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Awakening of the Male Exhibitionist

Story Info
Quiet guy, she brings out his adventurous side.
3.9k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 02/21/2024
Created 01/10/2024
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Lucas had always been quiet, keeping his head down at school so as not to get noticed. He wasn't a swot but did try to concentrate on his studies, and keeping quiet kept him out of the attention of possible bullies. Not quite doing well enough to get into university, he enrolled at college mainly through his parent's persuasion. While there his life changed quite dramatically.

Although now being eighteen he'd yet to have had a girlfriend. There had been girls he'd liked but not at the courage to ask out. College was much the same, quite a few pretty girls were walking around, but he mostly walked past them looking at the ground, trying to remain inconspicuous as usual. Sadie changed that when she approached him one day.

Lucas had noticed her before, but so had a number of the other guys. Her name was on several lips, and he understood why the first time he'd seen her properly. 5' 6" tall, with long flowing blonde hair and beautiful dark eyes that contrasted her fair skin. Combined with a 34B 24 34 figure she was a girl that a lot of the others wanted to date. He had no idea if she had a boyfriend, but assumed a girl that pretty wouldn't be single, so when she walked towards him while he sat on a bench eating his lunch, he took a look around him to see who she was walking towards.

"Hi Lucas, I'm Sadie, do you want to walk me home later?" she asked.

He looked around again to see who she was talking to, despite her using his name.

"Erm, yes, okay. But why me?" he stuttered.

"Because you're cute looking and I want to suck your cock," Sadie grinned.

Lucas stood up and looked around again. There had to be somebody close by, somebody to jump out and they all fall about laughing that he'd fell for the joke. At 6' tall he towered over Sadie. He looked back at her, noticing her buttons were undone and he could see down into her cleavage.

"You like them?" Sadie grinned, then pulled the top down so both breasts spilt out.

Taking his hands while he was still in a shocked state, she placed them onto each breast. Keeping her hands on his, she rubbed them around, Lucas feeling her nipples harden under his palms.

"Is this a bet or something? Who's put you up to this?" Lucas asked nervously.

"Nobody, I do really like you, honest. I've always preferred quieter boys than noisy ones, you're just my type. And you're good-looking too," Sadie answered.

She pulled her top right and told him where to meet her later. Later Lucas walked that way not expecting her to be there, but she was waiting with a big grin on her face, nobody else around. While they walked she chatted almost non-stop, Sadie asking lots of questions. It was the most conversation Lucas remembered having ever.

"Well, this is me then," Sadie said when they reached her garden gate, "do you want to come in for a bit?"

"I can stay for around thirty minutes, I have to run some errands for my mum later," Lucas answered.

As they entered the front door Sadie shouted that she was going to her room, Lucas heard a female voice shout out hello to her. Sadie told him that it was her mum, then took his hand and led him upstairs. She walked him into her bedroom and then started undressing straight away. She turned and urged Lucas to undress too.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"I told you, I want to suck your cock, and I don't want spillages on my clothes," she giggled.

"Sadie, I should have told you earlier, that I'm still a virgin," Lucas blurted out.

"Yeah I guessed you might be, now come on get those clothes off," she replied.

Now fully naked she sat on the edge of the bed watching him. God, she was beautiful. He couldn't help but stare at her breasts, looking even better than earlier now they were fully exposed. Getting a little impatient she undid and opened his belt and pulled his zip down. Lucas pulled off his t-shirt and then slid down his jeans. He saw a big smile on Sadie's face, then she quickly pulled down his boxer shorts.

"Oh wow. Fucking wow," she cried out.

Lucas looked down to see Sadie almost manhandling his cock. He'd masturbated before, but this was something different, Sadie had a very contented look on her face, her mouth open in joy as she watched his manhood grow. She leaned down and took the end of his cock into her mouth. Sighs of pleasure rumbled from her throat.

Lucas watched as slowly a little more of his cock disappeared into her mouth, the feeling of her tongue twirling on his shaft nearly too much for him. He tried to think of other things, to not cum just yet. He watched Sadie slide a hand between her legs, and as she wanked him into her mouth, he stared as she fingered herself. Seemingly all too soon she heard him groan and he started to cum. Opening his eyes again he saw Sadie wanking him hard, cum all over her face, her body shaking as he orgasmed herself.

