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Barbie's BBC Awakening

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A sissy husband's journey to becoming a BBC slut.
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The next couple of weeks were a blur. Work had gotten insanely busy and most nights Anne was sound asleep before I got home. We hadn't had a chance to discuss the events that transpired Halloween night.

Laying next to my wife, I was dreaming of Jim and the mind altering orgasms his big black cock had given me. I generally awoke, in a confused state where my cock was rock hard and generously leaking precum, while my asshole convulsed trying to pull in Jim's non-existent member.

Saturday morning, and my alarm was going off at 6:00 am. Anne awakened from her slumber as I got out of bed.

Half asleep she sluggishly questioned, "do you really have to go in?"

"Yeah, unfortunately," i replied as I kissed her forehead. "But I'll meet you at the airport this afternoon."

Anne rolled over in the bed going back to sleep, acknowledging my reply, "sounds good babe."

Normally I wouldn't be headed in to work on a Saturday but I was trying to finish this project up so that I could have Thanksgiving week off to spend with Anne at her sisters. It had been our tradition for the past several years. However the pressure from my boss and the owner had forced me to work to make sure everything was finished before I left.

Most the day was uneventful but around lunch Claire entered my office. Claire was a fresh out of college designer that had been assigned to my team. She was a small brunette with a petite frame but a nice bubble butt that I admittedly had ogled more than a few times. She approached my desk and I could tell from her expression and demeanor that this wasn't good news.

"So do you want the good news or the bad news," she smirked.

Exasperated, I questioned, "What's gone wrong now?"

She plopped down on the corner of my desk and started her explanation. "Well we were doing a final run through before this afternoon, when it crashed. We were able locate the problem but we are going to have to wipe all the software, develop the patch, then re-upload the software and data."

I sat there with my head in my hands feeling defeated. "How long is that going to take," I asked.

"4 days max," Claire replied. "The guys and I have already decided to come in tomorrow so we can get finished before Thanksgiving."

"Thanks for that, I appreciate it," I replied.

Claire hopped up and began to head out before I stopped her, "just curious what was the good news?"

"Oh, that you get to see me of course!" She gave me a little smile and a wink before exiting my office.

I stared blankly at my desk for a minute trying to pysch myself up to call Anne to break the news. I ran through possible ways to tell her that wouldn't lead to a fight, but I couldn't see any way forward without that being her reaction.

I picked up the phone and dialed.

"Hey, babe on the way to the airport?" She questioned.

"Not exactly," I replied.

I could sense her annoyance through the phone, "somehow i knew this would happen."

I tried to explain the situation but there was no sugar coating the fact that we would be spending the holiday apart that year.

"Do what you have to do I guess," she curtly finished.

I spent the rest of the day in the lab with my team trying to get the project back on track. We worked until about 7 that night trying to make up time before adjurning.

I grabbed my stuff and headed out for the night. When I sat down in the car I received a text from Anne.

"Hey babe, just landed. Sorry I got pissed earlier, I just was disappointed. Wish you could tell your boss to shove it!"

I quickly replied, "Glad to hear you made it safe, don't be sorry for that either. I wish I could too but the mortgage, the car, ... lol"

I few seconds later my phone dinged, "Tell me about it lol. Well I was going to wait until we got back but I bought your birthday presents and they are laying on the bed. I guess it would be ok if you opened them early... Have Fun!"

In all the rush at work I had totally forgot about my birthday on Wednesday. I drove home wondering what my wife had gotten me.

Once I was home, I threw my stuff down and ran to our bedroom with all the excitement of a kid at Christmas. On the bed were 4 neatly arranged boxes, all with bright pink wrapping paper and white satin bows. On top of the largest box was a letter. I opened up the letter and began reading.

"Barbie, I'm so glad you finally let me show you how fun being a girl can be. Thank you for trusting me to help "push" you to try new things. I can't wait to see where you go!"

Mistress Anne XOXO

Opening up the first box I found a new lingerie set that I had been admiring at the mall. A red and black lace bustier with matching stockings and panties. I spent some time looking the garment over before moving on to box #2.

Inside the next box was a sultry little black cocktail dress. The neckline plunged down very low. The waistline was taught before flairing out to a cute, albeit short skirt.

Next came box 3 which contained a new pair of bright red platform heels.

Last, was the small of the boxes contained a small pink cock cage with a little lock and a heart charm on it that read "Sissy".

