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Becoming Free Use Ch. 04

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Mother and daughter come to an understanding.
7.1k words

Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 08/21/2023
Created 08/15/2023
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All characters are at least eighteen years old. This chapter depicts scenes of limited mother and daughter masturbation and consensual sexual acts between siblings.


The following weekend, Mark and Jacob went on a day long fishing trip. They planned to leave very early in the morning. Jane got up and prepared their travel breakfast and lunches for the boat and packed their cooler for them. She saw them out and waited for her daughter to wake up and arrive in the kitchen.

"Hey, Mom," Mary said, shuffling her feet as she walked into the kitchen.

"Hi, my lovely, let me make you some breakfast. I want to kind of continue our talk from the other day. I realized that I was so intent on knowing if you were doing what I suspected and telling you how I felt about it, but I never got to really understand why you did it."

"Moooooom," Mary mewled.

"The boys are gone, and I just have some questions is all."

"Okay, fine."

"You said is started with just you two masturbating together?"

"Yep. Just like I mentioned," Mary stated bluntly with a hint of annoyance.

"Okay, smarty pants, but what led to that?"

She repeated the story of how they ended up in her brother's bed getting themselves off but added more detail for clarity.

"That was as far as you intended to go at that time, right?" her mother asked, still focusing on making breakfast.

"Yeah, I knew what he was doing in his room after our talk out there," she said, using her thumb to point to where it all started, "and since we were on the same playing field, and I was a little worked up myself, I thought maybe we could figure out sex together."

"You said he originally approached you about taking the final leap, so to speak?"

"Yeah," she started, recalling how disappointed she initially felt after him asking her, "but I think he did it with the same spirit in mind."

"Oh, you thought he wanted sex as just the natural step in learning?"

"You could say that. In fact, yeah, I guess I would put it that way. I ended up letting him cu—", she said before correcting herself, "ejaculate on me instead of on himself. He seemed to like that."

"You can say cum, Mary. I know what it means."

"I'm trying here, Mom, but this is a little weird for me."

"This is a little weird but," her mother began but Mary knew exactly where she fucked up.

"Stop! I know! I already know how dumb what I was about to say was."

She paused for a minute.

"I let him roll to his side and cum on my stomach. It was sort of a negotiating tactic where I told him what he was going to do and left him no other choice. Sex wasn't on the table for me just then."

Her mother finished the meal preparation and brough the two bowls to the table. Mary's face lit up when she saw the bowl filled with hash browns, sausages, and scrambled eggs.

"Well, you sure know how to butter me up," Mary told her mother.

"I know!" she told her daughter happily.

"So, yeah, it was after he left my room after cumming on me that I realized what we'd just done and why taking the final step didn't feel like it was going to be the big leap I thought it would be."

"Okay, but did the fact that you were brother and sister ever cause you to think twice about taking that step?"

Mary finished chewing what she had in her mouth but furled her brow and nodded quickly. She was so quick to answer that she began before her mouth was empty.

"Oh yeah, I knew. He knew, too. We also knew that neither of you would approve. We didn't care, though. We were horny eighteen-year-olds, Mom. We wanted sex but not the hassle that came with it out in the world. Boyfriends and girlfriends are needy and we're trying to get out in the world where the stress is. Why bring some of it with us, ya know?"


"Huh?" Mary asked, confused.

"You were horny?"

"Well, I guess we both still are, but we know how you feel and decided to stop," she lied.

"So," Mary's mother said, drawing out her question with a long pause, "how was your first time?"

She considered her mother's question and decided she was genuinely curious about her daughter's first time. Mary decided she was going to continue referring to her brother during her response because she felt something about her mother to be off that morning.

"Jacob was a true gentleman. I cannot imagine another man treating me the way he did."

She watched her mother's reactions carefully.

"I was nervous about giving myself to him, so I blindfolded him and then undressed. When I was ready, I told him to take it off and look at me. He told me I was beautiful, and I nearly melted right there. So, there I was standing in front of my brother naked, and he didn't ogle me like I expected. He took in the entire picture of me if that makes sense. I helped him out of his clothes, and he was already hard."