He stood still, unsure of what to do next. Sadie smiled up at him, wiping cum from her face with her fingers and licking it into her mouth. Suddenly she sat up and opened a drawer. She took out a tape measure and placed it against Lucas's cock.

"Holy fuck, eight inches long and it's soft now," Sadie cried out.

Quickly she got her phone and put the camera on. She looked at Lucas's puzzled face, then told him to relax.

"I won't get your face in the picture, but I need a picture of your cock to help me sleep tonight, or not sleep probably," she laughed.

Lucas still looked puzzled, until Sadie asked if he realised how big it was. He shook his head, saying he'd never really paid attention to looking at other boys as he fancied girls. Sadie laughed and said if only others knew, then explained that a lot of guys wouldn't even be that big when their cocks were hard.

Sadie's mum shouted up and asked if she was okay as she could hear noises, Sadie said she'd dropped something. Lucas told her he needed to go anyway and Sadie said she'd sneak him out as her mum was quite strict at times.

Over the next few weeks, they saw a lot of each other. A couple of days after the first blowjob Sadie had told him that her mum was out for a couple of hours and Lucas lost his virginity at last. Four times they'd fucked, Lucas worried at first as she groaned and cried out loud as his cock entered her and he thought he was doing something wrong. Sadie measured and took a picture of his erection, gasping at it being 10" long, and when her mum returned Lucas was sneaked out of the house.

He'd met Sadie's mum now, and she'd told them in no uncertain terms they weren't to have sex in her house. Sadie explained that she was quite old-fashioned, she'd been brought up in a strict household herself and she hadn't had sex until she'd married. Lucas told her his parents were much the same, and that was when he found out Sadie liked being outdoors anyway.

They'd started meeting at a park between their two houses, there were a lot of trees and pathways around the park, and they had a particular bench they liked to sit on. Sadie had told him she wanted to have a little fun and walked over the pathway and behind a tree. Laughing at Lucas, she pulled her top right up, exposing her breasts. Lucas tried to signal someone was jogging down the path, but even though she saw him at the last minute she didn't try to cover up. He didn't notice, but she told Lucas was a thrill it was. She'd always wanted to do it but felt apprehensive, it felt a little better with Lucas watching around them and letting her know if anyone was around.

It became a thing, Sadie first off just exposing her breasts, then pulling her skirt or jeans down to expose her pussy. She'd joked about Lucas being more than just a lookout and asked him to film with her phone as someone walked past. When she saw the video of the old man walking his dog, oblivious to Sadie pulling her skirt and her top up, she was delirious with joy.

The first time she was caught doing it the guy jogging past smiled, and Sadie laughed back at him. It didn't stop her, it made her more daring. Lucas wasn't complaining, as she got herself so turned on Lucas felt the benefits, even if it was just a quick handjob or blowjob in the alleyway by her house. Sadie got more daring, escalating into first removing her top completely and then her bottoms too. Standing there fully naked as people walked past even got Lucas going, now having to try to hide the growing bulge in his shorts as he watched and filmed his naked girlfriend.

Now they didn't even wait to get home, Sadie wanting sex there and then. They'd walked to a more secluded area where Lucas sat on a tree branch on the ground while Sadie rode him hard. Being scared that they'd be caught Lucas had lasted for ages, Sadie cumming four times before he did, but in the back of his mind, he wondered what they'd do if they were caught.

"Role reversal today, you go by the tree and flash me," Sadie told him.

"I don't know if I can," Lucas said.

"Come on, you've watched me do it a few times now, you'll be fine," Sadie giggled.

Lucas walked across the path to where Sadie normally stood. Seeing her point the phone towards him he knew someone was approaching and she was about to capture it. He pulled down his shorts and closed his eyes. Opening his eyes he saw Sadie with a huge smile on her face and a lady walking off away from them. He did it a few times, realising he was enjoying it to an extent. Two hours later getting back to Sadie's her mum was out and they took advantage of the empty house despite having sex over the park as normal.

As they lay on the bed Sadie asked him if he fancied her friend Bella.

"Isabella, yes she's pretty," Lucas answered.

He'd noticed Bella around quite a lot. She was a little smaller than Sadie, around 5' 4" tall, and a little plumper, not too fat but curvier than Sadie. She had long red hair and amazing green eyes. He'd noticed she had big heavy breasts and her nice round arse had appealed to him too. Sadie noticed his mind wandering.