My phone ringing startled me, I picked it up and answered, "how do you like everything?"

"I love the clothes, you really shouldn't have." I replied. "But the cage, I'm not su..."

My wife interrupted, "Oh i just thought it would be a bit of fun. I thought it might add a bit of kinky to the equation."

"It's definitely kinky," I replied

"Let's make a deal," she added. "You wear it until I get back and I'll make it worth your while."

"I like the sound of that," I replied. "But what about the lock, there isn't a key or anything what if I need to get it off?"

Then my wife explained that the cage was designed to be worn all the time, I wouldn't need to remove it unless there was an emergency. There was a spare key in the safe but once it was locked using the key would disable it and I wouldn't be able to use it again. This was designed to keep me from cheating.

Once everything was explained we said our goodbyes and I put myself into the cage for the first time. It was strangely comfortable. It sort of cradled me and was somewhat pleasurable. This is going to be a piece of cake I thought.

The next few days passed by pretty quickly. Going in early and staying late at the office we were able to make up enough time that by 4:00 Wednesday afternoon we decided to call it quits until Friday.

We all wished each other a happy Thanksgiving and we went our separate ways. Coming home to an empty house was less than pleasurable. I was really missing my wife. I picked up my phone and began to dial the number when my phone buzzed with an incoming text.

"Hey sexy, what have you been up to?"

The number wasn't one that I recognized. So I replied, "who is this."

A few seconds later, I received another message, "Jim."

Oh shit, I thought. How did he get my number?

"How are you and your sexy wife doing?" He inquired

"She's at her sisters, had to work this week so I'm at the house," I replied.

"Home alone on Thanksgiving?" He asked.

"Yeah, unfortunately," I replied.

"That sucks, would you like some company?" He replied.

My heart began to race as I read the words. My palms became sweaty and I felt like I had room spin. Oh shit, what do I say?

I felt like a love sick teenager. Before I knew anything else my phone buzzed in my hand. I had replied, "Yes Daddy!"

"Be there at 8 baby," he had replied.

What had I gotten myself into. I had just invited over a man. What would my wife think?

Then another emotion passed over me. One of pure last. I deserved this. He wanted me. And I wanted him. I needed Jim inside of me. I needed to have his seed filling my pussy.

My tiny caged cock spurted a string of presum and my pussy quivered remembering the pleasure that Jim provided.

I set to work feminising myself. First I took a nice bath making sure to remove every body hair I could find with the razor. Then carefully applying my makeup until it was perfect.

Next came my outfit. I assumed this was a special occasion and I laid out the lingerie my wife had gifted me. I grabbed my breastplate from my closet and slipped into it. Once the fake boobs were positioned, I wrapped the red bustier around my torso and fastened it into place. The lace cups barely contained the silicone orbs on my chest, while the lace garment hugged my figure tight. Sliding the silky stockings up my hairless legs sent a shiver up my spine and made my constrained cock pulse. Fastening the stockings to the garters made me feel sexy. I then looked at the panties. The bright red thong was so sexy but before I stepped into them I had a thought, why don't I go pantieless. It's not like I really need them, Jim is just going to rip them off. So I put them back in the dresser and let my caged clitty and pussy go free. Next came my wig. The platinum blonde wig went into place and gently fluffed it up giving it a bit of volume before stepping into my brand new heels.

Now that my outfit was complete I stepped in front of my wifes full length mirror to check my progress.

DAMN! I looked hot, I thought to myself as I cupped my fake breasts. Anne needs to see this I thought to myself. I grabbed my phone to take a selfie but I thought better of it.

By the time I had finished dressing it was 7:30. Just enough time to have a drink!

I opened a rather expensive bottle of red wine I had been saving. It seemed appropriate for the situation. I then turned on a bit of music as I waited for my beau to arrive.

"On my way," the text read from Jim.

A tingle of excitement ran up my spine as I replied back, "Can't Wait!! Xoxo"

It wasn't long before I heard a knock at the door. I sauntered over and opened it.

Jim was a sight for sore eyes. His large muscular frame was just as I remembered it. He looked me up and down with a wolfish grin, "my, my, aren't you something!"

"I could say the same about you too," I giggled.

"These are for you," he added, thrusting forward a bouquet of red roses.

"Oh my God! You shouldn't have," I exclaimed taking the flowers from Jim and breathing in the sweet aroma.

