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Baby maker

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Dan and Beth find other way when she can't get pregnant.
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Hi, my name is Beth. I am married to a wonderful man named Dan. Okay, statistics, I am 5'3" tall, light brown hair, blue eyes, and petite, with 34A breasts. I was a virgin when Dan and I met and in fact until only a month before our wedding. At the time this story begins, we had been married close to three years.

I am Dan, Beth's husband. Beth is the best wife in the world. I guess since Beth described herself, I had better do the same. I am 5'9", short brown hair, blue eyes and I keep myself fit and trim. Beth and I have a perfect marriage except for one small problem, my sperm count is zero and we both wanted children.


After the initial testing we chose to use artificial insemination. I was not thrilled with the idea because I wanted to have Dan's baby. However, we knew that was not going to happen so we went ahead with it. After each of the five attempts I felt like I had cheated on Dan and I felt violated. Dan was so loving as he held me each time and assured me it was not cheating.

There we were, six months later, out several thousand dollars and my period starting right on time again. I was crushed.

I talked to Shari, at the bank I worked at, during lunch a lot. Shari seemed to have several boy friends during the three years we worked together, but Shari had a one year old daughter who did not seem to have a father. I finally breached the subject of artificial insemination with her, assuming that was how she got pregnant.

Shari told me she didn't like the idea of artificial insemination, did not want to get pregnant by one of her dates and so had used a different route. My curiosity was up so I asked her what route she used. She told me a professor at the university hooked her up with a student who did the job on a confidential basis, with no strings attached.

I was shocked, to say the least. I asked, "You slept with him?"

Shari told me, "Yes, I did, and it was good too."

"Did you pay for his services?"

"Yes, the professor had an $ 800 fee and I know he and the student shared that."

I asked her, "What about the possibility of disease?"

Shari told me, "The professor has a deal with the students. They are not allowed to have sex with anyone other than clients. They are also tested regularly."

"How many women have these guys serviced?" I asked.

"I asked the same thing. I was told from one to around 24, based on how long they have been in the program. The guy I was with had 14 clients before me."


When I got home, Beth was in the kitchen fixing dinner. I kissed her and fondled her a little, as often happens. I like to reach under her skirt and pull her panties off, which she always objects to, but not very much.

As we were eating, I was thinking of her sitting there with no panties in the way and planning dessert. Then she said,

"I had an interesting conversation with Shari today."

"Oh, about what?"

Beth said, "Shari has a daughter, but she is not married."

I said, "Well, not much unusual about that these days."

Then Beth told me about her conversation with Shari. Honestly, I was intrigued. It also made me very hard thinking about it. Actually, hard enough that I led my wife to the couch, pushed her skirt up and made love to her.


Dan didn't say much when I told him about Shari's experience. He led me to the couch and made love to me pretty forcefully and very nicely. I took this as his way of changing the subject. Since I could not see myself doing what Shari had done, I did not talk about it any more.

Two days later Dan brought it up again. I will not go into all the conversations we had about it over the next two weeks. Even though the idea of having a baby excited me, I could not see any way I could do that to Dan. Dan, on the other hand, talked more and more like it was something we should do. I said it was cheating. He said not really any more than the five times I had some other man's semen placed inside me. I finally agreed to look into it.

Shari helped me get in touch with the professor. He had a book of pictures of the young men who worked with him. I was fascinated. I finally agreed to have an initial meeting with a young man who looks a little like Dan and is of similar height and build. His bio said he had ten successful client contacts and no failures.

Chris is a graduate biology student. I met him in the professor's office after work. He was pleasant, clean, very articulate and he smelled good. My clit actually tingled and I felt myself getting wet just shaking his hand. The professor produced a contract which we all signed and I produced ten one hundred dollar bills (yes, the price had gone up). The contract spelled out the distance that would be kept between us other than the meeting(s) necessary to get me pregnant.

I was pretty nervous when I got home. Dan kissed me and told we he was taking me out to dinner.

