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Best of Last Man Standing Pt. 13

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Eve beds Kyle; Billie joins the whole family.
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Part 13 of the 25 part series

Updated 10/11/2023
Created 12/09/2021
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Last Man Standing: More of Season 5

Everyone in this story is at least eighteen years of age when having sexual relations

Now that Mandy and Kyle were engaged, Mandy started to be extremely mean to Eve. Eve played it up especially in front of Kyle.

Mandy caught Eve in the basement and she accused her of messing with her patterns and material. She chased her out of there and Eve yelled back, "Every one of us has a right to the basement." She turned and saw Kyle standing there.

Kyle put down a couple bolts of material, "Way to be firm Eve. Mice can be very territorial."

Eve shook her head and headed upstairs, "It's just sister stuff."

"I get that, my brothers used to mess with me all the time. I was the youngest too."

Eve saw an opening to get back at Mandy, "It's not easy is it?" He stood there and crossed his arms,


"Big brother's are supposed to look out for you. You know, now that you and Mandy are getting married, you sorta could be my big brother."

He smiled at her, "You're right."

She came back down the stairs, "Yeah."

"Yeah, okay what do we do first, eat ice cream or build a fort. Wait, obviously we do both."

"That all seems great, but what I meant was..." She cleared her throat, "I'm kind of dealing with a bully right now." She put on a sad face, "Mandy!"

He was shocked, "Really?"

"I know she's all sweet around you, but behind your back, she's kind of a monster to me."

"I have seen that side of her once. She made a hostess cry."

Later that day, Mandy and Kyle were in the living room, sorting out her designs to ship out. Eve came down the stairs and headed for the basement.

Mandy turned and seeing her, yelled out, "Hey, hey, hey, hey! Don't even think about going to that basement. Yeah, get your bratty butt back up to your own room."

Eve stopped and scoffed, "That hurts, Mandy! Like a word noogie."

Mandy chuckled, "Yeah, good, that was the intention"

Kyle spoke up, "Mandy, I think that Eve should be able to use the basement, too. You know, we can do our work up here." He turned back to Eve, "Go on down, sport."

She chuckled, "Thanks, bro!"

Mandy watched as Eve turned and headed down stairs. She moved over to Kyle and snapped her fingers, "Hey! What was that?"

"I know what it's like to be bullied by an older sibling, and I can't watch it. That or any video, no matter how hysterical, that demeans old people."

She crossed her arms and glared at him, "Oh, my god! She's playing you."

He scoffed, "No, I am not that gullible."

Her eyes nearly popped pout of her head, "Uhhhh, really? How much money have you given those "orphans" in the North Face jackets that smoke outside the 7-Eleven?"

"I don't give them money. I give them beer. If you give them money, they're just gonna spend it on drugs."

"Eve keeps taking over my workspace, and she only does it to mess with me. And to keep me from my babies." She picked up her dresses to show him.

"How can she keep you from your babies? She sounds like that judge my mom was always complaining about."

She was really pissed, "Thanks a lot. You sided with the wrong sister." She crossed her arms again and yelled out, "OH! And, by the way, I've seen her laugh at a video of an old man trapped in a bounce house."

He was shocked, "My god, what have I done?"

Eve was downstairs sitting on the bed, strumming her guitar.

Kyle headed down there and when he tried the door he found it locked. He knocked and Eve yelled out, "Go away, Mandy! I could shut this sweatshop down with one call!"

Kyle yelled back, "It's me, Eve. Your brother."

She went to it and unlocked the door. Once open, she peeked out, "Oh sorry, I thought it was Mandy. The emotional bruises haven't healed yet."

He was pissed, "Save it! You abused my sweet and trusting nature. I am very disappointed in you, young lady."

She threw up her arms, "You're right. I'm really sorry." She let out a big sigh, "I'll never do it again." She blurted out and rushing into his arms, "I'm a horrible person"

He wrapped his arms around her, "Oh, no, no!" He stroked her back as she pressed her head against his chest and snuggled in deeper. "It's okay." He heard her whimper, "The important thing is, you learned your lesson"

She was smiling, "I really did. You're a great big brother, Kyle."

He pulled back, Okay, all right, you have fun, sport." He made a dash for the door and stopped, "Wait a second," He turned around, "You did it again! Stupid sweet, trusting nature!"

She turned back to him, "Kyle, I just really want to be alone right now." She let out another sign and moved across the room.

