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Being Neighborly has Advantages

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After losing a wife, I became a woman for my new man.
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Someone once told me that I'd never find love if I was actively looking for it. "Love will find you," he said.

How true.

The divorce had been horrible. My wife not only cheated on me but shoved it in my face. "All the time I've let you go down on me, you've been slurping down Jason's sperm," she admitted in open court. "The funny thing is you liked it. I'm guessing it won't be long before someone feeds you their fresh load right from the source."

That was an ugly thing for her to publicly say to me.

Now, 4 months after that heart breaking and devastating divorce I was on my own. I moved into a one-bedroom apartment and had almost finished decorating the place.

For the past few months, I concentrated on my new abode rather than dwell on the divorce. I kept my head down, went about my business, and compartmentalized the pain of failure and loneliness.

Then one fateful evening, I stepped out of the shower in my not-so-new apartment and before I could dry myself, I heard knocking at my door. Wrapping my long-wet hair in a towel and wrapping my slender body in another, I opened the door. "Yes sir, may I help you?"

The big man looking down at me smiled. "Hi neighbor. My name is Calvin and I wanted to welcome you here and introduce myself to you. It took me a while to learn when you're home and when you're out before I knew I wouldn't be disturbing you. I wanted to see if you needed anything."

The handsome black man must have been 6' 3". A giant to my 5' 6". Broad chested with muscular arms, his warm smile was disarming. I felt comfortable in his company right off.

"That's very sweet of you, sir. Please, come in. I'm johnnie," I smiled offering my hand.

His large hand engulfed my considerably smaller hand. Holding on to it a little longer than most men, Calvin complimented me on the softness of my hand. "Nice and soft, johnnie. What's your secret?"

I pulled my hand away and blushed. "Thank you, Calvin. I use Oprah's African Beauty Butter Cream. It works wonders."

"I'll say," he agreed.

Calvin came inside and looked around. "Nice. I love what you did with all the colors and floral decor."

"Calvin, you're such a gentleman," I gushed. "Let me get dressed. I'll be back in a second."

"Sure, but I must say, pink suits you, johnnie."

Considering myself a metrosexual, I keep myself well-groomed. I shave my body hair, have my nails done, and use lotions to keep my body smooth and soft. It's also true in that my tastes in furnishings, decor, and clothing run somewhat counter to masculinity. I love pretty floral patterns and pastel colored clothes. I decorated my apartment the way I wanted after losing my house to my wife and her lover.

"You're sweet, Calvin. Back in a sec."

So what? Maybe my vases are filled with plastic flowers. I do that so I can enjoy them year-round rather than replacing them every other day or so. And my "hang in there" poster with a kitten holding on for dear life? Well, someone at work bought me that when I was going through my divorce. It has a prominant place in the living room.

And my towels are an assortment of pink, blues, floral, and seasonal prints. The oyster shell paint on the walls needed something to break up the monotony so why not hang a few pictures of kittens, flowers, and the people I admire, like Bette Midler, Ru Paul, and Danzel Washington.

I sat at the vanity I bought at a flea market for a song. It came with a tufted seat which was included in the cost. I knew at the time some people would think me queer; buying pink furniture isn't very manly. But it was inexpensive and in very good shape.

I have always loved the scent of lavender and enjoyed rubbing the scented lotion on my legs and thighs.

I pulled on my blue silk underpants. I have always hated the "Y" front style. I preferred those that resemble speedo swim wear. Smooth, under my clothes and no fly.

"Help yourself to some wine, Calvin," I called out. "Sorry it's taking me so long."

"No problem, babe. And thanks for the wine. I believe I will."

Without thinking about what it would look like, I pulled on my most casual, tight white capris and a coral colored sleeveless T-top.

My comfy fluffy, bunny rabbit slippers was the last thing to put on before I rejoined my neighbor.

"I hope you don't mind Calvin," I smiled. "I better brush my hair before it knots up on me. Please forgive my rudeness."

I thought he looked at me with a strange look but paid it no mind. I sat on an ottoman and began brushing my shoulder length hair as Calvin told me about himself.

Like me, he too was divorced and had been for a year. "I can't trust women after that, johnnie. She burned me bad. Her lawyer was good. I wish I had him to rep me."

"What happened?" I asked. "Ouch," I squealed, flinching when my brush suddenly got hung up on a snag.

