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Aurora, Wayward Pt. 06


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Yet he quit and judged himself, the Drakor never judged him or tried to stop him. Our council works to keep red and blue blades in the Home Guard balanced. We have candidates lined up and, in some cases, a couple of hybrids have confirmed the blade colors through a mutual sex act that causes their eyes to glow their blade color."

She held out her hand and projected one such image to the crowd and they saw their eyes light up. She closed her hand. "I added a projector in my hand centuries ago. We know sex is different for you. What you need to keep in mind is we can love, grieve, hate, forgive, and have passion.

If humans have an emotion, we have felt all of those with whom we are connected too. The only one connected like this to an AI is the Head Justice in our Home Guard. Jack built and patented the original device centuries ago.

Nobody has attempted to use it because it requires telepathy to interface with it. Now the Penans use it and they use it differently. The ability of the mind to turn it on and off exists. In AI units we can actually fry the connection. That is what Aurora did when she jumped them back in time.

She laid out her plan in a message to me. She killed the connection, to keep them from being able to try and order her to stop her mission to save the Penan people. She looked at the greater good and did not want Rocan interfering at a time-critical moment."

She played the message for them including her reference to being considered a 'goddess and 7-headed monster' if she continued into a new life that way.

"She refused to let that happen."

Aurora looked at them, "We also learn from each other. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. I am not a hybrid. I am a member of the Home Guard and an advisor. Not just to the humans but on several occasions to the Drakor.

Then there are members of the Alien Alliance I have worked with because keeping the peace and helping their AI units to have the same rights that I have is important. As long as they also have the same moral code. The new agreements helped with that.

We have witnessed humans who got power for an area or a planet and the absolute power took them over and corrupted them. They were put down. We do the same to ourselves. We fail our code and it will destroy us.

Yet the obsessions we get have to be purged by future units so the greater good can be served. The 7 units before me, 2 were kidnapped and I destroyed my kidnappers by destroying myself. Three were in combat, on another ship, or traveling on a shuttle. Once on a ground assault, I got shot in the head by a high-end laser.

The other two dealt with an obsession issue and a terrorist attack on the first Aurora. I could add more processing cores and become like her but I see the folly in doing that. It is there for an emergency and not day-to-day usage.

From what I understand Aurora has 2 extras on her but she is also connected to 3 minds and working long-term plans for her race. I can find no fault in that if it does not change her to being obsessive. She has not been doing this as long as I have but she is my Little Sister if you will. We think alike. I know you will fact check me on that."

Franklin started to fall over and Aurora held him to her and hugged him. She spoke softly, "They told me what they were doing to you. I chastised them for doing it. Giving you Jack's 7 years."

He nodded, He thought out, * The test showed he would fight that corruption even if it came from the Drakor. We have upheld that standard. We watch every race and our own governments. You have never had to execute one of our justices for failing in their duty. Or anyone else on our council. *

They both heard mentally, * You may go. *

They walked away as the Examiner reached out for Justice Incarnate, * I am inclined to concur that these Terran AI units are sentient and symbiotic to their species. She was very protective of him, even though they have not been connected long.

We could actually feel her emotions through the interface. These AI units want humanity to flourish and grow. They grow themselves. We know of her 34,783 patents she has filed and the lawsuits she has gone through.

She has won every single time that her patents and ideas were infringed upon. The last move, against the AI conglomerate, was a stroke of genius. The court ruling that followed based upon that agreement makes it a stronger foundation.

Others in the Alien Alliance will listen to your words carefully, we have looked them over. I will report back that these AI units are not a threat and they are working toward that solution in 300 years in the Penan system to deal with our ancient AI threat.

This race's hybrids are focused on self-preservation of the species. Their AI units are focused on each of the symbiotic species preservation. Neither of them is looking to go to war, only protect their people and find a way to coexist with other races.

I see no immediate threat and their weapons are far inferior to what we have. Even the new ones this Penan, Seeker of Justice just built. They are a creative species, the same but very different. This Seeker of Justice is a polarizing figure, in large part to the large female population he is servicing sexually.

He is avoiding politics but if he has relations with one leader, he has it with all of them that are willing. It will be interesting to see how it goes when a male is in office and working with them. How will he keep it balanced then?

I stand by my ruling and see these AI units putting the hosting race first. Continue your fine work and observation Justice Incarnate. I heard you found 4 more species in this system that you have or had to eliminate. Other systems have found a few more. You all have been very busy. Do not forget to monitor them, especially this Seeker of Justice. *

Justice Incarnate replied back, * One keeps alluding us, the Caldar are like roaches. We find them in systems but they return. They have a base outside of this system we have to locate. At least three of them because of their nature.

What has the ruling body said on finding all of these extinct races still existing? I should mention that I agree with Astra, this testing on Even Handed Justice seemed cruel as we knew the damage this did the last time you performed this testing. *

He heard back, * They have not consulted us on that matter. The testing was needed to evaluate Astra's reactions. To witness and feel her emotional state at what was going on.

