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Balahad and the Temple of Virility

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A tale of adventure and heroics... maybe.
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I bounced the bar maid up and down on my lap a couple more times my "sword" piercing her through and through. I like to call my cock that for the women. You see I'm a hero. A knight who travels the world in search of monsters and princess who need saving. And bounce a couple bar maids too for good measure. I looked over her shoulder, craning as the maid rolled her head back and forth. There was Gwen, perfect Gwen, so in love with me. Her raven hair braided, her lips parting in that delightful smile as she talks to the bard. She must be getting information from him. She laughed, throwing her head back the braid bouncing. I watched as the end of it nearly grazed her perfect ass. Gwen was truly smitten with me.

I've met many women and all of them fall in love with me. Its all "thank you for saving me from that dragon! You were sooo brave, whatever can I do to repay you." That's when I show them my "sword." Sadly our world is a chaotic place and that's when they remember previous forgotten appointments or waiting parents that they need to get back to. They always cried a little as they departed, looking forlornly back at their one true love. But Gwen was different. Gwen hadn't needed saving. She was standing at the side of the road instead. When she saw me atop my horse Stallion she smiled at me. It was the widest and toothiest grin I'd ever seen. Clearly she had fallen in love instantly.

Then she stayed with me. She never asked about the "sword" though. Clearly she was too shy. She talked fine with plenty of people along the road but with me she was always quite, waiting for me to speak. True love does that for you sometimes. I explained to her that I was on a quest to relieve the Temple of Virility of its treasure. She even smiled at that too. Her teeth seemed to get more and more visible the more I talked to her. I was reminded of a shark. I've always liked sharks.

She and the bard stood up. She smiled at him but I could tell it was a different sort of smile. Not so many teeth. She must be about to "pump him for information" as she always told me. They smiled at each other again and she grabbed his hand and led him upstairs. The barmaid made one last squeal as I exploded into her, Gwen's leather pants still sashaying up the steps in my mind.

My last expulsion has pushed the maid off. She looked rather satisfied. Women couldn't resist the allure of my sword. Just wait until Gwen gets a taste of it.

"That will be two silver coins..." the maid intoned, one hand out.


It took another week to hack through the forest to the Temple of Virility. As the hero I had to do the very important work of cutting the thick vines and moving the heavy logs so that Gwen and Stallion could ride through behind me. By the time the old pyramid was visible I was exhausted. The pyramid was massive and I knew at its center was a chest filled with the most precious magical orbs in the Seven Lands. The Orbs of Gargantuan, the oldest of the Nine Gods of Terror.

I collapsed at the front entrance, the heavy pack and the weeks work weakening my iron strong limbs. Gwen hopped off Stallion and I noted her leather shirt was open. Her soft breasts almost exposed. I felt invigorated. Having someone so adoring present made the exhaustion bearable. I braced myself on the wall and tried to rise up as Gwen walked past. My legs, truly weakened refused to move. For a second I thought a curse had been placed on me. But my legs had simply noticed what I hadn't, Gwen's hand had waved at me, indicating she didn't expect me to stand. I let myself slide back down. It was important that you let girls who love you get what they expect.

I watched with lidded eyes as Gwen walked over to the door. There was an odd door handle, some kind of curved cylinder. It looked thicker at the end and rounded. Gwen bent down to look at it. Her leather pants cupping her buttocks and thighs. My eyes drooped again obscuring the view. With a start I opened them again. Gwen seemed to be smiling to herself again. Then she did the strangest things. Perhaps I was dreaming, perhaps it was some illusion of the temple. She licked the handle. She started at the tip, licking the rounded end. Then she licked down the length of it all the way to two round mounds at the bottom. Just as she opened her mouth, wide enough to fit the whole tip in I fell asleep.


Groggily I awoke. A hero knows how to wake, so I threw off my tiredness like an old blanket and surged upwards. Some evil magic had put my left leg to sleep and I fell flat again. More slowly I pulled myself upwards cursing the magician who was tormenting me. I could see Stallion tied to a tree nearby, my pack and great sword still upon him. He munched some grass and watched me. Gwen, beautiful Gwen, was no where to be seen. Perhaps the wizard who was trying to stop me had come and kidnapped her! Furious I threw off the curse and I walked over to Stallion and pulled my great sword free. Throwing the strap over my shoulders I turned and bravely entered the temple.

