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Barbara's First Porn Shop Visit

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Wife finds a whole new world in Adult Book Store.
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As we left from our visit with Grady and Lauren, both Barbara and I were deep in thought. I was still processing the past 24 hours, and Barbara’s newly revealed sexuality.

Barbara was obviously thinking about her recent sexual escapades, as her hand drifted to her crotch. She had on her short denim skirt, and she spread her legs a bit as she rubbed herself through her black panties. I kept stealing looks over as I drove down the interstate.

“Why don’t you take off your panties?” I asked. Barbara didn’t answer, but rose up from the seat and quickly slipped off her panties, handing them to me. I put the crotch to my nose, and breathed in the musky, sweet smell of her. My cock, which was already hardening, strained further against my shorts. I threw her panties into the back seat, and pulled the leg of my shorts up so that Barbara could see the head of my cock.

“Umm, that looks delicious,” Barbara said, increasing her frigging of her clit.

We traveled down the road for about 30 minutes like that, with me trying to watch her try to bring herself off, while attempting to drive properly at the same. Finally, she said, “This isn’t working. It’s just too dry. I need a vibrator.”

“Yeah, I was surprised you didn’t bring one,” I said. “I thought you always made sure you had your plastic lover with you.”

She answered “I do, but I took it out of my bag when I flew a couple of weeks ago, and I never put it back.”

Barbara kept her hand on her pussy, but never did cum. Eventually, I saw her relax, lean back in her seat, and I could tell she was drifting off to sleep. Her legs were still open, and I figured that people passing that were sitting high in a truck or van could see her. A few vehicles seemed to linger beside us before pulling on past, but I didn’t catch anybody overtly looking.

About thirty minutes later, I saw a billboard advertising an adult bookstore at the next exit. When the exit came into view, I slowed and moved into the exit lane. As the car slowed on the exit ramp, Barbara woke up. “Where are we?” she asked in a sleepy voice.

“There’s an adult bookstore at this exit. We can get you a vibrator,” I answered.

Barbara sat up and looked around as we reached the stop sign at the cross street. “There it is, over there,” she said, pointing to the right. I saw the store, and headed toward it.

As we pulled into the parking lot, I noticed that there were 8 vehicles. Half had local (we were in North Carolina) and half had out of state There was one older model car that was kind of beat up, and one ragged pickup truck, but the rest were later model autos and SUVs. I decided it looked like a fairly upscale place, for a porn shop.

“You coming in?” I asked Barbara as I brought the car to a stop on the gravel parking lot.

“Yeah, I think I will,” she answered. “I’ve never been in one of these places. It’ll be all right, won’t it?”

“Sure,” I responded. “I usually see women in them, and often the employees are female.”

“OK,” Barbara said, reaching into the back seat for her panties.

I put my hand out to stop her. “Leave your panties off,” I said, grinning at her. She looked at me uncertainly, but did as I said.

I pulled the door open and held it open for Barbara to enter the store ahead of me. I nearly ran into her, as she had stopped just inside the doorway. She was obviously surprised, maybe even shocked at what she saw.

Right inside the door was a large display of videotape boxes, with all types of sex acts depicted. To the left was row after row of vibrators, dildos, handcuffs, other toys, lotions, and other sex aids. On the right side of the store were videotapes and DVDs, organized by category and stretching around the back of the store. There were open stairs in the middle of the store, leading to a mezzanine, which had more tapes and DVDs, along with peep show booths.

I could feel Barbara’s body tense a little as she took in the scene. There weren’t any women in the store. There were three guys looking at tapes or DVDs by themselves. There was one guy standing at the counter, talking to the store clerk. Their conversation stopped when they saw Barbara. All five sets of eyes were on her, and it was as if everyone had frozen.

I felt Barbara trying to move backward toward the door, but pushed her inside. I firmly guided her toward the toy section of the store. We stopped at the vibrators.

“I don’t know if I want to do this,” Barbara whispered. “I feel very conspicuous.”

“Relax,” I told her. “You don’t know any of these people. They’ll ignore you in a few moments.”

I took down a couple of vibrators and handed them to Barbara. She looked at them, and eventually got into looking over the selection. As we moved down the row, she picked out a 5” slim vibrator and another fatter 7” one. By that time, we were at the end of the toy section, and were at the magazines. There were several with covers featuring girls sucking huge cocks, and Barbara stopped at them, letting out an audible gasp.

