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Barstow - Another Road Trip! Pt. 05

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Going home, our foursome stumbles into a porno shoot.
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Having departed their fine hotel in Gainesville, the Albertsons and Fosters are back on the road, Steve now pointing their big SUV in the general direction of home. The "fourple" has been away for eight days at this point, having driven to the tip of Florida to enjoy the last wisps of summer so Emily and Cyan could show off their all-over tans to appreciative beach audiences. Em and her husband Jackson are shortly to start new jobs, so their fleeting weeks of involuntary leisure are coming to a close.

True to the swinger lifestyles that brought them together in the first place, every night of their vacation so far has been has been in the company of new playtime friends. The highlight of their trip was a three-night stay at Rooftop Resort, a swinger hotel in the Miami area. It was there they met and played with the executive manager of the hotel, forming loving bonds with her and her roommate. Given everything that transpired and the depths of the relationships established, the foursome may well become a six-some at some point in the not-distant future.

But we're getting ahead of ourselves here.

"We sure were burning the candle at both ends last night, weren't we?" Cyan poses to the group. "Steve, you going to be okay with the drive?"

Emily chuckles, "We sure were. Is that a record for us? Three orgies in a day?"

Steve smirks, "Just two orgies, Em. Your picking up Rob at the pool for your fun was a simple pickup. Yeah, he may have done both of you, but that was pretty casual and in the moment. Cy? Yes, I'll be fine. We got to sleep-in late enough. Jackson can drive if I run out of steam. Besides..."

"Besides what, dear?" Cyan pushes back.

"We'll be mostly on minor two-lane highways. I'd like some backseat time with Em. Haven't had a chance to do that since Tennessee. We'll swap at lunch, Jax."

"Fine with me. Cyan?"

"You have to ask?" She pulls off her top and shorts and reaches to do the same to Jackson.

Glancing in the rearview, Steve rolls his eyes, "Like I said in the shower night before last, Cy, you two are always ready to fuck each other. Doesn't take much."

"Stevie?" Em giggles.

Steve glances to the co-pilot seat and chuckles, "Not you, too!"

Emily had surreptitiously stripped-off, as well. She's reaching for his zipper and belt.

"Jeans, lover? That's no fun."

"I'm running out of clothes, sweetie. All my shorts need washing."

"Project for tonight?"

"I guess. Just need two days' worth to get home. And, no, not a good idea. I do need to pay attention to driving."

"Aw. Sucking you on the road is fun!"

"Too much traffic. This isn't the desert."

"Steve?" Cyan calls from the backseat. "You hear anything from Anna today?"

"Yep. All's cool at home. She said she invited Jillian and a couple of their friends over for hot tub time and an overnighter at the house. She passed their thanks to us. She mentioned the puppies were sort of starving for attention, so they appreciated the company."

"Oh? That's unusual. She normally doesn't have friends over."

"Gay Pride rally in Springfield. I think the friends were from Chicago."

"Ah. Makes sense. Speaking of 'friends' at the house, we gotta talk about Penny and Alyssa."

"What's there to talk about?"

"I have a sneaking suspicion a visit might be setting the stage for something a little more enduring."

"How's that?"

"I'll answer that, Steven," Emily pipes in. "There was enough in our pillow talk with her to give me the impression she's ready to move on from Rooftop and even Miami. Her love for us is genuine, no doubt, but I think that might be influenced by a realization that there is something better out there. Us, for instance."

"Okay, I'll take that one step further. One of her unspoken motivations for not forming relationships with locals was not getting tied down there, yes?"

"Uh huh."

"Alright. That's Penny. What about Alyssa?"

"Duh. Aside from Pen and Lyss being a couple, she's in love with Jackson, and you forget that she sort of fell for you when we met her at Rick's. You didn't see that?"

"Just took it as friendly affections in the moment. Do you really think they're going to be happy living in the Snow Belt? That's going to be a real shock to their systems."

"If this plays-out as we suspect, we're going to have to hammer on that pretty hard."

"Like I said this morning, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. I do have a thought about it, though."

"What's that?"

"The cottage. Jax and I should be done with the renovations by mid-November. Right, Jax?"

"Yeah, that's about right."

"Let's not be in a big hurry to sell it. Keep it in reserve in case Pen and Lyss do as we think might happen, okay? Even if it's long-term temporary."

"Not a bad idea, Steven," Cyan confirms. "Putting them up there would be good. Three couples in our house would be too much. Anything else we need to do?"

"Not really. Cottage was already in our game plan. I certainly don't want to commit to anything specifically to accommodate them. It's all hunch and conjecture at this point."

