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Back to Back Pt. 02


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"What do you do for exercise around campus?" Miles asked out of nowhere.

"I mostly just run around campus in the evenings when I feel like it. Sometimes I go to the pool for community swim. It's usually open in the evenings too after club practice gets out."

"Where's the gym at?"

"There's a few, the big one is in the Rec Center where the pool and indoor courts are."

"Would you be down to check it out with me tonight?"

"The gym? No, I'm absolutely not 'down'."

"C'mon, please? Just for like thirty or forty-five minutes and then we can finish at the pool." Once he suggested a swim I perked up.

I preferred swimming over running but keeping myself accountable with intervals in the pool has always been tougher for me. I never had anyone to swim with and having a workout buddy sounded like a dream. I guess I could suffer for half an hour.

"Promise we'll go to the pool?"

"Deal". He stuck out his hand to shake on it and I grabbed it hard.

"No takesies-backsies. Got it?" He laughed out loud.

"You're such a dork, you know that?" I flipped him my ring finger.

We fell into a comfortable silence taking in our surroundings. Neither of us went on our phone, we just relaxed across from each other. Occasionally Miles and I would make eye contact and a slight smile would always come over his face. Maybe ten or so minutes later our plates came out steaming and piled high with food. My stomach grumbled loudly as our waitress approached and I subconsciously began hopping up and down in my seat and sliding my hands together back and forth. My mouth watered and my eyes probably bugged out. As soon as the ceramic hit the table I started digging in, no holds barred.

"Dude, it's not going to run away."

"I'm not taking any chances," I mumbled through my mouth full of food.

Miles laughed and unwrapped his utensils. Fifteen minutes later we were reclining as far as we could in our seats and patting our bellies.

"Damn, Artie. You weren't kidding. I could eat that every day."

"My first semester I came here probably three times a week. It got to the point where I considered dipping into my savings. It's not bad pricing, it just adds up."

"Yeah, you're definitely going to have to teach me how to resist this place."

Our waitress came back with our check and before I could even get my wallet all the way out of my pocket Miles had put his card in the holder and handed it back to her.

"I'll venmo you."

"Nah, I still have cash leftover from my parents. Consider breakfast on them." I was going to respond but Miles didn't seem to be leaving any room for discussion.

"Well next time it's on me."

I would have at least paid for myself but fighting over the bill is tacky in my opinion. If he wanted to pay I was going to let him. But next time I was going to ninja my card into that holder so fast he wouldn't even see it occur. The waitress returned Miles' card we went outside to wait for our ride to Target. As we were walking he put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me to his side. Normally if someone taller than me did this it would irritate me, for whatever reason tall people seemed to think people shorter than them operate as armrests. The way Miles was doing it though I could tell he just wanted me close, and I related. I knew it was irrational but there was a small part of my brain that was still worried at any second Miles would just disappear again and I wouldn't hear from him for another ten years. Miles was quickly beginning to fill the void he left when he moved and I felt myself getting attached to him once again. It worried me, but also having him back brought me a level of peace that I had forgotten I could feel. I shook myself out of my melancholy and reminded myself we were together again, and that's what mattered.

We sat on a picnic bench at this little park across from the restaurant and waited for our Uber. He put his arm around my shoulder and rested it there, pulling me to him again and ruffling my hair.

"I missed you, dude", Miles said and looked down at me. He wasn't smiling necessarily, but his expression was warm.

"Me too. I tried looking you up once Facebook became a thing but I could never find you. My parents definitely weren't paying enough attention to remember any contact information."

"Dude! Facebook? Of all social media, Facebook?" He looked incredulous.

"But I mean, same. I could never find you on anything. Twitter, Instagram, nothing. I sent a letter to your old address but It got returned by the people who live there now". That made sense, I never had social media in middle and high school. I didn't need a statistical representation of how few friends I had. But now knowing all that, I kind of wished I had made an account on at least one.

