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Becoming Free Use Ch. 03

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Mary and Jacob are found out but not deterred.
5.8k words

Part 3 of the 7 part series

Updated 08/21/2023
Created 08/15/2023
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All characters are at least eighteen years old. This chapter contains scenes of consensual sex between siblings.


Days went by and both brother and sister remained on their best behavior around their parents. Finally, a day came when they could sit and speak to each other in privacy with enough time to settle any issues that may have arisen from their erotic activities to date.

"I gave you everything I could ever give a man, Jacob," she said in a serious tone.

Her brother thought she was angry with him with the tone of her voice. He hesitated in his response.

"I want to talk to you about our future," she told him.

"I think we should," he responded with a degree of trepidation.

"I loved that it was you who took my virginity, Jacob. I'll never trust another man more than I trust you, but you cannot be my lifelong partner."

"I get that," he said.

"I've thought about this a lot, and I've decided that as long as we remain single, I'm available to you."

Jacob heard what she said and decided he needed confirmation of her intention.

"You mean that provided I don't have a girlfriend and you don't have a boyfriend that we can have sex as long as we like?"

She nodded before answering, "Yes. I love having sex with you, but I won't do it as long as either of us is involved with another person. It's not fair."

"I can agree to that," he told her. He thought for a moment and added, "Well, you're not dating anyone and I'm also not dating anyone. Wanna do it again?"

Mary shoved her brother gently while trying to hide her desire to fuck him again. When he recovered, he looked at her as if waiting for a response to the same question.

"You're serious?" she asked.

"Yeah," he told her, "Let's go to the bathroom and have a quickie."

She considered the proposition for a moment and agreed.

"Let's go," she told him. "I'm guessing you didn't get condoms?"

Jacob shook his head and told her he forgot but would go out and get some before the next time. She made him promise he would stick to his word; saying she would never again let him inside her without one. He quickly agreed.

"I'm serious, Jacob. I said that last time and you didn't do it. I'm only letting you fuck me again without one because you can't just go get one now and get home with enough time to do it."

"I know, I promise you I will go get one," he told her.

She heard the sincerity in his voice and curled her finger at him, summoning him to follow her. They went to the bathroom together and he put her between himself and the sink. She lowered her shorts and panties, giving him access to her pussy from behind.

"This is a new position for us," she said as she wiggled her ass, "do you remember what to do and what hole to put it in?"

Jacob smiled widely and joked, "It's the small, tight one, right?"

She looked at him with a fake scowl and pushed her ass back at him without realizing he was already aligned with her hole. He entered her quickly, surprising them both. She yelped and he pushed deeper inside her instinctually. They paused for a moment for them both to enjoy the initial penetration.

"It seems you were already wet for me," he said, noting how quickly he entered her.

"I love your dick, Jacob. I don't know if there will ever be a time that I won't be wet for you."

Her words turned him on more than she knew. He grabbed her hips and went to work on her. She loved feeling him drive in and out of her. That feeling was a very close second place to the feeling of his strong hands controlling her. She felt like he was using his strength to control her and keep her there until he was done. She felt like she was his bitch and she loved giving herself to him.

"Stop for a second, Jacob. Be all the way inside me."

He looked into her eyes through the mirror, and she looked into his.

"I'm serious about being yours, Jacob. Whenever you want me, you take me. It doesn't matter what I'm doing."

"Yeah?" he asked curiously.

She rocked herself back and forth as she answered him.

"Yeah, I like this, and I like how you make me feel while you fuck me. I'll be your bitch and my pussy is yours until it belongs to someone else." She continued moving slowly back and forth. "If you find me laying on my bed, pull my pants down and slid that cock in me. Am I doing dishes while you're horny? Push my shorts down, kick my legs apart and slide that cock of yours in my pussy."

She maintained eye contact with her brother as she covered just a few of the scenarios where he should feel free to put his cock in her for his pleasure. She reminded him of one detail.

"I expect you to provide me the opportunity to cum, though."

