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Awakening of Fannie Ch. 06

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Fannie must find someone to help her continue her slut life.
4.7k words

Part 6 of the 17 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 07/04/2009
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THE NEW BEGINNING! (Fannie finds that her husband has some new ideas in store for her!)

Fannie stood on the sidewalk staring at the "CLOSED" sign in the front window of the dress shop. She gets up on the one stone step and puts her face to the glass window shielding her eyes from the daylight so that she can see inside. The store is dark. No sign of life inside. The clothes still hung on the racks as they did a few days ago when the store was last open. She moves over a few feet to try to get a better view.

What was she looking for? Was it the men that took her old life away and forced her to whore herself to strangers? Could it be the bondage implements in the secret room in the rear of the store? If you asked her, chances are that she could not say. She feels empty inside. A part of her life is gone. Her new life. Not the life of a loving housewife but that of a wanton whore. A slut. A nymphomaniac that can no longer get enough sex. How will she ever again go back to her old ways?

The newspaper said that it was a pornography ring. They would find an unsuspecting and innocent woman and use her as they perform sadistic acts, rape, and torture her all the while recording it and selling it for profit. Some of the women would remain quiet because of shame or humiliation. Some would be afraid to come forward because of fear or intimidation.

There was one, though, the jogger in the movie that Fannie watched in the video booth. She was found deep in the woods naked, bleeding, and left for dead. Her tormenters thinking that they left no evidence thought nothing of making the short movie of their actions feeling that the disguises that they wore would hide their identity. They could not have been more wrong.! It appears that she was an off duty police woman trained to notice and remember every detail of a crime case. Most of all she was a customer of the dress shop and recognized the voice and could identify the small portion of the man's face to know that it was Dave!

The police showed up on Wednesday with a search warrant. They found the secret room, behind the curtain in the back, with all of the bondage implements. They found women's clothing and leather gear that they would force their victims to wear for filming. Lastly they found cases of labeled DVD's and film equipment for making their lurid movies. Both Fannie and S separately hoped that the videos that included them would not be discovered and brought out to light. So far no one has called or questioned either of them however it was a concern that stayed with them.

They charged the men, six in all, with various acts of kidnapping, sodomy, rape, battery, and attempted manslaughter. They are being held without bail which leaves us with Fannie's conundrum. She is torn between knowing how horrible these men are, and that she is lucky to have gotten out with her life, and missing the strong sexual feelings that they gave her when they used her for their own pleasure and entertainment. She resigns herself to the knowledge that they will be gone from her life forever and she must now move on.

This is Saturday morning and the sidewalk is starting to get more crowded with shoppers bustling about. Fannie backs away from the window as people walking by stop and look at the crime scene talking about some of the sex acts that went on just a few feet in front of them.

"Can you believe that they actually had women tied up in the back room as we were inside shopping?" said a middle aged woman to her friend.

"Have you ever been tied up? Believe me when I read the story in the paper I had to go into the bathroom and take care of business. When Roger got home I pushed him down on the bed and screwed his brains out! He didn't know what hit him! I wish someone would do some of the things that they did to those girls to me. It would be soooo hot!" she replied with a giggle as the two walk away.

Upon hearing this Fannie put her head down and walked toward her car which was parked at the curb. 'They just don't know how hot!' she thought as she got into the driver's seat. Her head was spinning with the words of that woman still in her head. Without starting the car she begins to daydream about some of the dirty things that she had done. About some of the things that the other girls were forced to do. How she wished that she still had time for them to make her do some of those dirty things again.

Without even realizing it her right hand starts to slide up her thigh toward her crotch bringing her loose skirt up with it. Her left hand finds her right breast and she lightly paws it through the top of her dress. Closing her eyes she puts her head back and slowly massages her pussy through her panties which are still covered by the last few inches of material from her dress. She reaches down with her other hand and pulls her panties aside and sticks her fingers inside to feel the slick wetness of her aroused cunt. With her fingers tight together she starts to quickly rub her fingertips over her clit. She then rubs her clit violently trying to bring herself to orgasm. All the while people are walking past the car on the sidewalk oblivious to the lewd act going on inside. Does Fannie know that she hasn't been seen yet? No! Does she care if someone does catch her in the act? Probably not! In fact at this stage of her slut training if anyone had asked her to masturbate in the street for them she would! She is controlled only by her cunt now.