I was going to say something about how we still ended up back together anyway but our Uber pulled up. Miles politely exchanged pleasantries with our driver, which quickly progressed into a conversation about campus and the upcoming semester. I let Miles converse and focused on the passing trees outside. In no time we were in Target grabbing a cart. I'm not the biggest fan of spending extended periods of time in stores shopping, I like to get in and get out. The cart was not a good sign. Miles proved me wrong though, immediately making a beeline for the cleaning supplies. He didn't even stop the cart to take things off the shelf, he would just grab them as we passed. After a few minutes, I had to say something.

"Miles, please slow down. Your legs are way longer than mine." He stopped immediately.

He turned around and said nothing, a pensive look on his face. He rubbed his chin for a moment before seeming to come to some decision internally. He came towards me and grabbed me underneath my armpits, lifting me clear over the cart like a small child, and set me inside. Before I had even settled he began pushing the cart double-time. I snickered to myself.

"Hate long shopping trips," he stated, apparently having no time to form full sentences. He was intently scanning the boards that hung over the aisles. Ah, a man after mine own heart.

"Faster!" I instigated him.

He smirked before pushing the cart as hard and fast as possible down the straightaway that crossed the whole store. I jerked forward and almost slammed my head into the top of the cart. I laughed wildly at the scene we were probably making as Miles practically sprinted through the store. He took both hands off the cart to grab a mattress pad off of an end cart and I continued flying down the main thoroughfare. I saw a woman with a full cart emerge from between two aisles maybe twenty feet ahead of me. Oh frick. I put my arms up to brace for impact.

Just as we were about to make contact I felt the cart I was in jerk backward and I slid forward into the front. I turned around sharply and Miles was doubled over and wheezing, one hand on the cart and the other holding the mattress pad. He looked up and met my eye, and we immediately burst out into laughter.

"That was way too fucking close," Miles said. The woman gave us a nasty side-eye which made us laugh even harder.

"Okay, go fast again."

"I think we've had enough of that for today, dude." He ferried the cart and me to the registers and I got ready to get out.

"Nah, stay. I wanna see if the cashier says anything." He was being such a trouble maker, and so was I because I completely went along with it.

I don't know what came over me but something about being around Miles made me want to do whatever I could to make him laugh. As we went through the check-out line I laid down on my back and stuck my feet and calves through the holes on the top part meant for holding a baby. Miles pulled up to the cashier to pay I had to put the final nail in the coffin. I started sucking my thumb and making baby noises. Miles' eyes squeezed shut and he curled inward slightly.

"Mommy! I want milk!" I said loudly enough for customers several rows over to hear and pawed at Miles' chest. The cashier looked horrified.

Miles looked down at me and pressed his lips together hard, trying his best to stifle his laughs. He shook his head in disbelief and when he didn't respond I started crying like a baby. He tried to put his card into the card reader and his hands were shaking from the effort of holding himself in. He finally got the right angle and we checked out swiftly. As soon as we were out of the line and heading toward the door Miles broke down. He was laughing so hard that no sound came out.

"Oh my. Fucking. God. Ohhh shit. Oh my god." He wheezed. I smiled to myself, smug at having gotten such a reaction out of him. I had a feeling that would get him.

"The way her fucking. Jaw dropped. So, so good." Now that our shopping trip was over I realized that shopping wasn't so bad with Miles around. I was having fun.

We got back to the dorm maybe thirty minutes later and Miles promptly began gathering all the cleaning supplies. Starting from the top of the walls and finishing with the floor, Miles systematically washed, dusted, and disinfected every surface in the room. I helped a little bit I guess. I wiped down my desk with my Clorox wipes and organized my shoes in the closet. Which is something. I was trying to make it look like I was helping but really I was just trying to stay out of Miles' way. That guy is like a steam engine.

When all was said and done our room was practically sparkling from the early evening sun peeking through the window. The whole room smelled strongly of floor cleaner so we opened the window and the door to air the room out. Miles sat down on his bed and let out a long sigh, falling over sideways on his bed and shutting his eyes. He lay there for maybe five seconds before he jumped back up again.

"Time for the gym, Artie." I groaned. I thought he forgot.

"How about we just walk there, take a look, then go get dinner."

"I'm gonna get fat if we keep eating out and not hitting the gym, and dining hall food is no better. We're going to the gym. An hour, hour and a half that's all." He made points.

