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Back to Back Pt. 06

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A camping trip and a realization.
9.5k words

Part 6 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 04/24/2022
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"Teen Titans?"

"Nope." I dunked Artie under the water.

When he came back up he spit water onto my face.

"Fucking grody."

I frowned at him and he just stuck his tongue out at me.

"Code Name: Kids Next Door?" He guessed.

"Nope." I dunked him again.

He tried again without even opening his eyes.


I dunked him faster and more aggressively. He sped up too, shooting guesses at me rapid fire.

"Tom and Jerry."


"Scooby Doo."


"Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy."

I was about to dunk him again before I realized he finally got it. The clue I gave him was: a cartoon I watched growing up. I figured he'd have no fucking clue what I watched and I'd get to fuck with him, but I should've given him more credit. I guess that ends that.

I leaned back and started walking us around the pool. Artie let me drag him around before he practically crawled up my body and laid out on top of me. I taxied us around like an otter sow and her pup. The water was freezing but Artie's warmth at my front was keeping me at the perfect temperature. When we'd shift too abruptly and he'd slip away slightly, I'd feel a rush of cold flow over my torso and I'd drag him back to me. The blaring sounds of swim practice echoed around the ceiling but I was relaxed as could be. Relaxing with Artie was the best, combine that with the weightlessness of being in the water and I felt like I was on a cloud. All the other community swimmers got out when practice started, driven away by the confused and dirty looks the swim team members were throwing out. Artie and I were having way too much fun though. We raced, played Marco Polo, volleyball, keep-away, we raced. It was Friday and we had nothing to do. Eventually, even practice ended and the lifeguards made us get out. We grabbed our shit and tried to get to the showers before the swim team but they beat us by a long shot. All the individuals were taken. I grabbed Artie's toiletries and just hit the communal. Wasn't tryna get my clothes all chlorine-y, the smells never fucking leaves. I guess Artie resigned to the communal too because he joined me a few moments later.

I was halfway through showering when I remembered what Artie said about washing your suit out. You could hear the slap of my trunks hitting the floor over the blasting of the showers and Artie's eyes immediately shot over to mine. His expression was wide-eyed, I guess shocked that someone was naked in a shower? He kept looking at me like I was crazy but I just shrugged my shoulders. These guys were swim team, pretty sure they were used to nudity. Artie was clearly embarrassed though, his face was beet red and he left before even washing his suit out. Whatever, no skin off my nose. When I got back to the lockers Artie was nowhere to be found. I got dried and dressed and headed out the door. Artie was sitting in the lobby of the fitness center, whispering into the phone. I walked up to him and he hung up, shoving his phone into his pocket.

"Ready to get dinner? We got like forty-five before it closes."

"I'm actually about to go to Conner's. You should just go without me."

Suddenly, I wasn't very hungry.

"Gotchu. See you later."

I didn't even let Artie respond, just headed out the door. I felt kind of like an asshole, being so short, but I was looking forward to spending the night with him. I look forward to our weekends all week. He didn't even tell me they had plans. And we definitely talked about getting dinner after our swim. Whatever. If he wants to chill with other people that's cool. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and sent Eve from our business frat a text.

'Down to hit the dining hall?'


I felt stupid. Like a stupid douchebag idiot. What was I even doing? Hanging out with Eve to get back at Artie? Why would Artie even give a shit? Why do I give a shit? I was annoyed at myself for feeling how I did, and then even more annoyed at myself for having no fucking clue why. All I knew was I couldn't stop thinking about what the fuck Artie and Conner must be doing right then. Eve was putting up a valiant effort trying to maintain a conversation but it was just not happening. My mind was running a million miles a minute and when that happens I go quiet.

"Is everything alright, Miles? You seem... Agitated." Eve momentarily pulled me out of my spiral.

"Did Artie date anyone in high school?" I asked abruptly. Didn't really answer her question but I suddenly remembered they went to school together.

"He had a few girlfriends when we were underclassmen, but he didn't seem very interested in dating... Why?" I vaguely remembered Artie saying something like that when I first got to campus. I didn't know what to make of it then and I still didn't.

"What do you mean, not interested?" Again, didn't answer her question.