He smirked at his sister and took hold of her hip with one hand and put his other on her shoulder, tightening his grip on her with both hands. Several quick and long strokes later, he pulled out and shot his load on her ass. She quickly turned around and addressed her brother again.

"Next time you come to me, have condoms. I want to experience the closest thing to you cumming inside me as we dare get, okay?" She took his hand and placed it over her mound. "No condom, no sex."

He leaned in close, kissed her lips and told her he would go right then and get some.

"Trying for another quickie later?" she asked as she jabbed him in the ribs.

"No, but as soon as Mom and Dad leave tomorrow, I'm coming to your room."

"I'll be ready," she told him with a wink. "Now get outta here so I can clean up the mess you left on me."

True to his word, he went out that afternoon and got a box of condoms. He used the limited information he got from the sex education classes when they were in school to find condoms he thought would fit. The very next morning, Jacob waited until his parents had gone to work for the day and went to his sister's room.

When he arrived, he found her already naked and stretched out on her bed waiting for him. She didn't need to ask him if he came prepared. He showed her the package and stripped out of his clothes as he made his way to her bed.

"We'll put that on in a bit," she told him. "I want to suck your dick but don't cum, alright?"

"Uh, okay," he agreed.

"Seriously! And I don't mean not to cum in my mouth. I mean don't cum at all. Just tell me when you're close and I'll stop."

She patted the space next to her and when he laid down, she went straight to work. She practiced every aspect of her craft on her brother. She listened to his moans and his breathing to learn all she could. She was intense in her desire to learn how to be a great lover for her sibling at that moment and her husband later.

"How is it?" she asked, needing to ensure she was reading everything correctly.

He did the same when he went down on his sister. They had always communicated well and through their sexual journey together, their developed communication skills allowed them to learn more about each other faster than most could ever hope for.

"I'm gonna cum if you keep doing that," he finally told his sister.

"Well, let's not keep it up, then, yeah? I want you inside me now," she told him.

She snatched the condom and went to tear it open. Jacob stopped her and warned her to be careful with the packet so that she didn't destroy the product inside. Together, they refamiliarized themselves with how to put the condom on. They got down to business and when he was ready, she climbed on top of him and eased herself onto her brother's cock.

"Put your hands on my butt and squeeze it while I ride you," she said, taking his hands and putting them where she suggested.

She moved slowly as she rode him.

"Will you cum soon?" she asked.

"I don't know, actually. I've never worn a condom before and I'll be honest, I don't like it."

She rested on him, leaving him buried inside her.

"I know it's not ideal, but it's important to me, okay? It should be important to you, too," she said.

He playfully slapped her ass and gripped each cheek as he resumed what they started. He was surprised after only a few minutes that he was going to cum. She could tell by his increased speed and tighter grip on her ass that he was close.

"Fuck me harder, Jacob, and cum deep in my pussy," she begged.

She repeated those two words over and over.

"Fuck me."

As she bounced on his cock, drawing him closer to cumming, her pleas became weaker and weaker until she was just mouthing the words. Finally, she felt a sudden thrust into her and knew her brother was cumming.

"Oh, fuck!" she cried loudly, "I'm also cumming!"

When Jacob's cum had filled the condom, Mary glided back and forth, until her body began to shake.

"Fuck me again," she grunted, "fuck me again!"

He did the best he could while she shook nearly uncontrollably on top of him. He held her tightly as she came down from her orgasm. They both breathed heavily and held each other until they were ready to get cleaned up. Mary moaned softly into her brother's ear, repeatedly telling him how much she loved him and how much she loved being his lover. His hands roamed over her body as he whispered to her how much he enjoyed the trust she had in him and how appreciative he was that she decided he was worthy of being the first man she deemed worthy of giving all of herself to.


That was the first day of their new routine. It started hot and heavy. Every morning, she would climb into her brother's bed. Their morning session was passionate and fun. The afternoons became a game for Mary. She would try to guess when her brother would come to her with his cock out. She always kept her end of the bargain and dropped whatever she was doing along with her panties and let her brother fuck her.