Okay, how could I sabotage his plan? I wracked my brain for ideas and came up with nothing. I bowed my head and silently admitted defeat, beginning to assemble my gym bag.

"Who's a good boy?" Miles said as he ruffled my hair, speaking as he would to a dog.

I quickly grabbed his hand with both of mine and bit it from the side hard enough to leave an indentation of my teeth.

"Oh my god! You fucking animal!" Miles laughed out, and I woofed back.

We dug for clothes in our dressers and got all of our stuff together. Five minutes later we were on our way to the gym. On the way I showed Miles a bit of campus, pointing out any business buildings I thought he'd probably have classes in. The sun was low enough in the sky everything was tinged orange and the beautiful weather reminded me I could be on a run through the woods right now. I told myself again that I was finally going to have a pool buddy and my spirits lifted slightly.

Once we got to the Rec Center I took Miles upstairs to the weight rooms. He seemed impressed by the facilities and explained that the gym at his old school was tiny and always packed. This gym was in the furthest corner of campus so most people only ever came here if they absolutely had to. Maybe it was also because it was move-in weekend and people were busy but we basically had full reign over the gym. Miles put me on ten or so machines, instructing me on my form and keeping track of my reps. I would go first, then Miles would do his thing, and then we'd move on to the next. Forty minutes later I was breathing heavy and already sore, while Miles hadn't even broken a sweat. I was going to kick his butt in the pool.

"Alright, I've had enough. Pool time." I shot up out of the leg machine I was on and walked toward the pool locker room, not even checking if Miles was following.

I got to my favorite locker and changed out of my gym clothes. I was already naked when I realized I had taken my jammer out of my swim bag to wash it and forgot to put it back in. All I had was my bright red speedo from my high school swim team that really left nothing to the imagination. I briefly considered wearing my gym shorts instead but that seemed too unsanitary. I debated back in forth in my head before finally deciding I needed to put at least something on for the time being. I slip the speedo up my legs and spent a good minute readjusting my goods and the back of the suit. It was full coverage enough but I think if I jumped a little too hard It would probably slide right up my crack. The pool was usually deserted around this time so I sucked it up, Miles would probably rib me about it but I could take him.

I was in the communal shower rising off my sweat when Miles came in. He looked around before his eyes spotted me over the half-wall that separated the showers. He threw his hands up in the air and marched toward me.

"Dude!? I felt like such an idiot having to ask the front desk worker how to get to the pool." He came around the half wall and stopped abruptly.

"What're you wearing?" His eyes immediately zeroed in on my swimsuit and I got a little embarrassed. You could basically see the shape of my dick straight through the fabric. I turned around and put my hands over my crotch.

"Shut up." I turned off the shower and left the showers, ignoring Miles' gawking.

"Uh, dude. I think you're bordering on public indecency."

I turned around and saw his eyes were trained directly on my butt. I subconsciously tried to readjust the bottom of my suit and it just snapped back even higher and slipped up between my cheeks further. Whatever. I just covered my ass with my hands. No one would be paying any attention once I was in the pool. I left the locker room and checked out the lanes, which were all empty except one, Not uncommon this late in the day.

I went over to the bins to get a kickboard and pull buoy. As I was pulling them out they were slapped out of my hand and I was lifted from behind.

"Fuck that" I heard from behind me and felt Miles' breath right in my ear. I tried to squirm out of his grip but he had his tree-trunk arms too securely around me. I was doomed. He hefted me higher and leaped into the warm-up pool. I came up spluttering and we went to war. Miles and I roughhoused up and down the pool, swimming away and then catching up before dunking and throwing each other around. Well, Miles dunked and threw me around and I just did my best to drag him under when I could. I was definitely faster though, he basically lumbered around the pool crashing through the water.

"Alright, dude. I'm pruning" Miles said after maybe a half-hour of swimming.

"You're done already?" I can't say I wasn't disappointed.

I was having a blast and honestly felt like I was getting decent enough exercise. Miles laughed and moved toward the edge of the pool.

"We can come back. It'll still be here." Right. True. Still.