I turned around and placed the flowers on the foyer table. As I did I felt Jim's hand at the small of my back. I turned back towards him and his lips met mine. He kissed me deeply as his strong arms pulled me in close. As his tongue began to tickle mine in passionate foreplay I instinctively lifted my left heel.

Jim eventually broke our kiss, "I've been wanting to do that for a month."

"Mmmm me too," I replied. "How about you get comfortable and I'll pour you a drink."

"Scotch ... neat," Jim beckoned as I spun around on my heels.

I filled my glass then poured Jim one. Walking back to the living room Jim had made himself comfortable on the couch. I handed him his drink and sat down next to him.

He took a sip before setting it down. Turning his attention back to me his gaze caught a glimpse of my pink cock cage. "Well isn't that cute, looks like it could be uncomfortable."

I laughed back, "yeah it hasn't been as bad as I thought."

Jim's hand had found a way to my thigh at this point, "your lingerie looks amazing on you too. I'm glad I picked this one."

I blushed a bit from his comment, "you ... but I got this from Anne."

Jim flashed me a devilish grin as his hand located my bare ass, squeezing my exposed flesh as he pulled me closer to him. In one swift movement he passionately kissed my lips. Our lips were intertwined as his large hands kneaded my naked bottom. My hand fell instinctively, to the growing bulge in Jim's jeans.

He let out a soft moan as my fingers played with his growing erection. We eventually broke our kiss. Jim gazed deeply into my eyes, "someone is glad to see me."

"I've been dreaming of you ever since," I replied.

He then kissed me again this time harder, deeper, opening my mouth as his tongue began to explore mine. My caged clitty began to pulse as I tried to achieve erection. The sensation, mixed with lust and caused my skin to tingle.

He finally broke our kiss again before suggesting, "Let's take this to the bedroom."

I just nodded in agreement before standing up to notice a little puddle of precum that had pooled on the couch during our makeout session. I hoped Jim hadn't noticed as I took his hand leading him to my boudoir.

Once inside, Jim kissed me again. Be slowly walked me backwards towards the bed. Our lips remained locked as he lowered me down onto it. Jim's weight pressing my fake breasts firmly into me.

After making out on my bed, Jim eventually stood up and removed his clothes. He stood at the foot of the bed looking at me laid out on my back. He stroked his now erect cock and said, "is this what you've been wanting baby?"

"Yes, Daddy," I squeaked as my penis strained against the plastic of its cage, trying to break free. My sissy pussy pulsated as I watched Jim fondle his black dick.

"Lets see that pussy babe," Jim sneered.

I spread my legs revealing my sex as Jim crawled onto the bed to meet me. His large hands lifting my stocking covered legs up and pinning my thighs against my chest. My pussy now exposed, Jim disappeared between my legs. I felt his lips against my waiting ass hole. My hole convulsed due to his kiss, and I let out an audible, "FUCK," as Jim's tongue began to tickle my entrance. He lapped at my pussy like a dog in heat, and began to push his tongue deeper, and deeper into my crevice.

My clitty was now groaning against its confinement. What had been a mild discomfort earlier, was now downright painful. The pain of desperately hardening cock mixed with the pleasure of Jim's tongue at my hole, put me into a state of euphoria unlike anything I had ever felt.

After some time, my panting turned into moaning as the tongue lashing I was receiving. Jim must have sensed my body's reaction as he abruptly stopped teasing my pussy. He released the hold he had on my legs, and they flopped almost lifeless onto the bed below.

Raising up from beneath my bottom, Jim crawled up and kissed me deeply. His tongue allowed me to taste myself, before breaking the kiss and looking into my eyes and asking," ready for the main event?"

Overwhelmed by sexual desire, I pleaded,"yes Daddy, fuck me!"

"Lube," he questioned.

Unable to speak further, I clumsily gestured toward the nightstand next to the bed. Jim smiled and climbed off the bed to retrieve the bottle. Once he had acquired the lubricant he returned to the position between my legs and generously lathered his big black cock. Once finished he moved into position forcing my legs wider. He placed his lubed member next to my waiting pussy. I could feel the cold liquid against my entrance and the sensation made it wink in response.

I tried to relax as I felt Jim apply force driving his cock head into me. My anus began to open as he pressed himself into me. Eventually his massive head popped into my pussy, causing my body to jump. My fingernails dug into his sides due to the sudden jolt of pain.