"So, you'd like to fuck her then?" she giggled.

"She's pretty, but I'm with you," Lucas replied, not sure if she was testing him.

"That's okay, I could watch, or maybe even share you with her," Sadie laughed.

A few days later they were back over the park. Sadie sat on the bench and was filming Lucas, encouraging him to play with his cock. As someone walked towards them she'd signal if it was a man so Lucas could move away, or if it was a female in which case he had to stay in view and see if they noticed him. Quite a few times he'd seen ladies notice him, cock in hand or just standing with it on full view and noticed how they all gasped in shock. Some stopped and stared, then walked on after seeing Sadie too.

He saw Sadie looking about, but talking to someone on her phone. She laughed and turned the camera back to Lucas. She nodded to let him know someone was coming, and Lucas stood still, hands on hips, his jeans opened and halfway down his thighs. He saw a mass of red hair come into view, Sadie nodding in his direction. Coming into his view, Bella stopped dead in her tracks.

"Holy shit Sadie, you weren't fucking joking were you!" she cried out.

She walked directly to Lucas and stopped right in front of him. Without losing eye contact her hand wrapped around his cock. Looking down and seeing those large breasts his cock started to grow in her hand.

"Somebody is coming," Sadie hissed.

Lucas quickly fastened his jeans, much to Bella's dismay. They walked over and sat on the bench with Sadie as the lads who'd walked towards them started playing football right by them. They started chatting, the two girls whispering and giggling with each other. Bella gasped and looked shocked towards Lucas.

"He doesn't, really?" she said.

"No, he doesn't realise what a gift he was given," Sadie laughed.

They spoke for a little longer, and then Bella suddenly threw her hands up.

"I've got a great idea. I was going to the sauna tomorrow but my friend Georgia has other plans and I'm not keen on going alone, how about you two join me?" she asked.

Sadie looked towards Lucas, then at Bella's knowing smile. She readily agreed, telling Lucas he'd enjoy it. He looked bemused but went along with it. After talking for a while longer, and realising the guys playing football weren't moving on, they agreed where to meet and went their separate ways.

Sadie messaged Lucas early the following day, eager to get going. They caught the bus to the outskirts of the town where the sauna was situated. Walking towards the building they noticed Bella standing waiting, a huge smile on her face upon seeing them. There were separate changing rooms and the girls told Lucas to undress and wrap a towel around himself, and to meet them in there.

Seeing him enter the room Bella moved over a little and patted the bench between herself and Sadie for him to sit. Both had their towels pulled around and fastened at the front, tight across their breasts. He sat and surveyed the room. Benches ran around three sides of the walls, the other wall plain except for the doorway in the centre. Two young guys a little older than them sat on the side wall furthest from them, Lucas noting that despite him being there they were staring at Sadie and Bella. On the same wall as they sat an older guy, around sixty years old, grey hair matted to his chest.

He twisted his body more to get a better view of the girls, rubbing at the front of his towel as he did so. Sadie looked at the two younger guys, leaned over and whispered to Bella, then giggled and pulled her towel down at the front, leaving it fastened but under her cleavage. The two stared intently now, the older man making no secret he was stroking his cock to erection, moving his towel to show them. It wasn't anything special, around six inches long, but Lucas was still shocked that he would openly sit in front of others with his cock in full view.

Bella twisted so that her back was against the other wall in the corner where she sat, opening her legs a little, then pulling the towel down, exposing her breasts. Not content with that, she pulled the towel right open and sat with her legs slightly parted. Lucas couldn't help but stare, at a small landing strip of red pubes right above her clit, neatly trimmed and looking like it was highlighting where to look.

"Dirty bitch," he heard Sadie giggle, then felt her nudge him with her elbow as she too pushed her towel away.

The old guy nodded his approval and carried on wanking, slow strokes as he concentrated, his cock glistening with a mixture of his pre-cum and the sweat dripping down his body. Sadie opened her legs a little more, then nodded at the guys. They too were rubbing at their crotches, Bella telling them to move their towels too if they wanted to see more. Just as they were about to another woman entered and sat between Sadie and the older guy.

Bella traced her fingers along her thighs, down to her knee, then up her body to tweak at her nipples. She nodded to them again, and this time they both dropped their towels to the floor. Two eight-inch erections sprang out, both of them with broad proud smiles on their faces, almost gloating at Lucas that the two girls with him wanted to see their cocks.

