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Belle of Bellville Ch. 09-10


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He so wanted her to touch his body, to explore every inch of him with her fingers and lips, but he felt it was too soon. Her fear of men was rearing its ugly head, and he had to squelch it before it took over. But before her panic had begun to set in, he'd at least seen that she was awestruck by him, and that was enough for him for now.

As he kissed her and had her tongue dance with his, he slipped his hands up along her silken arms and made them rise above her head on the pillow again. Bella felt so good, so perfect under his body. She was soft where he was hard, and she tasted so sweet on his tongue. He just knew she tasted sweet below as well, but he didn't want to risk frightening her more should he try and have a taste...

So he gathered her small wrists in a single hand, and with his free hand, he kneaded a magnificent breast before he gently tweezed a nipple, catching her gasp of lust into his mouth. She began to writhe beneath him, and he felt her thighs open wide for him in her desire for more. His hand left her breasts and caressed and stroked its way down her satiny soft body until he felt the dip and then the upswell of her pubic mound. His fingertips slipped through the raven curls warming her before he felt the slightly damp curls slide along his fingers. He curled them, and she shot up in an ecstatic arch with a gasp, breaking their kiss, when his fingers found her throbbing node.

"Jacob!" she gushed in a breathless whisper.

He slipped one then two fingers inside her and began thrusting. Sweat popped on his forehead as he held himself back with all his will. Her gasps and purrs were nearly driving him over the edge, and he wanted nothing more than to shove his aching shaft inside her and find release with her, but he wanted her to love all of him and not have her fear that part of him that had startled her earlier.

When he felt her ample flow flood his thrusting fingers, he moved a little to one hip and removed his fingers. He pushed the now purplish dome of his shaft, already covered with his own oozing flow, against her swollen nether-lips until they gave way under the pressure. Then he continued to push deeper inside her. He captured her mouth and kissed her sensuously until she relaxed enough for him to push into her, to his hilt...and then he paused as he took his time petting and stroking her clitoris and pubic mound, feeling her trembling with each sexual stroke. Then he broke the kiss and lifted his head and watched until she opened her eyes. When he had her attention, he silently let his gaze move down their bodies and her gaze followed.

He wanted her to see her swollen pubic mound, her body filled with him. He wanted her to see the oneness of their coupling and to feel proud of herself for having come so far. He wasn't certain if she'd get the message he wanted to convey, but as he looked at her, he saw her staring down her body at her swollen mound and at how tightly his hips were pressed against her since he was fully inside her. His shaft twitched inside her, and he watched as her long eyelashes swept to an ecstatic close.

When he was satisfied, he moved and covered her, bracing on elbows on either side of her. She let her head lower back onto the pillow and looked up into his eyes as he stared into hers that were full of lust and passion for him. And then he began to thrust, slowly, bringing up the pace when she could handle him until the bed began to groan beneath him. He thrust short, deeply, almost aggressive, but then he paused and pulled back a little before repeating his moves until he began thrusting faster, harder, and deeper, and led her to the edge of the world and beyond. And when she called his name, he came. Hard.

Both felt as if they were struck by lightning when they climaxed together. He gritted his growl of release and she caught her breath before she cried his name, and he channel constricted so tightly around his plunging shaft that he was almost brought to a standstill inside her just when he felt his testes shoot up tightly against his body. His body briefly tensed to its limits before his buried shaft swelled and shot his cum in strong explosions of semen splashing against the mouth of her womb until he had no more left to give.

Out of breath, he slowly relaxed as he lowered his head and buried his face in the crook of her shoulder and neck. He could hear his heartbeats loud and thunderous inside his head, and felt her rapid heartbeats synchronizing with his against his chest.

Spent and glistening from head to toe, he finally moved and laid himself beside her on the bed. He pulled the covers over their bodies and gathered her against him, enthralled by the sensation of holding such a soft body, so delicate, and so sweet against him.

He was never one for sleeping in a bed with a woman after sex. Now, however, he discovered he wanted nothing more in the world. He told himself that he was doing this purely to prevent her from leaving, and for his father who would be devastated if she left without a word. He told himself that he didn't want her trying to run off in the night again. But his heart whispered a different, more selfish reason why he changed his long-held habit: he wanted to be with her a while longer.