"Good enough. Jax? Fuck me."

Everybody laughs. Emily reaches over again, this time to rest her hand on Steve's leg. He takes the cue to hold hands with her.

"Sweetie?" Steve prompts.


"Put your top on at least. You can be seen through the windshield."


"And guys?" Steve calls to the backseat, too.

"What? We're busy!" Cyan complains.

"Seriously. When we get close to the state line everybody will need to be dressed. Cops in these Deep South states tend to be full of themselves. We need to be decent in the instance somebody has a hair up their butt about out-of-staters and pulls us over. I told you about our problems with two-lane roads in Mississippi. I would not be surprised if we ran into something similar in Alabama."

"Oh. We'll behave. You, too, Em!" which elicits a giggle from the front seat.


"Okay, guys. Here we are," as Steve pulls the SUV into the hotel portico for check-in. He assumed driving duty from Jackson after the last gas stop.

"This isn't a Hilton," Cyan stating the obvious. "But it does look an awful lot like someplace we've stayed before."

"Well, it is in the Hilton chain, so I can use points. And the hotel you're thinking about is in St. Charles. You know, that trains convention we used to go to. Same franchise, same concept."

"Oh, okay. Big atrium, right?"

"Right. Where the screaming children love to hear their voices echo."

"Shit. I hate that. Why'd you pick this one?"

"Wasn't happy about it, but the hotels here in Birmingham seem to be weird. I had a helluva time finding something on their smartphone websites, and those I did find had other stuff we don't like. Gawd. At one place that promoted their "lively bar" on the home page, it fuckin' closed at eight! Really? This one was at least halfway familiar, and had some things that appealed to us."

"I'll take your word for it."

"Oh. Two doubles. Sorry guys. Two king rooms would have been nearly $700, and they apparently don't do queens at all.

"That's really strange, Steve," Jax smirks.

"Yes it is. I think it's a sneaky way to discourage two couples in one room. Anyway, girls? Are your short dresses clean enough to wear again?"

"Yeah," Em answers. "Why? Normal bar teasing?"

"A little different here. They host some manner of free 'reception' with wine and so on. It might do us some good for you two to be extra leggy at this ersatz party. Anyway, let's unload and check in so I can park the car."

Everybody is up in their room now, taking turns freshening-up to make an appearance at the reception.

"It seemed like a small but animated crowd when we passed through the lobby, Steve," Cyan informs. "Think we'll have any luck?"

"I dunno. There's always the bar. It's open 'til midnight. Gawd, it was sure hard finding a hotel with a late bar."

"Liquor laws?" Em conjectures. "The South and all that?"

"You're probably right. They still have dry counties down here. If you know the whole picture, it's all a bunch of hooey - hypocritical anachronisms," he grumbles. "Anyway. Ready?"

They step out to the atrium walkway. Waiting in front of the elevator, the breeze from the car movement lifts Emily's skirt as the doors open.

Steve chuckles, "Perfect!"

"What's that?"

"Your dress. Full ass."

"Yep. I've learned to suppress the reflex to catch it. It's fun."

Cyan grins and shakes her head. Jax just grins.

Exiting the elevator in the lobby, there's another breeze as the car zooms back up and away. Steve is holding back a belly laugh as both Em's and Cy's skirts flip up to their navels for full views of pussy.

"Steeeeeeeven," Cyan scolds. But only for a few seconds as her frown quickly morphs into the suppressed laughter she shares with the rest of them.

"Think anybody noticed?" Jax quietly muses.

Steve scans the area where the reception is being held. "I see three guys looking this way with big grins, so yeah, they noticed."

Em giggles, "Good. Nice icebreaker. Let's join 'em."

"Join who?" Jackson asks.

"The guys who noticed. I'll take the one on the left. Cy?"

"Middle guy is interesting. But I'll double my chances and take a spot to the right. You gonna turn it on?"

"That's the plan."

Steve and Jax roll their eyes. Steve challenges Em, "Didn't you get enough yesterday, girlie?"

"Can't pass on this opportunity, lover. Way too easy. You can watch us fuck."

She sticks her tongue out at him. All Steve can do with that is smirk and shake his head at her.

The fourple saunter over to the crowd and strike up a conversation with the three voyeurs.

"Nice show," the guy on the left chuckles.

"You think so?" Em stands close enough by his side to be within arms' reach. He does not flinch, and a hand slowly wanders to her skirt, and then under to cup a naked butt cheek.

"(Oh. Okay,)" Em whispers and giggles in response to the touch. "(How big is your cock? I have standards.)"