Jacob also made their afternoon sessions into a little game. He would wait until she was in a new place before coming up behind her and making her his for the moment. They ended up fucking in every corner of every room in their house. Sometimes, Jacob would lift his sister up and bring her to a new or favorite place.

Once a week, they would go out together for lunch and their weekly condom purchase. They would sometimes find a place out in the world where they could have a quickie. The restroom of a fast food place, the back of their car or behind the local library were some of their favorite spots. The newness of their intimate life brought about their exhibitionism, but they eventually decided that they preferred the comfort of sex at home. They would run out if they needed to then dart back home for fun in bed.

Jacob enjoyed knowing he could get sex whenever he wanted. Mary was pleased to be the hole for her brother's cock. She knew it was degrading for her to categorize herself that way but loved filling that role. She also knew through their many talks about the subject that she regarded her brother as the living rod she could mount when she wanted it. She often joked that he was the dildo she never needed to buy.

The couple developed a routine that suited them both just fine.

They would get aggravated if that routine was interrupted. To minimize that possibility, they picked up jobs at the same place. They let their social lives dwindle naturally as their circle of friends headed out into the world to pursue their dreams. They gave each other everything they needed both physically and emotionally and saw no reason to actively search for romantic love and force themselves to endure the added stress of that. They knew it was a lazy approach to living, but they felt that for the time being, they had everything they needed and more.

The twins eventually became complacent in their bedroom behaviors. One Saturday morning, their mother drifted into Jacob's bedroom to look for a charging cable for her phone. He routinely took the one she would leave in the kitchen, and she always knew it was him. She found the cable in his room and as she was about to turn and leave, something drew her attention to the floor next to the bed.

She picked up a wrapper from the floor and immediately identified what it was. She snickered at first, thinking her son was simply experimenting with condoms but then wondered if he had been having girls over while they were away. She took note of the situation and made a mental note to mention what she found to Mark.

That night, when they were getting into bed, she mentioned the discovery of the condom wrapper to her husband, Mark. He dismissed it as the usual curiosity and experimentation. When his wife suggested that their son might be having sex in their house while they were gone, his only response was to dismiss that notion as well.

"The kids are eighteen, babe. The fact that he's using condoms or will be makes me feel we did something right. I honestly don't care if he's having sex in the house so long as he does it when we're not here."

She didn't wholly agree with her husband on the matter, but let it go. She was determined to mention what she found to her son and ask that he be more careful. The next morning, she did just that and considered the matter closed. Jacob panicked and confronted his sister as soon as he could do it privately. The next day they were alone and after their routine morning sex, Jacob mentioned it to her.

"Mom found a condom wrapper in here next to the bed. She didn't say anything about it except that I need to make sure I don't leave stuff like that laying around."

"Oh, shit," Mary whispered.

"Yeah, we need to be more careful about this or we need to stop."

Mary snuggled closer to her brother and told her she would be more careful.

"I don't want to stop, I like what we have, Jacob."

"Yeah, me too," he told her.

That same afternoon, Jacob cornered his sister in the kitchen and bent her over the counter.

"I love being able to fuck you whenever I want," he told her as he removed the condom from the wrapper. He placed the empty wrapper on the counter and positioned his cock to enter his sister's pussy. "I wanted to get this one in before they got home."

"Yeah, I was beginning to think you were losing interest in me."

"Hell no," Jacob told her as he pushed in.

"Good!" she moaned, "Now, fuck me good and hard."

Jacob was in it for the orgasm that time. A quick fuck and he would be on his way. The quickie turned out to be anything but quick. They both fell in sync with each other and went slower than usual. He stood behind his sister, one hand on her hip and the other wrapped around her, under her shirt and over one of her tits. He was slow and careless.

They stood in the kitchen. Her hands gripped the edge of the counter. Her shorts and panties were at her knees. Jacob's pants were at his ankles. She was pusher her bare ass back at him as he thrust into her. The faint sounds of skin slapping against skin filled the air in the room. Jacob was lost as he watched his cock disappear into her pussy and reappear coated with her juices. Mary was listening to everything in her quest to learn all she could.

