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Beth Ch. 03

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It's time to feel more womanly...
2.6k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 01/14/2023
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"Beth dear, last time you were amazing! You looked so beautiful in the restaurant...

And you were so naughty in the car on our way home!...

Thank you for being with me. I think that I am already falling for you..."

"Jimmy, you welcome... And I like you a lot too!"

"Well Beth, now that you are officially my girlfriend, I'd like to buy you a present.

What will make you happy?"

I smiled, "Every girl loves a compliment, but you really do not have to give me any gifts. At least not yet... If you insist, I'd rather feel more comfortable as your GIRL... What I mean is my rear and hips are too skinny. I'd look better having woman's thighs... If you can find for me a hip enhancer shapewear, my lower body will appear more... womanly. By the way, the shoes you gave me last time were very pretty. But I need one size bigger, then my feet will thank you..."

"Beth, I'll buy these 2 things first thing tomorrow morning!"

I hugged my boyfriend. He was very nice and understanding...

"Beth, I'll just go pee and then we can go out. It's a nice evening. I thought we could stroll on main street and then we'll find a bar to go to or eat something."

He went to the bathroom and I sat on the loveseat thinking. How quickly everything changed...

From looking like a man, my appearance switched to a female form...

More importantly, my mind began rationing a lot like a woman...

It was the way I envisioned my figure, the way I walked, the way I talked to Jim and the way I adored his manly body...

Giving him head was pleasurable for me, but it also made me happy to know that my man was enjoying it!...

Jim came out of the bathroom. He was dressed nicely with denim pants and a long sleeve shirt.

I fixed his collar and went to check myself in the mirror.

My new midi black skirt highlighted my shapely calves. The beige blouse was somewhat tight over my chest, making my fake tits appear like they were about to burst open... My black shoes were too small, but for now I'd do with them.

I readjusted the wig with bobby pins, added a touch of mascara and reapplied glossy red lipstick that I knew Jim loved to see on my lips.

Ten minutes later I was ready.

We drove to the main street nearest parking area and started strolling.

It was a gorgeous cloudless evening. Seventy degrees greeted us with only minimal breeze.

I tried to hold Jim's hand, but he stopped, kissed me fondly, wrapped his hand around my shoulder and whispered, "Children hold hands. You are my girl now and hugging your body makes me proud that you are mine..."

He was right!

I leaned my head against his muscular shoulder sensing his manly odor mixed with his deodorant.

We reached a place with several stores that were still open.

Jim turned to me, "Wait for me here. I just want to see the prices of an electric saw, big hammer and a long Phillips screwdriver. I'll be back in a jiffy..."

I sat on a chair and watched the people walking by.

All of a sudden I heard a whistle from 10 feet away.

A guy of about 25 years old was looking at me with a broad smile on his face. "Ma'am, can I help you with something?... Would you like to come with me to the nearest bar? You are very pretty..."

I chuckled and used a falsetto voice, "Thank you for the nice compliment, but my boyfriend won't like it if I'd leave him for you..."

"Lady, if your boyfriend goes somewhere and leaves you alone on the main street, he doesn't deserve you!... Please join me for a drink. Once he shows up, we'll tell him that due to his desertion, he lost you to me..."

I laughed, "Sir you are very nice, but NO!..."

His eyes ogled my face and then my whole body, "Ma'am, when he shows up, tell him that a young guy was envy of his prize... Take care..."

This guy's flirt made me feel good!... Which surprised me.

As a guy I never cared about compliments, unless they were related to my performance at work. And now I reacted like a girl! Or at least what the stigma suggested about girls behavior...

Jim was back in 15 minutes.

He gave me a light kiss, "Honey, thanks for waiting. Now let's go and buy for you the hip thingy that you mentioned before..."

"Jim, you are a dear, but I changed my mind. I'd rather do it by myself when I have time to measure it without hurrying."

"OK. Would you like to stroll around? Go to a movie? A bar may be?"

"These shoes are killing me... I better have 1 size bigger by tomorrow if you want us walking more than 20 feet at a time... Landmark theater is nearby. Let's see one of the 5 films showing now."

We were lucky. The movie Eyes Wide Shut would start in 5 minutes.

I've heard a lot about it, but never saw it. I glanced at Jim pleadingly.

