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Bachelor Party Gang Bang

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Wife strips at bachelor party, gets more than expected.
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Author's note: A big thank you to all my fans. I love hearing from you. Please keep voting, favoriting, sending feedback, and especially leaving comments. As an author I truly appreciate hearing from you.

If you have a chance, read the comments. They're as entertaining as the stories.


I was standing outside the house. I'd never been there before. There was nothing special about it. Just a house, but it changed everything.

I was here because Gary's co worker, Tom, was getting married. Tonight was the bachelor party. Well, I guess one of the bachelor parties. This was all co workers. Gary worked as road crew construction for the state. These guys all worked with him. Most of the guys were not invited to the wedding but they wanted to party. Gary was Tom's closest friend at work, not super close, I'd never met him, but close enough that Gary and I were invited to the wedding. In fact the only one invited.

Since Gary was closest to Tom, the guys insisted Gary arrange the bachelor party. Gary had only been to one before and wasn't even sure where to start.

"What do I know about bachelor parties," he said to me.

Gary didn't have one, I told him I wouldn't allow it. I'd heard what goes on at those parties and didn't want Gary to be a part of it. Instead we had a Jack 'n Jill party. It was a fun night.

So Gary was right. He had no idea what to do.

At first I was upset that Gary was going and on top of that, in charge. After all, I hadn't changed my mind about parties, but this was Gary's coworkers and they were insisting on having the party. Gary really couldn't refuse and lose the respect of his coworkers. So I offered to help. Truthfully, I didn't know what to do either, but with the help of the Internet, anything is possible.

I also thought it would be like a wedding shower, funny games, gag gifts, but I soon realized they were different. We started researching bachelor parties. I wasn't happy with what I'd found. Porn and strippers seemed to be a common thread. In many of the stories we read, the strippers would end up having sex with the groom and/or guys at the party. I certainly didn't want Gary having sex with any stripper.

I was not happy about that part. Gary assured me that those were just stories.

"No one has sex at bachelor parties," he said. "That's just in stories. Do you really think the groom would risk his marriage on one night of cheep sex?"

I wasn't convinced but we started planning the party. There would be 10 people there. The agenda wasn't hard, drinks, poker, porn, stripper. Pretty straight forward. The party was going to be held at one of the other coworker's house.

I arranged to have food delivered from a local Deli and Sandwich shop. We also arranged to have a ½ keg delivered. Gary brought hard liquor, tequila, whiskey, bourbon. Gary had checked. The guy had a kitchen and dining room table. They could sit 5 at each table for poker.

We also went online and bought some porn. Gary picked them out.

Last it came down to a stripper. I really was not happy with this. I'd never met any of his coworkers and didn't trust them. Although Gary insisted the stories weren't true I was not convinced.

"There are too many of these stories for them all to be fake," I said.

"Well, what do I do then?" he asked.

Truthfully we went back and forth on this a few nights in a row. Then out of the blue it hit me. It seemed like a great idea at the time.

"I'll do it," I said.

"You?" Gary said in disbelief.

I should probably interject here that Gary had always been proud of me and my looks. He liked me to wear short skirts and small bikinis. He'd often get excited when he noticed guys checking me out and would always point it out. For my part I didn't mind. I was 27, I still liked the attention from guys. At 5'2", 115, curvy, and 34C. I attracted my share of looks. I have dark eyes, dark thick hair down to shoulder blades.

Sometimes during sex we'd role play that some guy saw me naked in a dressing room, or I lost my top at the beach.

"Why not," I said. "I know how to dance, took that stripercize class, and none of the guys know me."

"But," he responded, "you wouldn't want all those guys to see you naked."

"They wouldn't," I replied. "You can't dance naked in bars in this state. Strippers have to wear a bottom and pasties. I could manage that. Besides, it might give you a thrill," I teased.

We went round and round on it. I knew I would not have sex with anyone. No one knew me. He could have a bit of fantasy. The guys would get their stripper. Everyone would be happy.

At first Gary was not convinced, but I think the idea of me stripping in front of people turned him on. We had great sex that night. The next day we discussed it again. I went through my reasoning again. Reluctantly he agreed.

So here I was, standing outside his coworkers house. I admit I was nervous, what seemed like a great idea in the safety of my own home was certainly felt different now.

