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Best of Castle Pt. 07

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Castle with Kate & Madison, Kate tries Demming.
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Part 7 of the 25 part series

Updated 11/22/2024
Created 06/09/2023
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Season 2 Episode 21

After Castle's involvement with Ellie Monroe, Kate was jealous. She went into the workout room at the precinct to beat the punching bag and relieve some of her frustration.

In walked Detective Demming. He came over to her,"You need someone to steady your bag."

She glared at him, "You offering?"

"Yeah, sure."

She stared at him, "All right! She punched and kicked the shit out of it and he grunted from each blow. She had to stop when her cell went off. She looked up at him and smiled, "Thanks"


She answered the cell, "Beckett." It was a murder and she called Castle and he joined her at the scene. A guy maned Paul Finch was murdered in a underground car garage.

Tom Demming (Michael Trucco) entered the squad room and Javi knew him. He just transferred in and he took a liking to Kate, which didn't sit right with Castle.

Demming hit the floor running. He knew of the victim and said he was a pro at opening bank vaults and safety deposit boxes.

Demming pulled in an associate of his and asked Kate if he wanted in on the interrogation. She just at the chance and that too pissed off Castle. She was smitten with Demming's good looks and again, it pissed off Castle.

They went in for another interrogation and afterwards, Demming said he had to check on something else. As he walked away, Kate stared at him as he walked away. She had a smile on her face. She looked to Castle and stared, "What?"

He shook his head, "Nothing."

Later Kate was back with the dead body and Lanie. Lanie turned to Kate, "So, what's with the handsome robbery detective?"

Kate smiled at her, "Demming? Oh, we're just working the case together. That's all."

Lanie knew better and rolled her eyes, "Mmm-hmm! But then again, you have been working with Castle for a year and not a damn thing has happened, so.... We had a pool going. I lost a lot of money on you two."

If she only knew what else was happening other than the threesome she had with them both.

Demming came back with video of the bank and he invited Kate to go over them in the morning. Again, it didn't sit well with Castle.

After Kate left, Demming turned to Castle who was about to leave, "Castle, can I ask you something? You and Beckett, is there something going on?"

Castle stared back at him, "Me and Beckett? No."

Look, man, if I'm offside..."

Castle cut him off, "No flag on the play."

Demming grinned back at him, "Great, Okay, great" He got up and left.

Castle sat there, knowing he just fucked up. He may be losing his lady at the precinct.

The next morning, Kate was with Demming going over the footage from the bank. Kate her her eyes plastered to the screen.

Demming sipped his coffee, "You know, if your mouse finger get tired, we can switch."

She smiled back at him, "That's okay, I think I can handle it."

He nodded, "Oh, I get it. You don't want to give up the driver's seat." She chuckled and just then Castle came in, "Hey, I brought coffee."

She looked up, "Ah, you know what? It's okay, Demming already brought some."

Rick glared at him, "Did he now?" Rick stared at the screen, "Yey, there's Paul Finch."

Demming looked too, "Oh Yeah, he's casing the place."

Kate looked behind the man on the screen, "Look who is with him. That's his wife Monica. She said she has no idea what he was doing."

They pulled Monica in and found out that in the deposit box was a ledger. It showed all of Racine's pays and owes on all of his businesses, not just his legitimate ones. She also told them when they opened to box, the ledger wasn't there.

They found out in the end, that another detective, a Lieutenant Holliwell was on the take and he was behind the killings and wanted to frame Javi's old partner.

Before that happened they thought that Demming was the dirty cop. Kate took Demming to the workout room. While she was fighting him, Javi and Kevin got his phone. They checked it out and found it was clean.

While this was going on, Kate and Demming were going back and forth, one bettering the other and finally Demming pinned Kate and was inches from her face. "Why don't you ask me yourself if I had an alibi for the time when Finch was killed?"

She laughed and flipped him over and now had him pinned. "Okay, so where were you?"

She came into the squad room with Demming, "He's clean, it wasn't Demming, here."

That drew Kate even closer to him and that really got under Castle's skin.

With the case closed, Demming and Kate were alone in the squad room. Demming looked to Kate, "So is it always this much fun up here?"

She smiled at him, "We have our moments."

"So now that you know I'm not a dirty cop, Anytime you need a sparring partner....."

She grinned from ear to ear, "Thanks!"

Rick came in, they didn't see him, but he saw them smiling and laughing. He turned and walked away. He knew he was in for a fight for her attention now.