"Well, when we got to high school all the girls had a crush on Artie. He's adorable and respectful, and not like how guys our age usually are when it comes to how they treat girls. So he was like cute boy number one. I'm pretty sure at least half the girls in our grade tried to get Artie to notice them, but he never did. I thought he was super cute back then too but he always ended up dating the quiet, sweet, unassuming girls. And that, I am not. Everyone just kind of gave up..."

I stewed over what she said.

"Again, why?"

"You know Conner from the frat?" I asked.

"Yeah...? We pledged together."

"He's been all over Artie."

A pause.

"Okay? You're all over Artie." She was looking at me like I was dumb.

"Yeah, but... He's my best friend. This dude's clearly tryna smash."

"I don't understand, Miles. What's the problem here?"

"Artie's not into it! And the guy won't take a fucking hint. Maybe I should set him up with someone so he'll lay off."

Eve sat back in her chair and eyed me up and down. Her scrutiny was unnerving me.

"Down to go out with Artie?" She rolled her eyes.

"Conner is a nice guy, he's not going to do anything improper to Artie's virtue if that's what you're worried about."

I wanted to believe her, I really did.

"But honestly, Miles..." She looked like she knew I wasn't going to appreciate what she had to say.

"I wouldn't be surprised if maybe Artie IS aware and IS into it. He was like number three in our class, he's not dumb."

Immediately, I was on the defensive. He's not into Conner.

"Nah, Artie's not."

"Well, I went to school with him. I've seen him interact with people of the opposite sex who are interested in him. I'm just saying I wouldn't be shocked."

My brow furrowed and my body tensed, ready to defend Artie's honor. I had to remind myself for a second she wasn't saying anything rude.

She continued,

"To be honest, Miles, when you guys came in together during Rush Week I thought maybe you were his boyfriend and Artie came out."

Fucking pardon?

I had no fucking clue how to feel about that. Could Artie be gay? He told me he just wasn't looking for a relationship right now. Eve was reaching. I didn't date a lot until Nat came around, didn't mean I'm gay. Artie was just waiting for the right person.


"I am so FRICKING gay for Miles." I was wearing a hole through Conner's carpet pacing around his room, practically pulling my hair out.

"What am I going to do? What the FRICK am I going to do?" I threw my hands into the air and briefly considered banging my head against the wall, before thinking better of it.

"Why, out of all the people in the world, Miles?" We were having a just fine time in the pool, relaxing, hanging out. We were touching basically the whole time and nothing. Then as soon as the clothes come off I suddenly become a neanderthal that can only speak in brief, guttural enunciations.

"What. Is WRONG with me!?"

"Arthur, you have to chill out. Nothing is wrong with you. Miles is a very, very good-looking guy. I'd be more worried if you weren't attracted to him. He's probably just your type."

I blew a huge puff of air out of my mouth and collapsed on Conner's bed, face down.

"I know I'm being dramatic. And call me Artie." With Miles back, it felt odd to hear someone say my full name. I realized I've officially gotten used to Artie, again.

"My type?" I asked.

"Yeah. Beefy, hairy, intimidating guys with big asses." Conner stated simply.

What a way to describe Miles, the teddy bear. He forgot to mention the monster hanging between his legs but I guess he didn't know about that.

"He's my best friend, Conner. What happens when he realizes I'm horny for him? Bam! I'm back to having no friends."

He looked at me with the driest look on his face.

"And what am I? Chopped liver?"


"I'm sorry! I didn't mean it that way!"

"Seriously Artie, people find their friends attractive all the time. It really doesn't have to affect your relationship. Maybe just stop putting yourself in compromising positions, like naked in the shower."

I took a deep breath.

Okay, Conner's right. I can manage that.



I was checking out my schedule for the next couple of weeks when I realized we had a long weekend coming up. I had been itching to get off campus for a while, and not just to Lucy's, so I immediately started googling. I quickly discovered there isn't jack shit to do in New Hampshire and all the AirBnBs were unnecessarily expensive to book this last minute. Unless we wanted to go to Boston or something, it looked like camping was our best option for a weekend trip. My dad took me camping while we lived here a couple of times, and I vaguely remember Artie accompanying us on one of the trips. I didn't even really need to ask if he was down, I just knew he would be. I couldn't remember where the campground we went to was or what it was called, but I had something to search for.

Maybe twenty minutes of googling later, I had found a campsite with access to all the shit I'd want to do and was trying to figure out a way to get there when Artie got back from class.

