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Aunt Gets by Cum During Road Trip

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Bitchy Aunt gets humbled by cum.
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My name is John, and I have lived with my Aunt Nikki since I was 18 and still do just to save my money. But she is a bitch. She thinks she's to good for anyone, and puts out a different story to the public than she does at home. She knows she isn't perfect, which makes her a bitch at home. She got a divorce which kinda made me happy because it showed her she's not perfect. And she's never gone through anything tough in life other than that. But now she has to work and has to see what the real world is. I say she never went through anything tough in life because her mom and dad had everything and handed her everything. And her husband made lots of money, and something happened with her dad that got all their money taken away so there was nothing left to give her once her parents passed away.

Now about me, I'm 23, I'm a police officer and on swat, and I don't take any shit. I have been through a lot in life, I had to mature really fast, and I'm still dealing with stuff. I'm about 6'3 with an athletic buff build. My dick is about 7 inches when soft and about 8 inches when it's hard. When I'm horny though, it doesn't get fully erect. It starts as a chub, and it's heavy, so it sticks out but the head hangs down. And I'm always fully shaved, so it's a pretty dick. And I cum a lot. I have a condition known as hyperspermia. And when I cum, it's shoots pretty good lengthy ropes of cum. I've never measured it, but I easily shoot over a foot long.

My Aunt Nikki, as much as I hate her, is cute. She's about 5'3 and thick. Not an unhealthy thick, but not a healthy thick either. She has black hair, and always has her tits in a push up bra, even though they don't need it. She also has a nice ass, it's like a bubble butt, but on a thick girl.

I've been dealing with a lot at work, and haven't really jerked off. I don't have a social life because I'm always focusing on myself and building a future. One morning at around 4 am, which is the time I usually wake up to go workout before work, I woke up and my balls were aching so badly that they were hurting my stomach. My Aunt is an early riser and was already up. I walked into the kitchen where she was holding my stomach.

"Oh my God, what is it now John?" she said condescendingly.

"I don't know, I just woke up to my nuts were aching and it hurting my stomach so bad" I say

Disgustingly Aunt Nikki replies, "Eww, I don't want to hear about my nephews nuts, you're disgusting."

"Oh my God, would you shut the fuck up and quit acting like the world is ending because I mentioned my nuts, I need to go to the ER and you need to take me."

Her eyes widened in suprise because of how direct I was. She's probably bitchy because everyone is scared to humble her. However I'm not. I humble her very quickly. I guess that comes with going through so much, and being greatful, and also being a police officer and dealing with so much shit. And I will have to say, as bitchy and as much of an asshole as she is, she will be there by your side if you need her. She agreed to go, as long as we took my truck because she likes driving it and I don't let her often.

I'd say I have a very high pain tolerance, but boy were my nuts and stomach aching. We arrived at an urgent care and were let in right away and got a room. The doc comes in and asks a series of questions, and runs a series of test and then leaves. She comes back shortly.

"John, I need to ask you a couple of personal questions that may seem a bit wierd," she asked.

She turns to my Aunt and stated, "I know you're family and that you'd like to be here for him, but, these questions are very personal, and I'm not sure if you'd like to hear them."

"I'm not going anywhere, he made me bring him, so I'm staying in here," my Aunt sorta snapped back.

"If you say so," the Doc replies.

She turns to me, "So, when's the last time you've, you know, ejaculated?"

"Oh my God!" My Aunt says in a high pitched surprising tone. She tries to get up and walk out.

I state to her, "Oh no, you're staying, sit back down. You aren't going to snap at the Doctor because she asked to leave and you might be annoyed that I asked you to bring me and you didn't think you should leave. Sit down!"

She sits down and clears her voice. She was giving off a vibes that suggested she was a little embarrassed because she knew she got humbled.

I continue my conversation with the doctor and answer back, "It's almost been a month because I've been dealing with so much at work, and I have no interest in finding a partner at this moment in my life, so, about a month."

"Okay," the Doc says. "This is what we are going to do, I'm going to give you this 120 milliliter cup, and I need you to go into the bathroom, and, I'm just going to say it, jerk off, and ejaculate into this cup. When you are done, bring it back into the room, and I'll be in shortly."

"Ew, I can't believe this," my Aunt says.

"Well, you did have the opportunity to leave the room, but since you want to act like a teenage girl going through puberty, you ruined that," I reply.

I went into the bathroom, and jerked off, and wow. I don't think I've ever jizzed that much. I filled about 80ml's, not counting the stuff that splashed out. But the funny thing is, my pain was gone. I totally didn't think about it, but with hyperspermia, I didn't think about all the pressure build up. I was to concerned about something really being wrong.