The hand is quickly withdrawn. "You're certainly the cheeky one. No pun."

"Yeah, right. Your answer?"

"Big enough."

"You have a lady for my lover?"

"Unfortunately I don't."

"Then find one. I can wait. Unless somebody else comes along who does."

Em withdraws and hangs on Steve's shoulder to underscore her point.

"Bill?" he addresses the guy next to him.

"Yeah? You get turned down?" he chuckles. "That was a little rude, you know."

"Maybe, but she seems open to something. You see Angie or Lisa anywhere?"


"She won't fuck me unless I find someone for him."

"Wild. The other girl seems to be working on Tony. But she has a guy, too. Oops. There they go."

Cyan and Jackson are escorting the third guy -- apparently "Tony" -- up to their room. Steve looks up to watch them travel up in the glass elevator. Uh huh. "Tony" has lifted Cyan's skirt and is already fucking her. Bad Cyan. Bad. But this is not the first time she's done that; she has a thing for elevator sex. Steve chuckles to himself.

"That was quick," "Bill" tells the first guy. "Okay, I see Lisa. Let me see what she's up to. I don't think she plays around on these convention trips, so probably will be a dead end."

"Thanks for trying."

Emily has downed her wine and asked Steve to fetch another for her. She sends him off with a kiss, and he returns in just a couple of minutes, having also stopped for a plate of canapés. In those two minutes, not one, but two trim thirty-something ladies are now chatting with Emily.

"Sweetie?" Em addresses Steve. "This is Lisa and Angie. Guys? This is my forever lover, Steve."

"Hi," Lisa offers her hand. "Emily here has made a proposition. You certainly appear to be somebody who could back that up."

Angie subtly nods and also goes for a light handshake.

"Em?" Steve asks. "Just what did you tell them?"

"That you're a super fuck."

"Really? Like that?"

"Well you are. Girls sometimes talk that way to each other when guys aren't listening."

"What happened to the guy?"

"He wandered off. So did the other guy."

"You mean?"

"Uh huh. You get all three of us."

"Stuck in the car with you all day, and this is my reward?" Steve mock-smirks.

Em laughs and slaps at him. "Let's go!"

Smiling, Steve makes it clear, "Ladies, my partner and my other lover have one of your work associates up in our room. You are welcome to play with us there, or if you're more comfortable, we can certainly go with you."

Angie whispers something in Lisa's ear.

"Oh. You're right," Lisa answers Angie. "My room. We think they're with Tony. We don't want him in on this."

"Well, certainly. We'll follow you."

The atrium elevator has returned to the lobby floor, and Steve, Em and the two ladies step in.

Emily leans against the glass, facing out into the big room with arms raised, "Do it, Steven! Now!" Emily commands. Steve follows her order and quickly snatches her dress up and off of her.

Angie and Lisa sharply inhale and then start to giggle.

"You guys are nuts!" Angie manages to blurt out. "Gawd, she looks so good!"

"Looks tasty, too" Lisa is smacking her lips.

The elevator stops at their floor and Lisa grabs the naked Emily for the run to her room.

Steve and Angie catch up with them. Steve chuckles to Em, "Jackpot, girlfriend!"

Lisa and Angie laugh at Steve's remark, and Angie shakes her head at him, "How could you possibly know we were bi?"

"Easy. You responded not to a request from me, but a request from her, even if it was to procure for me. Straight girls wouldn't do that. Double the fun, right?"

"Gawd, Emily. Where did you find this guy? How good is he with cunni?"

"You're about to find out. Now get those clothes off and let's fuck!"

An interruption... Steve's phone dings with a text from Cyan.

"I have to get this. It's from the others." He reads the message. "Ohgawd, guys. Did you two know that Tony is bi? He just sucked off my partner!"

Angie laughs, "He's mostly gay. That's what I whispered to Lisa. But he'll get it up for the right woman. Your other lady certainly qualifies. He's into beauty."

Steve chuckles, "Well that's fun. Yeah, he was certainly 'into' her on their elevator ride up, or did you see that? But let's get it on, guys. Angie? I'll take you first. Em gets Lisa. Or is it the other way around?"

"Fuck first?" Angie giggles.

"Nope. I'm goin' down!"

Everybody laughs.


Em and Steve depart from Lisa's room wearing big grins, having left both Lisa and Angie breathless in their multiple orgasms. Steve is texting Cyan a heads-up that he and Em are on their way back to the fourple's room.

"He's gone," is the terse comeback.

"I don't know exactly what that means, Em. 'He's gone.'"