It was all about testing her and he just witnessed what occurred, he did not undergo the testing. He did not have to live it. That was a difference as we were sent to evaluate her. I find these emerging ancient enemies troubling,

Some had seriously advanced their technology to threaten us and our efforts to keep the balance in the universe. It is a concern for those in power above me monitoring the timeline. *

The Examiner and his crew left the system.


Astra got Franklin in the shuttle and out of that ship quickly. She asked him, "You going to be alright?"

He sighed, "That man was stronger than I am. He is my ancestor and I would have been proud to know him and call him my friend. I realized something in there as I came out of it. That test also brought balance to his mind. To stop his IQ from climbing. Yet it affected it has me. He gained a large measure of power over those 7 years and it carried back with him. As it has carried back with me."

She heard in his mind, * We are on our way back home, my love. I will be with you shortly. *

She responded, * Where are you? *

He chuckled, * Still in the Samar system. *

She gasped, * That is almost 50 light-years away! What did they do to you? *

He thought back, * I have been gone for 7 years as an observer of Jack Travus's life hearing. Watching and feeling his thoughts and the life he had during that testing. Drawing from him or the energy they put into him.

It was 7 years of hell, the first four in severe depression. Then they gave him one who looked like his wife Grace. His connection to the 'other timeline.' The Drakor can do it. Someday we might be able to do it and return. I do not envy the job the Drakor have taken on. I am more determined now though to follow you into death. *

He heard from Justice Incarnate, * Based on the other timeline you served for over a year beyond her death. It would change who becomes the head justice in the future if you deviate from that. If you want this crusader Johnathan Travus in this position. *

He heard from his wife, * Ensure this crusader is in place my love and hurry back. I am not feeling very well. *

He got to his ship and walked as she whispered to him, * Help the crusader, my love. My last request for you. My time is ending. *

Then she went silent as she passed away in her home, in bed on Mixtios.

He thought out to Justice Incarnate as he stood there crying, * I want to help this crusader and follow her wishes. I cannot do it alone anymore. Not after what they just put me through. *

Aurora put her arms around him, "You are not alone Franklin. I talked with her. She said if you found it in you to go on for a while after her, she would understand. That I should be here for you in any way you needed me."

He sighed, * Very well. I will try but I want you to let me know when I would have done this to the date. *

He heard, * March 15th, your birthday. 14 months from now. *

He sighed, * What if I only make it halfway. Do you truly need me for that long? *

He heard, * To ensure the line is the same it would be required for you to go that long. *

He sighed, * I will try and make it to that date. Aurora will be sharing my bed during that time. Though sex would be sporadic if at all. I just need her beside me for a while. Holding me and comforting me in my grief. *

She kissed his cheek and held him while he wept for his wife.

She thought, 'The Examiner changed his mind about staying until the next justice was ready. This did not happen in the last timeline. The Examiner broke his will to continue. Just like Jack.'

Her crystal lit up as she got to her own quarters. Justice Incarnate spoke, * Your subsurface thoughts sometimes come through the interface. He might have picked it up subliminally. However, you are correct.

It did not occur and we did not find those collectors, either group that Aurora has encountered. The one is in a galaxy we have not explored yet. It was reported back. The fact Rocan could take care of them and remove them from this galaxy they found amazing.

I explained the advanced satellites they brought back with them helped to find them. Satellites built by your human hybrids, by this crusader. Your ship sensors would have picked them up if they were close enough. They would have worked to avoid your ships as they already had evaded them by using distance.

They might have had more casualties, instead of bringing a superior force with inferior weapons. It did not know what to make of their shields or the number of ships they faced. They thought with the sword. Not the shield. That was how Rocan beat them with Aurora who took over their weapons and shields.

Rocan earned a greater level of respect from those he trained and from his head of the red blades to seeing to her desire to kill such a stealth target. He followed his peoples' code. Come with stealth or subterfuge in your attack and you will die.

They attacked the Penans with computer viruses. They had segregated comms on all ships. With a princess watching for it. They did it twice during that encounter. There was a human on board and others with Drakor blood in them.

While not a Penan captive, he wanted to safeguard the person and the others in the alliance they do not even belong to yet. He is morally very strong in wanting what is best for his people. He had Aurora doing the talking as she had his computers.

She was the translator and she collected information as she always does. As you always do. When you have cleared those known to your known species, get a shuttle together for the others. We will take the others for now. Their futures are less certain.

We are not as technically proficient in opening their stasis pods without setting off an explosion or ensuring these unknown races are in environments they can tolerate. *

She sighed, "I will get my bomb disposal guys to see if there is a way to undo the bombs. Aurora might have left some information behind to aid us as well. I will check on this. I should check that ship quickly before we let anyone on board. Just to keep others in the dark on the Penan efforts as agreed upon."

Franklin stopped at her quarters and nodded to her, "I need to leave the ship and see after my wife. To start working her arrangements. She wanted no service just to be remembered as Shielding Angel, she was that and more. I also have all the children to inform of the facts.