The front door slammed shut and the twins panicked.

"Fuck!" Mary hissed as she shoved her brother out of her and pulled up her panties.

Jacob fixed his clothing and both of them walked nervously out of the kitchen, passing their mother on their way to their rooms. As soon as Jacob got to his room, he suddenly remembered the condom wrapper he left on the counter.

"God damnit!" he whispered. He repeated that sentiment over and over until he made it to the kitchen where his mother stood. The wrapper was in her hand already as she approached him angrily.

"There're no excuses you can tell me now that I will believe. You can either go to your room or you can leave my house this instant!"

Jacob went to protest but she held the wrapper up to his face and through gritted teeth said, "Pick one and do it right now!"

Defeated, he chose to leave. She nearly chased him down to beg him to stay but she knew she needed him to leave before she spoke with her daughter. She seethed over the idea of what she knew had taken place in the kitchen. She calmed herself through slow breathing exercises and resolved to deal with the situation like a mature adult speaking to another adult.

"They're my children, but they're also adults and I need to remember to treat them that way," she said out loud to herself. "I have no idea what to do."

She left a note for her husband to come talk to her before he did anything else. In the meantime, she walked nervously to her daughter's room without knowing how to approach her given what she had discovered.

"Come in," Mary announced after she heard the knock at the door.

She hoped it was her brother coming to tell her everything was okay but when her mother walked in, her heart sunk, and she knew it was going to be a long night. She had a good idea of what had already taken place since she knew how her parents worked together. Her father would approach Jacob and her mother would sit with her to work out the solution to a problem. It's how it had always been. She no doubt knew her mother would see everything they were doing as a serious problem.

She watched her mother toss the opened condom wrapper onto the bed and she cursed herself for being lazy in so many ways about the sex they never finished that afternoon. She was especially angry with herself for making another mistake the same day she promised her brother she would be more careful after he suggested they do just that or stop entirely.

"You know," her mother started before pulling up a chair and sitting in it next to the bed. "I thought Jacob was just experimenting with these. He lied to me and told me as much. Not even a week later and I come to learn something much worse."

She waited for her daughter to say anything at all and when she didn't, she continued.

"I'll tell you what I think was happening when I walked into this house and we'll go from there, is that fair?"

Mary nodded and pulled the oversized pillow on her bed close to her and held onto it tightly.

"My heart wants to believe that you two were toying with these in his room last week and then again today out of natural curiosity. My mind tells me a story that is more likely true based on what I saw. Were you and your brother experimenting with sex?"

Mary nodded again, hiding most of her face behind the large pillow but maintaining firm eye contact with her mother.

"So, you've had sex with each other?"

Mary nodded yet again.

"Were you having sex when I walked into the house today?"

Mary just stared at her mother, not wanting to answer. Her wide eyes and her refusal to deny the accusation told her everything she needed to know.

Her mother took a deep breath and exhaled loudly.

"Well then," she said, crossing her legs, "you're going to tell me how that..."

Just as she was about to tell her daughter to spill the entire story of how it all came to pass, her husband knocked on the door. Just after knocking, he poked his head in and took a look around. Looking at his daughter's defensive position and his wife's motherly pose, he had an idea of what may have happened.

"I'll go find out from Jacob," he huffed and closed the door behind him.

"Thank you!" his wife announced loudly.

Mary didn't wait for her mother to ask her again and started from the beginning. As she laid out the timeline of events, her father had already gotten back into his car and went down to the convenience store a few blocks over. He asked the clerk if a young man had come to buy some beer and showed him a picture of his son.

The clerk confirmed that Jacob had been there not more than an hour beforehand and bought a six pack. His father bought himself some of the same beer and went to an overlook at the top of the tall hill nearby. He showed his son the spot when Jacob turned eighteen and they spent the night with beer and cigars as his father gave him the same talk that he got from his own father about being a man and what that meant. Sure enough, he found his son sitting on the hood of his car.


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