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Click hereCONTENT WARNING: This story contains elements of incest, non-consent/reluctance, forced feminization, bondage, spanking and more. If you do not want to read these subjects, you have been warned.
In 1986, I spent my first summer out of college at my aunt and uncle's ranch in west Texas. I couldn't afford an apartment and my neglectful parents wouldn't let me come home, so I set course south to do God knows what.
Since I grew up in the city, I wasn't sure how I'd adjust to my extended family's lifestyle. My parents' attitude towards child rearing was also laissez faire, but from my scattered encounters with my aunt and uncle I knew they were stern.
The flat Texan desert was a dreary sight as my bus rolled into town, where my uncle was waiting in his truck to pick me up.
"You've barely grown since I last saw you," he greeted gruffly. I tried not to wince as he obliterated my hand.
"Haha.... yeah. Hey, Uncle Jack."
I was pretty scrawny at 5'6" 130 lbs and felt like a total pipsqueak next to my hulking uncle, who must've stood 6'4" 230 lbs.
"That's Sir to you, boy, if you're gonna be workin' for me."
"Oh... Sorry, Sir..."
"Get in the truck now, we ain't got all day. Betty's cookin' my favorite and I wanna get it while it's hot."
We jumped in and Uncle Jack steered toward the road.
"So... What am I gonna be doing this summer?" I asked after a few minutes.
"Well, I thought you were gonna work with me and the boys on the ranch, but seein' you now I'm not sure you can keep up. Didn't expect such a pansy, to be honest, but I shoulda known better. Damn city boys."
I blushed like fire at his insult and shamefully stuttered, "n-no Unc... I can keep up. Don't worry..."
"We'll see, boy. We'll see. With that long hair of yours, you might just be better suited for the kitchen with Betty! Hehehe."
He slapped his knee then twirled my locks with his long, thick finger. It was so emasculating to be treated like some highway hooker by my macho uncle, but I thought my hair looked good!
"Shut up, Unc," I joked with a punch, hoping to salvage a sliver of dignity.
"You better watch that mouth of yours before it gets you into trouble. And I said that's Sir to you."
"Yes, Sir... Sorry, Sir..." I muttered, wilting into my seat. This was gonna be a long summer....
When we arrived at his home, big Aunt Betty was waiting in the hallway to give me one of her signature squeezes.
"Oh, Christopher!!" she yelped excitedly. "I'm so happy you're staying with us!"
"Me too, Aunt Betty," I squeaked through a powerful crush, my face smushed into her hearty bosom.
"Though I must admit, I didn't expect you to be so petite! I thought your mother was sending us a laborer!"
At 6 feet tall, my Aunt was an imposing woman, and standing between her and her husband only magnified my puny stature.
"Sure is small," Uncle Jack hammered in. "Says he can keep up with me and the boys but I doubt it."
"Oh, I'm sure we'll find something for him to do," my Aunt smiled, then ushered us into the kitchen. "Aaron! Simon! Dinner's ready. Come say hello to your cousin!"
Moments later, two behemoths swaggered in. I hadn't seen Simon and Aaron since we were kids but damn, they'd really grown! They now sported thick beards that made them look much older than their respective 25 and 23. And with rugby player frames, hell, they looked manlier than my dad!
"Howdy, cuz," Simon greeted with a cheeky smile and another bone-shattering shake. "Feel like you haven't grown at all!"
"You didn't say they were sendin' us a queer," Aaron sneered in lieu of a proper hello, igniting my cheeks even further. How the hell did he clock me that fast....
"Don't talk like that!" my Aunt chided with an arm smack.
"I'm just sayin' he looks queer," Aaron laughed as he sat down.
My aunt rolled her eyes and rubbed my shoulders, saying to forget about it. Simon and Uncle Jack just chuckled to the side while Aaron grinned smugly.
As I just painfully admitted, both my Uncle and Aaron's accusations were founded. I was queer as hell, and at college in the city I'd been able to experiment. I learned my type was big, tough, hairy and sorta rough.... so I wasn't sure how I'd control myself around these rugged brutes!
My Uncle Jack was not only huge, but also handsome as the devil! I'd barely taken my eyes off his blonde beard and baby blues since arriving, that is of course until I saw his jaw-dropping sons! Their thick arms were bursting in their flannels, denim crotches packed to the brim, chest hair curling out. I gulped and tried to focus.
"Let's say grace now."
Uncle Jack gave a quick speech about the blessing of hard work and reminded us boys that we were under his supervision.
"Yes, Sir," my cousins affirmed with absolute respect.