"What's that?"

"Tony, I guess. No details."

"I guess we'll find out in a few seconds."

Steve and Em find the door ajar for them, held open with the security latch. Cyan is still naked, but Jackson is getting dressed.

"Alright guys," Steve starts his inquiry. "What happened? Last I knew, Tony was fucking Cy in the elevator, and Cy's text about him blowing Jax."

Cyan answers, "Short version is that he tried to buttfuck Jackson after sucking him off."

"Uh oh. I guess..."

"It turned into a wrestling match. He tried to pin Jax down on the bed to rape him."


"I threw his clothes out into the hallway and Jax and I managed to stand him up enough to push him out."

"Ah. So that was the door slam we heard a while ago. The whole building shook."

"Uh huh."

"You shouldn't have left the door unlatched for us just now. I had a keycard."

"I could sure use a drink," Jackson frowns.

"You really want to risk the bar after that? What if he and his buds are down there? I don't like the three on two odds."

"We got the definite impression that his work friends don't know he's gay. Self-solving problem."

"The girls we had knew it."

"That's girls. Their gaydar is so much better than what the typical guy has."

"Why didn't you catch it? You're no beginner with that."

"His doing Cy in the elevator threw me off. At that point I was figuring on a two-on-one straight fuck. Maybe even a spitroast."

Cy nods.

"Oh, that's certainly understandable. Guys? Let's go with Jax down to the bar. Teamwork time."

"Thanks, buddy." Jax reaches to Steve for a gentle kiss.

Cyan and Emily change into pants and tops in deference to "turning it off" to defend their men, just in case. They leave the room and step into the elevator for the ride down to the lobby and bar level.

It's about ten o'clock and the crowd at the bar is light. They don't see either the trio of voyeurs who started it all, nor the two ladies who entertained Emily and Steven. The foursome finds a bar table and pull-up places to sit. Emily volunteers to fetch their drinks.

However, out of the corner of his eye Steve catches Angie approaching their table. She addresses him.

"We got the impression you guys had a falling out with Tony."

"No kidding. He tried to rape my guy here. We don't do that, and he knew it up front. Right, dear?"

Cyan nods again.

"You don't have to worry about it. He started to spout off when he figured out you and Em were with us. We reminded him that the other guys do not know he's gay, and that he'd better keep his trap shut. This is Alabama, after all."

"That was apparent," Jax replies. "We suspected we could use that against him if he wanted to get into it with us down here. So thank you. We were told you and your friend had a pretty good time with my lovers here."

"Fuckin' A we sure did!" Angie grins, glancing to Emily as she nears the table with their drinks. "Lisa and I were sort of maybe looking for an encore. It seems that the four of you are one big love machine."

Steve laughs, "Thanks for the earworm, Ange!"

She chuckles.

Lisa walks up to join them, "And I'd like to fuck your other guy. Steve, you're insane. To think there are two of you like that? I gotta at least have a test drive with 'im."

"Guys? What do you think?" Steve proposes.

Cyan quickly answers, "I think they need to join us in drinks here first. Either of you up for picking up another guy for our little party? You're dressed for it. Love the zipper-slit skirt, Lisa. Undo it all the way up for me."

Lisa laughs and gives-in to Cy's request.

"Good. No panties. At least I don't see any."

"We came prepared," Lisa grins back.

"Now that's the kind of leg that gets the guys. Go get one."

Lisa and Angie and the rest of 'em laugh as Lisa steps over to the bar counter to chat-up an attractive guy she expects to be interested.

"Do I need to?" Angie asks Steve, with a wry grin.

"No, unless you really want to. Three and four are fun enough. Jax and I can protect you guys against one if it came down to that. We don't want a repeat."

"Oo! You think of everything!" Angie leans in to kiss Steve.

"Not our first rodeo," Em quips.

"Definitely get that impression. Gawd. You and Steve were fantastic!"

Lisa has returned with a gentleman in tow, a drink in his hand. "This is Ben. He's interested in our party."

"Hi," Ben confirms in a deep, comforting voice, like an FM radio announcer's. "And you are?"

"Angie." "Steve." "Cyan." "Emily." "Jackson."

"Nice to meet y'all. What's the plan?"

"I'd like to go for another round, guys," Jax requests. "Then we can take it upstairs, maybe?"

Nodding heads confirm his sentiment. Em steps to the bar for refills.

"Ben?" Steve prompts. "You're going to have to bear with us. We're a little straightforward about our intimacies. You'll be hearing us say things that might not be appropriate in most social situations."

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