increase in power to be able to do things like these wormholes."

Admiral Grant looked at him, "You have."

Jack shook his head, "This was a step, I have not done it with a dreadnaught and not with Colossus virtually empty, and then fully loaded. Those will require a lot more telepaths."

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