Their camaraderie was palpable, my exclusion obvious. When we finished, I cemented my effeminate status with a simple question.
"Would you like any help with the dishes?"
"Hoo!" Aaron cackled. "You hear that? Queer boy wants to put on some gloves and stand at the sink!"
All three men couldn't help but crack up at the thought of doing dishes. I didn't understand why it was such a big deal but Uncle explained.
"Boy, I don't know how you city folk do it, but 'round these parts our women clean. Same goes for cookin'. Now you'll see me shoot a deer, drive a tractor, chop a tree, damn near anything before you catch me washin' dishes! And if you wanna fit in, I suggest you do the same."
Uncle Jack and the boys walked out while I stood mortified. I thought I might've been able to hide my homosexuality all summer but these Alpha dogs sniffed it out the second they saw me!
"There, there," my Aunt consoled. "They're just being hard on you since you're new. I'm sure tomorrow will be fine. But it's late now, dear, and you need to be up at 5 for breakfast. The boys head out around 5:30 and you won't be missing that ride!"
She shooed me upstairs and all I could think was that this summer was gonna seriously blow.
To say tomorrow wasn't "fine" would be an understatement, because what happened the next day changed my life forever...
After a rude awakening from my Aunt, I stumbled downstairs for breakfast. My Uncle and cousins were already dressed for the day in their flannels and jeans, eating quietly while I attempted to stay alive.
"Mornin' princess," Uncle Jack greeted. The boys snickered.
"Morning...." I mumbled back hazily.
"Huh, so she does respond to princess," Aaron concluded. Was this ever going to end??
After breakfast, Betty sent me back upstairs to change, but the XL outfit made me look like a total idiot. My Aunt sighed and rolled up my sleeves while the boys put on their boots and hats. None of the cowboy boots fit me though so I had to wear a pair of Betty's that were white with pink accents.
"You ready, princess?" Simon asked genuinely as they exited, as if it was truly my name. I didn't even bother correcting him.
The truck only had one row so I had to squeeze between my burly cousins. About halfway through, a bump sent me up and I landed on Aaron's lap.
"Finally got some leg room," Simon contended.
"Yeah, this is better," Aaron agreed while stretching out. "You don't mind sittin' on me, do you princess?" he taunted.
Aaron twirled my hair just like his father and laughed while bouncing me up and down.
"You're light as a feather, princess. I hardly even notice you're here."
"Is he really that tiny?" Simon asked curiously.
"See for yourself," Aaron responded, then plopped me onto his brother's lap.
"Damn, you're right. He feels just like a girl!"
"You boys be quiet before I accuse you all of bein' queer," Uncle Jack ordered.
"Nah, Pop, I ain't queer," Simon defended. "I was just thinkin' it doesn't make sense for Princess to work with us since he's so fragile. I'm afraid he'll break out there."
Simon rubbed my back as he spoke and it made me tingle.
"Well we'll find out soon enough, won't we."
Once we'd pulled up to the barn, Simon lifted me out of the truck to start our first task. My ineptitude was immediately obvious and the disaster only continued when I twisted my ankle an hour later. Simon suggested I do some sweeping instead, and while I appreciated his concerned gesture, it was demoralizing to be demoted. Not to mention the shame of proving them all right...
A bit later my uncle walked over.
"I'm sorry, princess, but we don't got a place for you on this ranch. I'm gonna have to drive you home at lunch."
I started sniffling the second he walked away. Dammit! I just wanted to fit in! Simon saw my distress and came over to comfort me.
"Don't feel bad, princess. I'm sure Momma will find somethin' for you to do at home."
"You think...?" I asked dejectedly.
"Yeah, I'm sure," he said sweetly, then gave me a hug. I really appreciated him not being a douche like his brother.
Uncle Jack was quiet while he drove and I could tell he was pissed. I couldn't really blame him, either. He had expected free labor but all he got was an extra mouth to feed. After a private conversation with Betty, he returned to the ranch.
"Hey, sweetheart," Betty said warmly when I moped into the kitchen. "I heard things didn't go so well. But don't worry, I talked to your uncle and we figured out the perfect way for you to spend your summer here."
"R-really?" I sniffled. I wasn't sure where else I could go and was terrified they'd kick me out.
"Of course. So why don't you head on upstairs now and take a shower. You can even use mine. Then we'll get you ready and give this summer a fresh start."
I thanked her profusely for letting me stay then went upstairs, wondering what they had in store for me.