“My god, those pricks are huge!” she exclaimed, in a louder voice than I think she intended.

“Yeah, look at this,” I said, picking up one showing a woman sitting on one large cock and sucking another and handing it to Barbara.

She took it without saying anything, and studied the cover. She then turned it over, seeing that the back cover had another girl being double penetrated.

Barbara started looking through the magazines herself. I took note of the subjects she picked up. Most featured well-endowed guys being sucked off.

As we browsed through the magazines, I became aware that three of the guys were around us. One was on the next row, obviously watching Barbara more than looking at anything else. The other two were on the same row as us, one about 15 feet away, the other nearer. The nearer guy walked toward us, but walked by without speaking or making eye contact. He stopped just past us, and then turned and walked back by, brushing against Barbara as he past her. I could see her shudder, but it appeared to me to be more from excitement than anxiety.

“Lets go look at some videos,” I said, putting my hand in the small of Barbara’s back and guiding her the video section. She moved closer to me, and followed my lead.

As we moved toward the other side of the store, I quickly looked around. The three guys that were in the magazine section were following us, and there were two other guys already in the video section that were watching us too, waiting to see where we were headed.

I stopped at a section that had threesome and gangbang tapes and DVDs. Barbara had never seen anything like the scenes on the covers, and started looking through them. I could sense guys moving in on us, but Barbara seemed oblivious, as she was absorbed in looking at the video and DVD covers.

I looked around and could see six guys total in our general area. All were pretending to be looking at merchandise, but it was clear to me that they were just trying to be close to Barbara.

As Barbara looked at the DVD and videotape boxes, I glanced around our vicinity. There was one guy standing directly in front of Barbara, on the next aisle on the other side of the DVD display, and three guys on the same aisle as us.

As Barbara was replacing the DVD she had been looking at, she grabbed my arm and gasped, “Oh my god, he has his prick out!”

Sure enough, through a hole in the DVD display rack, we could see the guy on the next aisle stroking his cock. We couldn’t see his face, but we could sure see what he was doing.

Barbara simply stood frozen, staring at the guys cock. I looked at the two guys to our left on our aisle, and one of them had his hand down the front of his sweat pants, obviously playing with himself. When he saw I was looking at him, he pulled his pants a little and exposed the head of his dick. I heard the sound of a zipper being lowered behind me, and as I turned, that guy was fishing his cock out.

I could hear Barbara breathing heavily, and I think I could hear my own heart pounding as well. All of a sudden, the shrill blowing of a whistle pierced the air.

“HEY! You guys can’t do that down here!” the manager shouted. “It’s too open. You need to go up to the booths.”

The two dicks on our row quickly disappeared from sight. The guy on the next row kept his out; he was shielded from the view of the manager. Barbara continued to stare at him, or rather at his dick, which was all she could see.

“Why don’t we go upstairs?” I quietly asked Barbara.

She just looked at me. Finally she said, “Part of me wants to, and part of me is scared.”

“Come on, I’ll make sure it’s alright. You can just watch these guys jerk off. You’d like that wouldn’t you?” I asked her.

She looked back at the still exposed cock across the aisle and at the two guys to our left, who had big bulges in the front of their pants. She just nodded.

I again put my hand in the small of her back, and guided her toward the stairs. As we walked past the counter, the manager handed me a package of batteries. I had forgotten that I was still carrying the two vibrators Barbara had picked out. “Thought you might want these,” the manager said. Those were the first words anyone had spoken to us in the 10 minutes or so we had been in the store.

Barbara started up the wrought iron, open staircase. I held back, knowing that in her short skirt and without panties, she would be on display. Sure enough, by the time she was halfway up the stairs, there were two guys on each side of the stairs staring up her skirt, and another two guys at the bottom of the stairs. On of them even put his head down on the first step to get a better look.

About halfway up the stairs, Barbara realized what was happening, and hurried to the top of the stairs. She moved away from the stairs a bit, and into the mezzanine. When I got upstairs myself, she was standing in the same spot, eyes darting around the room.

To the left were gay DVDs and videos. To the right were BDSM DVDs and videos. Straight ahead was a short hallway, with three peepshow booths on each side. The booths had no doors, only curtains across them. Two of them were occupied.