Her mother shifted slightly in her chair but kept eating.

"That was the first time I ever gave a blowjob, too. I'll be honest with you, I'm not much for having cum in my mouth, but I wanted to give him a good first experience as well."

Her mother looked up and appeared to be in thought and blurted out, "I never minded when your father came in my mouth. It's just something we'd always done. It's also not as messy."

Her mother's eyes shifted to hers and they observed each other for a moment. Mary continued without comment.

"I told Jacob that I heard men changed after they came so I asked if he still wanted to have sex with me and he did. I nearly melted again when I told him to wait for me while I cleaned myself up and he declined saying he would help me."

"Oh, that was nice. What happened after that?" she asked, almost rushing the conversation.

"We went to my room and just did it. We talked openly about each step as it happened, but we naturally figured it out and I thought it was amazing."

Her mother's squirming seemed to intensify. Mary noticed and smirked internally. She knew her mother was getting worked up. She began to wonder if her mother just wanted to hear the story so she could live vicariously through her.

"When did you decide to just keep doing it? Did you talk about love and such or was it just physical?"

"We always confirmed the love we had for each other, but I suspected that he was developing something more romantic. I developed something else entirely. I knew then that I would never deny him my body. I don't know if there is a word for it, but I care enough for him that when he needs release, I will give it to him. This started partially because we are just horny, but also because we are safe being with each other. I wanted him to know that I will always be the safe one in his life."

"That's called love, Mary."

"I know, but it's something different, too!"

"What about a traditional relationship and marriage and kids."

Mary didn't want to answer it but was curious about her mother's reactions.

"At first our agreement was that we would be available to each other until one or both of us find a new partner that we believe has the potential for marriage. Until then, we would be there for each other."

Her mother caught her first words.

"At first?"

"Yeah, I decided that my body is his and he can use me whenever he wants. I know that sounds bad, but I never want to let him go. I want him to take me whenever he wants because I want to do that for him."

She said it so bluntly that her mother didn't quite get it at first and had to replay her statement in her head.

"So, in a situation where both of you are married and he decides one day he wants you, he can come find you and get what he wants from you?"

"Basically, yeah, as long as I am free to provide it that moment."

Her mother's eyes went back and forth slowly as she thought about such an arrangement.

"It still doesn't bother you that he's your brother?"

"Not in the slightest."

They stared at each other and eventually, her mother broke the awkward silence.

"Well, okay then. This wasn't exactly what I had in mind, but I think I understand the why in your actions. If you don't mind taking care of the dishes, I'll go shower and change. Maybe we can go out for lunch? The boys won't be home until dinner."

"Sure," Mary said with a smirk as she began to gather the dishes off the table.

She watched her mother leave and knew exactly what she intended to do before her shower. She quickly rinsed and tossed everything into the dishwasher and padded down the hall and waited next to her parents' bedroom door. She listened for any noise that would give away what her mother was doing and figured since she heard none, her mother was likely on her bed working toward an orgasm. She played that guessing game with her brother, and she was right and continued to read him right. She figured she was reading her mother correctly and knocked on the door before just walking in.

"Mary!" her mother exclaimed with mild annoyance.

"Oh," Mary said, standing oddly in the doorway.

Her mother was resting on her elbows with her robe still on, but clumsily closed. Mary knew what her mother was doing and proceeded almost like she did with her brother.

"You know," she said, walking to the opposite side of the bed as her mother, "this is almost exactly how is started with me and Jacob."

She plopped herself on the bed playfully and lay flat on the bed with her head rested on the pillow.

"I came into his room knowing the conversation we had got him worked up and I was right. Just like I'm right that you got worked up as I described how Jacob and I started having sex."

Mary hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her pajama bottoms and panties and pushed them down her legs.

"You know what else? I got myself worked up so, I want to join you."

She opened her legs slightly and let her hand roam down her body as she continued.

"What I'm not fairly confident about is what it was that turned you on," she admitted as she turned her head to look her mother in the eyes.