He smiled, "Girl, you win... Let's go in."

I never liked to sit too close to the screen, but last row was too far for my eyes, so we chose 2 middle seats about 3 rows from the last one.

Jim lifted the separation between us and hugged my shoulder.

I sighed, happy to lean on him with my hand on his lap.

As the movie progressed, erotic scenes began to be seen more frequently.

My dick gradually hardened.

Jim's hand started trailing on my back, shoulder, occasionally slipping to my chest.

I moved my hand to his groin to find out that his cock was in the process of rising up also...

I looked at his face. He winked at me.

He didn't have to talk. I knew exactly what he wished I'd do... I unzipped his pants.

As the beautiful exposed body of Nicole Kidman was displayed on the screen, Jim's cock was finally free to jolt upward.

I watched the movie with my palm bobbing his stiff pole.

The next part of the film was a scary one.

I bent down.

My red lips enveloped the head and my hand was still rubbing his shaft the way he liked it.

I couldn't see the movie, but I listened to the sound, waiting for the frightening part to end.

Jim placed a hand on my head and gently pushed it down, wishing me to take more of him in my mouth and suck harder.

Not being able to watch the screen and his cock buried in my throat made it difficult to follow the movie.

I was hearing too many voices and noises, some seemed to originate near by.

Then I heard Nicole Kidman moaning, clearly during a sexual act.

Jim was now fully erect!

He was mesmerized by the intercourse on the screen and began fucking my face holding my head down.

I now clearly heard voices whispering and chuckling behind us.

With Jim's giant cock stuck deep inside my throat and his hand not letting go, I wasn't able to talk or move...

Within few seconds Jim's organ started spewing it's spunk into my ready throat.

I swallowed as fast as I could and except for few drops I handled his juices fairly well.

My cock was very hard and aching, but I could not masturbate...

When he was done, I lifted my head.

Just behind me I saw 2 young men moving backwards and then sitting down.

I looked at their faces. Both were smiling at me. One showed a 'thumb up' sign, while the other had his palm on his own cock!... Luckily I didn't know them...

I thought that these 2 guys had a sexy movie on the screen and a live show a row in front of them... Not bad for the price...

When the movie was finished, I didn't wait for the lights.

I hurried to the women's bathroom and fixed my hair and the smeared lipstick. I looked half decent...

I waited for Jim to come out.

The 2 guys passed by and one of them blurted. "Lady, your sucking was much more interesting than the movie and... definitely worth everything we paid..."

I just smiled and stayed quiet.

Jim arrived 2 minutes later. Two stubborn drops were noticed on the front of his pants.

Should I tell him to clean it or leave it?... I decided to just ignore the issue...

Jim drove me back.

Before we separated he said, "Beth You have the best mouth ever. But soon I want to have all of you..."

When I was in bed and ready to go to sleep, his words crossed my mind again 'I want to have all of you'...

Yes, I knew what he meant...

My brain already accepted that being Jim's girl meant to let him use more than just my mouth...

I just hoped that when time came, he would be patient and gentle.

Deep inside I was ready...

I haven't seen Jim for 3 days. He didn't call my phone and there wasn't any message on the answering machine.

I called his cellphone. He didn't answer. I left a message for him to call me the earliest possible...

The same night Jim called. He sounded tired, "Sorry Beth, but I was so busy. Every night I slept less than 5 hours..."

"Jim dear, I understand that sometimes you may be very busy, but you could have left a short message... This is not a way to treat a lady... And you know it!..."

Jim apologized, "Beth, you are right. Of course... During 2 short breaks that I had one day, I got something for you... By the way, remember the 2 pairs of shoes you liked? Well, I found one size bigger of each. Darling, let's meet on Saturday morning. I miss you... Just talking to you, my cock reminds me that it longs for your expert mouth..."

I chuckled, "Tell your boy to hold his horses. My mouth will take care of him soon..."

Saturday morning I woke up early.

I shaved. Including my legs, arms, armpits, chest and... genitals.

Last time I was with Jim, I remembered to grab some clothes and bring them home with me, so I could get ready as Beth when I left home.

I arrived at Jim's 5 minutes before 10 am. Everything was quiet.

I took the spare key, opened the main door and found Jim sound asleep...