He collapsed onto my bed face first, his book bag still on his back. He mumbled into the mattress.

"Huh?" I asked, my head still buried in my laptop.

Artie turned his head and I looked over, making eye contact with him for the first time since this morning.

We just looked at each other for a few moments.

"How is it only Monday? Please, no gym."

"Bruh, we skipped the last two days."

"It was the weekend! If you let me skip, I'll give you a neck massage." Which is fucked up. The only reason my neck has been sore is that Artie steals my pillow at night. I got him one just like mine, same case, and everything, but come morning he's always curled up with my fucking pillow. I narrowed my eyes at him.

Moving on.

"Would you be down to skip the frat shit this weekend?" I asked.

"Skip a social function? Duh, but why?"

"So, Eve isn't going either. I was thinking she could drive us to White Mountain Saturday and then pick us up Monday."

"Camping?" He looked like he was asking me if I finally got him the puppy he'd been wanting for Christmas.

I nodded and Artie sat up with a huge smile on his face before it quickly dropped.

"We don't have any camping stuff..."

"We're in a frat with like a hundred people, someone has to have a tent and some sleeping bags."

Artie brightened again and immediately grabbed his phone. My phone pinged several times from the messages he was sending in the group chat. Within a few hours, we had compiled a list of shit we would need and people who said they had it.

My excitement built all week. I was really looking forward to spending some time outdoors. Campus was green, but you couldn't escape the sound of cars. And people. And construction. The construction noises were never fucking ending. So I really needed to spend some time listening to some birdsong or some shit. Over the week I accumulated all of the things people offered to lend us and stocked up on the rest. I bought food and drinks, a couple of lanterns, bear spray, an air mattress. I was even given a couple jays from a particularly generous stoner in our fraternity. He said in the nsfw groupchat: 'Duuuuude, hmu if you need a nice doink for the hike'. I didn't partake except a few times with Nat after we graduated, but I thought why not? It's a vacation. Maybe Artie smokes?

I almost laughed out loud at the thought. No way in hell Artie has smoked, but maybe he'd want to so I packed them too.

Eve and I were on the phone confirming the itinerary when I realized I fucked up, bad. I checked the calendar again and my stomach dropped. I definitely told Nat I would come to visit her this weekend. My hands raked down my face in exasperation. I'm such an idiot. Now I was gonna have to tell her I'm bailing, again. She was going to be so livid. Fuck.

"Eve, I gotta call you back."

"That's cool, talk to you later."

"Bye." I hung up and pressed Nat's contact. Fuck my life.

"Hello?" She picked up instantly and sounded chipper as fuck, probably excited to see me this weekend. I was so fucked.

"Hey... Nat..."

Her smile fell.

"What, Miles?"

"Listen, I know I said I'd come visit this weekend... I completely forgot. I booked Artie and me a campground for this weekend."

"Miles, I haven't seen you in almost two months." Came out fast as lightning. She took a breath and steadied herself.

"Okay, you booked a campground. You bought a bus ticket, too."


"You didn't even get a ticket, did you? You told me you got a ticket."

"I was going to when I told you! But Artie got back from class and It slipped my mind."

"It 'slipped your mind'?" She threw up snide-ass air quotations.

"Miles you had so many opportunities to tell me, and you didn't." She sighed.

"I'm going to go. I'm seriously disappointed Miles, seriously." She hung up without even giving me a chance to apologize.

I wracked my brain for ideas, trying to come up with a way to make it up to her.

I drew a blank.

At least I didn't get chewed out for three hours this time, I guess.


"Does Eve HAVE to be the one who drives us?" Artie asked. How was it we hadn't even left yet and he was already hitting me with the 'are we there yet' whining?

"One, she's free today. Two, her car is big enough to fit all our shit. Three, it's a campground and she has all-wheel drive. And why not? What's your problem with Eve?"

Artie flopped onto my bed.

"I don't know, I just feel like she's the type to laugh at me. And not in a good way."

"Have you ever even had a conversation with her?"

"No... Not since we were kids."

He pouted knowing I was right.

"You know what she told me about you in high school?" I asked.

Artie was quiet.

"That all the girls thought you were cute, including her. I bet she'd say yes if you asked her out."

"I'm not doing that." Was his immediate response.

"Too bad. I already told her you'd go on a date with her."

"Miles. No, you didn't."

