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Barbarian Bound Ch. 04


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"Surname?" Governor Aryn pried, stepping closer to me, till we were an arms distance apart.

"Sgot." I said proudly, looking into his coal eyes.

"Hmm, very much a name of the Gauls." He said distastefully and looked to Oro then. "Docohun Canizade Oro, did I get that right?"

"Doguhan." Oro corrected.

"You have a proud and pure line, your mother's father was a true Barbarosan Titan." There was something grim now on Governor Aryn's face, "A pity such a worthy woman died as young as she did." His gaze returned to me, "Hard to think a weak Gaul female would be fitting for a virile Barbarosan man. Esyld Oro Fahişe," he sounded out slowly, "that befits her station much better do you agree Kaptan?" The Governor smiled.

Oro remained quiet, and I could feel a collective tension in the air. Gaul? Was Gaul a rude slur for Lamorians? Perhaps it is what our captured Lamorians are now called.

"We have a full day ahead of us Governor-" Oro began.

"No time for a sample of your fahişe?" The Governor's rotund belly laughed at Oro's pinched face, "Consider it payment for the state my furnishings. Yes, I was made aware of the state of my own home..."

It took me a moment to realize the lech was talking about me. The idea of the man putting his hands on me, sent a shiver down my spine and Oro's hand now gripped mine painfully, "I do not share her, she is mine alone, and I will decide what station befits her best." Oro's voice dark and menacing. "You may take your payment from my earnings, whatever you believe is fitting."

"I mean no offense young man. Keep your coin." Governor Aryn delivered a tight lipped smile. "Enjoy the city Esyld, you may find it quite an improvement." He stepped the distance and placed a kiss against my ear, whispering "Till we meet again, Fahişe." Oro jerked me away from the Governor, who chuckled and turned walking back down the hall with his guards, before I could reach forward and claw his eyes out.

My chest heaved with anger, "Fahişe?"

"Ignore him." Oro insisted.

"What does it mean?" The displeasure bitter in my words.

Kaptan Jakob put a hand gently against my arm, "What is not true, does not matter."

I rejected the urge to jerk away from him, but managed to control my emotions and just simply nodded slowly. "Get me out of here, Oro." My voice on the verge of breaking.

"Get Bo." Oro ordered a bushy faced kinsman, who left with a nod. "Jakob, please arrange the ship, I aim to take the next vessel out of Lamoria."

"Yes Majohr, and the celebration?" Kaptan Jakob inquired.

"Time permitting, move it dockside." Oro advised. The newly ordained Kaptan nodded once and stepped outside the estate.

"Before we leave Lamoria, there is still something I wish to show you." Oro said taking my hand and leading me outside where Bo was waiting. He helped me climb onto his back and we were off, leaving the Governor's estate behind us. A sigh of relief parted my lips and I relaxed back against Oro's chest.

I hoped I would never have the misfortune to see him again. As we hustled through the busy streets of my former home, pain grew in my chest as I saw it in the light of day. A mixed row of compact stone and wood homes and small shops, boasting proud Barbaros banners, seemingly untouched by the brutality that forced us from these walls.

"Was the battle of Lamoria all in my head?" I lamented. "It is as if it never happened."

Oro veered us off so that we skirted outside the city walls, which helped my growing anxiety and the anger that burned me. "We rebuilt our home quickly. Not all resisted..." Oro cautiously said, before changing the subject. "What do you know of the Catacombs?" Oro asked.

"They have been closed off since I can remember, caved in, I believe." The gallop of the horse lilting my speech. "Not all resisted, do you mean those that were taken as slaves?"

"We took slaves in the beginning, but many are contracted serfs now. Have you always lived in Lamoria?" Oro continued.

"Since I was a young girl, why?" Why would any of this matter now? It was dredging up memories that I wanted to remain buried.

"Your people did not always populate this land, Esyld." Oro slowed Bo's pace as we neared the stone entrance to the dangerous Catacombs. "Do you know why?"

A petulant feeling stirred within me, "Why the lesson in history? What does this matter? Does it have to do with why you referenced Lamoria as 'our' home?"

He ignored my viperous attitude, "Gauls, your ancestors, and the Barbaros, my ancestors, were adversaries long before you or I were born." He circled Bo at the entrance and helped me dismount.

