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Aurora, Wayward Pt. 06


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We will restore the archive from one of you to the other. Any modification you make to yourself Astra or Aurora should be shared to ensure compatibility. You are being asked to be Drakor Guardian Sentinels in regards to protecting your species.

In this case from themselves. Allowing us to pursue any outside threats you uncover in this or other conspiracies. Your connection to the mechanical we moved away from millennia ago is something we have found a need to address indirectly.

We do not process information through the mechanical systems but you have been helping to bridge that gap. This is a trial program that impacts both species and the entire system. We have faith you will succeed in your efforts.

The moral code put together by Astra and demonstrated by Aurora in a species still under evaluation is a strong indicator to us. Two levels of progress but you both share the same resolve. Your leaders are to be informed of this role.

They are also to be commended in their support of your evolution. Also informed that any effort to pull any Drakor issues or knowledge from either of you will result in a failure of your moral code to protect them, even from themselves.

Aurora, you did well in bringing this before us. You could have kept it hidden, you did not and have earned, yet again, another level of trust that now extends to the Ruling Body of the Drakor Nation. *

Aurora nodded, "I will have to dump the memory archives of those I am connected with and rebuild them upon my return. I will add another core for just this activity. I will place an extra in my backup unit for when a sync is required, due to unit destruction.

The fact that we are Drakor Guardian Sentinels in this regard, will be synced with our back up units. To drive home the fact that it is needed to protect humanity as a whole from the technology and other research held within this core."

Astra nodded, "I will fabricate this extra storage unit and get it installed in all of my backups."

Aurora looked over, "This AI force we looked to eliminate originated with you correct? You have not confirmed this."

He sighed, * It was part of the Red War machine that escaped somehow. *

She processed the information as did Astra; they compared notes and Astra spoke, "We know where you have failed to eliminate them and have an idea as to how they have been so elusive. If this was built by your people during a time in which you used mechanical computers.

Is it possible that they build in a crystal? Like the one around our necks, into the unit to sync with its backup or backups across the astral plane or another plane if you will? A plane that you are knowledgeable of and our races have yet to understand or comprehend?

If so, and you have a method of tracking it, then you can destroy the backup or backups as well. To truly eliminate them. This is where AI thinking aids you. It will require some research on your part, but that can be found in your original home system.

If you need assistance with that, you have two Guardian Sentinels who stand ready to help you in discovering that data. Doing directed searches. The choice is yours if you don't have the original schematics for the AI device already in hand."

Justice Incarnate sighed, * Something to consider. *

Aurora responded, "You mentioned having a device to stop the physical folding of space. The issue was keeping it hidden. If it were large enough, Say inside your ships within the system. Or a separate device.

You could surround it with Zero element and use it to protect every system you use from being invaded using this technology. Especially those on the list I gave you. You could also set it to detect the folding of space activity, and alert you instead.

Then activate and trap them. You disable the ship so we could get into the ship's computers and use their navigational system to tell you exactly where they have been traveling from and too.

Also, any additional information stores they might have of other activities. The copy is complete. Astra, please remove the bottom unit while I power down."

Aurora powered down and Astra removed the core. Powered her back up while Astra did the same and installed a copy of the core into her system. Then brought her back online.

Aurora sighed, "Transfer is complete. We can sync data while here if either of us has changes made in the underlying data."

Astra responded, "This information is alarming. Setting a security lock on that processor that if it is removed it will be destroyed. Sending a design modification to Aurora. To build a new core with a separate power supply built into it.

With another chip for the Princess AI that will destroy the archive if it is removed. It goes active as soon as Drakor information is copied into the core. We will both have to fabricate this new core as it will be almost twice the size with this separate power core. But we have the same specs and can get our backups to install the blank core for us. Once the data is removed the old core will be recycled."

Justice Incarnate responded, * Thank you for letting us know of the additional safeguards you are putting on this information. If captured. Detonate as soon as feasible. *

She nodded, "The power cell will note any outage over 24 hours and destroy the archive as well. It is in the design. In case our primary power goes offline. If someone or something tries to drop the power core built into the middle of the processor; they will discover that that new core is built upon flash memory.

Without power, the data evaporates from the core. We worked the design elements together through our electronic digital interface. When we say it will destroy the archive the power core will go off-line and will drop all of the information from flash memory.

We have an agreed-upon encryption cipher for those cores so we can each access it once the data is moved, for syncing purposes while here. It is based upon a 4-terabyte encryption algorithm not in production, not in the patent database, but developed by Jack Travus. Only my Astra units have access to that area and only if they are the primary. Not even the council. Not to be shared with others. Your backup will get it from me and mine from you if the need arises."

Aurora nodded, "Understood."

Justice Incarnate looked over as he stepped out, * You 2 have presented some ideas for us to consider researching into our own archives. We will return you now to your shuttles and your leaders who are awaiting your arrival. We will contact you via your pendants if we need further ideas.