Barbara went to the gay side first, browsing through the video boxes and magazine depicting homosexual acts. I don’t think she had ever seen that type of material before, so she was devouring it with interest.

Meanwhile, the guys from downstairs had scrambled up the stairs. Two were milling around the BDSM section, two were sticking within six feet of Barbara and I, and two ducked into video booths, taking the first two on the right side of the hallway. They both left the curtain open.

Barbara stopped in front of the display of the videos available in the booths. There were a variety of straight, gay, bi, and BDSM films to choose from. Barbara started down the corridor, stepping into the vacant booth on left. She quickly retreated, pushing me back into the hallway.

“Etch, it’s nasty in there,” she exclaimed. The booth did smell of cum, and the floor was sticky.

As Barbara paused in the hallway, she could see into the booth across the way. There was a gangbang video playing on the screen, but she and I could clearly see the guy inside with his pants around his knees, jerking his cock furiously. With Barbara watching him, he came in seconds, splattering cum on onto the TV screen and onto the floor. Barbara caught her breath and let out an audible moan.

Three guys were crowding around, two with their cocks out. One guy tried to grab Barbara’s breasts. “No!” she said forcefully, twisting away, and backing out of the hallway. She retreated back into BDSM video section, and down the first aisle.

The aisle was a dead-end, and I stood facing the hallway, effectively blocking the guys from coming into the area. Four of them were gathered around, two looking stupid with deflating cocks hanging out of their pants.

I was shocked to feel Barbara taking one of the vibrators out of my hand, along with the batteries. I heard her ripping open the package. I looked back to see her loading the batteries into the vibrator, with a look of pure lust in her eyes.

Barbara pushed past me and went back into the large area between the DVD and videotape displays and the hallway to the peep shows. The guys backed away, giving plenty of room, and waiting to see where she was headed. She stopped before entering the hallway, in a large, open, well-lit area.

“OK, here’s the deal,” she commanded. “I want to see you guys jerk off. Nobody touches me. If I want to touch you off, I will initiate it.”

The two guys with their cocks already out started stroking in earnest. Around the room, I heard zippers going down, and pants being dropped to the floor. I counted ten guys, including two who had just come out of one of the peep show booths.

Just then, I saw the store manager arriving at the top of the stairs. He came over to me. “I don’t know what she wants to do, but I’ve locked the door, so it’s cool,” he said. “I’ll help you keep these guys in line,” he added.

We were both watching Barbara as she watched what was now four guys jerking off. One came fairly quickly, shooting his load straight out and onto the floor. Barbara reached out and touched his cock, smearing the remaining cum onto its head. The other three guys were picking up their pace.

Barbara quickly pulled her sweater over her head. She knelt down in front of a guy who looked close to cumming and said huskily, “cum on my tits.” The guy directed his cum onto her chest, and unleashed a torrent of wet cum that splashed on her chest and ran down inside her bra. Barbara grabbed his cock and rubbed it across her chest.

Another guy stepped up and put his cock inches from Barbara’s face. I saw her instinctively move toward it, but then she pulled back. She looked up into the guys face, and took his cock and began to slowly jerk it. He came quickly, the first blast hitting her on the cheek. Barbara then pointed the spurting cock toward her chest, and took the rest of the cum on her bra clad breasts. This time, she actually licked the last of the cum from the head of his dick.

The other two guys who had been stroking stepped forward, one on either side of Barbara. She was squatting now, with her legs pread and her pussy exposed. It was glistening with juice. I heard the vibrator rev up, and I realized that she was using the vibrator on her clit with one hand. The other hand was cupping the balls of one guys jerking off in front of her.

The guy whose balls Barbara was kneading was first to cum. He sent a blast of cum across her face. Some of the cum shot past Barbara, sending several of the onlookers scurrying out of the way. Barbara gave his cock one good lick to finish off the cum, then turned her attention to the other cock. She used her free hand to jerk him off, again pointing his dick at her breasts. Just as he started cumming, Barbara’s vibrator brought her to a massive orgasm herself, and she wasn’t able to direct the shooting cock accurately. The right side of her head was splattered with cum, much of it in her hair.