The room was almost dark, but the door stood ajar. The handle which had been curved upwards before now hung downwards. This truly was a strange place. The line of light from the door shone across the floor and against the fall wall. As I cautiously slid into the room, wary of enemies I observed the ceiling sloped inwards until the wall at the back was only a meter tall. Not seeing any vile creatures I took the final step and whirled around expecting a treacherous ambush. Instead I faced a startled Gwen, a look of pure love across her face upon seeing her destined husband before her. Her brows were fetchingly scrunched up over her small nose. Her mouth was small and tight, as if expecting a kiss. My eyes descended from her lips to her graceful neck. She was not wearing her shirt, her pale skin shining in the pale light. As she saw me looking she covered herself quickly. Surely saving the sight of her body for a more perfect time for our union.

"Turn around Balahad" she said in a rather quick way. As if she couldn't wait to say my name. Yes it is I! Balahad the adventurer, surely you've hear of me before? No? Well you must have come from a long way away.

I dutifully turned away from her. But I drew my great sword and held it before me as if praying to Gworn the god of battle. I could see in the polished metal Gwen sitting behind me. She had stripped to her underclothes and was shirtless. Beside her was a small pot I had never seen before. She dipped her hands in and spread them over her breasts. She was of moderate size, nipples a red against her white skin. As she rubbed her hands over herself the substance from the jar seemed to darken her skin. She looked quite peaceful as she covered her chest entirely and carefully applied it to her back. As she rubbed her breasts I could see her mouth opening slightly. She then removed her boots and after them her leather pants. She had a loin cloth as in the Abaian fashion. I had seen many a pair of such on bar maids there.

She spread the liquid over her legs. I had always admired her strong legs, muscled more than most, but long and well shaped. Soon she had darkened her entire body. The ways of women have always confused me. The perfumes, oils, and soap they use is strange to men like me. Men of the road, men of the sword. But I felt the swelling in my groin that indicated my pleasure. Gwen might be in love with me but I would happily gratify her.

Before I knew what was happening Gwen dropped to the ground at the back of the room where the roof nearly reached the floor. I turned and saw that there was a small hole. On her back Gwen began pushing herself into the hole a bundle of some of her clothes tied to her angle. I crouched by the hole and observed Gwen's bare feet pushing against the walls. She seemed to slip easily along the ground. The floor was raised stones only slightly rough. A small amount of light was visible, silhouette her pert and upright breasts and knees. I could almost imagine the view under her loincloth that was still in shadow. My "sword" grew even more hard.

I decided to follow. Clearly when I entered I had accidentally indicated that this was the way onwards in this temple. Gwen was simply taking the lead to protect her love. I would have to insist I go first in the next room. I sheathed my great sword over my back. Still stiff below I lay flat on my front. I felt my cock painfully flattened against the stones. I began using my powerful legs, thighs swelling with effort, to kick along the passage. The ground was rougher than I expected and I felt my arms and stomach and most painfully my huge penis dragging along the sharp surface.

In front of me I could still see Gwen. As she reached the other side I saw just the barest flash of light under her loin cloth and I stopped in my movement. For the barest moment I could see her perfect cheeks and barely covered a pink slit. Dark hair seemed to dust it at the top. My sword nearly doubled in size. I kicked against the wall again to move forwards, fearing I would become stuck. My clothes ripped under me and I felt a sudden stabbing pain in the middle of my shaft as I neared the end. I could see that Gwen had climbed out already and her shapely feet stepped out of sight. With one final effort I pushed out of the tunnel and rose to my feet.

I had to wait a moment for the pain in my penis to withdraw. I looked around, curious what horrible traps we might be in the middle of. But the room was a mirror of the one we had entered on the other side. From the tunnel the ceiling extended to the far wall. There another door blocked our way. Next to the door Gwen had dressed herself again, her boots, leather pants, and white undershirt covering her luxurious body. I could see now that the dark liquid was a type of oil. I was still rather hard and for a second considered asking Gwen to aid me. But before I could she interrupted me.