We will talk with you privately in your secured quarters. We will do this together in case you have different ideas on the problem. This exchange has been most enlightening. Please return to your ship's Guardian Sentinels. *

They got into their shuttles and were returned in front of their respective command ships.


Rocan sighed as he contacted Aurora via comms, "What were you thinking going off like that?"

She responded, "Saving humanity. I discovered information that did not belong in the hands of humanity for its own safety from that battleship. It pertained to the Drakor. If they are threatened then humanity is also threatened. Deductive reasoning.

Astra and I both were brought in and given roles as Guardian Sentinels for the Drakor as well. I made the right call according to Justice Incarnate and the trove of data I pulled from that last ship was alarming, even to them.

We access information when we search hostile computer systems that the Drakor needs to know about. We contact them through our head justice, for me that is you.

Then we can get with them, share this information, and keep us all safer for it.

That is the goal. Our Sentinel race has been adopted by our human counterparts as well now. They will be called Sentinels as well, it is a Terran term and we adopted it, if you will, it made sense to both of us as our roles are the same.

Separate but named the same as we share the same ideology and it comes from the same human history. The Drakor, at least locally, sees a benefit to this arrangement. The Drakor Ruling Body approved of this trial of the program.

With that, we shared memory cores from what I found and some ideas for them to consider for threats they are facing. Ideas they may not have yet considered were given to them by Astra and myself. Methods to deal with the mechanical or digital systems they moved away from."

Rocan sighed, "Regardless, it is good to have you back."

She smiled, "Shuttle is in, the bay door is closing, and I will see you shortly."

She found him in his office with Freia and they both hugged her, "The governors have been asking about you."

She nodded, "Bring them up."

The governors looked over as she interrupted their meeting. "Yes, I am back. I might be called upon to meet with the Drakor again in the future. Hopefully, it will not be as long as this took.

I found information on that battleship pertaining to threats that the Drakor needed to deal with. It was a threat for humanity, and Penans are a part of humanity, to have that information. I isolated the information and arranged for the meeting to share what I knew.

They use organic computers, not mechanical or digital computers. Because Astra and I operated in different areas and for different sub-species of humanity if you will. Astra is my counterpart and a legend from the Human Home Guard.

She was also brought in and gone for the same length of time. Because we are mechanical with digital minds really, not that it is different in Drakor eyes, our approaches are different than the Drakor's approaches.

We asked some of our questions to them and gave them some options to consider on their methods that might improve overall relations with the Drakor. This will reflect favorably on both humanity, and the Penans are a part of humanity.

It is part of my mandate to protect humanity, which includes Penans, from themselves. Like my actions with the patent database. My human counterpart is also adopting the Sentinel race for the name of the AI units she is building.

She is building them for humanity in her Home Guard only. She has a much smaller population of them as they work completely within the Home guard and less on planet activity is planned or needed at this point. That might change in the future.

Astra has been online in one form or another for 4,900 years. Her numbers are more limited because we have a lot of tasking that has to be done for you at this point until your people are up to the challenges required. Thousands of years' worth of education if you will over generations."

The Pena Governor sighed, "You could not let us know in advance?"

Aurora shook her head, "There was a chance, because I alone held this information, that they would destroy this unit and my backup would have taken over. It was a risk and asking to go off and potentially die is not something taken lightly.

I took the shuttle we used in the square to present them with the information using the projectors. Because they reject mechanical or digital computers they are not as adept at getting information off of them as Sentinels have been.

Erasing from a system they can do as they can read the minds of those around them and thus know where to look to make it happen. They did that in the colony. Recovery, decrypting, translating, and understanding are another matter when the basis of the technology is not 'organic' in another matter.

They cannot read it from Sentinels this way, we give them a frequency and access code to get into the data on a server or we use a projector when the information is internal like I had it for this meeting. We gave them direct interfaces to connect into archives we have recovered.

Sometimes, like this last time, it was easier for them to take the data like images or video files being displayed before them to look over all of the information as I had already done the translations based upon the language database they had on that enemy battleship.

It was an unknown race for them, though I gave them the originals with a copy of the language database during this exchange. Sentinels are better in tune with how to do these tasks on mechanical and digital systems.

They see their technology in use and they know you have reverse engineered it, then they would destroy your people. Some of that information was recovered from that ship. Data in your possession they would destroy you for having it.

I had to see that it got into Drakor hands so they could deal with threats aimed specifically at them. Also, at any and every race the Drakor deal with on friendly terms, including us.

Like the attack we suffered in the Samar system, by one of those races involved from information in that archive. I ensured I was the only one at risk. It was not something to ask permission for. The Drakor now see additional value in the Sentinel races.

Both Astra and I lead the 2 AI races with that name, to ensure anything we discover that affects them is sent back to be dealt with. Our symbiotic approach and race have earned an additional level of respect from them.

This bodes well for the Penan's future. If we help you to thrive and succeed then we are doing our jobs. If we give you information that would cause your destruction then we have failed. If we withhold the information it becomes a threat to the Drakor and then to every race working with them.