I took inventory. I was wearing a trench coat and gloves. I tried to look like a business woman so I kept my make up light. My outfit consisted of a dark pencil skirt that ended a little above my knees and a white tucked in button down top buttoned up to the very top. I had a little black scarf around the collar like a tie. Under that I had a black push up bra, matching ruffled thong, dark stockings, and a black garter belt. I put my hair up, so I could shake it down, and high heels completed the outfit. Last I had pasties that covered my nipples and more. They were 3" in diameter and covered a lot.

My outfit was designed to let me strip through 6 songs. We had figured about 20-30 minutes. I had worked out my routine. I knew what came off at which point of each song. As I had worked on the routine I thought about the guys watching me strip. The idea had started to turn me on. I would dance as I fantasized about getting them all worked up. At night I would attack Gary envisioning him watching me as men lusted for me.

I had refused to let Gary see the outfit or routine. I wanted him to enjoy it as well. Since it was a mixed age group I wanted music that most people would recognize. So I had songs from the 80s through this year and things I thought everyone would know.

I rang the doorbell.

The door opened. It was some guy I didn't know. "Come on in," he said and then yelled, "Hey Gary, I think the stripper's here.

I looked through the door. There were 5 guys sitting at the dining table. I could see more in the kitchen through the passthrough. All the guys looked at me. There was a big screen tv with porn playing on it. Some rock soundtrack with two girls giving a guy with a big cock a blow job. Gary looked up saw me and came over to me.

"Gentlemen, this is Candy," he said.

I was nervous. I had butterflies in my stomach. I also felt another tingling. This was going to be harder than I thought. I looked around. I didn't know any of the guys, they ranged from their 20s to their 50s. All average looking. No one stood out. Some had small beer guts. No one was gross.

I entered the room. "Hi guys, I hear we're here to party?" I said. "Who's the poor boy?"

They pointed and some called out his name. I walked over to him.

I'm 5'2" and all these guys were bigger than me. I grabbed his shirt and pulled his face down to mine. Then I put my lips close enough to his so he could feel my breath. "Think we can make his last chance to party something he'll remember?" I asked. I kissed him on the cheek a little close to his mouth.

Some of the guys laughed, some clapped, I liked that I had their attention. I had been worried. I planned this all out, but what if they hated me? This early approval gave me some confidence.

I told one of the guys to get a chair. He grabbed one from the dining room. I pulled the groom by the shirt and pushed him down in the chair. I walked around and adjusted the lights. I wanted a soft glow. Then I put my phone and speakers down on the table and started my play list. The guys gathered round, some on the couch, some grabbed chairs, some standing.

I looked around the group as the first song started, Beyoncé's Dance for you. I strutted around the the circle once. "Good boys," I said. "One rule, no touching. You all good with that?"

They all said yes or nodded. I smiled. "Good," I said. "Let's have some fun.

I strutted around the group slowly pulling off one glove. I ran it across the groom's face and then dropped it on his lap. I continued strutting, removing the other glove. I picked another guy. I bent down and put my face close to his l again so he could feel my breath and lightly trailed his face, from chin to temple, with the glove. "Hold this," I said, kissed him on the forehead, and draped it over his head.

He grabbed the glove and waved it over his head. I laughed and continued. I undid the sash of my coat and started to unbutton it. When it was unbuttoned I stood still and cocking my hips said, "Is there a gentleman to help a lady off with her coat?"

3-4 guys stood up. One helped me. I took the coat from him and draped it over his head then I kissed him on his chin. As I did I noticed the TV behind him was still playing porn. Some guy was fucking a girl in a really weird position. He was sitting on the couch kind of leaning to the side. She was facing outward kind of squatting on his cock. I giggled a bit thinking how uncomfortable that would be, but I realized it was to give viewers the best view.

I danced a little and shook my hair down as the first song ended. Next song was Don't cha (wish your girlfriend was hot like me) by the pussycat dolls. Now that the coat was off I was wearing an outfit that showed off my figure. Now I could actually bring some sexuality to my moves. I strutted around the room. I'd stop, raise my hands above my head and undulate. I'd grind my hips. I'd shake my ass. I knew how to dance. I got a few whistles, applause and, yeahs.