Jim smiled and gave me a second to get accustomed to his invading penis. My pussy then throbbed around his glans beckoning him forward like an old friend. Jim applied more pressure sliding his meat into my body inch by inch. A few seconds later Jim's cock was fully sheathed inside of me. I loved the feeling of him being inside of me bare. His cock twitching inside of me made me feel so sexy!

Jim leaned down and kissed me passionately. Our tongues danced as Jim began to withdraw his dick slowly before plunging it back into my depths. His speed was slow and gentle at first, but he picked up speed and ferocity with each thrust.

Each time he withdrew his cock massaged my prostate sending a joint of pleasure, causing me to moan like a whore. My confined, erect clitty spurted copious amounts of tears as it yearned for release.

I wrapped my legs around Jim's body, locking my heels together, pulling him in further. We continued making love at that pace for sometime until one of my lover's thrusts pushed me over the edge.

The first wave of my orgasm hit me, my head pushed back into the bed as I screamed, "oh, fuck I'm cumming!"

My pussy quivered uncontrollably around Jim's cock. My body began to convulse as Jim held me tight kissing me. I whimpered as my tortured erection spammed a shot strings of cum onto my belly, soaking my lingerie.

Jim held me tight, with his dick balls deep inside of me. As my sexual elation subsided, Jim kissed me again. "That was amazing!"

I whimpered, "you can say that again."

"Ready for round 2," he smiled.

"Oh my God, yes!" I replied emphatically.

Jim withdrew his member in one clean stroke, causing my pussy to fart due to suction. He then flipped me over, and lifted my ass up off the bed. Grabbed the bottle of lubricant off the bed and pressed the nozzle into my gaped asshole. He squeezed the cool liquid inside of me, coating my pussy thoroughly

I felt the familiar sensation of his head at my entrance. He held it there for what seemed like an eternity. It even seemed like I could hear him talking to someone over the sounds of Usher playing in the background.

About the time I was going to turn around and check what was going on, Jim smacked my fat ass and asked me, "who owns this white pussy?"

I seductively replied, "you do Daddy!"

"That's right sissy," Jim replied smacking my ass. "You love Daddies big black dick don't you?"

I cooed trying to back my ass up onto his dick, "yes Daddy."

Jim smacked my ass harder this time, "no baby I need you to say it. Say I love your big black cock Daddy."

Overwhelmed with lust and yearning for another orgasm I complied with his wish, "I love your big black cock Daddy!"

"Good girl," he coaxed me on further, "now before I give you another orgasm I need you to say I'm not a man, I'm a sissy slut for BBC."

My sexual desire had inundated my mind. I just needed Jim inside of me. My subconscious kept yelling at me, " confess, confess, confess."

In a lust filled stupor I exclaimed, "I'm not a man, I'm a sissy slut for BBC!"

Jim chuckled, "last one, I don't want my wife's pussy, I just want Daddie's black dick."

Unable to resist further, I replied, "I don't want my wifes pussy, I just want Daddie's black dick."

"And you shall have it baby," Jim sneered before grabbing my hips and plunging completely into my pussy. Unlike before, Jim was fucking me with full force. Slamming into like a wild animal. I yelped and moaned in extasy as my second orgasm hit. Jim continued pistoning in and out relentlessly as my caged clitty spurted cum like a faucet onto the bed below.

As soon as my second orgasm subsided, I could feel a third coming on swiftly. I could sense Jim was getting close himself. He gasped loudly and his pace quickened. His powerful thrusts driving my face into the comforter, as he worked my hole for release.

Jim buried himself to the hilt and let out a primal roar, Oh shit, I'm cumming!"

I felt his cock swell inside me, as he unleashed a torrent of cum inside me. In three large spurts my lover's seed flooded my guts.

The feeling of Jim breeding my pussy pushed me into the third orgasm for the night.

We both collapsed into a mess of naked bodies and spent sexual fluids. My brain was still spinning with post coitus bliss.

Then I heard someone clapping ...

I flipped around to look and see where the sound was coming from. To my horror there was my wife, sitting in the chair beside our bed. She smiled at me and laughed, " quite a performance Barbie, you've become quite the sissy slut."

I scrambled for the covers and pillows trying to hide my shame from my wife. Anne belly laughed as I tried to cover myself. "Oh honey, don't try to be modest now."


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