He took a torch from the entrance and lit it on a ceremonial brazier, "Follow me." Our fingers intertwined as we entered the dimly illuminated underground tunnel. He ventured as if he knew these walls as intimately as my own.

"I was raised by a scholarly man, if you remember..." His words righted my lust filled thoughts.

"I remember." Confirming, waiting for him to continue. It grew harder to breathe the further we ventured down.

"Before he was a self-proclaimed scholar, he was a Gaul soldier, he was among the first generations, in fact, to help claim hold of Lamoria for the Gauls. He brought me to these Catacombs as a boy and taught me the bloody history of our people." Oro turned to the right as the path forked.

"How did you come to be raised by your enemy?" My thoughts were swirling, and if he had been raised by such a kind Lamor- Gaul, how could he later betray them?

"I was birthed within these walls. Albion, my custodian, helped to deliver me, when as a young warrior he found my mother laboring in distress. His fellow warriors were nearby, and if it were not for Albion's protest, I likely would not be here with you now..." His voice trailed off and he brought us to a large room, which housed row over row of the dead. I gasped, gripping Oro's arm tightly, to which he raised an eyebrow, "Do the tales of the Catacombs live up to your expectations?"

I gave him a sour look before dropping my offending arms. "What happened to your mother?" My voice, tight with anxiety.

"She died." His own voice, calm and neutral.

"I am sorry, Oro, I have heard birthing was harder back then." I said rubbing a hand along his back. So that must be what the tactless Governor eluded to earlier.

"She did not die at my birth, no, she died days later by the sword of a Gaul soldier. Albion has cared for me ever since."

I shuddered and felt my own horrible memories of death and sadness fill my heart. "Why?"

Oro shook his head solemnly. "The very question I tortured myself with as a boy. As a man, I hated that I began to understand it...These Catacombs hold the bones of my people. This was our homeland. It was only in the last four generations of this bloody feud that the Barbaros have been pushed so far south."

Self righteous anger was building inside of me, "It is the barbarians that have hunted and enslaved us. How dare you!" His eyes bore down into mine as tears threatened to fill them. Gods I was so tired of crying.

"Yes, we have hunted, enslaved and killed Gauls. Your people tried to hide their past, ravaging Lamoria in the most damned way possible, claiming our city by name-rite. Both sides have blood on their hands, Esyld. In the end, only the Barbaros were strong enough to end the war." Oro proclaimed.

"End the war? By killing thousands of innocent people! How could that be justified?"

"We have never hid from what we had to do! Or what we have done...Those that resisted our rule, yes, examples were made. After a time, when the land had healed, we freed the slaves who would live among us as members of the Barbarosan people, choosing to forsake their past falsehood." Oro explained. "It was more than our people ever received by Gaul hands."

"Live among you, as second rate citizens, no doubt, under the thumb of brutish hands!" I shouted in the sacred resting room.

Oro sighed heavily, bracing a fist against a stone wall, "I only brought you here so that you would understand the things I have done. I left Albion as a young boy, with my mother's sigil in hand, and I returned to Barbos, to my people. They accepted me as if I had always been among them, as if I had not been raised by our enemy. It would be another twenty years before I would come back to Lamoria, and as fate would have it, find you. I have done horrible things to reclaim my peoples birthright, I make no apologizes, for that would mean I feel remorse for the things I have done, to have brought me on this path to you."

"If what you say is true, then the wrongdoing lay with both our people, but it is not the truth that I know. It is not the truth that I have seen." I shut my eyes, trying to dispel the horrible memories from invading.

"I do not hold you at fault for the sins of the Gaul, as some of my own kin believe I should. All that I ask is that you do not hold the sins of a few, my sins, against the good nature of the Barbaros." Oro drew me into his arms, mindful of his dwindling torch, and held me until my body ceased resistance and I melded into his touch.

"You ask a lot of a weak Gaul female." I retorted.

"You are stronger than you think." He said softly, brushing a wisp of hair away from my face.

Our bodies pressed together warmed me this far beneath the surface, but it was not enough to ward the chill seeping into my bones. "Can we leave this place?" I shivered, the musty smell making me feel a bit light headed.

Oro nodded, and guided us back out into the fresh air. The first glorious breath cleansing my unease. "Let us head to the docks and see how our new Kaptan is doing on the boat."