And as he laid an arm around her warm, soft body, and he laid his head on her pillow, he stared at the curly mane beside him for the longest time. Even as she turned in her sleep and faced him, with her black curls tumbling around her heart-shaped face, her long black eyelashes dark on her softly tanned complexion, and even as he remembered how he disliked sleeping in the same bed with another, he couldn't bring himself to leave her.

Instead, he lay there, staring at her. Finally, after the longest time and a lot of meditative thought, he accepted that this wasn't just his need to bed Bella. This wasn't just his need to wipe the fear she had of him because of someone else in her past. This wasn't just to boost his male ego or feed his lust for her.

He finally accepted that he'd fallen in love...


Elena slowly pulled her head back from peeking into the Louisiana lady's window with a smile on her lips. She had wanted to wash a small load of laundry when, from the open door of the laundry room, she spotted Jake's tri-color Australian Shepherd curled up in front of Isabella's door. Aha! So she was right. They were lovers!

She loaded her laundry and switched on the machine before she snuck outside to see if she could peek into Isabella's window. Luck had it that there was the tiniest corner to peek through, and she just caught the moment when Jake laid his beautiful naked self alongside his latest lover, cozying up under the covers.

She was surprised to see that Jake didn't just up and leave after he was finished. That's what he usually did with his former lovers! Instead, he had this profound look on his face she's never seen before as he laid himself beside Isabella.

Well, James sure wasn't going to like this development, but she was certain Junior wouldn't mind. Maybe, if Jake and Isabella formed a strong relationship that might have marriage in their future, John Jr. will finally get the courage to stop playing loose with their relationship and step up to the plate and confront his dad as he tells him that he wanted to marry her. She was getting tired of waiting for him. It was high time that he tell his pa that he was going to make an honest woman out of her. It wasn't as if John didn't know they were sleeping together. But maybe now, with John's favorite son, Jake, taking up with the housekeeper, he might not mind his eldest boy taking her to wife.

At any rate, the Jake and Isabella coupling was a good thing for her. Maybe now Junior wouldn't be hedging his bets thinking he might have a chance with the pretty Louisiana belle. His pa had been pushing him to take a wife, and at thirty-two, it was time. At any rate, it was looking good for her prospects to fill that position.

She pushed from the sill and turned to go back into the house. There was a late program on she wanted to catch while she waited for her laundry, and she smiled thinking that soon she could very well carry the title, Mrs. John Alan Barrington—something she's been wanting ever since she was a little girl.

Suddenly the shadows around her began to move. Then she became aware of the sound of soles and heels scuffing the ground. She frowned and swept her gaze around, wondering if one of the ranch hands was awake as well. She was worried that she might have been caught peeking into Isabella's window and that there'd be hell to pay if one the ranch hands—all of them being so loyal to Jake—would tell him. Jake had a temper she really didn't want focused on her!

In the next instant, she was grabbed from behind by strong arms before a sack was simultaneously shoved down over her head, instantly wrapping her in complete darkness. Just when she finally remembered she should be screaming for help, something was wrapped around her open mouth and all she was able to emit was a muffled cry.

"Tie it tight!" she heard a man's voice say harshly beneath his breath. She didn't recognize that voice at all!

She immediately began kicking and struggling. Her arms were of little help since they were down alongside her body and were secured by the arms of her attacker and then a rope, but at least her feet still free! Then she felt her ankles being grabbed together before a rope was tied around them, and she moaned in pain since it was not the twine-kind of rope but the rough kind—and it hurt. In a few seconds flat, she was restrained in a large gunny sack. Whoever these men were, they knew how to subdue a person with precision. They were pros!

"This was just too easy," she heard another male voice chuckle before she made a muffled cry when she was thrown over a hard shoulder and was carried off, all the while struggling against her binds and kicking vigorously. But it was all to no avail.

Just when she was about to pass out of pain, she felt them throw her off the shoulder and she landed on a soft surface in what felt like the backseat of a car. She could hear the engine humming quietly.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" she heard another voice say with angry authority and with an accent she couldn't place. "I told you to be careful with her!"