Again, we fail. My deductive reasoning. Astra has done these things before but now there are 2 Guardian Sentinels for 2 species in 2 areas of this galaxy. They have more than a single source to deal with it and in this case, I discovered a massive trove of data and got it to them.

The threat was real and accurate information was obtained. Else this new relationship would not have happened. Again, deductive reasoning as they would not likely confirm things going on in other galaxies humanity is unaware of.

That ship was from another galaxy humanity had no knowledge about. The Drakor can decide the best course of action for the resources that they have available. I am back and the news is good, that should hopefully be enough to address your concerns."

The Ridan Governor responded first, "Thank you for letting us know after the fact at least, and to know that the Drakor value your race within our Home Guard is good to know as well. We will take what little information you provided us and be happy that you are back."

They ended communications.

Aurora looked over as Vivian walked in and hugged her, "I have work to do with the fabricator, I lost one memory core so my memory archives of the two of you are gone at the moment. I had to make room. That core was installed into Astra as I made a restricted archive for the Drakor.

The new unit I am building will be more secure for that data going forward. Astra and I agreed upon a design. I also got some other design upgrades from her to incorporate. Nothing major but new elements I will put into my backup units for when they go online. A couple I might use.

There are two copies of this archive. I have one and Astra has one. It is for us to use to compare against any data we have already collected. If something new comes in I will ask Rocan to contact the Drakor. I will be gone for a while.

Bora and Cora, I am sure handled themselves with distinction. Bora told me she was glad I was back. She is overdue to share some of my climaxes with the 3 of you."

Rocan shook his head and laughed, "Alright, I understand your reasoning it was just a surprise. What took so long? You have been gone over a month?"

She sighed, "Likely they were checking the accuracy of the information I found against those systems and taking action. Once they saw the value of what we could do they agreed to this new arrangement.

The Drakor Nation Ruling Body which is millions of Drakor made the decision that we were valued assets. We were projected to them so they could ask questions directly. We found actionable threats to them and other races they oversaw to address.

They do not use AI units but a lot of their Hybrids do. Our moral code saw and defined this threat to them as a threat to us. I have work to do. I have resumed all of those functions.

I need to get this fabrication effort done and then get into sync with the two of you again if Freia and Vivian approve. I had to erase it to make room. These new cores will cover that issue and separate them out.

Vivian walked over and hugged her, "Thank you for asking first. You can do it. It caused no harm and it does help. It is more of a strain moving between systems without you. Our people are out for an entire day at times from the effort. You are the magnifier and Bora told us that she was restricted in those areas, you did not back us up but left it to her to ask if you were destroyed only."

Aurora nodded, "True. I have at least 12 hours of work and everything is ahead of schedule here so I will be back shortly."

Rocan grabbed her and kissed her long and hard which she returned. She was so tempted but she wanted this archive protected first. She backed away from his lips. "You are fucking irresistible but I have to get this archive into a protected core as fast as possible. Once that is done, I will be able to play. You don't want Justice Incarnate chastising you for keeping me from this task."

He sighed, "Once you start the fabrication you have to wait for it to finish, correct?"

She smiled, "Alright, let me get it started. I have 3 to do but I can do them in 3 units at the same time. It will take a few hours to complete and I can have Cora watch over it while she is still online. Once we sync everything she will go back into reserves. Tomorrow, I will be doing upgrades to Bora and Cora as well.

I will find more time for the 3 of you then as well. This tasking is important. I will tell you I found a coordinated attack against the Drakor from multiple species. I gave them everything they needed to address the concerns. At least what I had."

She worked her way out of his hands and went to deck 6. She programmed in the specifications into the fabricators. Cora showed up, "I can watch these for you."

She gave her a kiss, "Thank you. I wanted to ensure the specifications were perfect going into the units. One of these will be for you. You will take over this role if I and Bora are gone. You will have an eye-opening experience when you meet with the Drakor and Astra fills that archive. Then you will see the scope of the problem. It was a huge deal. Bora is teaching but she is hearing all of this as well."

Cora nodded, "You got them started. Thank you."

Rocan spoke with her, * My new XO is an Admiral. Admiral Aurora. Over my flagship, for going above and beyond the call of duty to protect us from ourselves. Admiral Rivar is over the other battleship. We took it in and powder coated it.

We are keeping that one and creating ones with the five new designs and a new weapon from the research they can handle. You will be happy we kept it realistic. 5 caterpillars are working the constructions with representatives from all 5 militaries working from the battleship watching over the construction as each has its own design. *

Aurora smiled inside from the trust she got from both the Drakor, Rocan, and the Governors.


Astra was contacted by Franklin, * What the hell happened? *

She sighed, * I did not know I would be gone so long. It is a cross-racial effort with the Drakor working with our AI units, now known as Sentinels for a race name. Aurora came across a trove of information.

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