I slowly removed the thin blanket.

His magnificent body was... naked!

I smiled to myself, Jim's favorite waking up method was about to happen...

I knelt in front of his bed, took his deflated smooth cock in my palm and engulfed it with my pouty lips.

His shriveled penis was cute and within seconds it was being slowly sucked.

It began engorging even before Jim opened his eyes.

"Hi gorgeous! What time is it?..."

I removed his organ temporarily from my hungry mouth, "It's time for the lazy stud to wake up. I didn't have my morning coffee yet. I'd actually rather have something else to drink if you get my drift..."

"Beth, I want to go to the bathroom first. It will take me about 15 minutes. Please undress for me, except for the wig, shoes, bra and panties..."

It sounded interesting! What was on Jim's mind?

I knew that he liked me and was a real gentleman, so I wasn't concerned... But I was curious.

When Jim returned, he found me lying on my tummy with me facing him.

He was still naked and his pole was at half mast...

I smirked, "Jim, did you play with yourself in there, or you were thinking about your upcoming treat?!..."

He chortled, "You were 50% right my dear. I haven't seen you for a long time and my baby REALLY missed you!..."

As his growing rigid member entered my mouth, Jim's large hands began massaging my back.

It felt good and I moaned.

Then warm oil was sprayed on my back...

His hands spread the oil evenly and the massage became more intense.

I was in heaven!...

Jim's hands descended slowly from my shoulders to the sides of my back, then to the center, ending at the small of my back.

He used a towel to dry his palms and then slipped the rear part of my panties down.

His strong hands kneaded my globes, moving in a circular fashion from the sides to the center.

I spread my legs for him, letting him know that I was ready for him...

His oily hand grazed my crack and touched my puckered hole. I moaned again.

Jim tried to gently push his forefinger into my virgin anus.

Instinctively my sphincter constricted, preventing his finger from going in.

"Beth, take it easy... I am not going to hurt you, I promise..."

I relaxed my sphincter and allowed more oil and then his careful finger inside.

It wasn't painful at all. His finger began gentle probing in and out.

It felt slippery and... nice.

His finger gradually penetrated further, reaching my prostate.

As my anus relaxed, my arousal intensified...

My puny dick became harder...

Jim continued his in-and-out movements and my ass began to counter move in sync with his finger!

Some moments later Jim inserted a second finger. It felt tighter in my ass, but it didn't hurt.

The continuous massage of my prostate was making me extremely horny and my mouth was now sucking his fully erect cock in overdrive...

Then both Jim's fingers left my anus.

It felt empty. I wanted him back!...

As I was pondering whether I should beg for his fingers, a slightly cold object was slowly invading my hole.

Jim was really slow and gentle. It was well oiled and pretty soon it was all in, reaching my prostate.

Jim was rolling it tenderly and again my arousal began to rise...

He was now pounding my throat with his prick and I knew that it won't take long until my dessert would be delivered.

As I was horny as hell, waiting for his seed to splatter inside my mouth, I heard a buzz and the object in my butt started vibrating...

My muffled groans were hardly heard with Jim's massive tool blocking my mouth...

Less than a minute later my dick erupted into my panties, leaking onto the sheet below.

Jim exploded seconds later, flooding my mouth with his goo, forcing me to swallow his abundant load as fast as I could.

When his cock began shriveling, he shut off the vibrator, removed it from my ass and put it on the nearby dresser.

Suddenly my tunnel felt so empty... I actually would have preferred he left it in...

Jim patiently waited for me to clean him thoroughly and lick the last drops.

When I was done, I lovingly removed his deflated cock and looked at him. I smiled...

I saw his happy face fondly exploring mine.

"Beth, you were awesome! Did it hurt?..."

"Jimmy, no it didn't hurt at all! In fact, it was the first time I climaxed too... And your cum was sweeter and tangier than usual today... Was it because you haven't had sex for several days, or you ate a pineapple yesterday?!..."

He laughed loudly, "Beth, you were correct 100%!... I knew that I wanted to explore your virgin man-pussy today, so I did the best I could to make it as pleasurable an experience as I possible could... On both ends..."

I stood up gingerly, making an effort to keep the precious seed inside of me and said, "Jimmy, I like you... You really let a lady feel good being with you..."

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