"Sorry, sir," she heard a more familiar voice say.

"Just shut up and get in. We need to be off before someone sees us."

Then she heard three car doors close as the men got in, and seconds later, she felt the car move as they drove off. She made a whimper when she felt a hand caress her legs before she froze when the owner of that hand had drawn close to her ear.

"My apologies, Izzy," she heard the deep voice whisper with his strange accent, "but you left me with no choice. You didn't think you'd be able to stay out of my reach for long, did you? But we'll soon talk about that, and I have much to say to you. We have much to catch up on."

Then to her horror she realized, she'd been kidnapped! Then with sudden clarity of mind, she realized that they had come for Isabella. Now fear gripped her soul when she realized that they'll soon see their mistake, and she dreaded to think what will happen to her when they take the sack off her and discover they'd kidnapped the wrong woman...


To be continued

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Catharinas_LitCatharinas_Litabout 8 years agoAuthor
Please don't be discouraged! Belle of Bellville *will be* finished here!

I'm rewriting some parts in the last two chapters of this story as we speak. I'm sorry I've been remiss and have not been writing much, but due to some tragic events that have happened in the past months, I haven't been writing at all. Now, as I can see these painful events fading in my rearview, I feel inspired to write again.


I hope to have chapters 11 & 12 finished soon. I don't want to give a date since I don't want to over-promise. But I am writing on Belle now and I want the ending to be something exciting for you to read. I owe Belle and Belle's readers at least that much.


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

basicaly the Author is directing you to her

profile page ...

there you can select the contact info ,

which takes you to her website/blogspot

yeah ... i know ,

the Author could have simply stated that ...

without all the bollox about "TABS"

Especially relevant as she has some interesting stories available for sale by well known e.vendors

( worth a look )

though this does lead one to wonder if

"The Belle of Bellville" is going to be finished or available here in it's complete form .... or if it just a Teaser to draw readers to the commercial products ..

having said that , i really enjoyed bella's story so far..

and have my fingers crossed that the Author , returns soon to let us know if the complete story will be here .. or published e.book for sale ... and if so an estimated timeframe would be nice.

voted 5 stars for each of the 5 parts

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Please finish

Keep looking for another chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Hi there,

Big fan of your work. I would love to see the updates however I am flummoxed. I don't see the 'tabs above' you mention. As I cannot see them I am unable to go them and click on the one which says contact so that I can see news 'bout updates. Any help you could give providing me (dullard that I am) with directions would be MUCH appreciated.


Catharinas_LitCatharinas_Litover 8 years agoAuthor
For any updates to Belle, please go to tabs above

and click on the Contact tab. There, right underneath, is Webpage. Click on that and it will take you to Belle of Bellville's page where you can read in the comments at the bottom oif any updates/messages I have regarding this story. Doing this will keep me from filling this comments section with my own comments which I would rather leave open for readers.

Thanks so much!

~ Catharina ~

late2thepartylate2thepartyover 8 years ago
Any estimate when the story will be continued?

Does Catharinas_Lit post to other sites instead of this one? I'd pay to read the complete story.

texcavemantexcavemanover 8 years ago

You have me checking almost daily for the next installment.

And, i had to smile when talking about catching a commercial flight to Easterwood in College Station when Houston not much farther from Bellville and IF any commercial flights could be caught they would probably fly direct to Houston or Dallas.

Those that can write....

Those that can't read..

I read and am patiently waiting for something to read

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Just Checking in for an Update?


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Such a great chapter. I could barely breathe reading it. Eagerly awaiting chapters 11-12.

Thanks for sharing your talent.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Wonderful work

Totally enjoying this story! Characters are interesting and the element of mystery is riveting. Anxiously awaiting each installment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Girlfriend, you can write! Props to you!

late2thepartylate2thepartyover 8 years ago
Woohoo! Love this story.

I can't imagine that it's easy to write the dialogue for these chapters and you did a tremendous job with the confrontations by the car.

Thanks for posting, I've been checking for your stories daily and realize it takes considerable effort to write, review and edit one's work. Nonetheless I'm eagerly looking forward to read future chapters for this and your other series. (As with Teuscher truffles, I must savor each piece yet still want more.)

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