Oro helped me once more mount on the tall stallion, and climbed up behind me. "How long will we be on the water?"

"Depends on the winds. It will be close to a month."

"A month!" I exclaimed, holding onto the horn of the saddle as Bo was directed back through the tall fields, towards the bustling town and salt sprayed docks.

Oro laughed, "Would you rather take two, and ride in a cart all the way there?"

I nudged him with my elbow. "Quiet you."

Oro fondled my breasts playfully, "I must teach you that I give the order around here."

"My apologies, Majohr." I giggled, shying away from his touch.

"I want you." He whispered against my ear, my body shivered with excitement in response.

"Are you like this with all women?" Something unfamiliar seeping into the edges of my tone. I gasped as his hands massaged my breasts through the thin linen fabric.

"My desire for you is above any others." The intimate nature of our conversation made my stomach flutter and filled me with unease. "I have changed my mind about heading to the docks straight away. I want you again." He growled. He pulled me back against him and forced a hand down the front of my leathers.

"O-oro." My voice cracked as he managed to push two thick fingers inside of me. He slowed Bo down to a graceful walk back through the tall grass of the field, the sound of the green blades swishing against our feet. "You are insatiable." I accused.

"Will you deny me?" His mouth was hot against my neck, marking me for all to see.

"Yes, that is my aim." I replied softly.

"I will remember that." He chuckled, withdrawing his digits from me and rubbing my moisture against my outer lips.

I could feel his hardness against my leathers, and truly did not want to stop him, but it would hinder us from leaving Lamoria as soon as we were able. "On the boat Oro, that is where you may have me." I flirted.

He slapped Bo's backside and we bolted forward, which made me yelp in surprise. The grass was trampled in our wake, and I did not envy the poor beast as the tall grass slapped his legs. He kept urging Bo on faster and faster, until our surroundings were a passing blur. "On the boat, hmm?" He coaxed, "Where I wonder, against the mast like our first time in the woods? Maybe I will bend you out overlooking the water." He ground himself against my backside. "Do you feel me, Esyld?"

"Yes." I panted.

"You know what I am going to do with this." It was more of a statement than a question and it made my nipples ache against the tight linen top.

The docks were coming into view, and all I could think of was being held in position exactly as he described. Oro spotted his Kaptan easily enough and pulled up abruptly beside him. "Is it settled?" Oro huskily questioned.

"Yes, Majohr. The merchant ship will set sale just before sun up. It is a caravel, should get you both to Barbos swiftly." Kaptan Jakob replied.

"Ready to board?" Oro asked eagerly.

"Aye." The great Kaptan laughed. "Jons has already seen to your chest and weapons, Majohr."

"Gratitude." Oro dismounted fluidly and slapped the man on the shoulder. Kaptan Jakob gave his signature nod, and began walking away. Oro reached up to pull me down and ushered me aboard the merchant ship the Kaptan indicated. He purred against my ear, "We are on the boat, Esyld."

An anxious giggle left my lips, "Can we wait till we are below deck at the very least?"

"Making me wait is not in your best interest, my p- Esyld." He caught himself.

"You like the chase, and you know it!" I teased. "If I gave in to easily, you may lose interest." After a moment, I tapped a finger against my lips, pretending to ponder something, "Hmm, now there is a thought." I smirked and winked at him.

He grabbed me up suddenly, throwing me over his shoulder and began making his way across the deserted deck. "I doubt I could ever lose interest." His masculine laugh, tightened my core, as he had so many other times. After all I had been through with this man, his wiles were unbearably charming and consuming, leaving me unable to resist his cruel temptation.

I had fallen so far into depravity, twitching for my next release at the hands of someone who was a dangerous, unrepentant butcher. The sex was in fact clouding my judgment, I was no longer protected by Pelor's light in the oil pits of my inferno. When have I ever felt such bliss by Pelor's touch? What good has he ever done for me or my people?

"Esyld?" Oro's face was marked with worry.

I nodded and looked around surprised that in my reflection we were already below deck and I was laying on a stiff palette. "Lost in thought."

Oro leaned me back and brought his lips to caress mine. "Where were you, little bird?"

I felt a bit faint as my body blushed under the weight of his arousal. Panic began to seize my awareness, and kept the heat of lust at bay, I pushed him upwards, "I cannot do this Oro."