Dinner was nice and it gave us a chance to discuss how this would go. The professor had told me, but I already knew beforehand, the best chance of my getting pregnant was if I climaxed while having sex with Chris. I did not want to tell Dan that part. It turned out it did not matter because Dan told me,

"You know, your best chance of getting pregnant is if you climax when you have sex with Chris."

That made it even more like cheating and I told Dan I did not want to do it after all. Dan was insistent that he was okay with everything. I was getting cold feet about it. Dan told me the more I objected to sex with Chris, the more certain he was that it would be okay.

The result was that we set up the meeting for the 14th day after my period started as that would be the most likely time of my peak fertility and best chance to get pregnant.


The day, Thursday, of the big event finally arrived. Did I feel weird about it? I sure did, another man was going to have sex with my wife, right in my home.

I got home right on time. Beth had gotten off work an hour early and was in the kitchen getting dinner ready for us and our guest. I was surprised to see her wearing the same rather plain skirt and blouse she had worn to work that morning. However, I noticed she smelled of a really nice perfume when I kissed her.

The table was set very nicely with three place settings and candles with a bottle of wine in the center to go with the steak she was grilling.

At 7:00 the doorbell rang. I told Beth to get the door and I would tend to dinner. About fifteen minutes later I went to the living room to tell Chris and Beth that dinner was on the table. They were sitting on the love seat next to each other but not touching at all. Chris stood up, took Beth's hand and led her to the table. I was impressed with how polite he was as he scooted her chair up for her before taking his place next to her. I sat across the table from them.

At 8:00 we returned to the living room. Chris and Beth sat next to each other on the love seat again. We talked for a little while and then I told them I was going for a walk so they could get better acquainted.

I walked to the park and along the pond and finally returned home after almost an hour. Beth and Chris were sitting on the love seat still but they were touching now. Beth looked embarrassed as I came in the door. I noticed some of her lipstick had transferred to Chris's lips, her blouse had another button undone and her skirt seemed higher on her legs than when I left.

Beth leaned into Chris while he put his hand on her bare leg and I sat down across from them. As Chris made out with my wife and moved his hand along her leg, I could see up her skirt and saw her panties, so they had not gotten too involved yet.

I said I was going to bed and suggested they do the same. Beth led Chris to the guest bedroom, showed him the bathroom and told him she would be right back. We went into our room and Beth got ready for bed, putting on a very plain t-shirt. When I came out of the bathroom and saw her like that, lifted her t-shirt to see she was still wearing panties and I said,

"You aren't going to him like that, are you."

She told me she thought it was fine. I asked her if she was trying to turn him off. I got out her sexy nightie that was not quite see through and told her to put it on. She did. Then I told her to lose the panties. She objected to that. I told her,

"Look, you are going in there to have a good time with Chris. I want you to enjoy it and I want him to enjoy it to, because you should do it more than once."

Then I watched as Beth walked from our room to the guest room and closed the door behind her.


I was both nervous and excited about the meeting with Chris. No, I did not tell Shari about it, but I arranged to leave work early and told my boss I could not get in until late in the morning. I told her it was medical.

I bathed, shaved my legs, put on a really nice, flowery scented perfume and then got dressed in clean panties but the same skirt and blouse I had worn to work. I did not want to appear too anxious in front of Dan.

I had dinner part way done when Dan got home at 6:30. He helped set the table and insisted on putting candles on the table. Right on time at 7:00 the doorbell rang and Dan took over dinner while I went to let Chris in.

Having him right there in front of me was a shock. He looked nice. I gave him a hug and noticed he smelled real nice too. Then I took his hand and led him to the love seat to talk.

It was small talk about his school, his grades, my work, what Dan does for a living. We did not touch at all during that time, but I noticed Chris looking at my legs. I liked that and it turned me on a little.

After dinner, I took Chris's hand and led him back to the love seat and we sat next to each other. After a couple of minutes, Dan said he was going for a walk so we could get better acquainted. When the door closed behind Dan, Chris took me in his arms and kissed me. I was not expecting that, but I found myself responding quickly. Soon, Chris had his hand inside my bra and was playing with my breasts and nipples. I was feeling pretty good when he shocked me by putting his hand up my skirt and rubbing me through my panties. I was starting to feel like my panties were in the way.