Season 2 Episode 22

Castle hurried to the precinct to give Beckett her morning coffee and he is beaten to the punch. She is in the coffee room with Demming. Rick knew this wasn't going to be the way for him to accept.

They are called to a murder scene were a famous chef is found frozen in and Kate and Rick go to investigate. He was the winner of "Kitchen Wars" and they found out he was injected with an agent that freeze-dried him. They used liquid nitrogen.

Kate's hair was now a chestnut brown and longer. It was straight and framed her face making her look even hotter.

They went to see the restaurant owner and Kate found out it was one of her old high school friends. When she saw her she called out, "Madison?"

She looked to Kate, "Becks? What are you doing here?"

""I'm a homicide detective?

She threw her hands up to her Kate, "Shut the front door."

Kate hugged her back, "I know."

She pulled back, "What a messed up way for us to reconnect."

Kate turned to Rick, "Madison Queller (Julie Gonzalo), this is Richard Castle."

They shook hands and he responded, "Please call me Rick. How do you two know each other?"

She looked to Kate, "High school, ninth grade French. I can't believe the biggest scofflaw at Stuy became a cop."

Kate scoffed, "Yeah."

She interviewed Madison, but very little to go on.

After they left Madison, Rick turned to Kate, "High school friend, huh? I bet she knows where all your bodies are buried."

She glared at him, "You can dog all you want, Castle. My secrets are safe with her."

He stared back, How can you be sure?"

"Because whatever she knows about me, I know worse about her. We used to hang out, big group of us, had a good time."

He smirked, "And what's a good time?"

She smiled back, "Well, if you don't know by now, I'm sure it's too late to show you one."

They found out Wolf, the chef was in trouble for money, but it wasn't the reason he was killed.

After finding out he was seeing someone, they went back to talk to Madison. They showed her the drawing of the woman one of the guys saw her at the restaurant with Wolf. They showed her the drawing and she knew who it was, "Yeah, that's Sandra. She and her husband are in every Saturday."

Kate looked to her, "How are you holding up, Madison?"

"I'm still reeling and I have no time to grieve. Wolf was a friend, but like it or not, I have to interview replacement chefs. I still haven't found that customer slip for the cake Wolf was making, and I have this charity event tomorrow night at Rocco Dispirito's. If I don't show up, people will think Wolf's death means the death of the Q3." She looked to Kate, "Hey, maybe you should come with me. I could use the moral support, and maybe we can catch up on old times."

"You know, I would love to, it's just that I have something."

Madison looked at her funny, "Something?"

Rick waited a moment and spoke up, "You know, I'm available for moral support, and I've been dying to try out Rocco's new place." He knew the something Kate was talking about was with Demming.

Madison smiled back at him, "A charming raconteur, that's just what the doctor ordered. Thank you, Rick."

He looked to Kate, "Unless that's a problem"

Kate shook her head, "No, not a problem."

All of a sudden Madison found the reservation in the book, "Here she is, her last name is Myers."

They interviewed her and she admitted to having sex with Wolf in the restaurant. She scoffed, "Wolf always did his best work in the kitchen." She also told them he broke things off with her and he was growing up.

That evening, Madison came to the precinct. Kate came out of the interview room and saw her. She looked amazing in a short, sleeveless red dress that showed off her curves. Her slender legs were exposed up over six inches of thighs showed. She was wearing red heels to match. Kate called out, "Maddie?"

She turned to her, "Hey. Becks"

She stared at her, "You look amazing"

She smiled at her. Her red lip-gloss matched her dress, "Thanks, Hey, I wanted to drop this off. It's my way of saying thanks for everything you guys are doing."

Kate took it. It was a basket full of food from her restaurant, "You know, it's what we do. But we are always very grateful for free food."

She walked with Kate to her desk, "Hey, Becks, do you remember when we used to like the same guy in English class?"

She chuckled, "Yes, Brent Edwards."

Madison nodded, "Yes, do you also remember what happened senior year?"

"Ah, yeah, why?"

"This date, with Rick. If you guys are at all.... "

"Castle? No."

"Are you sure Because I wouldn't want Brent Edwards to happen all over again."

Kate shook her head, "Trust me, it's not."

Madison smiled back at her, "Okay, great!"

"So, have fun tonight."

"Thanks, you, too."

Just then Demming came into the room, "Hey, Kate."

"Hey, so are you ready?"

He stood there, "No. My lieutenant just brought down the hammer. Five have to be written up before shift end tonight. I'm sorry."