He moved over towards her, "Why is it so important for you to be down here? What are you doing?" He picked up Eve's guitar, "And when did Mandy get a guitar?"

She groaned, "It's mine, okay? I've been writing songs, and I come down here to play them so nobody can hear them."

"Why don't you want anyone else to hear. Oh, do they really suck?" He sat down beside her.

She shrugged, "They're just personal. Ever since I got rejected from West Point... I don't know---I've just been feeling really lost."

He nodded, "I've been there. Not West Point---lost. Singing about it helps you?"

She looked down, "Yeah. Unfortunately, but a lot of words rhyme with "point." Just don't tell anybody, okay?"

He gave her a weak smile, "Oh, I won't. But look, Mandy's got to get down here to do her work"

Again Eve looked down at her hands and in a defeated voice she replied, "Yeah, I know."

He perked up, "You know, my apartment's empty all day when I'm at work. I could make you a key, and you could play there."

She smiled up at him, "Really? You would do that for me even after I tricked you?" She stood up and moved towards him.

"Of course. Wait--unless this is another trick."

She crossed her arms, "It's not! Thanks, Kyle. You really are a good big brother."

"This is nothing. Wait to you see me build a fort." He turned and left the room.

Eve's plan to get Kyle alone was working out even better than she expected. She thought she'd have to seduce him here in the basement. She now knew having him alone in his apartment would be easy as cake.

She waited for him to get her a key and then she set her plan into action. She went shopping and purchased the slinkiest, sheerest black nightgown she could find. She got a pair of five inch black high heels and went over to Kyle's apartment. She took a nice long bath, soaking in his tub. Afterwards, she brushed out her long, wavy chestnut brown hair and applied just the minimal amount of make-up to lure him into her web. She applied a dark red lip-gloss and picked up her guitar and plucked away, waiting for him to appear at his apartment.

An hour before he arrived, he called, "Hi Eve, just checking to see if you were there. Is there anything I should bring for you?"

She giggled, "How about a nice bottle of chilled wine."

He scoffed, "You are not twenty-one yet, but I think I could swing by and get one to share with you. How is your music coming along?"

"Oh it's getting better. Just being here alone in your apartment has inspired me, but at the same time, I've found myself very, very lonesome. I'm in need of some good company."

"Well, I'm sure I can provide that, see you soon."

"Oh I hope you do." She went into the bedroom and made sure the bed was turned down and lit a few candles. She looked at herself in the mirror and saw her tiny, dusty nipples poking against the sheet material. She gazed down and saw the juncture of her legs and saw the protruding fat lips. They were already beginning to swell and turn moist. She swept her long hair over her shoulders and loved how it draped across her pert, firm tits.

She returned to the living room and took a seat on a stool near the kitchen island. She picked up her guitar and strummed a light tune and hummed and she felt her skin begin to grow hotter, just thinking about Kyle. She thought back to the evenings when her parents were out and she could hear Mandy cry out for him to fuck her harder with his big, fat cock. She wanted to be part of that and she wasn't going to take no for an answer.

When Eve heard the key in the lock, her blood pressure shot through the roof. She licked her parched lips and placed the guitar in front of her. She put a big smile on her lips and looked down at the strings. She didn't look up until she heard a loud gasp. She tipped her head back slightly and through dark lashes looked up with those dark, smoky eyes, "I'm here to put on a special performance for my favorite big brother."

He closed the door behind him and flipped the latch, locking the door. He turned back to Eve, "What the fuck do you think you are doing, Eve?"

She slowly placed the guitar on the floor and stood, wearing those fuck me heels; She tossed her head back, sending her long, slinky dark brown hair over her shoulders. She bit her lower lip and took a step closer to him, "You inspired me, Kyle and I want to explore the feelings I have for my future brother-in-law. Do you have any idea how cruel you and Mandy are when you are in the room beside mine. Hearing her scream out for you to fuck her harder and I can actually hear the sound of wet skin slapping against wet skin. To hear you growl out as you cum in her, I nearly go insane. You wonder why I want you of my bedroom and I try to hide in the basement, what would you do?"

He stepped closer to her and looked down at the nearly naked gorgeous brunette, "Oh my god, Eve. I had no idea! We never meant to throw our love in your face and I can see now, that is exactly what we were doing to you. We should have been more considerate. How can I make it up to you?"