Barbara was still using the vibrator on herself. There were no guys around her right then. I looked around the room. There were three guys stroking their cocks, but keeping their distance at the moment. On the edge of the room, a guy was sucking off another guy; I recognized them as the two that emerged from the video booth. I guessed they weren’t turned on so much by Barbara as the sight of spurting cocks generally.

The other customer was hanging back, still fully clothed and with his tool in his pants. I figured he was just the shy type.

About this time, Barbara caught sight of the guy getting sucked off. She moved over to them, and began toying with the balls of the one being sucked. Meanwhile, she opened the pants of the sucker, and started giving him a handjob. As Barbara squeezed his balls, the guy being sucked came in the other guys mouth, and in seconds the cocksucker erupted all over Barbara’s hand (and his own pants).

Barbara moved back toward the other three guys who were still wanking. She picked out the one with the largest unit, probably a good 10 incher, and knelt down in front of him. She rubbed his cock on her chest, popping her tits out of her bra to rub the tip of his cock on her nipples. She moved down, and put his cock between her neck and shoulder. She’s always loved to have what she calls a “prick in the neck,” and was reveling in this big one. As she squinched her shoulder around his cock, she licked the underside of his ball sack. After a while, she put both hands on his cock, and jerked him hard and fast. He came quickly, shooting an amazing amount of cum, which Barbara directed toward her face. She opened her mouth, took several hits into her mouth or on her tongue. As the guy finished cumming, she sucked the last of his cum out of the head of his cock.

Barbara was moaning and rocking back and forth at this point. She was having an orgasm without touching herself, just from sucking cock. I had seen her do this before, but never so intensely.

The other two guys quickly moved to Barbara and stuck their dicks in her face. By this point, she was totally past her “no touching” rule, and alternated working on the two cocks, licking balls, jerking, and licking pre-cum off the heads. She didn’t really take either of them into her mouth. It didn’t take too long for both guys to blow their loads, within about 30 seconds of each other. Barbara took some of the cum into her open mouth, and the rest went all over face or dripped down her chest. There was a pool of cum caught in the flat area her skirt formed as she squatted.

I noticed that two or three of the first cummers seemed to be getting ready to go again. The manager looked at me in a questioning manner, and I shook my head. I thought Barbara had probably had enough.

“OK guys, that’s it. Show’s over,” the manager said. “Everybody out.”

The guys started pulling clothes back on, and heading downstairs.

“I’ve got to let them out,” the manager said to us, “you can go back to the office and get yourself together.” He pointed to a door on the other side of mezzanine level. Barbara picked up her sweater and followed me into the office.

The office was small and cluttered, with DVDs, videotapes, toys, etc., all over the place. Barbara did push some things off a sofa and sit down. “I can’t imagine what I look like,” she said. “My skirt is soaked in cum, my bra too, it’s in my hair.”

“You look great, very sexy,” I said.

The manager came into the office. “That was an amazing performance,” he said to Barbara. “I’ve had a few women get down in here, but I’ve never seen anything like that.”

Barbara looked down at the floor and didn’t say anything.

“I was wondering if you’ve got anything left for me,” the manager asked Barbara. As he talked, he unzipped his pants, and took out a nice cock that quickly hardened to 9 inches. He moved toward Barbara, who with a lusty look leaned out to meet him, taking as much as his cock in her mouth as she could.

Barbara went to work on the manager’s cock with a fury. She licked his balls. She sucked the head. She licked up and down the shaft. She cradled his cock between her neck and shoulder. And she took as much of his cock as she could down her throat.

Watching Barbara work on her ninth cock of the day, glistening in cum, was more than I could take. I realized that I had been so intent in making sure everything stayed under control that I hadn’t even touched my dick. I quickly dropped my pants, and moved over to where she was sucking the manager. I stroked my cock next to her cheek as I watched her suck his cock. Finally the manager let out a moan and said, “I’m cumming, I’m cumming!”

Barbara took him as deeply into her throat as she could. I could see her swallowing as he shot several times. She kept him her mouth until he quit cumming. He backed away, with his cock plopping noisily from her mouth. Barbara immediately gobbled my cock into her mouth. Since I am smaller, she took my whole cock down her throat. I could feel her nose pressing into my pubes above my cock. It wasn’t long before I was shooting down her throat, adding my cum to the manager’s.


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