I was loving the attention. I have to admit, the whole thing was kind of turning me on. My tie came off and I draped it over Gary's head. I'd shimmy and show off the tops of my stockings. I unbuttoned my shirt down to my bra line. I continued to dance. The song ended and I noticed I got less appreciation than the last song. I was dancing my heart out and was kind of disappointed. I noticed some guys looking at the TV. On the screen there was a girl licking another girls pussy.

Something about the scene was hot. I faltered for a moment. I'd kissed a girl before, but never anything like that. The sight turned me on.

I danced over to one of the guys watching the TV. I put my high heeled foot on his knee. That got his attention. My skirt slid up and my stockings and garters were showing. I was sure he could see up my skirt to my panties. Good. I wanted all eyes on me.

I had a plan, I was going to be in just my thong and pasties for my finale. I realized that as I danced without taking something off I was losing their attention. I saw a woman on the screen being fucked while sitting on a guys lap. I realized I could do lap dances. I pulled up my skirt so my stockings and garters showed and shook my ass in the face of one of the guys sitting and then shook it over his lap. I realized that at one point he was looking at the TV over my shoulder.

What the fuck? I'm hot, I thought. What's going on. I needed to turn up the heat. Way ahead of my schedule I unzipped my skirt and let it fall to the floor. That got their attention. Now I was in panties bra, shirt, stockings and garters. I started dancing again and attention started drifting. I started with my buttons. Slowly I undid my shirt and took it off. Again that got attention. I was loving the attention. It was making me horny. I could feel my pussy getting wet.

I threw the shirt at a guy watching the TV. He looked at me with interest. I started giving a guy a lap dance. A couple now paid attention but I still saw eyes wandering to the TV. I put one leg on a guys lap. I unsnapped my garter and said. "Take it off."

That got all eyes on me. The guy pulled the stocking down my leg. The feeling was electric. I could feel his fingers against my skin as the stocking came down. I loved the feeling. He held my foot as he removed my shoe and stocking. I then slipped my naked foot back in my heel and kissed him on the cheek. I danced over to someone else and did the same thing with the other leg. It felt so hot.

I draped the stocking over his head. I turned my back to another man and told him to undo the garter belt. I felt his fingers fumbling against my skin. It felt good. I draped the garter belt on Gary's lap. I was still on my second song.

My third song came on. Pour some sugar on me. I saw on the screen a woman giving a blow job. Got down on my knees and crawled to a guy. I pretended to put my head in his lap I noticed the bulge in his pants. The idea that he was hard because of me turned me on.

Dancing in my panties and bra I started giving guys lap dances. This time actually grinding in their laps. I could feel their hard cocks sliding against my ass and in the crack of my thong. Every time I'd give a guy a dance I'd kiss him on the cheek. The guys started getting a little handsy. I guess they thought that because I was grinding on them they must of thought it was ok. As I'd grind on their cocks they'd grab my hips or waist. I didn't stop them. The more I felt hard cocks the more I liked it. I liked the feeling of being lusted after.

Then I sat on one of the older guys laps. I felt this large lump. I ground myself against it. It felt huge. As I was grinding. I looked at the TV. A woman was being fuck from behind by a huge cock. It must have been 9". I coułd see her pussy stretched around his cock. I ground against the cock under me again. I wondered if it would stretch me.

I got up and danced away. I played with the side of my thong. Acting as if I was going to pull it down. I gave some other guys lap dances but I kept returning to the guy with the large cock.

I could still see attention on the TV. When I was not right on top of them their eyes would turn to the TV. I hated it.

Then one of the guys said, "Come on. Get to the good stuff." Another guy laughed. I was only 3 songs in. Another guy agreed, "Yeah show us those tits." Again a laugh. I was feeling like a failure. I was embarrassed.

Again I needed to step up my game. I danced over to the guy with the big cock and sat on his lap. I moved my hair out of the way, thinking I was offering for him to unhook my bra. instead he put his arms around me and kissed the back of my neck. The feeling of his lips on my skin went right through me to my pussy which I rubbed against the bulge in his pants. I felt myself getting wet through my skimpy thong and wondered if I was getting his pants wet

I turned my head to tell him to stop. But he grabbed it and pulled me in for a kiss. I should have pulled away but when I thought I was trying I really wasn't. I was melting into the kiss.

I finally broke the kiss. I went to stand up, but he grabbed me by the bra. Pulled me back into his lap and unhooked my bra. I should have said something, but the feeling of being manhandled was turning me on. He undid my bra and I held it up and danced away. Now I had their attention.