She stammered, "No, you know, I have.... I have some paperwork to do, as well. So, maybe another time."

"Well, the thing is, I kind of had my heart set on tonight. You like Chinese?"

She smiled at him, "It's my favorite."

"Great, wait here."

At the restaurant, Rick and Madison toasted and drank wine. Rick looked to Madison, "So you think that chef is Beckett's type?"

She shrugged, "Well, Becks never had a type. She dated a guitarist in a grunge band a med student and this French guy, that I'm pretty sure we was some kind of royalty. Who is she seeing now?"

"Just some guy. I don't see it going anywhere."

Back at the precinct Beckett and Demming were eating Chinese food. They discussed her case and they were interrupted by Esposito and Ryan. They found out that somehow Madison was involved. Esposito looked at the Chinese food, but continued to talk to Kate, "Apparently, Wolf wanted out of his contract. He wanted to leave the restaurant, and he wanted his investment back."

Demming chimed in, "But the restaurant just opened, Why would he want to leave?"

Ryan added, "Creative differences. But Madison refused to release him. Wolf was planning to sue."

Kate was stunned, "She'd built the restaurant on his reputation. If he left, she would've lost everything. So what happens to Q3 now that Wolf is dead?"

Esposito replied, "She had business insurance on him. So, with the payout, Madison gets the restaurant, free and clear."

Ryan said, "Wolf's death protects her from potentially losing two million dollars in real estate, appliances and fixtures."

Demming looked to Kate, "Sounds like motive to me."

Back at the restaurant, Madison and Rick were into their fourth course and Madison took a taste of the caviar, "Mmm.."

He took a taste of his, "This.... right?"

She nodded, "Oh, my God! This caviar parfait is delicious."

He nodded, "I'll trade you for some of my black truffle risotto with crispy shrimp."

She flashed him a huge smile, "How could I resist?" They fed each other and their mouths were close together. They both moan, "That is...."

Kate came over to their table, "I'm sorry to interrupt."

Madison looked up, "Hey!"

Rick stared at her, "Beckett. What are you doing here?"

"I need to ask Madison a few questions."

Madison looked up at her, "Pull up a chair."

"Not here, downtown."

Once at the station Rick blurted out, "You realize Madison and I weren't halfway through our tasting menus when you stomped in there like the fun police?"

She was pissed, "What part of her being a suspect in a murder investigation do you not get?"

"I'm just saying, you could've been more civilized and allowed us to finish our meal."

She walked into the interview room and Madison blasted her, "Okay, next time I'm hitting on a guy you like, come clean with me before I go out with him so you don't have to arrest me to break up the date."

"Madison, that's not..."

She cut Kate off, "No, no, no, no, no! I get it! You're hot for Castle! You want to make little Castle babies! Why can't you just be honest with me."

She closed her eyes and groaned, "Maddie"

She screamed back at Kate, "WHAT?"

"He can hear us."

She looked around, "Really?"


She pointed to the window, "Rick's behind the mirror?"


She walked around the table and waved to the window, "Like on TV Hey, there! Sorry we missed the pumpkin gnocchi. They're really good."

Rick replied by knocking on the window and she chuckled.

"Madison, sit. You lied to me. You knew that Wolf wanted out of Q3, and you knew that he was gonna sue you."

She stared at Kate, "You know about that?" "Yeah, I know about that."

"Okay, but I didn't lie. I just neglected to say anything about it. Okay, you know how hard it is to open a restaurant in Manhattan? If word got out that Wolf was trying to leave, it would ruined me."

Kate blasted back, "But if he dies, with your insurance policy, you make out just fine. So what happened, Maddie? Did you guys get into a fight? Did you throw something at him? Because I remember you throwing things at people when you got angry."

Madison rolled her eyes, "Oh come on! Don't you people have rules about using personal knowledge against a suspect? Did I ever use you having threesomes with me and Brent? If I remember correctly, Becks, you were into it. Not just Brent, but the way we went at each other, Wow, now that was something to get your temperature up about."

Kate let out a gasp and in a whisper replied, "You know, Rick can still hear you." She sat back, "Maddie, you better start being straight with me."

She chuckled, "Opposed to being bi, okay, I'll be straight with you, but what about Castle. Listen, "I didn't kill him!" She licked her lips, "Two weeks ago, Wolf tells me he wants out of the restaurant biz, completely out of nowhere. Says he's trying to change his life. Now I'm thinking he's being poached. So, I start offering better equipment, a bigger piece in the business, whatever he wants. He insists he's really getting out and that I can't change his mind. It was like something changed in his life. Now, I was gonna let him out of his contract. I just needed time to find a new chef. But I swear Becks, I didn't kill him."

