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Barbaric Behaviour


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I opened the chest and immediately started burning my clothes. All my ambassadorial outfits, my supportive underwear. Everything I would wear to cloak my slutty body with civility was discarded into the fire.

Soon all that was left were the objects and trinkets that I kept for personal reasons. My medals from the war, my diamond dewdrop, the necklace Jodrolim had somehow managed to source in a war camp just to give to me as an anniversary present. Then there were the pieces of parchment that defined my life, my ambassadorial letter of safe conduct, my letters from mum and dad, and even my qualifications and confirmation of military rank.

All of it dumped into a messy pile on the dusty floor.

"Alright bitch, that whole pile seems important, that seems like a lot of things from back before you were a mindless whore. So how about you show your former life the contempt it deserves. Piss on it, piss on it all." Gelder ordered.

She shuffled me until I was squatting above the collection of things most valuable to me. I squeezed my eyes tight, and tried to pee, but none was coming out.

"Come on bitch, piss on your life." Gelder continued to order, but to no avail. "Fine, let's do this the hard way."

Gelder took out a wand and held it aloft to activate it.

"Piss." She ordered and I felt the familiar pull of the command spell taking ahold of my body. My muscles spasmed against their will and soon I felt a trickle of urine leave my body and start drizzling onto the collection of valuable items beneath me. The command spell seemed to endure forever, until I was certain every drop of pee within me had just been expelled onto my valuables.

"That's good, give them what they deserve. Now, place your hands behind your back, you are to pick up your pissed stained possessions with your mouth and throw them into the forge." Gelder explained. She looked at me expectantly, hoping this was the weakness she had seized on before to get me to forfeit. Instead I picked up the medal of valour I got the day Jodrolim died, now tasting as bitter as it made me feel, and inelegantly tossed it into the forge like a dog tossing around its prey. Deep down I hoped this forge could succeed where others had failed and fit destroy that fucking medal.

I furious mania overcame me as I continued to toss my piss soaked possessions into the forge. Each time I picked up something I disgusted both in the taste of the item, and the civilised life it once represented. I was thrilled to destroy the diamond dewdrop and my letter of safe passage, Jodrolim's will only growing at their demise. I wasn't even slowed by throwing out Jodrolim's necklace, the modest keepsake insignificant compared to his actual presence within me.

I threw the final letter from mum and dad into the forge, then turned to Gelder, satisfied that she was not happy with my lack of suffering.

"I see from your shit-eating grin that you think you've gotten in the flow of things. That you can endure everything because I've been taking it easy on you. Well how about we go to the main event shall we?" Gelder snarled as she once again grabbed my nipple chain to drag me to my next debasement.

This time I was dragged towards a building site, the plethora of dwarven masters barely batting an eyelid on my degraded form as they had a job to do keeping the elf slaves building. As we passed through the building site it became clear that Gelder was converting the old Glimmerlake theatre into an ampithetre, with high walls to prevent the escape of those forced to become part of the show. It was still very much unfinished, but that didn't stop Gelder from placing me in the centre, then issuing instructions that she wanted the stadium filled with as many as possible, elf slaves and dwarf masters, all were invited. As the stadium filled up, Gelder kept herself busy making devious arrangements I was not privvy to.

Within the hour I sat naked and exposed in front of thousands as Gelder called for quiet.

"Good afternoon everyone, our show today begins with a question to the elves, does anyone recognise this wretched pile of elf meat?" Gelder asked, pausing for effect. "This whore was the ambassador sent to negotiate freedom for the elves. This degraded filth represents any chance you elves have of breathing free air again. Now you are going to sit and watch as I take your champion and bring her lower than she ever thought she would be. While you watch her status get thoroughly destroyed, I want her to watch the hope die in your eyes."

Gelder took out the wand of command that she had used on me earlier, brandishing it with a malevolant grin.

"So, to start off, because of your horny body and subservient nature, you have failed all these elves who looked to you for salvation." Gelder contextualised before pointing the wand of command at me. "Apologise."

Wills battles within me, Jodrolim's spirit fighting to keep me strong against the magical invasion of Gelder's malice. Jodrolim could indeed fortify me, but he could not dictate my actions and soon the spell conquered my mind and I began to spout my humiliating apology.