"I really can't stand how perceptive you are, ya know," her mother said.

"I know!" Mary said with some satisfaction, " Anyway, was it me describing the first time I had sex or was it me telling your how my brother fucked me for the first time?"

Mary's hand rested between her legs and her fingers began a series of light touches on her labia and clit. When her mother didn't respond, she prodded her further.

"Mom, this is the mindset I had with Jacob. Our relationship will never change because of anything we do together. You were masturbating because you're horny and I'm horny, too. Getting off together will be a fun little mom and daughter thing, ya know?"

"Are you bisexual?" her mother asked, not acknowledging anything her daughter said before.

"Not at all, but I think it's nice to be next to someone you love as you receive pleasure, even if it's from your own hand."

Mary went back to her thoughts as she masturbated next to her mother. Her mother continued resting on her elbows as she incredulously watched her daughter sexually gratify herself.

"This isn't going to make me change my mind about you having sex with your brother, you know," her mother informed her.

Mary turned her head and whispered, "You know, when we were getting off that time that he came on me, he was telling me that he had sometimes fantasized about fucking me."

She watched for her mother's tiniest reactions but saw nothing yet. She dipped a finger inside her pussy and began to tell her mother about it.

"He had already envisioned a scenario where he was inside me. He told me we were on our sides. I was facing away from him, but he had me pulled close to him. He was inside me and slowly moving in and out."

Her mother's hand slowly traced the contours of her breasts as her daughter told the story and fingered herself.

"I was so wet for him, but he commented how tight my hole was."

"Don't say it like that, Mary. It sounds dirty," her mother told her as she opened her robe and exposed a neatly trimmed mound. "You say something like he enjoyed how well you two fit together and how it felt like you were meant to be one."

"I like that. I think he said what he said because he didn't know what a woman felt like in his fantasies. He held me tightly as he moved in and out of me. He wasn't very good at telling a story, but the story he told was about love, not just fucking a random girl."

That got her mother's attention. She turned over to her side and closed her robe.

"Tell me in all the detail you can remember about the moment he first entered you," her mother told her.

"I was scared, Mom. Every second that transpired was more uncertain than the one before it. He was so careful and gentle with me. He made sure I was ready, and I made sure he was ready. Before he pushed inside me, he looked into my eyes. I don't think I moved or anything, but he knew to wait. It felt like a hidden animal instinct inside us was coming out and telling us what we should do. I finally nodded at him, and I felt him slowly fill me up."

"It's scary the first time. What did he say to you in those first few moments?"

"Why are you so interested in this?" Mary asked her mother, stopping her self-pleasure.

"Close your eyes and continue what you started. Tell me what he said to you," her mother repeated.

"He told me he would never hurt me. I believe him. When he was fully inside me, he kissed me and began moving back and forth. It was an incredible feeling. My finger isn't quite doing it for me like his dick does, but I'll manage."

Her mother leaned in closer, and whispered in her ear, "Keep going. Think about your brother taking you any which way he wants. Which way does he like best?"

"He likes to fuck me from behind when we don't have a lot of time. Otherwise, he'll either hold me close like in his fantasy or hover over me as he fucks me missionary style," Mary told her mother.

She was close to cumming when her mother leaned in closer.

"You want to fuck him again?" she whispered to her daughter.

"I want him so bad, Mom," she whimpered as her orgasm grew closer.

"I'm so fucking horny right now and when your father gets home, I'm going to fuck him as soon as I can get him in this room. His big cock is going to fill me up like Jacob's fills you. You want to feel his cock inside you again?"

"I want him to fuck me my whole life," she begged.

"Fuck him tonight while I have your dad. You'll have plenty of time. Feel his cock slide in and out of your wet pussy."

She watched her daughter struggle to get over the edge.

"Let him fuck you without a condom on, baby. Let him fill you with his cum. Feel his sperm splash into you."

"Shit!" Mary screamed as she felt an intense wave of pleasure coarse through her entire body.

"Cum, and cum hard, Mary."

"Mom," she grunted as she arched her back.

"Come down slowly," her mother instructed. "Release the tension in your body a little at a time."