Both Rick and Kate came out of their rooms together and he stared at her, "You don't think she did it, do you?"

"Well, until I can rule her out, it doesn't matter what I think. She has motive."

He chuckled, "So what about this thing you Madison and this guy Brent had together?"

She ignored him, "I just asked her to stay in town."

"Yeah, I know, I heard,and heard.... everything!"

Ryan and Esposito found the loan-shark that lent Wolf the money. Kate and Rick went to interview him and found out he was paid back and used his cash to purchase a ring.

It hit Rick that the ring was in the cake Wolf made. They found the ring but couldn't figure out who the ring was for. They found out that everyday he sat at a table across the street from a woman he was in love with.

When they went there they saw who the girl was. It was his foster brother's girlfriend. When they confronted him, he refused to talk, When they went to his apartment they found Wolf's backpack with the rest of them money. They had him cold. He found out his girlfriend was pregnant and when he confronted her, she spilled that it was Wolf's. He was so pissed, he kill him.

Madison was off the hook, but she had a thing for Rick and for Becks. Kate went to see her at the re-opening of her restaurant. As always Kate looked incredible in skin-tight jeans and a spaghetti strap black top. Her hair was down and as she moved, it swayed from side to side.

Madison was happy to see her. She took looked amazing in a tight, royal blue dress with a very tight pencil skirt. Her long blonde hair, just like Kate's was straight, although a lot longer. She hugged her, "Are you here for the re-opening?"

Yeah, I thought I'd come and try and mend the fences I broke in the interrogation room."

"Don't think twice about it. As a matter of fact, I have an open chair, but you have to share with Rick."

Kate's jaw dropped, "Okay, is this some kind of a set-up? Are you looking for that threesome you wanted to relive after high school?"

"If I am, are you going to chicken out?"

Kate gave her a deep stare. She licked her lips and her lips parted, "Just don't overfeed him. I think he's going to need all of his energy to keep us both satisfied, Maddie."

Madison hugged her and whispered in her ear, "Not to worry Becks, if he peters out, I'll be there to finish whatever he can't."

Kate whispered back, "Then, please over feed him."

Mallory chuckled and led her to the table.

Two and a half hours later, the dinner crowd was gone. Kate and Rick almost had too much to eat and drink, but when Madison came over to them and whispered in Rick's ear, he perked up, "So big man, I heard you've been on the top ten list of eligible men in New York City. You're gonna have to prove it tonight." She looked to Kate, "Are you ready for this?"

She stood up and leaned into Maddie, "Just one thing, this stays between the three of us."

She hugged her, "You got it Becks, my apartment is conveniently just around the corner, let's go."

Once there, Madison kicked off her heels and looked to Rick and Kate, "Make yourselves comfortable, I'll break open a bottle of wine." She returned with three glasses of wine and Rick and Kate had their shoes off. They nearly fell of the sofa.

Madison had stripped off her clothes and stood before them, "I did mention, to get comfortable. I didn't mean just remove your shoes. Look at me, I'm very, very comfortable."

Both Rick and Kate stood up and Kate took hold of Madison's hand, "Lead up to the bedroom and we'll show you just how comfortable we can get."

Madison led them to the large frilly bedroom. The bed was huge and she reached out and threw off the comforter. She slid onto the bed and rolled over onto her back. She beckoned them as her long blonde hair floated on the pillow about her pretty face. She stared up at them with those bright blue eyes and she licked her red lips.

Kate and Rick began working their was upward from her feet. One on each side of her, stroking her legs and planting soft kisses along her slender legs. They both reached her naked pussy and for the first time, Madison moaned as both of their tongue worked on her tight, juicy cunt.

Kate relented and moved upward along Maddie's flat, toned belly. She paused at her ripe, full 36B tits. She teased the cherry red nipples and after causing Maddie to moan even louder, she moved up to kiss the lovely blonde.

Meanwhile, Rick continued working on Madison's pussy with his tongue. He drew the clit between his lips and sucked loudly. He released it and moved down the tight slit and found it beginning to blossom and part. He stiffened his tongue and shoved it deep into her tight hole. He slid lower and found her brown eye winking at him. He flicked his tongue out and gave it the once over too. While doing his, his hands were on constant motion. He caressed her squirming legs, her tight ass and he cupped her tits as Kate continued kissing Maddie.


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