"I'm sorry everyone, my slutty submissive nature means that instead of freeing you, I chose to become a slave myself. I beg your forgiveness even though I do not deserve it." I called to the crowd as gasps and murmers filled the air. Worse still, just as Gelder had hoped, I saw my fellow elves becoming filled with disgust and despair for the whole situation.

After a moment that seemed to last forever, Gelder walked up behind me and swept my legs out so I fell backwards to the ground. She loomed over me and once again pointed the wand of command at me.

"Stay." She commanded, and my body went rigid with obedience. Then, in front of the whole audience, Gelder pulled down her studded leather armoured trousers and squatted directly above me. "All of you remember, this is your place now!"

No sooner had the last word left Gelder's mouth than a torrent of piss rained down on me. At first it hit my chest and neck, but Gelder saw that and readjusted herself to ensure she was hitting me straight in the face. I wanted to block, shield myself from the disgusting dirty onslaught, but the command held me still and I endured the shower of indignity until the last drop.

"You realise you can forfeit at any time." Gelder informed. "Remember those words, I forfeit, you'll certainly need them for what comes next."

With a lot of fanfare, Gelder walked over to a cage in the corner of the amphitheatre. She stood back, carefully undoing the latch with her fingertips before diving out of the way to safety as the door swung open. Inside the cage was a moderately sized sofa.

The air of anticlimax in the audience was palpable.

Then Gelder took out another wand, this one far grander and more expensive than the wand of command. It was filled with gemstones and pulsing with magic. Gelder pointed it at the sofa, and the arcane spell murmur revealed to me what spell she was casting. Dominate Beast.

Gelder's eyes began to glow blue and her body went slack, as if her mind were no longer present. Instead the sofa cushions shifted to reveal a wide toothy grin, as the mimic shifted its shape and began to emerge from the cage. Its mouth morphed into something capable of speaking corrupted words that were echoed from Gelder's mouth.

"Oh the possibilities of violation I now have." The creature squelched. It melted and reformed into various threatening shapes, a feral dog with a barbed erection, a pulsating monster with probing tentacles, a huge slimy slug leaving a trail of ooze behind it. Each one menacingly looking down upon me.

The mimic briefly changed vaguely humanoid, but that was just to walk over to Gelder's vacant body and pick up the wand of command.

"This wand has 5 charges left in it." The mimic drooled as it once again burst with possibilities. "And I am going to use every one on the same command. Five different monsters will look at you with unbridled lust, and in front of everyone here, they will order you to submit."

The mimic settled on the first form, it was a gigantic filthy hog, it squealed with feral lust at my body before it. I looked back at it with horror, I was about to become a sow, a bestial whore, pig semen was going to overflow out of my pussy and the thought of it overwhelmed me until I felt all anger replaced with terror and Jodrolim's spirit evaporated.

"Stop, I forfeit." I screamed in terror. The looming pig laughed in triumph and I was left to face the scale of my humiliation. With tears in my eyes I stood up and began to make my way back to Gelder's body, instead the mimic pig headbutted me to the ground.

"Unlike you stupid elves, I think through the agreements I make. We agreed that if you forfeit, you get handed back to your guard tomorrow. We never said you stopped being my slave before then." Gelder mockingly laughed through the mimic's pig mouth. With great difficulty she maneuvered a trotter that had the wand of command in it until it was pointing at me.

"Submit." It commanded.


My face was the picture of fury and Jodrolim was raging around me as Gelder triumphantly threw me into a kennel that evening. Satisfied at not only winning the bet, but also in breaking my spirit with a big show of unspeakable violation.

"Tomorrow I am going to have so much fun handing you back an abject failure. Say your goodbyes to your friends, maybe apologise that your weakness has condemned them to a life of misery." Gelder mocked as she walked away.

I waited for her to disappear back inside before taking a deep breath, and allowing Jodrolim to return to rest. It was time to do the most risky part of my plan.

"Don't worry about us Nyana, we'll be..." Soliana tried to console, only to be interrupted by the sound of my lock falling from my kennel.

