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Babysitter's Argument

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Wife and babysitter have a fight.
2.3k words

Part 101 of the 142 part series

Updated 10/10/2022
Created 06/07/2013
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My wife can be belligerent at times. Not that she gets physical with it. Or hardly ever, anyway. I laid down the law very early in our relationship about that. No getting violent with the boyfriend or you suffer the consequences.

After I had to intervene in a stoush she started I extended the rule to no getting violent. Full stop. End of story. No exceptions.

The consequences were quite simple. If she starts hitting, I WILL spank her. She didn't believe it the first time, but walking funny for the rest of the day seemed to help get the point across.

So all I can say is that Beryl knew the consequences but got into a fight anyway. We have a baby-sitter who we occasionally use. Sharon is her name. Nice young lady, red-headed, about nineteen. And hot tempered, I had noticed.

We'd arranged for Sharon to sit one night because both Beryl and I had to be out. I was doing some overtime and Beryl had promised to go to a candle party, so hullo, baby-sitter.

When I arrived home I could hear an argument going on between Beryl and Sharon. It sounded a bit more than just a tiff so I headed into the lounge room tout de suite to break it up.

I was, it turned out, just a little bit late. The girls had progressed from yelling to hair pulling and other nasty little habits. I moved in to separate them. Foolish of me, I know, but what else could I do?

It took the girls a couple of seconds to wake up to the fact that there was a third protagonist involved in their little scuffle, but when I jerked them apart and held them apart it finally dawned on them that there was an irate man in the room. They both shut up for a moment, and then they both tried to justify themselves.

I politely asked them to be quiet. Actually, the way they both fell quiet, I may not have been too polite.

Then I explained to them that I disapproved of their behaviour. I didn't raise my voice. Sometimes a quiet voice is much more impressive. They both had to shut up and stay shut up to hear what I was saying, which they didn't seem to like very much from the way their faces flushed.

I pointed out I wasn't really interested in who started it or why it started. I pointed out to Sharon that Beryl was my wife and that I would naturally be on her side, right or wrong, so discussing the cause of the fight with me wouldn't help her much.

Sharon looked rather disgruntled at that, while Beryl looked smug. Beryl's smugness faded pretty quickly when I added we had a fixed policy in our household regarding physical violence and I would be speaking to Beryl on that subject in short order.

That's when Beryl butted in.

"Wait, wait, wait," she said. "That's not fair. Sharon was involved in the fight as well. Instead of just sending her home you should punish her as well."

"Good point," I said with a laugh, "but Sharon is not my responsibility. Anyway, she'd probably get all upset and cry. She's not as strong-minded as you are."

Now it was Sharon's turn to butt in.

"I would not," she snapped. "I can handle any punishment Beryl can handle."

Beryl sniggered at that, which got Sharon's back even more.

"What is the punishment, anyway?"

"I'm sorry, but it would be impolite for me to discuss any punishment I might be giving Beryl unless I was also giving you the same punishment," I pointed out.

"Well, if she can take it I can take it," snapped Sharon.

"I am assuming, of course, that you're not just going to throw her on the floor and ravish her or something like that," she added sarcastically.

"Oh, no. Ravishment would come after," I said. "But seeing you insist, I'll spank the pair of you right now."

Sharon looked blank for a moment, while it registered. Then she glanced at Beryl, who was grinning like the Cheshire cat.

"He's kidding, right?" she asked.

"He's not kidding?" she asked, seeing Beryl's smirk.

"Right. I can handle that. I suppose you want me to bend over your knee?" she suggested belligerently.

"Don't be silly, Sharon," I told her. "It would be uncomfortable and crowded with you both bent over my knee, now wouldn't it? No, I think I'll just have you both bend over the couch, leaning on your hands."

As Sharon turned to lean against the couch, I added the killer.

"Don't forget to drop your panties first."

Beryl had a skirt on, and when Sharon turned to look at her she was already taking down her panties, smirking while she did so.

It wasn't quite so simple for Sharon. She was wearing tights, and when she dropped them and her panties, she'd really be bare, where Beryl's dress would tend to cover her bottom. (And other parts.) However, Sharon had no intention of backing down in front of Beryl. She lowered her tights and panties and took up a position next to Beryl.

Beryl was standing with her legs together, a subtle message to me that she wasn't interested in any pussy spanking this time round. Sharon, poor little innocent, was standing with her legs slightly parted, with no notion of what was going to happen.

I tucked Beryl's skirt up out of the road and patted both bottoms for luck. Beryl just flashed a smirk at me whereas Sharon let out a little squeak.