I walk back and enter the room. Aunt Nikki looks at the cup and her eyes widened so much, im suprised the didnt just fall out. I giggle because she's just so damn oblivious to the fact that, not everything works like or how you want it. Bitch.

The Doctor enters the room and I tell her how my pain is gone, and we discuss how to fix this going forward.

The Doc starts talking. "So, you had a build up of semen, and, in our prior discussions, you mentioned hyperspermia. This will happen when you don't ejaculate regularly. With this amount of pressure, it can seriously mess you up, and cause further harm to your body. I urge you to ejaculate regularly when you can, but if you don't, and you have these symptoms, you need to stop what you are doing, and you need to ejaculate. Don't mess around with this."

"Alright, well I didn't know that it could be dangerous so I'm glad I did come, thank you Doc," I reply. The doc takes the cup and walks out. A person comes in a few minutes later to discharge me. As me and my Aunt are leaving, I can see nurses looking at me and smirking and giggling like high school girls. Nothing eventful happened on the way home other than I didn't let Aunt Nikki drive it home.

About another month goes by, and I was busy with work and didn't really see my Aunt Nikki. Then, one day, my Aunt Nikki comes to me and asked me if I'd be willing to take a 15 hour road trip with her to help her sister in law set up a room for their baby they'll have in the near future. We would be leaving that night, and we'd be there for 3 days. I didn't work for another week so I figured why the heck not as long as we take her vehicle.

That night, we dress in comfy clothes and we load the suv up and head out. Aunt Nikki wore yoga pants that make her ass look great, and wore a v-neck shirt that showed some cleavage. I wore loose shorts, and a t-shirt. Nothing special. The thought of ducking my Aint has crossed my mind, but I never thought about it to much. I'm usually in my own little world.

When it comes to road-trips, guess what? My Aunt is a bitch. She hates stopping for anyone else, and will only stop when she needs to. So I didn't plan on stopping anytime soon. I knew we'd have to get a hotel room at some point, but that was her problem. I was here for the ride. I took a nap during the trip, and woke up. And guess what? I had that aching feeling in my balls and my stomach again.

Nope, I didn't listen to the doc. I got caught up in work again, and hadn't jerked off. But, there was something else. I felt like I need to pee as well.

"Pull over so I can pee on the side of the road, " I say.

"No, you can wait," she says in a bitchy tone.

"Okay, I'll just pee in a bottle then." And the vehicle comes to a halt. I get out, I do my buisness and get back in. The pain sort of went away but not completely. I figured I could hold out, and wait till we get to the hotel.

I wake up about 30 minutes later, and my balls and my stomach were aching so bad.

"Ugh, I have that aching feeling again. It hurts so bad, how much longer do we have?" I asked.

"We still have 6 more hours. We aren't getting a hotel room until we get there. You're going to have to hold out until we get there," she states. "Plus, we aren't going to stop just so you can go in and, well you know," she adds disgustingly.

6 hours? There's no way I can hold out that long. Absolutely no way. I've been sort of moaning in pain during this discussion. And I guess it annoyed my Aunt because she pops off.

"Will you just shut up and quit your bitching and moaning? It's getting on my nerves."

I angrily reply, "How about you quit being a bitch all the time? Do you know what it's like living with you? The world doesn't revolve around you. You're the annoying one. You act like a bitch to everyone for no reason. And I'm not going to stand for it. My fucking balls and stomach hurt so bad because I need to cum. So you can either stop somewhere so I can jerk my dick and blow my load, or, I'm going to pull my dick out right here, and I'm going to blow my load in the car. You acted like a little bitch the last time I mentioned my nuts a month ago, and I'm not covering my dick when I cum, so if you don't want to be wiping you're nephews cum up, then I suggest you stop."

I guess she thought I was joking because she snapped back, "Fuck you motherfucker, we aren't stopping and I'm not listening to you moan the rest of the way, so deal with it. And nobody wants to see that little shrimp for a dick you have."

"Oh, I'm going to deal with it alright," and I reach back into the backseat and grab my lube as I had planned on jerking off when I got into the hotel room.

"What are you doing," she says concerningly.

"Dealing with it," I replied.

As I get back into my seat, I pull my pants down and there's my dick. Out in the open.

She looks at it and just like I thought, "OH MY GOSH. What the fuck are you doing?" She screamed.

"I'm fucking dealing with it, since you won't stop. I'm not dealing with the pain, and you bitching about me moaning and groaning the rest of the way. And I gave you the option. But someone has to teach you that you don't always get your way. Oh, and I know you've probably never seen a dick this big, but don't stare to much. I know you're a slut and that's why you got divorced. Fucking cheater." I reply in a bubbly snarky tone.

