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Aunt and Uncle Spank Niece

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Can niece reach her first orgasm while punished by Uncle?
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Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 04/14/2024
Created 01/14/2023
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"Please tell me that she is deliberately flirting with me and trying arouse me. It is driving me mad, she is only 18. I should be able to control myself and look away. The other day she was in pajama bottoms and a tee shirt, her nipples were not only clearly visible through the thin white shirt they were enormous. I am so sorry, I should not be letting her get to me."

It was Sunday morning and Peter and his wife Pauline were laying in bed discussing her niece.

"You are not imagining anything. I have talked to her on all sorts of matters in the last few days. It started when I told her it was inappropriate for her to be flouncing around with a tee shirt and no panties in front of you. Don't beat yourself up too much, you did not even notice. She admitted enjoying teasing you and said she has a terrible crush on you. She was very keen to tell me about the two boys she has slept with and how frustrating she found the fact that she has never experienced an orgasm. It seems to be effecting her quite badly and I am sure fueling her need to tease you."

"We have not addressed what punishment she needs for being so late last night. The previous two warnings have clearly had no effect on her behavior. She is too old to go over the knee but I think we are past verbal warnings."

"We may be able to kill two birds with one stone here. If you gave her a severe spanking it might well cure her crush and improve her time keeping."

"That is the worst idea I have ever heard. I know you trust me but I am a red blooded male. I have already admitted to struggling with her teasing. You also know what spanking your bottom does to me."

"You are a very special man. I am offering you an experience you will never forget. To help you, I will insist on being there with you both throughout the punishment. You know what effect on me you spanking my bottom has. She will realize that the teasing is over. Your prick is clearly giving its' agreement to my suggestion, I cannot remember it being as big and angry looking for years."

"Oh I am so sorry I cannot get the vision of her draped over my knees out of my head. What are you doing? I don't remember the last time you went down on me. Please stop it feels wrong with her in my mind. I will cum if you don't stop now."

She was unable to say anything with her mouth full of his cock. He prided himself that he could control his orgasms. This sometimes annoyed her but she knew he was helpless at this moment. She held the head just in her mouth and lightly licked behind it. It did not bother her that it was little Carrie who was filling his head as the first squirt hit the back of her mouth. She gently teased the head of his prick as he squirted time and time again. She loved every last second.

"I will take that as a positive to my suggestion. I will tell her she will be spanked before bed tonight and she should expect no mercy. She will know the teasing must end now."

There was a tense, excited atmosphere all day around the house. Peter was beginning to think they had made a bad decision. By dinnertime he was certain it was wrong.

"I cannot go through with this. I am sorry but I will be honest with you. I cannot get her stunning body out of my mind. I have had an erection almost all day. I am not sure I will be able to control it when we punish her. I am so sorry, I know she is not related to me but she is my niece and she is only18"

"Stop apologizing she would arouse a saint. I will admit that watching her has aroused me to fantasize about spanking that bottom myself. We cannot back out now, or she will have beaten us. She will feel she can tease you whenever and however she wishes. We must make sure she is aware who is in control and that she is there to be punished. You have always been good at controlling yourself."

If the atmosphere during the day had been tense, it changed to fully electrically charged when Carrie presented herself in a longish tee shirt and a pair of knickers. She was told to stand in the middle of the room and face the couple on the sofa. Her posture was part demure and apologetic little girl and part desperate over-aroused temptress. The first comment from Pauline was not necessarily the most sensible to calm the situation.

"Pleased to see you remembered you panties this time."

Carrie took this as a challenge and looked back at Pauline with defiance flaring up in her eyes. Pauline realized she needed to take charge of the situation, as she was concerned that Peter would crumble under this challenge.

"You are here to be punished. You will do exactly what we say and when we tell you. You will go across Peter's lap and put your head in my lap. You can cry, shout, scream or anything else you wish. We will stop when we consider you have learned your lesson. Peter will spank you hard in groups of a dozen. After each set you will thank him and ask me if you are required to take more. You will keep your panties on but Peter will pull them up between your legs so that your cheeks can be totally accessible. Do you understand?

"Yes Aunty Pauline. I will take the spanking of my bottom, from Uncle Peter, like a big girl."

Peter was delighted that when Carrie was across his knees it was him that pulled her shirt well up her body exposing her surprisingly substantial knickers. His next duty was to pull her panties up so they disappeared between her legs. He was not sure of why she pushed her bottom much higher than necessary as he did this. As if to indicate his authority he reached under her so that he was able to pull the panties forward and backwards. This ensured they were wedged not only between the cheeks of the bottom but also the lips of her pussy. The seesawing left them pinching her erect clit. None of this was lost on Carrie as she settled her head into her Auntie's lap and ensured she was wedged tight into her uncle's stomach.

Peter was completely overwhelmed by the view facing him. Carrie still retained a little bit of puppy fat. Her athletics and gymnastic training had toned her muscles so that when tensed her bottom, her upper legs and cheeks were shapely and firm, almost hard. Pauline had, for no reason she could explain, taken hold of Carrie's tee shirt and pulled it up her body until her small boobs and her large nipples were released.

The first spank was almost timid. Peter realized and ensured that the rest of the first dozen were much firmer. The early ones landed on her relaxed bottom, which caused ripples to spread right across the whole expanse of her large bottom. The last ones landed on her tense and rock hard checks stinging them rather than sinking into the flesh. She tensed as she anticipated each spank.