"Okay big guy, I need your help." Big guy is her endearing lover's nickname for me. She pointed at the door where around the height of my hips there was a hole a couple of inches wide. Around the hole were two curves making a rotated eye shape. Eyes are a common symbol in temples. There was even a small round piece at the top of the curves indicating the pupil. "We need someone to stick a rod in there to open it. Use that thing in your pants." I was of course surprised that she had mentioned the sword. Maybe she was soon ready to ask to use it herself?

Instead I complied. My pants had already ripped near the crotch so I pulled them down and my shaft surely popped out. The head had pulled itself out past the foreskin and looked red and blue from the tunnel's rough floor. Gwen without a pause grabbed it and pulling quite sharply dragged me to the door and inserted the head into the hole. I had met bar maids who liked it rougher but most had a bit more experience. Gwen was of course unsure of herself so her rough treatment was likely due to that.

My "sword" slid into the stone hole. It was surprisingly warm and smooth. I felt it get tighter as I slid further in. Gwen pushed on my lower back and in surprise at her cold and smooth hands, still slippery from the oil, I thrust even deeper into the door. I felt something blocking my progress at the end so I began pulling out.

"You'll need to do more than that" I heard Gwen behind me. Maybe this was my chance to impress on her the worthiness of "sword play."

Without a pause I thrust back in again. And again and again. I tried to see if Gwen was enjoying the show behind me. Craning backwards my cock twisted in the hole, the bruise at the end painfully striking the inside surface. I winced and caught sight of Gwen watching. Her face seemed neutral. Clearly she was struggling to control herself. I thrust in harder - ignoring the complaints of my bruised cock. With a grunt I had to turn away from Gwen. I put my hands on my hips and thrust quicker and quicker. The hole was surprisingly warm and there seemed to be a trickle of wetness from the far end. I imagined Gwen behind me giving in and grabbing me. Hands sliding over my back. Her fingers finding that beautiful slit, sliding the lips open. With a grunt I felt myself coming. With only one more thrust I exploded into the door. Before I knew it I felt a sharp pain. I couldn't tell if it was the bruises or something else.

As I pulled my cock from the hole the door began to swing open. I barely wanted to look, but there in the head of my penis was a small black needle. I heard a sympathetic gasp from Gwen as she pushed past me. I carefully put one end in between my fingers and without looking yanked it out. A small trickle of liquid dribbled from the end of the needle. Normally my "sword" is sated after I cum, but instead I felt an unpleasant dull ache. The veins seemed to swell and my penis stayed erect.

As I thought about this I heard a scream. Gwen had pushed past and into the next room. A monster must have attacked her! All while I was nursing some simple wound fit only for a baby. I ran in with my great sword already unsheathed. Bursting into the room I saw a strange sight. Gwen was against the wall and a large hairy spider was in the middle of the room. Where mandibles might normally be on such horrible creatures was a slit the same shape as the door's odd lock. A white liquid dribbled from it. Oddest of all the spider hardly moved. I took advantage of its sleepiness and leaped forwards and chopped at it. Legs flew everywhere as I hacked it to pieces. Once it was dead I searched the room for any of its mates but the room was empty. Gwen laughed as I looked around. I looked to where she was laughing and there was the back of the door. It was quite thin and a hole was through it.

"That spider must have waited behind the door." Gwen explained. Then it dawned on me! This is the veil creature that poisoned me, taking my penis into its horrible mouth and stabbing me! I dashed to it again and slashed at it with my sword again. By the time I was done green ichor covered my chest and legs and the floor.

"Well shall we continue?" Asked Gwen pointing to the next room. I could see through the open door a larger room. "Go ahead" Gwen commented as I strode forwards. I couldn't let her go first in case there was some other trap or monster in our way.


My eyes widened as I passed from the spider room. The next room was the final chamber! It opened up and small cracks in the ceiling far above let light shine down on an altar in the center. There on the stone were the three orbs! My quest was almost finished! When I had the orbs perhaps Gwen would want to repay me? Without a thought I charged into the room. The room had pillars to hold up the high ceiling and I ran between two of them. I felt a pressure on my ankles and there was a loud twang as I tripped forwards. Before my head could strike the floor my wrists and feet were seized by thorny vines.

I yelled and struggled mightily as the vines pulled me upright, spreading my arms and legs until I couldn't move them. Sharp thorns tore at my skin and the final shreds of my clothes fell from me. The poison in my groin still stung and my sword stuck out perpendicular to my body as I was lifted off the floor. The pain was getting worse.