"No, it is me who needs to reassure you not to worry." I informed as I climbed out of my cage. "Gelder is prejudiced as hell, she has made a lot of assumptions about me and us, and now it is time for us to take advantage of that."

My nerves were prickling with trepidation. I had been planning this since I made the crucial observations about Gelder upon which this whole plan depended.

"Firstly, she assumed that as I have barbarian abilities, like her, I didn't know any spells and would need to rely on wands. So she doesn't know about my reduction spell, which I just used to unlock the kennels. She has also assumed I have no reason to try and escape so didn't leave any guards." I explained as I walked over to Chantelle's kennel and unlocked it, helping my childhood friend to her feet.

"The other thing I noticed is that she cannot tell elves apart, especially after she has shaved them. When I was in the office, she introduced you as Soliana and Soliana as you. Then, when she was shouting at a servant, she made a point of leaving a mark on her outfit so she would later know who to punish later." I explained, leading Chantelle to my kennel. "So tomorrow, when she comes to fetch me to release me, she will be releasing you instead."

"No, I can't abandon..." Chantelle began.

"This is not about abandoning anyone. What do you think happens tomorrow, about ten minutes after you leave with my retinue? Legus Stillstar gets to accuse Gelder of doing a switcheroo to break our agreement and kidnap me. The terms of my visit were clear and severe about the scale of a diplomatic fuckup if she enslaved me or any of my party. Everyone knows how much she loves to enslave high status elves, that protection the dwarven kingdom has extended to her would not survive such a break in our agreement."

We took our places in our newly swapped kennels and I hoped.


That morning Gelder came and removed Chantelle, mocking her the whole time.

"I see your tongue is still frozen by your loss, very good, I hated your stupid voice anyway." Gelder observed as Chantelle continued my vow of broken silence.

About ten minutes after Chantelle was dragged away, myself, Soliana, and Chantelle's dad were removed from the kennels by the guards and dragged back to a housing area for slaves. After we arrived, we put on some rags, awaited an assignment, and more importantly, let as many other slaves as possible in on my plan.

After a day shovelling sludge and a night sleeping in the workhouse, I was awakened when Gelder stormed in looking like every elf in the kingdom had pissed on her face.

"Which of you fucking bitches is that ambassador cunt!" She screamed with unbelievable fury, pulsing red veins showing her barbarian rage for the first time since I met her. The whole housing area fell silent and I took some deep breaths to keep Jodrolim's blue mist from exposing me. "You sneaky elven fucks. Fine. Guards, bring every female elf with a shaved head into the next room."

Gelder stormed into the next room and the guards began separating and rounding up the slaves according to her instructions.

"Why are so many of you bitches cueballs? I only permanently shaved a handful of you." Gelder yelled as she saw the crowd of bald elves looking at her. She didn't know that among the crowd I found an elf who used to work at a healing temple and another that knew fire magic, between them they had singed off the hair then magically healed the scalps of an impressive number of volunteers.

"Right, all you bitches strip." She ordered. We all mutely obeyed and soon she was looking at a sea of exposed elven flesh, which despite everything made her ashamed and us proud.

Gelder stalked the room, studying each body in turn, at one point her eyes roamed over me, and I gritted my teeth and acted as scared as I could. I worried that any sign of defiance could clue her in to who she was looking at.

"Magistrate Gelder." One of her guards interrupted.

"Not right now, nothing is more important to me than finding that bitch." Gelder yelled. The guard showed a piece of paper to a couple of other guards at the door, then interrupted her again.

"Former Magistrate Gelder." He announced. She was only a few rows away from me, I got to see her face drop as she realised what had just happened.

"You fucking cunts, you can't do this..." Gelder began, but her anger was suddenly interrupted by guards moving to subdue her. It wasn't pretty, a few of the guards were left with lifelong scars, but soon a bloodied and beaten Gelder was locked in manacles and removed.

We waited about an hour in silence before the sudden influx of elven soldiers handing out cloaks and escorting us to the exit confirmed my mission had been a success. I wrapped myself with a cloak and filtered out with my brethren.

As the mass of slaves walked the streets, I was singled out for praise and assistance by those with whom I had been scheming, and eventually I was able to find Legus Stillstar. He recognised me pretty much immediately and his face lit up as he swum through the crowd.