Bella pushed a finger across her clit, then leaned over and did the same to Sadie who groaned loudly. Their captive audience watched on, and then suddenly Bella pushed Lucas's towel away. His cock came into view, making the other woman cry out. Both of the other guys' smiles disappeared, the old man chuckling to himself at their displeasure. He nodded his approval at Lucas.

"See, you're as big as them and still soft," Sadie whispered to him, "Look how sad they look now they've seen what you have."

He felt a hand on his cock, then two, and looked to see Bella wanking him quickly to an erection. The woman had turned now to watch him, her back to the old man and the two younger guys, Lucas and his big cock taking all of her attention.

Lucas looked up and saw the two younger guys stand up and leave, and Sadie leaned against his arm and shoulder and parted her legs for the old man to get a better view. He watched as she openly played with her clit, then pushed her lips apart and slid two fingers in, watching the old man whose strokes had got quicker. He heard her say something, then the other woman appeared in front of Lucas. Bella stopped stroking his cock, her hands being replaced by the woman.

"Fuck he's big," he heard her whisper as she stroked him.

The old guy mumbled something and Sadie nodded yes, then leant forward cupping her breasts. The guy stroked faster, his cock inches from Sadie, staring between her legs as he groaned louder until he came and started to cover Sadie's tits. When he'd finished cumming, Lucas heard him say he'd watch the door now, pulling his towel back around himself and positioning himself so he could see outside.

"Yeah, help yourself," he heard Sadie say.

No sooner had she finished than the other woman opened her mouth and tuck the end of Lucas's cock inside. She managed only a couple of inches then pulled away, gagging. She bobbed her head down again, taking a little bit more this time, but again pulling away before she gagged too much. Her mouth was replaced by Bella's, who managed a little bit more before she too pulled away. She wanked his cock as the woman put her mouth over the end again, content to just have him wanked into her mouth now. Bella sank further, running her tongue over his heavy balls.

Lucas had his eyes closed, feelings of joy swirling around his head, two women who weren't Sadie playing with his cock. Sadie, shit, what must she be thinking? He opened his eyes to see Sadie, legs splayed as far as possible, watching the others working his cock while rubbing her clit furiously. She smiled at Lucas, and then her body shook as she came. They heard the old man call out, and quickly Bella placed a towel over Lucas's cock.

It was a false alarm, the old man told them that whoever had been coming towards the doorway had continued past. Bella quickly moved the towel but instead of wanking him again, she stood facing him and straddled his lap. She placed her arms on his shoulders, so the hand around his cock wasn't hers. The hand guided his cock until he felt it nudge between her wet labia, then she took a deep breath and pushed down.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuuuuck," she cried out as Lucas's cock slid into her.

Lucas heard Sadie giggle and shush her friend, telling her she was making too much noise. Pulling herself up, Bella whispered into Lucas's ear, telling him to squeeze her big tits as hard as he could. She started to ride him, taking around half of his length at first, slowly until she got used to him and then more and more. She growled as she rode him, red sore-looking fingermarks appearing on her soft breasts where Lucas had been mauling them. Feeling his hands move to her nipples she soon came.

Moving away, Lucas felt legs nudge against his, then an arse being lowered. Having her back to him, the middle-aged woman lowered and enveloped his cock, leaning forward to expose her puckered arsehole to him. She rode him hard and fast, her arse squashing into his stomach as she took him entirely. Lucas held her hips and watched as Sadie stood by his side and slid two fingers into their new friend's arsehole.

The old man called out again but this time she wouldn't stop, too close to cumming to care if anyone saw. She cried out as her body shook and her legs gave way, and she slumped forward and sprawled on the floor. The old man was talking to someone who pushed past him. Two girls in their early twenties stood in the doorway, stopped dead at the sight in front of them.

Lucas had stood now, facing directly to the door, three willing women kneeling before him, mouths open and facing him, urging him to cum over them. Lucas stroked his cock, his gaze moving between the three in front and the two watching from the doorway. They stood and stared, giggling as they looked at each other, each with a hand under their towels. It didn't take long for Lucas to please them all, with each spurt pointing his cock in a different direction, each of them taking a few spurts to the face or into their mouths.


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