She placed her hands on his Outdoor Man pullover shirt. She fanned her hands out and felt his toned muscles. She looked up at him with those dark, sexy eyes, "You can make me scream the way you make Mandy scream."

He shook his head, "I'm not sure that's a good idea Eve. You'll be opening up a whole new can of worms."

Her hand went to his crotch and squeezed, "I believe what I'd be opening would be a lot larger than a worm. I know for a fact that you've fucked Kristen and my mother. With me, you can make it a hat trick of sisters and my Mom to boot!'

He looked down at her petite, but lush, sexy curves. He nodded, "Okay, I'm yours for the evening. I'll call Mandy later and tell her I won't be coming over. What do you want me to do?"

She looked him up and down, "How about removing this shirt. I'm dying to see if the muscles under it is really all you."

He nodded and gracefully pulled it off over his head.

"Mmm," she sighed appreciatively. She circled around him. Her fingers traced the outlines of his well defined muscles. As she came around to his front. She palmed his firm pecs and let her hand slide down to trace the outline of his slightly rounded belly. She leaned forward and her tiny pink tongue flicked out and began to circle his nipple until Kyle let out a soft, excited moan and began to shiver in the cool room.

A smile crossed Eve's lips when she heard this. As she continued to suck on his nipple, her hands went lower, sliding down over his belly and hips and both hands met at the lump in his pants. She caressed him gently moving both hand in wide circles while she explored his upper thighs, the gap between his legs, before finally closing in and rubbing his swollen shaft through his pants.

Eve was happy to see a smile cross his lips. It matched the one she had too and she slowly sank to her knees. His khaki slacks with that large lump was exactly at eye level. She gave the bulge a gentle squeeze, and then bend down low and slipped his loafers off, taking his socks with them.

She was breathing heavily now. She straightened up and deftly unbuckled his belt. She unbuttoned his pants and pulled down the zipper as if she did it a thousand times before. She tugged at his slacks and he placed a hand on her shoulder as he stepped out of them. She took her time as she folded his pants and placed them on his shoes and socks. She reached out and grabbed hold of the waistband of his boxers and tugged them down. Her mouth dropped open as she came face to face with his stiff, fat cock. She released a small gasp. Her eyes turned darker as she looked up at her naked, soon to be brother -in-law. She licked her lips and inhaled his male scent.

She stared at him as both of her hands gripped his swollen, fat cock. It looked even larger in her tiny hands and she released a gasp when she stroked him and felt the thick veins bulging from the sides of the shaft.

"I don't wanna sound crazy, but you have a very, very gorgeous cock. It is so hard and stiff, but when I stroke it, it still feels soft and velvety."

He swooned, "Oh Eve, I've never had it described like that before, thank you, I think."

Without replying to him, she parted her lips and as her mouth opened wider, she began to suck on the tip of his cock. She sucked on him loudly, wetly as her slurping and the way she made her lips smack was for his benefit. She was amazed that it grew a little longer and stiffer, if that was possible.

Eve released a couple cleaning breaths and began to lick his shaft up and down until she had every inch of it dripping with her saliva. She leaned in and began licking and sucking on his heavy balls, swallowing them as she pumped her hand up and down the entire length of his cock.

Eve sat back on her heels and looked at what she had accomplished. His fat cock was rock hard, pointing upward, it twitched and swayed, but was not going down at all.

She finally stood and taking him by the hand, led him down the hall to his bedroom. She tugged at the black satin ribbon at her neckline and as her nightgown parted. She slipped it from her petite body and she stood completely naked before him. She took a step back and planted her tiny, tight ass on the edge of the mattress. She sat there and placed her hands on her knees. She licked her lips again and slowly spread her slender, shapely legs.

Kyle stood there, staring at her fat, swollen cuntlips. They were saturated with her juices already. He looked up into her eyes, "Your breasts are nothing like either of your sisters or mother." He raised his hand to stop her from replying, "But I have to say, without a doubt, your pussy lips are a mirror image of Kristen and Mrs. B. You are your mother's child."

Eve ran her hands up her inner thighs, her perfect fingernails scraped against her pale skin. She continued moving upward until she make contact with her fat lips. She used both hands to slowly part them, giving him a glimpse of her pink inner walls.