The first spank had to go to Beryl, of course, and I made sure it was a noisy one. It was funny. It was Beryl whose bottom was smacked, but Sharon who let out another nervous squeak.

Another couple of spanks for Beryl and then I turned my attention to Sharon. A nice firm spank with a cupped hand on her rounded little bottom and she squealed and rose up on her toes. Letting her settle back down, I gave her another couple of quick spanks.

From that point I alternated spanks between Beryl and Sharon, giving them both their fair share of attention. I wasn't spanking turn and turn about, but mixing it up so that neither knew just which one of them would receive the next spank. There's nothing like a little apprehension to add some spice to life.

Beryl was still not making any sounds when I spanked her, but she was watching Sharon, who was giving little yelps and squeaks. Beryl glanced at me at one point, frowning a little, as if to say get on with it.

I assumed she meant my spanking of Sharon and the way it was being conducted. Lucky Sharon. I started changing her spanking. The next couple of spanks were a little lower, my hand slipping between her parted legs and neatly slapping against her pussy. Sharon's squeak became a squeal. She turned to look at me, red-faced, obviously mortified that I'd spank her pussy.

I just smiled at her and spanked her there again, letting my hand rest there long enough for her to get the message. Sharon swallowed and jerked her head forward again. Beryl was looking like the cat who had the canary. She knew exactly what had just happened. So I gave her an extra stinging spank.

I continued the spanking, but from then on Sharon seemed to collect more spanks on her pussy than on her bottom. Her squeals had stopped and her bottom was almost quivering in expectation of the next spank.

One last spank on Sharon's pussy and I called it a day. I carelessly left my hand cupping her mound, sensing the heat coming from it. A gentle probe with one finger between her lips showed that she was wet; very wet. It also produced another little squeak from her, and her pussy first pushed against my intrusive touch and then hurriedly pulled away.

"OK, girls," I said. "We'll finish the spanking at that. Now who's going to be first for the rest of the treatment?"

"Better make it Sharon," said Beryl quickly. "You can always catch up with me at your leisure but Sharon will want to go home."

"What rest?" asked Sharon. "I thought it was just a spanking, and that hurt."

"The spanking was first," I said. "Remember I also said that the ravishment would come after. It's now after."

"You wouldn't. He wouldn't, would he, Beryl?" Sharon pleaded for reassurance.

"That's the punishment," said Beryl with a sigh. "I won't say I'm happy with the idea of him ravishing you, but you did agree to the penalties. I should have known he'd come in just as the fight started. The man has the worst timing."

My hand was still cupping and playing with Sharon's mound, despite her wriggling against it, trying to shake it off without making it too obvious.

"But I didn't know," protested Sharon, finding my hand was now seriously playing with her.

"Next time you will," I told her, easing her lips apart.

I'd already undone my trousers and the one-eyed trouser snake was out and looking around, eager to go to work. I eased forward until the head was pressing gently between Sharon's lips. A little more stretch, push a little further in and then hands away, letting her lips close over the head of my cock.

Sharon squeaked and froze for a second.

"Oh, my god. He's really doing it. Are you going to let him do this to me?" she appealed to Beryl.

"It's out of my hands now," said Beryl. "And in your pussy from the look of it," she added with a snigger.

"This is so unfair," gasped Sharon, wriggling slightly as I started pushing in. "I didn't know."

Beryl said nothing, just watching with interest as my cock slowly disappeared into Sharon. I had nothing to say, I was otherwise occupied.

Sharon had plenty to say, but it was just general comments about how we were being unfair and that she hadn't known and just how big was that damn thing anyway. I did notice, with some interest, that at no time did she say no or stop.

My cock slipped into Sharon very easily. She was hot and tight but slippery, due to the excitement raised by the spanking on her pussy. Once I'd started in, Sharon pushed back firmly against me, helping me to go deep.

I started moving firmly within Sharon, pulling back and returning briskly, a no-nonsense attitude, cock-wise, letting her know that it intended to have its way and she should just go along with its game plan.

Sharon's pussy seemed to agree, bouncing back eagerly to meet me. I was quickly establishing a nice little rhythm. Then I had my first little set back.

I'd been concentrating on Sharon, which was only natural. I mean, if your cock is going to entertain someone it's only good manners to look at them. That's why I hadn't seen what Beryl was up to.

I reached around Sharon to take possession of her breasts, or at least to grope them through her clothes. I hadn't got around to actually getting them exposed. I was too late. Beryl was now sitting on the couch. She'd undone Sharon's blouse and pushed her bra up and was playing with her breasts, leaving me with nothing to grab.

Irritated, my hand returned to Sharon's hips and I gave her a couple of extra hearty bangs before resuming my rhythm.