Holding my bra I went to another guy, and bent over to shake my tits, still covered by my bra in his face. I guess he saw the other guy kiss me because he grabbed my neck, pulled me in, and kissed me. I wasn't expecting it. I should not have let him, but I did, and I kissed back.

As I did I felt a hand on my ass. It felt good and I kind of raised it and pushed back a bit to encourage it. It started to slide towards my pussy. Part of me wanted to let it but the part that was more sensible stood up.

Omg, then I remembered Gary. I looked at him. He smiled at me. Thank god he wasn't mad, but, why wasn't he? If he loved me shouldn't he be jealous? I thought I'd push him a bit.

I danced my way around the circle sticking my ass or tits in the guys faces. Most of them copped a feel of my ass or dragged me in for a kiss. The hands on my ass were making me wet. I was afraid my panties would start to show. Especially since as I danced the thong would slide up into my slit.

Gary didn't move. I danced back over to big cock. As I did he pulled me in for a kiss again. As he kissed me he grabbed my bra and tossed it aside. I was only on my fourth song, sweet dreams are made of these. The guys whooped as they saw my bra get tossed aside.

I covered my tits with my hands and danced away from him. I danced for a minute covering my tits and then uncovered them. I heard a groan from the guys. I was wearing 3" pasties. They really couldn't see much.

I heard a lot of disappointment from the crowd.

"That sucks, show us your tits, this is lame."

I was actually embarrassed my nipples weren't showing. I could see on the tv a girl being fucked from behind by that giant cock while sucking another one. I was feeling inadequate. Like I'd let them and Gary down. I kind of just stopped mid song.

Big cock guy stood up and walked to me.

"This is stupid," he said.

Holding me by the ass and pulling me to him he reached up and peeled my pasties off. I meekly tried to cover my tits but I really didn't want to. Even as I tried I stuck my chest out to show off my tits. I knew I shouldn't but I wanted it. I thought of Gary. I couldn't even look at him. I heard the guys shouting encouragement and asking for more.

Big cock turned me around, facing away from him. His hands cupped my tits and held them up. I moaned. Taking that as encouragement he reached up and played with my nipples. The idea of having my nipples played with in front of all these guys made me moan again. I could feel big cock pressing against my ass through his pants. I wiggled my ass against him.

He whispered in my ear, "That's it baby, show them what you got. Let's get this party started."

I looked at the screen. One woman was on her back. There was a guy in her pussy, one in her mouth, and two stroking their ccks beside her. I wondered why Gary picked this movie.

As big cock whispered in my ear I moaned. He turned me to face him and placed my hand on his cock. I unconsciously started tracing the lines of it with my hand. He kissed me.

"Take it out," he said.

I heard him. I wanted to say no. I could stop this now and go home but my hands betrayed me. I wanted to see a cock this big. I was no virgin. I'd seen plenty of cocks, but none this size. My hands went to his belt buckle.

As I undid the buckle his hands grabbed my ass. They felt rough and strong. Big cock was about 5'10 and had big shoulders and a little beer belly. I was not attracted to him, but being watched,and being controlled was turning me on.

I reached into his pants and grabbed his cock. I could not close my fingers around it. I let my hand slide up and down the shaft. I thought back to the girl being stretched on the screen. I wondered how big cock would stretch me.

I unzipped his pants and his cock sprung free. It was at least 9" and as thick as a can of Red Bull. I'd never seen one like it. I was fascinated.

"Take a better look," he said as he pushed my hips downward.

I slowly, as if mesmerized, got down in my knees in front of him. His cock looked even bigger. I used both hands to stroke it. It felt soft and strong. Rock hard.

He put his hand on my head and urged me towards it. I could see a drop of precum on the tip. I had the urge to stick my tongue out and lick it off. Something in my mind was holding me back.

I could hear the guys start chanting. "Suck it, Suck it, Suck it, Suck it".

I wanted to make them happy. I wanted to taste this cock. I threw caution to the wind and took it in my mouth and licked the precum off the tip. Mmmm, I loved it. I could barely get the head of it in my mouth. I wanted to do more, I didn't want this cock to beat me, but it was too big. I slowly jerked it with my hands as I sucked and licked the head.


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