Back in the locker room I grabbed my towel and headed to the shower. There were communal showers as well as some inside stalls with curtains so I grabbed the closest stall. I washed my face and upper body before taking off my swimsuit and rinsing it thoroughly. As I was hanging my speedo up the shower curtain was yanked open.

"Artie, I didn't bring an-" His eyes landed on my naked back and he stopped dead.

"My bad, bro. Can I borrow your shampoo and shit?"

"Oh my gosh! Fine! Just close the curtain!" No one was around and I didn't really care if Miles saw me naked but still, the curtain is there for a reason.

Miles squished in the shower with me and quickly closed the curtain.

"This is not what I meant."

"Hand me the body wash." I handed it to him over my shoulder and got to shampooing my hair.

"Artie, why are you naked?"

"You're supposed to rinse the chlorine out of your suit."

"Shit, true." I heard his wet swimsuit hit the floor.

He held his swimsuit in front of the water and let it rinse, leaving me cold and dripping with conditioner dripping down my face. Miles was behind me with both his arms around either side of me holding his trunks up, and I could feel the warmth emanating from his body. I started shivering and hovered slightly closer to him, hoping to absorb as much heat as I could. He dropped his suit on the railing then I felt something heavy brush across my ass. I stood up straight and my eyes shot wide open, was that what I thought it was?

I peeked over my shoulder and Miles was furiously washing his hair, eyes closed. My eyes dropped and I saw what was probably the biggest cock I'd ever seen outside of porn. It fell heavily almost halfway down his thigh and looked as thick across as at least two of my fingers. I watched as it bobbed back and forth while he moved and couldn't tear my eyes away from it. Until I heard Miles clear his throat.

My eyes shot up to his and his eyebrow raised. I felt blood rush to my face which was probably beet red.

"You like what you see?" He teased, embarrassing me further.

"Shut up, I'm a man of science and I think that would qualify as a medical wonder." Miles laughed in response. I quickly exited the shower still mortified at being caught checking out Miles' junk. When I got to my locker I realized my dick was sticking straight into the air.


I had such a good time with Artie today I had forgotten about what went down this morning. That is until I saw Artie wearing the skimpiest swimsuit known to man. His full cheeks practically hung out of the bottom of the suit and when he walked they would jiggle. A lot. I felt my dick stir and in my head I scolded it for making everything weird. I guess that's just what happens when you put a fat ass in front of a twenty-year-old man.

My awkwardness was forgotten once we got into the pool and Artie let me fling him around to my heart's content. He was just the right size for it to be a challenge for me to pick him up and toss him and doing it made me feel- I don't know, exactly. Roughhousing with Artie was satisfying a primal urge or some shit. He would knock my legs out from underneath me and I would chase him away. The little fucker was quick. I suspected he was enjoying being caught and was letting it happen because I had no chance of catching him for real.

A few times I noticed his suit sliding up in between his cheeks fitting practically like a thong. He'd go underwater and fix it but I didn't see a point, it just kept happening. Occasionally, when I picked him my hand would slip up his legs and over his ass, and I was confused at how it could be so hard and soft at the same time. My dick started to fill out and I had to dip, my body clearly couldn't be trusted around Artie right now.

"Alright, dude. I'm pruning" I made some bullshit excuse.

"You're done already?" He stopped swimming and stood, his shoulders slightly drooped. He was pouting with his bottom lip sticking out slightly and with his wet hair, he reminded me so much of a golden retriever puppy that was being told to stop playing in a puddle. The mental imagery made me laugh out loud.

"We can come back. It'll still be here."

We got to the showers and I realized I didn't bring any of the shit I needed to actually get clean. I was going to just change and shower later, but I really wanted to veg out once we got back and not worry about anything until school on Monday. I could just borrow some of Artie's stuff. I opened the shower curtain to ask Artie for his shit and I completely lost my train of thought.

Artie was completely naked, soap running in trails down his back meeting at his ass crack and dripping down his legs. Suds were spread around his cheeks and I felt like I was looking at the most obscene Old Spice commercial. Fuck, this was a bad idea. My brain immediately started ringing alarm bells but my mouth operated on autopilot.

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