She bends forward as she cums with her forehead against the steering wheel. Her legs were clenched together tightly with her hand still pressed against her pussy. She stays in this position until she comes down. Straitening her dress she brings her wet fingers to her nose and smells her aroma before putting the tips into her mouth to taste her own juices.

Back at home S is trying to catch up on some work. He sits at the computer in just his boxer shorts and finds it hard to concentrate. He keeps thinking back to just a few days ago and whether he could have done something differently. He knows that he never should have allowed Dave to talk him into the "deal" to allow him to use his wife in trade for him to destroy the evidence of his infidelity. He should have known that it wouldn't be Dave alone involved in his scheme or that his wife, Fannie, would be safe from having sex with a stranger. He believes in his heart that he really could not stop them from having their way with her as soon as he found that he was out numbered. If he had tried to stop them he would not have succeeded and Fannie would have been in great danger of being harmed beyond the sex. He began working on retaliation when he found out only the next day that they had been arrested. After reading of the cruel acts that they had committed he was happy with the outcome.

S recalled the initial feeling that he had when he walked into the bedroom of the hotel room finding Fannie alone with three masked men. She was tied up, spread eagle on the bed, and defenseless. Two of the men were already working on her as he walked in. One was kissing and sucking on her nipples as the other had his fingers inside of her pussy. Before he could say a word he saw Fannie's reaction. She was writhing on the bed. Her back arching upward to allow more contact with the man's fingers. She did not appear to be one that would wish for this to stop anytime soon.

As S daydreamed he found his cock hardening rapidly. The thought of his wife getting off on the attentions that total strangers were giving her was giving him a hard on. He began to stroke himself through his shorts only to find himself sliding them down and off to free his now stiff cock. He looks down at it as he pumps it with his fist and wonders why Fannie hasn't shown any interest in it lately. His cock is above average in length, over eight inches, cut, and plenty thick enough to satisfy any woman, yet for the past week she avoided having sex with him. 'Any woman would just love to have this inside of her!' he thought. He had no idea that she had more cocks inside of her than she could handle in that week.

He starts to pump harder as he thinks about how he watched as his innocent wife was fucked in every hole. How she would take on one man's cock after another and most of all how she would swallow their cum and be hungry for more! These thoughts played out in his head over and over and it wasn't a fantasy. It was real! S closed his eyes as a stream of cum shot out of his cock and onto his stomach and chest. In his mind he has to somehow make this happen again. He has never had these thoughts of his wife with another man before but now he wishes to see it again. He wants to watch as she receives pleasure from others only next time it will be on his terms.

"I'm home!" said Fannie as she enters the back door with her shopping bags later in the afternoon.

"In the shower, Hon. I'll be right out!" He replied.

Wearing only a towel he comes out to greet his wife. He gives her a hug and she buries her face in his chest.

"I've got an idea.' He said. "How about if we start over?"

"Start over?" she replied with a puzzled look.

"Yeah, how about if we go out tonight. Just get out of here for a while. We can go out to eat. Some place nice. Then maybe a movie. And then who knows? What do you say?"

"I guess."

"We haven't been out in a while. It will be great. Get yourself ready and I'll make a reservation"

"Okay." she said as she takes her bags into the bedroom.

She showers and does her hair. She chooses a nice summer dress which comes down to about six inches above her knees and shows a little cleavage but nothing drastic. Pink panties, thigh high nylons, and 3 inch pumps complete her out fit. All very appropriate for a typical housewife to go out in for the evening. Much more conservative than the slutwear that she has had to wear earlier in the week.