Calvin put hs wine glass on the coffee table and came over to me. "Here," he said taking my hairbrush from me. "This is my fault for interrupting your bath."

Shivers ran down my spine as Calvin brushed my long hair. God it felt good having someone brushing my hair.

"Mmmm, Calvin, that feels so nice," I said. I should call you over after every bath," I teased.

"And I'll come a running, baby.," he chuckled.

"Be careful, sir, you may spoil me."

"Uh huh," he said on reply. "Maybe that's my plan."

My head leaned back purely by accident, and I felt his erection against my neck. I didn't want to embarrass my new friend, so I just stayed still and let him keep brushing my hair.

"You hair is so full, johnnie, and smells nice. What do you use?"

Thank you, Calvin. You're so complimentary. I use Virtue Labs, Jennifer Garner's Favorites. The Alpha Keratan nourishes and texturizes my hair. I'm glad you like it."

He asked about my divorce and what happened to my marriage. I was honest. I told him everything. I told of Cindy's cheating and how she insulted me. But I didn't share the part of me going down on her after she'd come home after having sex with her lover.

"I'm sorry she hurt you like that, johnnie. You seem like a sweet boy and should be looked after rather than being cheated on."

I hadn't opened up like that to anyone and suddenly all the pain and humiliation washed over me. I began to sob. I put my face in my hands and cried.

Calvin moved so that he was standing in front of me. Clutching my chin, he had me look up at him. "It's okay, johnnie. Let it out baby."

That's exactly what I did. I found myself with my arms around his waist, the side of my face pressed against him, my tears flowing.

Calvin held me like that until my crying jag ended. Still, I held on to him feeling his hands rubbing the back of my neck. "Mmm, Calvin. That feels so good. I don't know why I feel so good being with you. You're so attentive and perceptive."

Just then, maybe it was involuntary reflex, or maybe he just wanted me to know what he was packing, but Calvin flexed his groin, and I felt his big cock twitch against my cheek. I was going to move my face away when one of his hands held my face tight against him, keeping his cloth covered cock on the side of my face.

"I bet you're just as perceptive and attentive too, baby," he whispered to me in his deep voice.

"I like to think I can be, sir," I said not sure why I didn't pull away. Maybe it was because I missed the intimacy and closeness of being with another person.

"I look forward to that, johnnie," he said in his deep voice. "Let Calvin look after you and you look after Calvin and we can be best of friends."

"I'd like that, Calvin, really I would. You're such a nice man, and so well built."

"Funny, baby. I was gonna say the same thing about you."

I looked up and smiled. "Really? I'm so little compared to you. You're so, well, I'll just say it. You're so manly, Calvin."

"And you're so sweet, sugar."

The moment we shared ended and I got up to get my own glass of wine. "Can I get you a refill," I asked mynew friend.

"Please, johnnie."

I heard him say wow when I bent over to get his empty glass.

"Wow, Calvin? What was that about?"

"I hope you don't take this wrong but I saw your blue panties through the material of you pants. Had anyone told you, you have a sexy bottom? For real, johnnie, that ass is fine."

I blushed and not knowing what to say to a compliment like that, I croaked out, "Thank you, Calvin. You're too kind."

Once in the kitchen, I had to adjust my growing boner. My penis isn' big and I'm not a rough and ready masculine kind of guy. They're the reasons Cindy took a lover and took advantage of my ignorance of her infidelity.

But now, with Calvin being so nice to me, so complimentary and attentive, his attention made my dick hard.

We drank our wine and Calvin suggested I sit in front of him, between his spread legs so he could finish brushing my hair.

It sounded good to me. I refilled our wine glasses and pushed the ottoman over and sat with my back to him.

There was something very sensual about having someone brush my hair. I admit Calvin was turning me on.

The more Calvin brushed my hair, the more aroused I became.

When he moved my hair off my neck, he replaced it with his hot breath. I shivered in an erotic pique.

"Ooooh, Calvin," I moaned when his hands slid around me and up under my shirt. Cindy had never been much for nipple play as far as I was concerned but Calvin seemed to know my hot buttons.

I laid back against my sexy tormentor and let him have his way. "Calvin, I whispered when he opened the front of my capris, "I've never done......"

"Hush now baby. Let Calvin take care of his woman."

Being referred to as a woman was a bit unnerving but I let him continue. I watched his large dark hand reach inside my capris and my underpants. My hips arched when he took my straining boner between his thumb and two fingers. My ex-wife Cindy never touched my penis. It felt so nice to have Calvin touching it like he was.