Little set-backs like that aren't a real problem. If Beryl was sitting on the couch in front of Sharon I could access her breasts as easily as I could Sharon's. So I reached around Sharon again, but this time reaching for my wife's breasts.

What I found was the same as when I groped for Sharon's breasts, the back of a pair of hands. Sharon had found time, even while being bounced off my cock, to push Beryl's top out of the way and Sharon's hands weren't pressed against the couch supporting her while I banged her. They were pressed against my wife's breasts, squeezing them in time to the rhythm I was pounding against her pussy.

Breast-wise, it seemed I was left in the cold.

What does a man do in a case like that? Don't know about you but I started taking my frustration out on Sharon's pussy. I pounded it good and proper, and Sharon was squealing loudly as she bounced up and down.

Even breastless, I had fun. I bounced Sharon on my cock hard and often, enjoying the feel of her pussy tightly holding me as I moved within it, listening to her squeal whenever I gave an extra little thrust against her, hearing her gasping for breath as she frantically bobbed her bottom up and down, trying to meet all my demands.

By the time I was ready to finish, Sharon was shrieking, pleading for me to let her come, she couldn't take much more of what I was dishing out. Truth to tell, I couldn't keep dishing it out, either. I'd just about reached the end of my run.

I relaxed and ejaculated into Sharon, letting her feel the hot splash of my seed spreading within her. She screamed once and then collapsed against Beryl, shuddering as she climaxed.

Afterwards, Beryl took her through to the bathroom, and I could hear a lot of chatting and laughter coming from that room.

I'm not normally a suspicious man but I couldn't help wondering. What had the fight been about? How come it was so nicely timed? Why had Sharon been surprised by the spanking but not nearly as surprised by the subsequent sex? And why, and this is the biggie, were both women apparently quite willing for me to ravish Sharon that way?

If anyone wants to give me some answers I'd be interested in hearing them.

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Xamphos2018Xamphos2018almost 6 years ago
Repeat spanking?

Nice little story hopefully more punishment in store for both and extra show for huuby to watch and take part in.

amyyumamyyumover 10 years ago
Cute, entertaining, and original

I have the answers to your questions, but won't give them to you unless you beg (ha, ha)!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
A nice story - thanks!

Just one tiny thing - she was bellicose, rather than belligerent, at times. Enjoyable tale - well done.

sandymonroesandymonroealmost 11 years ago

What now? Part 2? Little bondag? Anal? I'm curious!

maninconnmaninconnalmost 11 years ago

You are really prolific lately! This was a good one, thanks!

OOAAOOAAalmost 11 years ago


Excellent story!!!

LickideesplitLickideesplitalmost 11 years ago
Hubby got suckered!

Sweetie and Sitter sure put one over on poor, gullible Hubby! The little connivers! Next time he comes home to a physical alteration between these two, he should call them out about abusing his good nature...and refuse to punish them!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
What a moron

This guy has an IQ of 10. Ridiculous story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Funny how you don't like it but keep readin

If you don't like his stories, don't read them. What's the point in reading it and then ripping it, if you know you don't like his writing. Personally, my wife & I have had a babysitter experience and it was awesome! I considered writing about it but obviously these people don't want to read about it. If you don't like it...don't read it!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
This babysitter fetish you have....

is becoming an obsession. How many times can you tell the same story about forcing yourself on the babysitter, and still wonder why people still give you the same comments about it? Despite the subtle variations, the scenario is the same, so why would the comments be any different? My thought that a man with this strong a babysitter fetish never had a daughter of his own. But whatever, dude.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Not sure but

Because it is a story? :-)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

What the hell is this stupid shit. She accepts being cheated on by her husband and the father of her children as "punishment" for getting in a fight with a babsitter? Really? What a disgusting cunt, and yes, I am referring to her husband. The wife's just a fucking moron.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Eveery story majkes you mad and yet, YOU FUCKING READ VERY ONE> YOU are such a sad little man and a queer.

I wish we could put you out of your sad little existence and let you rut in a MX gay house .

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Every fucking story written by this asshole has rape in it lately. It's straight up bullshit that someone would like to write about rape so much but I really shouldn't be surprised. Ashson is one of those creepy guys you hope none of your children ever have to be around. It is obvious he gets off on being creepy. Does anyone like people like that? Highly doubtful!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
you were set up, dude

now go back and punish them again

only this time spank them until they both beg you to stop, then fuck them :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
The only question that matters: "Why the fuck did I attempt to read such a god-awful story?"

I would call you a moron; but that would be insulting to morons. You are a hemorrhoid..just a pain in the ass.

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