Kyle's eyes were locked on her glistening pussy. He watched at Eve slipped a finger deep into her pussy. She released a gasp of pleasure as it raced through her body. She pumped it in and out, slowly, opening herself wider. Her entire cunt was glistening in the low light of the candles she lit earlier. She drew her finger out and raised it slowly to her lips. She saw how Kyle was breathing heavily as he watched her sweep her sticky fingers across her puffy lips. Her tongue darted out and swept it off her lips and followed up by slowly slipping her finger into her mouth to suck loudly.

She dipped her finger into her slit once again and this time when she raised her hand, she beckoned Kyle to come closer.

Kyle as if in a trance, moved towards her. He took hold of her hand and licked her sweet tonic from her finger. He groaned when she pulled it from his mouth and slid back further onto the bed. Her legs were spread wide and he was ready to dive in and lick her, just like she did to him. As he made the move to do so.

Eve put up her hand and shook her head, "I need your cock!" She bit her lip, "Inside me, now, is that okay?"

Kyle climbed onto the bed and crawled between Eve's legs. She reached out and seized his cock, and in one swift movement pulled him towards her. She guided his fat cock to the target and as Eve sighed and trembled, Kyle quickly drove into her.

Eve rolled her head from side to side and gasped, "Oh God, I've wanted this for so fucking long!

Kyle was pleased hearing this. He was inside her, balls deep. He was surprised at the ease she accepted him. He took it to realize just hot wet and ready she was. She shifted about slightly to accept his entire length and girth. She knew he was totally in her because she felt his balls resting on her tight ass cheeks. She let out a cleaning breath as Kyle paused to allow her to adjust to his invasion.

She was more than ready for him to fuck her and fuck her he did. He withdrew and thrust inside her. She moaned in pleasure, "Oh God, Kyle, can you feel how wet and hot you're making me?"

He couldn't speak, he just nodded. He chuckled when he listened to her heavy breathing and gasped out, "I've never been this wet before, never! Mandy is one lucky bitch. I love your cock, not too big, not too small, it's perfect!"

He hovered over her, "You may not believe this Eve, but you are absolutely beautiful. You have this hidden quality, sort of the "Girl Next Door" look and it is so fucking hot!"

She grinned from ear to ear and wrapped her arms around him and kissed him with so much passion, it took both of their breaths away.

Kyle slowly began to slide in and out of her, slowly and gently.

She wrapped her legs around him and kicked at his ass with her heels, "Come on Kyle, fuck me! You won't break me, I'm tough enough."

He chuckled, but instead of replying, he just did as she requested, but it still wasn't enough.

She raked her nails along his back and growled out "Harder, I won't break, give it to me hard and fast!"

He pulled almost all the way out and then slammed back into her. Their bodies slapping against one another. The headboard banged against the wall with each thrust.

It was yet enough for the teenager, "MORE!" She screamed out and reached around and clutched at his firm ass and pulled at him, urging him on.

Kyle wasn't used to this. With Mandy and Kristen, they liked it hard, but nothing the way Eve was demanding. He sped up, giving her exactly what she wanted and needed.

Kyle rose up and was in awe as he drove in and out of her. He noticed, just like Kris, her thick lips clung to his invading cock and created a tight seal as he slid in and out of her. He was drawn back downward as once again, Eve grabbed hold of his ass and pulled him tight to her slick, sweat covered body.

Eve had him tight to her body and her mouth found his and they were locked in a torrid kiss. Her tongue darted in and out of his mouth at the same quick pace he fucked her pussy.

Kyle wiggled his hands beneath her, cupping her tiny, tight ass as he continued to ravish her pussy. His hands tightened on her taut buns. Her legs tightened around his slick skin and the sound of her sloppy cunt being plummeted over and over again echoed through the tiny bedroom.

Eve was getting close and she bucked wildly against him. She cried out, "Oh Kyle, fuck me, fuck me harder! I'm cumming, yes, oh yes, you're finally giving me what I wanted for so long!"

He felt her clutched at his shaft and she felt an even warmer gush of her cream coating his cock. He slowed, knowing she needed a little time to recover. He slowed to a stop and rising up on his knees, he withdrew from her incredible receptive pussy. He rolled over onto his back alongside her.

Eve leaned over his heaving body. She swept her long, thick hair over her shoulder. She closed his tiny hand around his slimy cock and without a moment to waste, she sucked on it, taking it deep into her mouth, "Mmm, I love how good I taste on your fat, stiff cock."

She began to devour his cock, like a talented porn star. She picked up the pace and the sound her sucking and slurping his cock rang through the room. Her tongue swirled around his shaft on each bob of her head.

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