The warm water hit and my barnyard troubles instantly washed away. When the soap rinsed off though, the weirdest thing happened. All my body hair came with it!! I figured my aunt had mistakenly left out her depilatory, but accident or not the result was more tantalizing than I could've imagined.
I didn't have much hair to begin with, but now my ass crack felt like the inside of an almond and it was divine! I was hard as a rock while tracing around my newly hairless taint, rosebud, cheeks and thighs. Blushing with excitement, I cooled the water to settle my hard-on then dried off. But when I stepped out, to my horror, my Aunt was right there!
"AHH!! Betty!!! What are you doing?!?"
I tried to cover my semi-hard dick but she just giggled.
"Oh relax, I've seen one before. Besides, you don't have much to cover up!"
I burned with humiliation at her accurate observation.
"Come now, dear, sit in the chair. Mommy's going to get you ready for the day."
What the fuck was she talking about? Get me ready? And why was she in here in the first place? Maybe they're less weird about nudity, but still, this was bizarre. And wait, did she just call herself Mommy? The fuck....? Probably just a slip up, but....?
She pointed towards a chair in front of a mirror and I saw a comb and some supplies. I figured she wanted to cut my hair, make a man out of me, so I wrapped the towel around my waist and sat with trepidation. Instead she complimented me.
"Such a beautiful mane. So long and thick. It would look good with some curls, don't you think?"
"Uhhhh... I guess...." I replied, so confused by her behavior it felt like the simplest response.
"You guess? Hmm, that sounds like you want to find out. Okay then, sit still while Mommy dries your hair, then we'll put in the curlers."
She wrapped a towel around my head and that was the final straw. I burst.
"WHAT THE FUCK!! What are you doing?? Why are you calling yourself Mommy?! Why are you trying to curl my hair? Why am I naked in front of you!!!"
I stood up to run out but Betty used her superior strength to hold me down.
"That is no way to speak to your Mother!" she shouted, then slapped me viciously. I cradled my searing cheek and began to cry. "You will respect me, missy, do you understand!"
"No... but!"
Clearly I wasn't allowed to argue. Betty flew towards me then without warning threw me over her lap.
"You think you run this house, missy?! Well you don't! I do! And your Father! And you will respect us!!!!!"
Betty raged as she slammed her iron palm onto my delicate, marshmallow buns, the deafening cracks of wet skin reverberating off the tiles with each slap.
They were endless! I cried and cried while my aunt spanked my bare bottom but she never let up!
"Since you couldn't be a man, you're going to work for me, little girl! You understand? You're going to cook, clean and scrub, and you're always going to look your best! You're going to let Mommy curl your hair, dress you in pretty skirts and heels, and paint your face! Do you hear me!!!!"
"YESSSS!!! YESSS!!! I'll do whatever you say! I promiiiissseeeee!!!" There was honesty in my wails. I wanted the pain to stop!
"Will you be a good girl?" she asked with another cruel spank.
"Yes! Yes! I'll be a good girl!"
"What do you call me?!"
"Mommy!! Mommy! Mommmyyyyy!!!"
Betty finally relaxed and began to stroke my tender bum, soothing my screams into pathetic, subdued whimpers
"Yes, Mommy, I'll be a good girl.... I'll be a good girl, Mommy...." I repeated, nuzzling into her big lap, so happy to finally be free from her punishment.
"That's a good girl, shhhh. That's Mommy's good girl." She stroked my naked body, spent extra time on my cheeks and hole, made me feel so vulnerable. "Now come up here and calm down," she instructed once I was pliant.
My aunt sat me on her lap and wiped away my tears. She gave me a big kiss on the forehead and asked if I was going to be a good girl now. Exhausted, afraid, meek, I nodded. She smiled and admittedly it made me smile too, seeing her happy again, knowing I wouldn't get spanked anymore.
Then something strange happened. In an effort to calm me further, my aunt brought my head to her chest. She then pulled one of her large breasts out of her house dress and placed her nipple by my mouth. In my utterly broken, dominated condition, I happily accepted her nurturing.
Though I wasn't used to seeing boobs, I instantly latched on and suckled. It felt so natural, so comforting to suck my Mommy's big healthy tit while she dried my tears and soothed my aching bottom. I closed my eyes and was reduced to total submission.
"Shhh, my daughter, it's okay. You just be a good girl and it'll be okay."
I suckled in a dreamlike state, our bond deepening, then Betty--Mommy--got up.
"Now are you gonna sit still while Mommy does your hair?"
"Yes, Mommy..." I replied obediently. Anything to avoid another spanking.
"Good girl."