He jacked me ever so slowly and oh so softly. I whined and moaned, squirmed, and squealed under his expert hands.

Calvin pulled on my nipples with his free hand and rubbed the head of my erection with his thumb. The combined actions had me thrashing about. Still, as aroused as I was was, I thought it was wrong. "Calvin, please don't," I moaned.

"Don't what, baby girl?"

"Oh, God, Calvin, I'm so close and this is so very wrong."

Calvin shifted forward. Reaching under my knees, he raised my legs until he was able to lift my round bottom up. In one single motion, Calvin pushed my capris down and then pulled them and my bunny slippers completely off.

I wanted to move but didn't. Instead I surrendered to the caresses Calvin was givng my nearly naked body.

My underpants were down so that my boner strained to reach the sky. Calvin's hands were all over me; touching, feeling, pinching my nipples, toying with my boner.

I felt his lips on the side of my neck. I didn't think about what to do. I reached behind me with one arm and held his neck to where he was kissing me.

My mind was conflicted. This was so wrong, so dirty and yet, I didn't want him to stop,

The dark hand reached for my dick again. I watched as Calvin masturbated me with purpose now. Each up stroke I felt his thumb on the sensitive head, rubbing my leakage over my dick.

His strong arms held me down, kept me from twisting in sweet ecstacy as he manipulated not only my erection but my mind as well.

When he finally allowed me to cum, my dick spasmed and spit thick white streams of sperm up to my chest.

My hips fucked up and down as my new friend brought me to the best orgasm I have ever had.

When it was over and I lay panting, I knew that what we had done was bad. I felt guilty for allowing a man, albeit and very big and handsome man touch me where and how Calvin had.

I sat up and dashed to the sanctuary of my bedroom.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Calvin asked through the closed door.

"Please Calvin," I said trying not to cry. "Please leave. We shouldn't have done that. We can't do that again. Please leave."

I heard no response other than the closing of my door.

I went to make sure my door was locked then fell asleep. I was exhausted mentally and physically.

I went to work the next day and the day after. I saw Calvin waiting for me but couldn't look at him. The shame I felt for allowing him to treat me like I was gay was a heavy burden I wrestled with.

"Baby," I heard him say. "I'm sorry if I...."

But I didn't let him finish. I closed my apartment door as he was speaking. "Just go away, please, Calvin."

For the next three days it was much the same. Robotically, I went about my business. Work and home. Eat, watch TV and sleep. There was no way I could forget what had happened with that handsome neighbor though.

I played and replayed that event over and over. How Calvin knew to pinch my nipples, how sexy his dark hand looked on my tummy and how wonderful it felt reaching into my underpants to touch me, hold me, to get me to climax for him.

I was puttering around my apartment Saturday morning. Around 11:00 there came a knock on my door.

I wasn't surprised to see Calvin through the peephole. "Calvin, please go away," I said through the door.

"I have something for you, johnnie. It's my way of apologizing. Please open your door."

I looked through the peephole again and saw Calvin holding a bouquet of yellow roses. Opening the door, I asked of those were for me.

"They are baby," he said with a sad puppy dog look. "And this is too." From behind his back, Calvin held out a large, floral printed gift bag that had pink tissue papaer flowing out of the top.

"You may as well come in, Calvin. But promise me there won't be anymore of what happend before."

"I promise, baby."

Satisfied, I stood aside and let the big handsome black man in.

"I saw this and immediately thought of you, johnnie," he said handing me the gift bag.

"Thank you Calvin," I said feeling conflicted again. "Let me put these beautiful flowers in some water."

I took my time in the small kitchne. I chose my favorite Waterford crystal vase and filled it with water part way. Then, using kitchen shears, I trimmed the stem bottoms and placed the bouquet in the vase.

I carried it in to the living room where Calvin was seated on the couch. I placed my flowers on a side table and thanked him again. "It was sweet of you, Calvin. Thank you so much."

"You're welcome, baby. But I'm anxious to see what you think about your other gift."

"Of course, How rude of me." I reached in the bag and pulled out a beautiful floral print on white silk kimono. Holding it up to me, I saw it would fit perfectly. "Oh, Calvin," I gushed. "It's so beautiful. I know it will fit just perfectly too."

"Try it on for me, baby."

I went to pull the silk garment on but Calvin stopped me. "Baby, you know you should be naked or in your panties when you wear that, right?"