"No, I didn't. But I should've. You need a girlfriend."

"There's no way Eve would want to go out with me. And I don't need a girlfriend. Why is it I need a girlfriend?" Artie cocked his head to the side.

"We're in college, you don't want to fuck around a little?"

"Not with Eve." He shook his head with finality.

"Alright, alright." I threw my hands up. He wasn't gonna budge.

I went through the checklist on my phone one last time before Artie and I lugged all our shit to the elevators. I knew we definitely went overboard but I'd rather be safe than sorry. Waiting for Eve to come scoop us I felt lighter already and we weren't even off campus yet. It was an unseasonably warm day for October and I was soaking that shit up. It was supposed to get cold-cold in the coming days so I was enjoying it while I could. Artie, despite his trepidation about our ride situation, seemed excited too.

"So, what are we gonna do?" Artie looked up at me and the light from the sun glinted off his glasses. He looked like he was barely containing a grin. He really did have beautiful eyes, deep green with flecks of gold.

"Why don't you wear contacts?" I asked.

Artie pushed his glasses up his nose and looked away. He shrugged.

"It was always just easier in the morning to get ready for school." True, I didn't think of that.

"Why? You don't like my glasses?"

"No, they're fine. You just have nice eyes, you should show them off more."

"Oh... Thanks." He smiled up at me and I knew I'd have to tell him shit like that more often. Clearly, he wasn't fully aware of the looks he possessed. I was about to pull Artie to me and give him the noogie of a lifetime when Eve pulled up in her white jeep. She turned down her music.

"Ready to vacate, boys?"

"Yes ma'am," I replied instantly, hopping up and throwing shit through the open back.

In a minute we had everything loaded up and were on our way. Something about being in a jeep with the windows down makes you feel like you're on vacation. Combine that with the excitement about three and a half days of pure Artie-time and I was buzzing. I was blasting Eve's radio and head banging. Even Artie was animated, conversing openly with Eve. I think she was purposely trying to get him to open up and it was working. The hour drive flew by and before I knew it we were making our way down the gravel road to our campsite.

When we arrived I hopped out and unloaded, handing Eve some cash for gas before confirming our pick-up time on Monday.

"Eve I really, really appreciate this. I can't thank you enough. Whatever you want in return, consider it done."

"Hmmm. The new iPad looks really nice."


"Miles, I'm kidding. Don't you dare buy me an iPad. Just take me out for lunch or buy me a coffee or something."

"Okay, deal." I held my hand out, to shake on it, and she just shook her head and laughed.

"Have a good time, guys. Set the tent up first and find a safe place to keep all your food!"

"Got it, mom." Said Artie from behind me. That's how you know he's comfortable with you, the jokes.

Eve whipped out of the campsite way faster than she drove in, and I appreciated her even more for not driving like that with us in the car.

Artie and I did some recon, checking out the site and looking for places to set up. At this campsite you didn't have to reserve a specific spot, so we had some room to roam. Artie found a couple of good spots but I found a clearing in between all the amenities but still far enough away we wouldn't be disturbed. I found a good place to hide the bear-proof food container I bought and we were set. I sent Artie off to gather firewood and cleared a circle for a fire. Then, the tent.

The tent that we borrowed was made to fit four people. A smaller one probably would have been easier to keep warm but I guess Artie and I could just bundle up. The tent wasn't quite a pop-up, but it was about as close to one as you can get and I had it up in moments.

The guy who lent us the sleeping bags gave us two identical ones, which was such a bless. I layered them flat against each other and zipped them up together to make one giant sleeping bag, and then threw on all the pillows and blankets we brought with us. I got out the lanterns and the bug spray, the water, whatever shit I thought we'd need the first day. Fifteen minutes later and our site was decked out. At that point, it was basically just staying in a hotel room with all the shit I brought. For entertainment, I bought some sci-fi and horror movies on my laptop that I thought Artie would like. We'd only have a limited amount of battery, but there was a visitors center a half-mile walk from our campsite that we could stop at to recharge. We were balling. Artie still hadn't returned with the firewood so I went back out to the food. I packed us lunches and dinners with the perishables like the deli meat and cheese I had brought so we could eat it before it went bad. After tomorrow we'd probably have to fish if we wanted any protein but I kind of appreciated the stakes. Hopefully, Artie would be down for some wilderness living.

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