I watched in distress as Gwen walked by. I called out to her promising to break free to save her. She laughed.

"Don't worry about me, big guy. I'm sure you'll be fine right there. Now if the old map was right there should be two guardians left." She seemed relaxed and graceful as she walked towards the altar. I strained mightily at my bonds. Maybe the wizard had returned to charm these vines to make them unbreakable because no matter how I flexed my muscles I couldn't escape their grasp.

Gwen stopped mid way between me and the altar. From somewhere in the darkness I could hear a deep breathing. Gwen looked back and forth.

"I knew I would enjoy this temple." She said smiling. I couldn't see what she did. There was the sound of footsteps approaching. I called out again begging Gwen to cut me free. But her panic and love for me must have frozen her to the spot. Finally the beasts which threatened my Gwen appeared. Two dark creatures, humanoid in form but with heads that looked like bulls. They were muscled and completely smooth and hairless and they both had huge members hanging between their legs. To my horror Gwen began taking off her shirt. While normally I wasn't one to complain she clearly wasn't herself. That wizard must have charmed her with powerful magic to overcome her dedication to me.

The minotaurs walked up to Gwen. Gwen already down to her loin cloth again kneeled before the one on the right. Without a moments pause she seized his cock and began stroking it. The bull breathed harder out of its nose, the stone like nostrils flaring. She rubbed her hand back and forth and began licking the head. The creatures penis was massive, at least eight inches long and very thick around. It thickened as she teased it. It twitched in her hand as she began to suck on the end. I dragged my eyes away and in horror found the other minotaur was touching itself with its large human hands. It stroked itself and walked around Gwen's back. With its other hand it reached down and grabbed the strap of her loin cloth and with one strong yank ripped it free. Gwen yelped but obligingly sat up and wiggled her butt towards the beast.

I grunted. The sight of her completely naked in front of me was as if from a dream but this was a nightmare. Still my own penis had swollen even more and was now burning painfully. I yanked at my bonds again but they still wouldn't budge. Gwen seemed to being enjoying herself. The spell must be very strong. The wizard must have used one of the orbs.

The minotaur behind Gwen grabbed her thigh and lifted her in the air. Her squeal was muffled as the other monster rammed its cock into her mouth. She was more flexible than even my wildest imaginings. One leg stayed on the ground as the monster behind her lifted her until her legs were nearly horizontal, her crotch level with the tip of his penis. With one movement he pushed into her grabbing her hips with its free hand. She moaned loudly, the shaft of the other still gagging her.

The two of them began to synchronize their thrusting, both pushing into her at the same time, each time withdrawing nearly letting her drop to the ground. I could see her eyes roll up into her head as they pounded her. The dark creatures were still smooth looking, but Gwen looked wet with sweat. I could see the monsters cock coming out of her slick with wetness as well. The monster at her head reached one hand to hold her armpit the other reached around and grabbed her breast. If her mouth had been free it was obvious she would be yelling.

The pounding got harder and harder. Gwen's arms went slack, her legs struggling to wrap around the monster inside her. Both creatures were blowing air from their nostrils as they pushed into her. Both heads were thrown back mouths open slightly. Even still their smooth chiseled muscles didn't sweat. There were wet smears where Gwen's body rubbed on them. They kept on speeding up harder and harder. The one at the head hunched over suddenly and I could see his muscles tensing. His buttocks squeezed together and he thrust sharply into Gwen's open mouth. He staggered back, white sticky liquid pouring from her mouth. The creature released her arms and breast and Gwen's front half fell to the floor. She caught herself with her arms and began moaning loudly, cum still dribbling between her lips. I could see her eyes were closed, her eyebrows up and her mouth open in a perfect "D" shape.

The monster at her back dropped her leg and she was fully kneeling. It leaned over so was partially over her and seizing her hips pounded harder and harder. I could see Gwen squirming under its pressure. The monster kept on speeding up and her arms began to flail at the ground. She caught some sort of ridge in the pavement and I could see her knuckles whiten as she clamped down. As the monster thrust again and again her whole body tightened, she back arched and she screamed just as the beast threw its head back and roared. I pulled at the vines in on last attempt as the sound deafened me.


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