He was right. "I'll be right back," I sad and hurried to my bedroom.

I stripped off my skinny jeans and pulled the spaghetti strapped shirt over my head.

I got goose bumps from the coolness of the silk. Looking in the full-length mirror, I saw I was right. It fit me to a T.

I felt like I was floating when I went to show Calvin how his gift looked on me.

"Beautiful, baby. Simply beautiful."

"You know you didn't have to do this for me, Calvin."

He stood and came over to me. I looked up at the tall handsome man as he placed his hands on my hips.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry for messing up our friendship. I saw it and thought of you."

I placed my hands over his, "I love it Calvin. I've been thinking of you too. I'm sorry for the way I've been acting. I've been terrible to you."

Calvin took my hands and placed them around his waist. Bending down, I knew he was going to kiss me.

There were no further conflicts raging in me when my lips met his. We kissed as lovers do. I reached up and held the back of his neck as our tongues met for the first time.

I didn't fight him when his hands reached down to cup my bottom. I heard a mewling coming from me as my man held me and kissed me.

I felt so safe, so cared for in his arms. I missed the closeness, the intimacy he shared with me.

I stepped back and let him open my new kimono. His hands were warm where he touched me.

I unbuttoned his shirt enough to run my hands across his broad chest.

Calvin reached under my silk briefs to fondle my bottom.

My breathing intensified as I kissed his chest. Moving down, I kissed his stomach as I opened his pants.

My head was buzzing with want and need. I pulled his thick black cock through the opening in his boxers and kissed it.

I heard Calvin moan as I licked the head and tongued the slit.

He backed away and took his shirt off. Then his pants and boxers followed as I watched.

Calvin sat back down on the couch as I stood before him. I smiled at him as I slipped the kimono off my shoulders and stood before this giant God in my pink silk men's briefs.

"My God but you're so beautiful, baby," Calvin sighed.

I knelt between his legs and took his big cock in my hand. I stroked him "This is beautiful, Calvin. Me, not so much."

He cupped my face in his large hand. "Baby, you don't have to do this. I don't want you to get upset with me again."

I blew in his cock head and smiled up at him. "I want to Calvin. I wanted to the last time we were together. I was just afraid and panicked". I licked the large flared glans and asked. "Don't you want me to?"

"Baby, girl. I want more than that. I want you, all of you the way a man wants a woman."

Instead of scaring me, hearing Calvin say that to me made my tumy flutter with the wings of a thousand butterflies. "I want to be a woman for you, Calvin," I whispered. "I want to be your woman."

Then I began to explore his cock and balls with my lips and tongue. Never having been with a man before, it felt so right and I felt so feminine and sexy with Calvin.

I licked and kissed his balls pushing my face against them. Then, licking and kissing the long thick shaft, I looked up at my appreciative man and said, "Now I'm going to suck your cock like a proper whore."

I swallowed as much of Calvin's manhood as I could. I jerked and sucked covering the big cock with saliva and kisses. I tasted his essence and found it intoxicating.

Calvin said nothing and did nothing allowing me to enjoy his cock for the first time. I gagged on it, I rubbed it all over my face wanting to devour it, make it mine. Losing myself in his crotch, I sucked and pumped wanting to give my man the orgasm I owed him.

Whe his cock expanded and jerked, I tasted his precious sperm for the first time. I worked to keep up with the delivery but could not. Cum ran out of my mouth and down the sides of his wondeful cock.

When my man had finshed feeding me his heavy load, I cleaned his wonderful cock and my hand savoring every delicious tangy drop.

I sat back on my heels and looked up at a beaming Calvin. "Baby girl, that was the best blow job I ever had."

Reverting to my natural submissive state, I spent the afternoon waiting hand and foot on Calvin. He made me feel pretty. He made me feel wanted. He made me feel sexy.

I didn't argue when he referred to my briefs as panties. They were in fact, exactly what bikini panties look like.

When Calvin kissed me good night, it was 1 AM. Left alone with my thoughts, I grappled with I had said and done. I'd actually told him I wanted to be his woman.

Maybe I was caught up with the passion and how nicely Calvin treated me. After being publicly denounced in open divorce court and being labeled by my ex-wife as less than a man, it felt wonderful to be wanted.

Her tales of how I'd go down on her freshly fucked pussy elicited laughter from those court watchers, both our lawyers, and the judge and made me feel horrible about myself.


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