"If you tense up like that for the rest of your spanking you will be bruised for days. Relax and embrace the contact. He will spank you much harder as we go on."

"That was really hard, my arse is stinging like hell."

"They were almost love taps. This is the last time I warn you about not thanking Peter and asking me for more spanking.'

"I am sorry. Thank you Uncle Peter, please let him spank me some more Aunty Pauline."

Peter felt Carrie snuggle closer to him, turning so her bottom was even more accessible for spanking. At the same time her leg legs parted slightly. He looked across to Pauline hoping that his next action would be fully understood by her. He lent forward as far as his position allowed and drew his breath in deeply through his nose. He thought that he had sensed her arousal but he was stunned by the strong, sweet, pungent aroma that assorted his senses. Pauline fully understood his action and could now make out the girls arousal from where she sat.

The spanking continued now with much greater force. Carrie yelled at each contact, not only tensing but also thrusting towards the hand on contact and against his body between spanks. Peter had long ago stopped being worried by his erection. He had bent so that it stayed as little in contact with the writhing girl as possible. This became more and more difficult as Carrie seemed to be seeking his prick out with her groin. Carrie tried to wrap herself around her uncle after the last of the dozen landed. By the end tears were running down her cheeks

"You are spanking the shit out of my bottom. It is far harder than you spanked Pauline the other week."

She regretted this comment before it was out of her mouth.

"Pardon me, what did you just say young lady'"

"I heard Uncle Peter spank you when you thought I was asleep. I am sorry I should not have listened but it was so arousing, for me as well."

"We shall find out just how arousing you find the last dozen. Peter these need to be as hard as you can manager. You know where they will have the most effect."

Peter had never spanked anyone as hard as Pauline was asking him too. The idea threatened to overcome him. He knew it was punishment but the sexual buzz was so strong. He delivered each one savoring every contact. Had he broken her?

During the last three spanks her thrusting got out of sync with his spanking and the yelling became continuous. He knew he was in danger of losing control and cumming from her rubbing of his cock.

"Off his lap and lay on your back on the floor."

"Oh please don't stop I have never felt this excited. If he carries on I think I may be able to orgasm."

"You are here to be punished, now down on the floor before I punish you in a way you will neither enjoy nor will you get off on."

Carrie did as she was told but opened her legs, pulled the panties from deep in her sodden pussy to one side and stroked her fully exposed clit. The look on her face was a challenge to her audience and also a look of desperation.

"Please, please, please Uncle Peter I need your prick deep in me, please come here and fuck me. Aunty Pauline I am sure it is all I need to bring me to my first orgasm. I am begging you let him take me just as he did you after your spanking."

"You are my niece and just 18 years old. It would be wrong on every level. I am so sorry."

To frustration and helpless arousal was added total humiliation. She was offering her young body to him and he was rejecting it. With little thought she pushed her shirt up to her neck exposing her hopelessly aroused nipples to their gaze. She had not stopped caressing her clit and had increased the pressure greatly.

"I am so close I think I might be able to get there. Please either of you I am not sure I can cum without help. Oh so close, so close."

Pauline felt desperate for the poor girl and would not have blamed Peter for giving in. She noticed Carrie use her second hand to take hold of her nipple. Her surprise came when the girl seemed to squeeze it as hard as she could and pull it as if trying to pull it clear off her boob. At this stage the nipple was, an ugly, distorted looking. nearly two inches long.

"Fuck don't let it escape. Yes, yes I think it might just happen. It's coming I can't stop it, I can't stop it, here it comes, oh fuck."

Neither of them had ever witness this level of extreme arousal or force as the orgasm hit the desperate girl writhing completely uncontrolled all over the floor. The convulsions lasted for over a minute with her exclamations of how fantastic orgasms were gradually reduced and became less urgent.

"None of us will ever forget your first orgasm Carrie. We are going to bed, I suggest you do the same. "

When safely in their bedroom they were naked in seconds.

"I cannot believe you didn't fuck her brains out. If I had had a prick as she was masturbating with such desperation I would have fucked her myself. Don't say a word. I want you to rerun the last hour but change the ending. Don't you dare talk to me or think of me as we fuck. You are going to fuck me with only her in your mind. "

Not a word was uttered as he entered her balls deep in one thrust. He closed his eyes remembering every spank, the over-powering aroma, the thrusting against his prick and face of the desperate girl just as the orgasm had devoured her. It took him nearly ten minutes to relive the previous hour. When the view of the masturbating girl filled his memory he filled his wife as she hit her second orgasm during their fucking. It was her third of the night.

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MarkthegeekMarkthegeekover 1 year ago

Awesome,,,EVERY word!

NipkorNipkorover 1 year ago

Wow , very hot , oh how hoped he would have fucked Carrie , very nice story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I think it's time for Aunt Pauline to take over & punish Carrie for her impudent remark about their personal privacy, maybe with Carrie receiving a hard strapping from her & an introduction to her strap-on while mounted on their previously concealed X frame or whipping bench!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Love the set-up! Can't wait to see them take her!

DrmaxcDrmaxcabout 2 years ago

How amusing to avoid the obvious. I had assumed Uncle's cock would be deep inside his niece by the end - but not at all!

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