They have dinner at a local French restaurant as they talk over a bottle of wine. They chose to see a comedy and picked the hot boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl back movie which helped to lighten their spirit's a little. As they walk back to the car S said, "It's still kind of early. Want to stop somewhere and have a drink on the way home?"

"Sure. Why not?" she replied.

They pull into the rear parking lot of a local restaurant and lounge. Walking in through the back door the restaurant section is dark but the bar is still fairly busy. It is 11 o'clock and they will be open until 1 o'clock so they have plenty of time to down a couple. The bar is a very nice horseshoe shape with high padded leather seats. There are couples scattered around and they spotted four seats around the other side at the very end. They sit down in the middle seats leaving an open seat between themselves and a couple on the left and the last seat open at the end on the right.

They order their drinks and start to make small talk.

"You look very nice tonight." he says. "I don't remember that dress. Is it new?"

"No. I've worn this before. You just don't notice."

"Maybe, but it looks nicer on you now for some reason." He says as he gives her thigh a pat.

Fannie gives a little smile and then turns her head to look forward. S still has his hand on her leg and leaves it there for a moment. He slowly rubs his hand over her dress between her knees and mid thigh causing the hem to slide up just a little. Not getting any resistance he continues, causing her dress to slide up a few inches more on her left leg. It is now at a point just below the elastic of her stocking. S can sense someone walking behind them and removes his hand from her leg leaving her dress as it is. Fannie makes no motion to fix it and continues looking straight ahead.

A man sits in the last seat which is next to Fannie. He is dressed well wearing a dress shirt and a blue jacket. He appears to be in his 50's with salt and pepper hair. He puts a twenty on the bar and looks down for the bartender who is busy. Leaning forward slightly he looks sown at S and smiles and gives a brief nod as a greeting. His eyes move to Fannie who continues to look forward giving the man no acknowledgement. He sits back and looking down he notices Fannies skirt hiked up a bit. He finds it a little strange that she would not have noticed it and pulled it back down herself but he also thought that it was a little sexy too.

The bartender comes by and they all order drinks while he is available. As they sip their drinks S has an idea and seeing that Fannie hadn't stopped him from playing with her leg earlier he just might continue and see how far he can get. Putting his hand back on her thigh he starts to slide it up and down again. Still no reaction from his wife. He slides his hand up until he can feel her skin. The hem is now above her stocking and some of her thigh is showing. The man looks down and, noticing what is happening, has a hard time turning his eyes away. Fannie's legs are pointing straight forward and her knees are parted only a few inches.

The hem on her dress is now raised well past her stocking top as S continues to rub her upper thigh. He looks up at the man and sees that he is fixated on this action and has a smile on his face. No reaction from Fannie. He pushes it a step further and reaches over to slide the dress up the other leg to match what he has on the left. Both stockings are now completely exposed and her upper thighs are in plain view. S looks to his left and sees that there are only a few people sitting at the far end of this side of the bar.

Feeling that nobody down that end could see he continues by placing his hand under that last few inches of material covering her and places it on her panty. Still no reaction. He slides his middle finger between her legs and feels the wetness of her pussy through the material of her panties. 'She is hot!' he thought as he slid his finger up and down. Moving his hand back down her thigh he puts the slightest pressure on the inner part of her leg and she opens them without hesitation. S brings his hand back and flips the material that was covering her crotch up to expose her pink panties.

"Whoa!" said the man under his breath.

The man to the right could not believe his luck. 'What a show! ' he thought.

Fannie now sits with her legs and panties completely exposed. There was a wet spot in her panties that was easily visible to the two men. S was sliding his finger up and down over the wet spot and Fannie closed her eyes knowing that she will surely cum if he keeps this up but he had other plans! He leans over to her and whispers something in her ear. She comes out of her trance and without a word starts to get up. She first turns her stool to the left as S moves to block her from getting out of her seat this way. Taking his queue in stride she swings her legs over to the right with her dress still hiked above her panties and stops facing the man in the suit. He looks at her with her legs wide open and is stunned. She remains in this position with her wet panties in plain view until he realizes that he must move to allow her to get out. She stands and her dress falls back in place naturally. Both men watch in amazement as she walks down and around the bar.