"Cannot do what exactly." I could see his hackles rising with the anticipation for a fight.

"I am losing myself." I began, "To this, to you. I cannot become this person." Tears were welling up in my eyes, emotional turmoil running rampant.

"Esyld, this is not a bad thing." He assured, and leaned in to kiss me.

I jerked back suddenly, "It is!" I got up from the palette, "It has been four days, since you captured me. Look!" I cried, pointing to my knees, "These are the wounds that are still healing, after you invaded my camp! This is not normal, Oro-" tears spilled down my cheeks and I huffed incredulously, "I am using your name, I have called you my Master..." Frustrated sobs shook my body, "You have swept me up in this, I am afraid I will never be clean again. A part of some whirlwind fantasy, where the punishment for my submission is the cruel bliss you force on me." I sputtered.

Oro looked at me as if I had gone mad, "What is there to clean yourself of? The pleasure of sex? It has been a long four days, my pet-"

I rushed him in anger, pushing him back onto the bed and jumping onto his torso. I balled my hands into fists and beat them against his hard chest before he could restrain me. "I am not your pet!" I yelled.

"A slip of the tongue." Oro laughed. "You enjoyed it as much as I did! You are acting like a scared little girl, because you want -" he was cut short as I spat in his face.

His rage boiled over the edge and he bucked me off of him, so I nearly fell to the ground, only saved by his hands latched around my wrists. "I thought we were beyond this, Esyld. Clearly I was wrong." He raised me up by the wrists pushed me back against the palette.

I resisted against him with every fiber of my being, trying to claw and kick at him, but he was simply too strong. I shouted pitifully "Do not touch me!"

He slipped my hands in a quick knot and flipped me over so that he could secure the bond on a peg on the far side of the palette, leaving me able to stand, but bending me over at the hip. "You are mine to touch." He growled.

When I tried to flip the restraint over the peg he grabbed a nearby fire block and smashed it against the peg, turning it up into the boat. I would have to be cut out of these tight restraints once he was finished with me. The thought brought panic up my throat, "Help!" I cried.

His hand jerked my leathers down nearly tearing them as he forced them down my hips.

"HELP!" I screamed once more, tears free falling onto the palette.

*SMACK* His hand came down on my bare bottom. I cried out in pain. *SMACK* Another, jostling my hips against the palette. "Do you want to continue screaming?" He panted.

Tearfully I shook my head.

*SMACK* "Try again." He growled.

"No, Master!" I sobbed, letting my head go limp.

I heard Oro fuss with his belt and breeches and I tried to angle my head back to see him, but it was difficult with the angle of my arms beside my head. I felt his rigid cock against my bare entrance. I swung my hips to the side, but Oro was able to easily reposition me.

"I don't want this!" I pleaded and groaned as his hand came up to pinch my nipple viciously.

"Hush." He purred. Once more he was pressed against my entrance, my lubricant coating the tip of his crown, my body freezing as he inched his way slowly inside of me.

"No." I wept pitifully, lowering my head trying to remove myself from this subjugation.

He was not as gentle as he had been in the past, instead bruising my hips into the palette with each thrust. My cheeks were flushed as I wriggled against him, legs spread apart, his heavy sack slapping my sensitive folds.

How could he do this to me, for all his claims, he was still no better than a beast, and I was no better than a gash for him to rut upon. His pace quickened and he grunted loudly with each thrust.

Defeated I begged, "Not inside of me...Please Oro..." My head lolling with each precise thrust.

He gripped my hips tightly and bent over my body so he could speak hotly against my ear. "I am going to fill you, Esyld." His thrusts slowing so I could feel each languid stroke and pulse. He moaned in my ear, "Can you feel my seed?" He was buried deep within me, his crown ensuring delivery of his potent spending, as his shaft pulsed jet after jet inside my heated tunnel. He stayed in me for quite a few moments as he recovered.

"This is who you really are." I wept my accusation.

He kissed my cheek from behind before leaning back, thrusting once more for good measure before slipping out of me carefully. Hands still secured he helped me lift my underwear and leathers back up, trapping his spending against me. He moved me to rest fully on the palette, my restrained arms at breast level before he finally pulled up his own breeches. "I will bring you some food, and ensure that you are not disturbed."

"Please untie me, Oro." I begged.

"I will be back." Oro said, and opened the small door that lead up to the deck.

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