I was enjoying myself when I heard the key in the lock and we sat up and I did my best to straighten my skirt and blouse before Dan walked in. I felt a little guilty as I saw Dan look at my skirt and smile. Chris put his hand on my leg again and I leaned into him. While Chris and I were kissing, Dan sat across from us while Chris continued to made out with me. As Chris ran his hand up and down the inside of my leg I began to really feel like I wanted more privacy.

Then Dan said he was going to bed and suggested we do the same. We were at the moment of truth. As turned on as I was, I was still not sure I could go through with having sex with another man who was basically a complete stranger.

I took Chris's hand and led him to our guest bedroom and showed him the bathroom. Then I said I was going to get ready for bed and would be right back.

In our bedroom I took off my skirt, blouse, sandals and bra and proceeded to put on a t-shirt for a nightie. When Dan came out of the bathroom he looked at me and said I needed to look sexier for my date. He pulled out my sexiest nightie, light blue, almost see through, lacy and coming to just barely cover me down there. Dan bought it for me for Christmas. I put it on for him and then he said,

"Lose the panties, you won't need them tonight."

I objected, "I do not want to appear too anxious. I already feel a little slutty."

Dan told me he wanted me to have a good time with Chris. He wanted me to get Chris excited so we could do it more than once. Then he took my panties down and I stepped out of them. I walked out of our bedroom, opened the door to the guest room and walked in.

Chris was standing there in his white briefs. I stood there a little uncertain about what to do, but he took me in his arms and kissed me. As he kissed me he pulled me against him with his hands on my bottom and commented,

"No panties, I like that."

I could feel his penis harden against my belly. I pushed his underwear down and was surprised to see he was bigger than Dan, noticeably bigger. I wondered how it would feel in me and if it would hurt. Chris took the opportunity to take my nightie off and kiss my nipples.

Dan pushed me back against the bed and I fell onto it with Chris on top of me. Soon Chris was between my legs and his penis as against my clit with part of the shaft between my labia. You know that empty feeling you have in a time like this? I wanted him in me. I begged him to put it in me, but Chris continued to tease me.

Then suddenly, he was in me. Not all at once, but once I felt the head of his penis past my opening I knew I was committed. Soon, very soon, he was all the way in. It felt tight, but it felt really good. I also climaxed faster than I thought possible, loudly. That was a good thing because it was not long at all before Chris pushed far into me, groaned out loud and I felt the pulsing of his penis as he came in me. It felt very good.

We lay there together like that for quite a while. I could not believe how good I felt and how good he felt still inside me. I was so sensitive and his penis would twitch inside me and it felt like I had another little climax each time. He did not even get soft.

Then he started moving in and out of me again. It felt so good. He would push all the way into me and I would arch my back so my pelvis pushed against his each time. I do not know how long he moved in and out but when I was ready to climax again, I pulled him tight against me as I came. He felt incredible in me. He held like that for a while then he moved in and out again until he pushed all the way in and I felt that delicious pulsing as he came in me again.

I held him for a while and then fell asleep. I sort of woke up as he rolled off me but then rolled on my side and fell asleep.


I lay in bed trying not to think about what was going on in the guest room. However, I could not help but wonder how it was going. I imagined Chris pushing into my wife and it got me so hard I could not help but begin to stroke myself. I could hear the bed creaking as they moved and then I heard Beth making noises. When I heard her kind of squeal, I knew she was having a climax and I did too. Shortly after that I heard Chris groan and I knew he had just come in my wife.

A little while later I heard the bed squeaking again but they were both quieter this time. I finally went to sleep.

I woke up at about 6:00 and realized I had just heard the toilet flush in the other bathroom. I showered and got part way dressed before I went into the kitchen to get some coffee. Beth was there in her little nightie and Chris was sitting at the table in a t-shirt and underwear. As Beth moved around getting breakfast for Chris I noticed she still did not have any panties on. In fact, I think she was doing things to exposed that fact as she moved around and reached up to look for things in the cupboards.