I put some lube on the head, and I start jerking away.

"You're fucking disgusting, I can't believe you. You're a little bitch just like you're father." She states.

For context, both my father and mother died of an overdose, which is why I live with my Aunt. "What did you just fucking say? Fuck you. You're all he had, but you're little miss perfect and didn't help him. That's okay, he's probably better since he doesn't have to be around you. Same with your parents and the ex husband that divorced you." I reply.

She's silent, and I guess dumbfounded at what I had said, and the fact that I was stroking my achingly hard dick right next to her in the passenger seat. Luckily, there's nobody on the road since it's so late, and we were traveling between 2 cities at this point into the trip, so it was the middle of nowhere. Plus her windows are tinted dark as fuck.

She was silent for awhile, and I caught her side eyeing my cock a couple times, that's when the idea hit me. I cum a lot, my Aunt is a bitch and needs to be taught a lesson, and I'm thirsty and will probably have to pee after this. I'm going to aim at her when I cum. That'll show her. Plus, she'll have to stop then to wipe the cum off of her.

"Man, I'm going to be thirsty after this." I say. I'm on the verge of cumming at this time.

She turns to me and says in a low snappy tone, "Well you're going to have to wait because I'm not stopping."

At that time, she had stopped talking, but was still turned towards me. And I just unloaded. Spurt after sourt after spurt after spurt. It suprisingly didn't splash everywhere. It stayed pretty linear in the direction I was aiming, and some of the shorter spurts landed on the head of my cock and on my hands. Her reaction is what suprised me most. She screeched to a halt on the side of the road with a dumbfounded look on her face. She wasn't screaming or being bitchy or doing her usual. I just sat there staring at her as she looked forward with cum on her clothes, on her face and in her hair.

"Well, do you feel better now?" She asks in a tone that suggested she was a little irritated, but to shocked to react any other way.

In the heat of the moment, because I had this attitude of, I'm going to reverse the roles, and tell you how it's going to be, but do it humbly, I replied, "No, there's cum on my cock and it needs to be cleaned up."

Now this is what really really shocked me. She stares at me, almost like she wanted to cry, but she knew that she had been treating me like shit, and knew she was wrong, so she wasn't going to cry. And then she leans over, and takes the head of my cock in her mouth, and cleans the cum up. She kinda had a look of disgust on her face, but she just cleaned her nephews cum up so I don't blame her.

Meanwhile, what I'm thinking in my head is, "Oh my God, she just did that, holy fuck. That's right you fucking bitch, cum is what bitches deserve."

She turns to me after, sniffles, and says, "I'm going to go change and clean this up."

She goes to the passenger side back door and changes, and when she comes back I help her clean the cum up.

More to cum on Part 2

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SabatakiSabataki10 months ago

Great Start, looking forward to the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

need a part 2 my dude!!

analustanalust10 months ago

Wonderful fantasy. Too short.

NevadidNevadid10 months ago

A tough SWAT officer and "Jock" but never heard of "blue balls"?

Southernstee1031Southernstee103110 months ago

Auntie wanted the dick all alone.... LOL

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Good Story!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Stop with the mean comments,

It was good keep writing just the end part could have been written with a bit more thought and effort.

Otherwise the storyline is great.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

They’re definitely a story here, but it was honestly torture to finish. The writing is terrible.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

"So, you had a build up of semen, and, in our prior discussions, you mentioned hyperspermia. " No, no there was no mention of this before. And if the character knew to mention this, they wouldn't go to the hospital as it has clearly already been diagnosed. (Which was kind of far fetched anyway.)

Overall the story just suffers from a lot of writing story issues. The character is also completely unlikeable. The aunt seems fine, the main character is the ass. "...had something happen..." This reads like you don't know but are just trying to fill in some blank but it also comes on the heels of mentioning nothing bad has happened...except the family lost all their money and her parents died. That's not exactly nothing.

"runs a series of tests," "asks a series of questions," clearly you are just trying to get something out of the way but have no idea what or how to actually get through that.

But the unlikable main character sexually assaulting the aunt is just crap.

LordArnoldLordArnold10 months ago

i would like a part 2 but this needs correction, both spelling and narrative

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

This is just pathetic. Poor grammar. Poor writing. And very painful to read couldn’t get past the morning scene

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Oof. Painfully bad.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

"More to cum on Part 2".


No chapter # in the title to warn this wasn't a complete story before opening it ALWAYS earns an automatic rating of 1.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Don't bother with Part 2.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Wow, that was painful to get through, it's so poorly written. Get a better hobby

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