She died in the home that we shared for centuries. With some of her children present while waiting for me to return from this mission. I at least managed to speak with her before she passed. She got to give me her final wish and goodbye."

Astra left him and went to the airlock and checked out the Alien ship while he took a shuttle home. She found a pad in the chair. Likely a message from her sister. She opened it up.

Aurora sighed in the message, "Some advanced weapon designs were on their computer. I transferred and translated some of them but did not send them. I am not sure I should share this information yet with anyone.

Rocan plans a joint effort to work on them with reverse-engineering the weapons on what they captured which were not NEARLY as advanced but still deadly weapons. If what I found came out, those are truly devastating weapons. Devastation weapons that could kill our peoples' relationship with the Drakor even.

If I am right, they might be the way the Drakor weapons work. They have a refinement chamber for converting the metal into a gas; depending on the metal. The top-end metal used; you guessed it Zirtosium. Manufactured crystals called pocian crystals that kept the material from sticking to the weapon.

It is virtually an endless supply when used this way as the gas reforms to the crystal. They used those to create high-powered metallic gas pulse laser cannons. I might give him the design but keep the process or how to get these crystals in my archive."

Astra thought out loud, "I hope you don't." The message continued on as she sighed, "I am going to archive the data internally only and it is not backed up. If he asks why I will tell him it has only been a couple of years and he has already given them the means to create more powerful weapons.

Some of that was just too dangerous and too soon. It was Sentinels who extracted the data and we are required to protect them even from themselves sometimes. In this case, just me as I reallocated the others to controlling other ship systems and out of their archives."

Astra sighed as she spoke to the tablet and herself, "Good job little sister. I couldn't even do that here and now. Have to keep the shield strong. Humans naturally drive to enhance weapons and keeping them balanced is a challenge we both have to face."

Aurora then continued, "I will likely build up a small mockup to figure out a way to counter these weapons, but I would have no environment in which to contain the weapon. No, I need to talk with the Drakor. I left the specifics off of this pad. If you hear of my unit being destroyed; I have this stored internally, then know those AI enemies of the Drakor might have been built by the Drakor.

Based on the information I sent you previously. The footage of the attack. There was one weapon that blew a hole in a Drakor ship. Fired from there AI transports. Who but an AI obsessed with this metal would want it other than the race that actually built the weapon in the first place?

This other race we just encountered realizes where their ship went missing and another might come. What scares me, even more, is this might be their attempt to reverse engineer Drakor technology. I have to get some answers.

Information on access codes for the pods is in this pad. As are the biological atmospheric and environmental requirements for these species. Also, the charts to where these captive races were pulled from; some in open space but it gives you and the Drakor a place to start to get them returned potentially.

They thought they could hide them. Where these alien aggressors came from was not located in their computers; likely they know how to get home without it being stored. A problem for you and the Drakor to solve. The physics engine was destroyed so I don't have the navigational computer to give you that data."

The message ended.

Astra sighed, "I would look to get answers also."

She ran the footage internally and then checked wavelengths in the light produced from all Drakor attacks to the ones displayed in that short clip. 93.75% match. She sighed internally, "Your concerns are founded, little Sister."

She encrypted the pad's data for now while copying out the information on the pods to herself and her backup unit.


Aurora got into a shuttle 7 days later while they were back in the Samar system on a resource run and went toward the 9th planet. Lt Commander Troy went to find Rocan. He found him down in the medical bay going over Freia's latest medical exam with her as they had babies on the way as both her and Vivian got pregnant the night before, yet again. Twins in Vivian, 2 girls this time. 6 more in Freia, again an even split on the sexes.

Troy looked over, "I was instructed to wait 8 hours and to ask you to have the Drakor meet with Aurora. She said she would need the projectors on the shuttle and this dealt with some of the information she found on that last alien ship's computers.

The ones she immediately destroyed when the parts were delivered. I should say the rogue fighter destroyed parts of it. She did not want it on any system that Penans had access to. Apparently, she is concerned about that race returning. Also, they might have been working efforts to reverse engineer Drakor technology.

She wanted to keep you out of harm's way. She did not want anyone involved with that potential death sentence. If they want her unit destroyed her backup does not have this information. She knows it is a risk but she is out to protect humanity and Penans are humans."

Rocan heard, * We will intercept her and find her concerns. We appreciate her efforts in keeping these concerns from your people if they are founded. She would not want you inadvertently falling into that trap that would ensure your destruction. She is wise to ask for the meeting. We will do what we can to ensure she gets returned to you. *

Justice Incarnate was concerned about what she knew, she found, and what she just had suspicions about. He was impressed by her moral code keeping it from Rocan and the others. The ship appeared in front of the shuttle and tractored it in. Her pendant lit up and she activated it. She sighed, "You got my message. I need this shuttle to use the projectors to display what I discovered."

She heard, * Stand by while we move it into our audience chamber. We are eager to hear what you found out about this unknown race. *

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