After my coffee, I finished getting ready to head to work. Beth came to the front door with me and kissed me good bye for the day. I asked her what her plans were. She told me she wanted to have sex with Chris one more time and then she would head to work.


I woke up a little before 6:00 and realized Chris was not in the bed with me. Then I heard the toilet flush across the hall. I got up and put my nightie back on. I was going to put panties on but I realized I did not have any with me in the guest bedroom. When Chris came out of the bathroom I asked if he would like some breakfast. When he agreed to eggs and toast I sent him to the kitchen and I used the bathroom.

I was fixing breakfast for Chris when Dan came into the kitchen. I offered him breakfast but he only wanted his usual up of coffee. I knew that as I moved about and especially when I reached up my nightie would ride up so I took extra chances to check cupboards and otherwise reach for things so that Chris and Dan could see me. I wanted to get Chris turned on enough for another round of sex.

When Dan headed to the front door to leave for work I went to give him a kiss goodbye. As he kissed me and fondled me bare bottom, he asked what my plans were. I told him I wanted one more time with Chris and then I would shower, get dressed and go to work. Dan just said okay and headed out the door.

After Chris had eaten, I took his hand and led him back to the guest bedroom. We kissed, we undressed each other and then lay on the bed. This time he was on his back and I straddled him. I loved the feel of him between my labia and him playing with my breasts, sometimes having his hands on my hips and I ground against him.

Soon, I had to have him in me again and I leaned against his chest to make entry easy. We rolled over and he was on top of me again. It took longer this time, but I enjoyed every bit of it. I climaxed and not long after he came in me again. As always, it felt so good.

After he got soft and came out of me, I had Chris grab his bag, took his hand and led him to the master bathroom and we showered together. We kissed and touched each other as we showered. After the shower I dressed in front of Chris as he got dressed. Chris shaved as I fixed my hair and makeup.

Since it was going to be a warmer day, I wore a dress with no pantyhose. Chris and I walked to the front door and he kissed me good bye. I was a little sad that I was not going to enjoy any more time with him. As Chris kissed me I noticed he was getting hard again and I rubbed against him so his penis was against my clit. It felt very good.

Then Chris led me over to the sofa and we ended up on it with him between my legs. We kept kissing and Christ undid his pants and pushed them down around his knees. He pulled the crotch of my panties to the side and entered me again. That did not feel good, so I had him pull out so I could get my panties off.

I was surprised how quickly we both came considering it was the fourth time. Chris pulled out of me and found a kleenex to wipe with. As he pulled his pants back up he asked if he could keep my panties to remember me by and I said yes, but I wanted him to pick out the ones I would wear for the day. Chris put my panties in his pocket and I led him back to the bedroom and opened my panty drawer. He picked out a pretty pink bikini panty and I put them on slowly. Then I pulled my dress up and turned around for him to see. He kissed me again and left.


During the day I called Beth and told her I wanted to take her out to dinner. When I got home, Beth kissed me enthusiastically and told me several times how much she loved me. Each time I told him I loved her too

Dinner was good and when we got home we enjoyed each other's company before we went to bed. I was anxious to reclaim my wife after her little adventures of the night before. I was glad to be able to bring her to a climax.

Life settled back down to normal and Beth and I were excited about finally being able to be parents. Beth told me some about her time with Chris. It was a full week before she told me about the fourth time and him keeping her panties. By then he was just a memory and it did not bother me.

A week later Beth's period started.

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norcal62norcal62over 2 years ago

Now I'll do what I accused others of doing, commenting on details. What is the obsession with panties and pantyhose? It gets in the way of the eroticism. It seems the author has no real experience with impregnation. Where is the use of the pillow after the male ejaculates? Story needs more work.

norcal62norcal62over 2 years ago

It's so funny when male readers can't see this as a fictional story. Also, a product of moralizing when a reader makes up his own take on the story, or continues his own judgmental fantasy.

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago

Nothing but a cheating whore who is going to keep cheating.

alexmaksialexmaksiover 3 years ago

Great Story. Please continue Dan story...

timrivtimrivover 4 years ago

Oops she’ll need to do it again. What he didn’t know was she wanted Chris again so she took the morning after pill.

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