"Hi, I'm Bill." said the man to S as he reaches out for a handshake. "Wow, that's one hell of a woman you have there!"

S introduced himself and said. " I seem to be learning more about her every minute."

"I can't believe that she let you do that with her.'

"I think that I just might be able to go a little farther if I try."

"I can't see her letting you. In fact I'll bet on it!" Bill said.

"Really? I'll bet that I can get her to give you her panties if you would like to make a wager."

"Shit. If she did that drinks are on me the rest of the night! What do you say?" he said with a broad grin.

S knew that it wasn't much of a bet but, hell, he would go through with it even for nothing. Might as well make it more interesting.

"You're on, Bill!"

At that moment they caught a glimpse of Fannie walking around the bar back to them. The bar has thinned out with just a few couples sitting up around the corner and on the other side. Fannie walks back and stops where S was sitting and stands facing him.

"Fannie I would like you to meet our new friend Bill." he said.

Bill reaches out his hand to her and as she walks toward him she moves something from her right hand to her left before shaking hands with the man.

"Nice to meet you Fannie. You appear to be a very interesting girl!" he said while holding her hand longer than expected.

"Fannie, Bill and I have a little wager going. I bet him that you were going to give him a little present when you got back. Go ahead. Give it to him." he said smiling. Fannie slowly raised her left hand and with her back to the bar so that no one could see she opens her fist, palm up. Inside her hand where her pink panties slowly opening in her palm like a flower. Bill smiles at her and takes them, quickly bringing them up to his face for a sniff before sticking them in his pocket for later examination.

"Bartender! Drinks all around1" He said boldly.

"Thanks Bill." said S.

"No. Thank you!" he replied.

Fannie went back to her seat and instead of getting in on her husband's side she headed straight for Bill's.

"Fannie I think that Bill would like it if you raised the back of your dress and sat with your bare bottom on the seat." S said matter-of-factly.

Without hesitation as she faced the bar she raised the back up displaying her bare ass to both men. She proceeded to hop up on the stool and wait for her next command. Neither of the two men could believe their eyes at the boldness that Fannie displayed while doing whatever is asked of her. S noticed that the dress fell back across her lap and wouldn't hear of it! He quickly slid it all the way back up her thighs to just below her crotch. He reaches under the material and feels her now naked pussy. Slipping a finger inside her now juicy slit causes Fannie to open her legs to allow access. Her legs start spreading wider until her right one makes contact with Bill's. Bill lays his left hand on her thigh and starts to work it up towards her cunt.

S flips up the remainder of the dress to allow a perfect view of her bald and open pussy. Bill can not keep himself from touching it and slides his hand over it causing Fannie to slouch down in her seat. S now takes her left leg and hooks it over his right one. Bill takes advantage of this opportunity to do the same with her right one. She slides down in her chair so that her ass is barely on it and the armrests are holding her up from under her armpits.

She is now almost out of site to the others sitting around the bar. Bill starts to work on her open pussy by working his middle finger inside and vigorously causing a slapping sound on her wet and open pussy.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmm!" came from her lips as she closed her eyes.

The bartender heard her moan and turned to see what was going on. He sees Fannie slouched down in her seat with her eyes closed and the two men leaning toward her. They stop working on her for a moment and the bartender, looking a little confused, turns back to a couple sitting at the other end of the bar to continue his conversation. Fannie, unaware that they were almost caught, grabs Bill's hand and presses it to her open vagina. He quickly places two fingers inside as Fannie takes control and starts working his fingers in and out. She pounds herself roughly with it and pushes his palm against her clit bringing her close to her orgasm.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh" she wailed out loud getting the attention of the rest of the patrons as well as the bartender.

There is no hiding what is going on now and he turns around and begins to walk towards them.

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