Mommy set the curlers while discussing my predicament. She told me the only way I could stay this summer was to work in the house, but that my Uncle wouldn't watch a boy clean, no matter how queer he was. So that meant I had to be a girl, or I could hitchhike my ass back east. In truth, my Aunt also admitted, she had always wanted a daughter.
"I'm gonna dress you up like my little doll," she giggled, her big white teeth gleaming as she applied mascara. "You're gonna be the belle of west Texas!"
It was so bizarre to be worked on like this--painted like a beauty queen--but as the creams spread and powders contoured, my dick strangely grew.
"You really are so small," she insulted with a tip pinch. "But that's perfect for a girl like you."
My poor cock couldn't tell if it wanted to engorge or deflate from her cutting remark.
"Voila! Don't you look marvelous!"
Mommy undid the curlers and my blonde twists bounced coquettishly. I looked at myself in the mirror and gasped. Paired with bows and makeup, I truly looked like a doll! But not just any doll, a very pretty doll, which only made my dick harder!!
"You like being a little girl, huh?" she teased while stroking my small shaft with two fingers. I was too ashamed and horny to answer.
When I got up, Mommy scolded me for touching my hair.
"Hair is a woman's glory," she said, then reminded me it takes a lot of effort to look good so I shouldn't mess it up! After, she brought out the frilliest, pinkest, queerest dress I'd ever seen.
"This will be just darling on you. The girliest dress for my little girl."
"Ummm..." I took a cautious step back.
"Do you need to spend some more time over my lap?"
"No, Mommy..." I whimpered in defeat.
The dress was complicated, especially the built-in corset which Mommy tightened from behind. I could hardly breathe in the damn thing and felt ridiculous! But underneath it all I was terribly erect....
With matching white stockings and heels, Mommy decided I was ready for work.
"We'll start with the bathrooms. I'll be watching to make sure you don't miss any spots, so be diligent!"
Mommy had a hawk eye and wasn't afraid to critique, using well-timed spanks to drill in good domestic habits.
"Your Daddy expects a clean house and it's your ass on the line if he's not satisfied. If you thought my lap was bad, just wait til you piss him off!"
I shuddered at the thought of being naked over "Daddy's" knee for punishment. His hands were so big and calloused I'd surely regret it!
"Daddy and the boys will expect you to treat them with the utmost respect now that you're not a man," she continued. "Unmarried girls are at the bottom of the totem pole and have to mind their manners. Your Daddy and I are going to make sure you're an obedient daughter, whatever it takes."
I wasn't sure what being an "obedient daughter" meant but could only imagine the possibilities....
"Oh! They're here!" she said excitedly a few hours later. "Come stand by the door so you can greet them. Daddy likes to see a pretty girl when he gets home."
I shook with pure terror in my queer outfit as we stood in the hallway, Mommy reminding me to smile. The knob jostled. Oh god! Would they think I looked good? Fuck! Why did I care?? My answer came quickly.
"My, my, my, look at you. Prettier than Miss Texas herself. I knew this would suit you better."
My uncle came in with a smile that grew downright horny when he soaked in my whole ensamble. He snarled hungrily and I pirouetted at his lead.
"Damn! Is that Chris!" Aaron laughed with astonishment. "I guess we better call him Chrissy now!"
"I'll just stick with princess," Simon gulped thickly. He was looking me up and down and it made me hot.
"Now is that the proper way to greet your Daddy? Come on, little girl, gimme a kiss."
Daddy leaned forward so I did what any good daughter would do, planted a pink smooch on his cheek. His bristly beard tickled my lips and I shuddered. He stood close after, smiling dumbly, sniffing me, touching me. It's like I had awoken a new man in him and I think I liked this one more....
"Hi, Daddy..." I greeted bashfully. His big arm around me was so warm.
"Hey, I want one too!" Simon barged through.
"I don't see why not. Go on, princess, give your brother a kiss."
I repeated the action with my "brother" and he grunted. Kissing Simon's strong jaw was just as sweet as Daddy. Aaron was also given the opportunity but he just laughed and said he always knew I was queer.
"Why don't you go grab me a beer, little girl. I'll be on the couch."
Daddy left and I followed close behind with his beverage. He told me to get busy cleaning the room, and as I dusted aimlessly his breathing got heavier. He kept peeking at me, then ultimately suggested I move in front of him. While bending forward, my panties flashed out from under the frills. I wasn't yet accustomed to dresses but Daddy's grunts let me know it was appreciated.
"I love having a pretty girl around the house. Just makes everything better. Go on and grab me another beer, doll, then get back to your work."