She watched her daughter slowly recover from her orgasm and waited until she had mostly caught her breath.

"I meant what I said. All of it. Take a nap while I shower. We're going to get you on birth control and for tonight, we'll get you Plan B. Not a word of this gets to your father, you understand me? You convinced me. I'll work on him but that will take some time, I think."

Mary lay quietly in her mother's bed thinking about everything. Having permission to be intimate with her brother and knowing she will feel his cum fresh inside her made her excited. She watched her mother prepare her shower, get her after shower products ready, and take off her robe. She liked her mother's body and thought it would be what she was resemble when she was that age.

She had gotten so excited, she wanted to hurry up and leave. She got up and went to join her mother in the shower. She kicked off her pajama bottoms and panties that were already halfway down her legs and removed her shirt. She laid them on the bed and went to join her mother in the shower.

She's going to think I want her with as much time I'm spending around her when she's trying to be naked, Mary thought.

"Mom!" she said, entering the bathroom, "I'm coming to wash off with you quick. Let's hurry up, I want do go out and do more stuff!"

She hoped that would be enough for her mother to not think she was trying another avenue to get close to her mother while they were both nude.

"Mary, what—" her mother started as her daughter yanked open the glass door to the tiled shower.

"I just want to soap up and rinse off quickly and your water is already warm!"

She grabbed a body wash bottle and proceeded to talk as she soaped up.

"Besides, I practically saw you naked not too long ago and you clearly saw me naked so, what's the harm?"

Her mother turned to face her, exposing her entire body. Mary held eye contact with her, waiting for her to say something.

"You're sure you're not bisexual?" her mother asked.

"Well, there was that one time," Mary said, looking for a reaction from her mother. "No, Mom. I'm just comfortable with you. Besides, if I was, I'd probably be all over you. Now I know why you and dad fuck so much."

Her mother acted embarrassed and said, "We're not loud enough to hear, are we? We can't be!"

"Uh," Mary uttered, "I was just joking around. But it's cool. Jacob and I were doing it several times a day before y'all would get home. I wonder how many times a day it would be if we didn't have to hide it."

"Okay, let's stop talking about sex, okay? I am impatiently waiting for your father to come home and so are you. Can we just get cleaned up and go?"

"Sorry," Mary said in a defeated tone.

"Mary, it's just a lot to take in and I got surprisingly worked up earlier. Yes, I went to masturbate and yes, you interrupted me. It's fine, though. I will wait and just take out my frustrations on your father later."

"I'd hug you, but that might seem awkward, huh?"

Her mother laughed and said, "Yes and now you seem to be getting it. You're very loving and trusting and you don't always think about what you do before you do it." She gently slapped her daughter's butt and added, "Now, go get dressed. We have a lot to do, apparently."

They headed out shortly after and made several stops after lunch. Her mother stopped by the pharmacy and got Mary some birth control pills and Plan B. Before heading to their next destination, she repeated the deal they made. She clarified that their deal was good for that evening alone until told otherwise. She told her daughter that her father's position on their sexual relationship should always be considered as being against it unless her mother or father told them specifically that he had changed his mind.

"The Plan B is for tomorrow. The birth control is for safety later, understand? I'm going to tell your father that I took you to get this shortly after your birthday since that's when our deal ended, got it? Tomorrow morning, take the Plan B as soon as you get up unless the instructions tell you otherwise."

Mary understood and they headed to the department store. There, she picked out a provocative thong and bra combination to wear for her brother later that evening. She showed her mother and they both agreed the scant clothing was scandalously delicious with her mother adding that her husband would certainly appreciate her wearing that.

"So, can I get a bathing suit like this?" Mary asked, knowing what her mother was going to be.

"Don't push your luck, young lady," he mother replied sternly.

Mother and daughter arrived home and together they paced the house doing unimportant small tasks as they waited for the objects of their lust to arrive. Mary had already replaced her normal bra and panties with the lacey items she purchased earlier that day. As the time of their expected arrival came closer, her mother cornered her in the kitchen for one final warning.


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