"I hoped to find you promptly, Ambassador Springdew." He gushed, pulling me out of the crowd and rushing me ahead to the front of the movement. "We talked it over and decided that is would be most appropriate for you to throw open the gates of Glimmerlake and release the slaves to freedom."

Even though I had questions on questions, everyone the Legus had talked to was so on board with this plan they had no time for anything but rushing me to the front of the crowd, they knew nobody was going to wait to leave just to indulge symbolism. They were just in time, I reached the front of the movement about a hundred metres ahead of the gates. Then everyone stepped back to let me have my moment.

As I stood alone, all eyes on me, I knew the contradiction of the moment. This was to be my moment of glory, of triumph and exhilaration, but to have those I would have to face it alone. If I wanted to share the crowning moment of my life with the one whose love transcended death, I would have to dig down and find some righteous fury.

I dropped my cloak, I tempered my elation with the knowledge of the pain that stood behind me, and all the suffering that still stood ahead of me. I felt shameful anger that despite everything, I was so broken that I would continue to feel a thrill at the very treatment that will keep these poor souls from a restful night's sleep until their dying days. Everyone watched me bare and humiliated, the elf who secured their freedom as an ambassador and as a slave. Around me erupted into blue flames that outshone even the early morning sun.

"Freedom" I screamed, my lungs and Jodrolim's carrying my message far and wide, my arms and Jodrolim's arms flinging open the gates. My heart and Jodrolim's heart thundering in my chest as a cry of freedom rose up behind me.


Another parade, a new slutty dress everyone claims is elegant, a wig from a wigmaker who was heartwarmingly happy to finally have a client who didn't mind them taking credit for my hair. Now I stood on a balcony overlooking a crowd, all of whom marvelling at the recently revealed grand mural of me standing in my naked slave form, a beam of light illuminating my skin as I led our people out of the darkness. There was a little fizz in my stomach at the thought of my degraded body being immortalised in such a way.

At the debrief I was told how successful my plan had been. Legus Stillstar very quickly figured out what I was up to when he locked eyes on Chantelle. He quietly took her and then waited until they were back in elven territory to 'notice the switch,' blaming Gelder's modifications and Chantelle's traumatised silence for why it took so long for the truth to come to light. The story that was then sold to the public still was that my reputation as a chainbreaker made Gelder scared enough that she had to deal with me, but my iron resolve weathered the storm while I awaited my rescue.

The Dwarven kingdom were evasive about what happened to Gelder. It was clear that she had been removed from her post and there were rumours she had been imprisoned somewhere she couldn't cause any trouble. I made a note to track her down again some day, just to re-engage on equal terms again.

Legus Stillstar managed to act like a diplomat, making sure there was appropriate outrage at the disgraceful betrayal of an elven hero, the suggestion that Gelder always planned to use our bet as a cover for this, and pressuring the growing frustrations within the dwarven kingdom that Gelder's open animosity was putting the alliance at risk. Eventually the dwarven kingdom relented to the raw fury and threats of invasion and came to an agreement that Glimmerlake become shared territory and all slaves freed. There was originally a suggestion that I would become the magistrate but I turned it down, I haven't finished plumbing the depths of my deviancy yet and the road beckons.

So instead I had to stand here and wave for the people I freed, before my private meeting with Prince Sylvir to discuss what miracle I had planned next.

At the reception I kept my mind clear, I didn't have any alcohol and a few select appetisers being passed around. Naturally everyone wanted to talk to me and get in my good graces, the first elf to earn two diamond dewdrops. At the ceremony I was not only presented with a new one, but my old one had been retrieved from the forge (it had even higher magical protections than that fucking medal that still sat among my effects.) When handed both the dewdrops, I realised that their pins were fine enough to thread them through my newly pierced nipples, and I knew that would be their new home very soon.

Then at the end of the night, I was informed that my requested audience with the prince was to be held in an extravagant drawing room cleared for the purpose. I took a deep breath and prepared for my next plan.

"Ah the ambassadorial genius. I see your wig has somehow become lost in the party, no matter, I can have another sent for before we begin our discussions." The prince announced, filled with levity and glowing praise.

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