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Bethany Black Ch. 01

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A runaway falls into the hands of three vicious bandits.
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April of 1431


Bethany stared at the window, the sun catching it in such a way that she could see her reflection. She saw her straight, black hair draping down the sides of her fair skinned face. She studied her lusty, scarlet lips and her intense, violet eyes. Her body was voluptuous, with a curvy figure and large, sensuous breasts. She was a beautiful creature with a raw, sexual power. Bethany was eighteen today, and the whole world was at her feet.

Stepping out of the cottage, Bethany felt the warm sun on her skin. She was wearing a white dress, low cut and tight to show off her figure. Now that she was of age, her father intended to sell her into marriage. Being a poor farm girl however, Bethany wasn't likely to attract a higher class of husband, despite her beauty. She would most likely be auctioned off to a low merchant or a petty town official. Either way, she was all but destined to spend the rest of her life stuck in a small town, living in boredom and mediocrity. Such a dull fate did not suit her at all, not one of her intelligence and ambition.

Her two sisters had been both sold into marriage with other farmers, but Bethany was always the jewel of the family. She was spoiled and pampered by her mother, who worked tirelessly to prepare her for marriage. While her sisters only brought a few coins for their hands, Bethany was worth considerably more and she knew it. Her body and mind were worth far more than any local official or low merchant deserved. The only place that she could be sold for her full worth was the greatest city in Charlesland, the illustrious Court of the Roses.

The Court of the Roses was something out of a dream for Bethany. A city filled with wealth and power, cutthroats and nobility. It was the seat of the House of Masters, who ruled over Charlesland from their castles and manors. She dreamed of being the mistress of a castle, clothed in silk and jewels with servants attending to her every need. Deep in her wildly ambitious heart, Bethany knew that was what she deserved above all else.

The problem was, her father saw things differently. With the little money he could get from a town official, he could put it to paying off his land debt. That was what his mind was set on today. It frustrated Bethany to no end. The simple fool just did not understand that by spending a little extra and taking her the Court of Roses for auction, he could make far more and buy his own farm land. But that required ambition, something that had been hammered out of him from years of toil and misery as a lowly peasant.

When she stepped out of the cottage, Bethany looked over at her father. He was as sad looking as ever, broken down by his own miserable life, hitching his rickety cart to the back of an old bull. Her mother was once pretty, but no more. She had suffered too much work and too many hard winters. Her face was weathered and aged, though she was still loyal to the sad, old farmer that she was sold to all those years ago.

Bethany didn't want to be like her, nor like any other woman in the county. Charlesland was experiencing a renaissance of prosperity and culture. The Court of the Roses at the center of it, and Bethany's county was still behind the progress, hopelessly depressed in old fashions and poverty. This was a place for the old and broken to die, not for the young and youthful to live.

"Father," Bethany called out, "I'm going for a short walk before we leave."

"Fine," her father hollered back, "just make sure you're back soon. We have to get into town before the spring auction begins."

"Very well father," Bethany said.

She looked at her mother and father for the last time. Bethany had no intention of going into town with them, so she said a silent goodbye and walked off into the pine forest with nothing but the white dress on her back. If there was money to steal from the farm, she would have done so. But there wasn't, so she would have to make her way to fortune and glamor without a single coin to her name.


Claude looked down the road in both directions. There was no one coming. A smile stretched across his face as he went back to rummaging through the merchant cart. The owner of the cart's body was about thirty feet away. Claude had dragged it through the pines to make sure it was out of sight from the road. He needed to get rid of anything that might identify the cart as stolen. So far, so good. Everything in the cart he could sell without raising any suspicions.

Climbing into the driver's bench, Claude picked up the reigns and snapped them to get the horse moving. The horse whined at the snap, but slowly started to trot forward. Claude couldn't help but let out a small laugh as he steered the cart down the road, leaving the murdered corpse of the merchant behind.

After driving about an hour, Claude spotted a young woman standing on the side the road. She had long, black hair, fair skin and best of all, big breasts that were barely contained by the tight, low cut white dress that she wore. Smirking, Claude pulled the cart up beside and her and greeted her politely. He leaned forward and scanned her body with his eyes.

"Are you lost little girl?" he asked.

"I'm on my way to the Court of the Roses," Bethany said, "are you heading in that direction?"

The Court of the Roses? Claude knew better than go anywhere near that city. After all, he had a substantial price on his head and in Charlesland, all bandits are hanged. Still, there was no reason for him not to lie to her. After all, it wasn't often that he was served such a fresh delight.

"I am in fact on my way to the Court of Roses," he said.

"Really? Can I join you?"

"The extra weight will tire my horse faster," Claude said, "I'll have to make more frequent stops and feed him more. If you had some coin to ease the burden I would gladly be of service."

"I don't have any money. How about service in exchange for service?"

"That sounds reasonable. What's your name?"

"Bethany, sir."

"Climb aboard Bethany, we have to make good time if we want to get to the Court anytime soon."

Bethany laughed and hopped up and down, her breasts bouncing as she did so. She climbed up onto the bench next to Claude filled with excitement. Claude inspected her curves a bit more closely before snapping the reins so that the horse would start pulling the cart once again.

"What's your name?"


Bethany smiled and blushed a little. "I like that name," she said, "it's very sexy. Very mysterious."

"I suppose it is."

"Are you a merchant? The only reason I ask is because you aren't dressed like one. You look a bit rougher than I would expect."

"No, I was hired to move the goods to the Court. There are three infamous bandits that attack this road."

"I'm not scared of bandits," Bethany said, "I bet they'll flee in terror at the sight of you."

Claude laughed. "Well, I am an intimidating figure. But no, I don't worry about bandits much."

"How soon until we get to the Court of the Roses? I'm so excited, I just can't wait to see it. All of that wealth and culture, just thinking about it makes my heart want to burst."

"The Court is exciting," Claude said, "the sights and sounds and the bustle of the city. There is nothing like it in all the world. It can be a paradise for the lucky few, but a living nightmare for others."

"I don't see how."

"When you are poor and surrounded by poverty, that becomes the world you know. It's harsh and miserable, but it isn't cruel. When you are poor and surrounded by wealth and extravagance, that is cruel. Being poor can break a heart. Being poor and watching others flaunt their fortunes and rub it in your face will crush it. The Court of Roses is rich in many things, justice is not one of them."

"You didn't answer my question, how soon until we get there?"

"I have to make a few minor detours first, but we'll get there soon enough. Will that be a problem?"

"No," Bethany said, "I don't mind spend a little extra time with you."


It had grown dark. Night was falling over the forest and Claude had turned off the main road and down a narrow trail. Bethany didn't think anything of it. After all, Claude had said that he had stops of business to make on their way to the Court of Roses. The trail led to an old house, hidden away deep in the woods. It looked as though it had been abandoned for some years, with little proper upkeep done to its windows and walls. The sight of the house made Bethany uncomfortable. When the cart pulled up to the front of the house, she tried her best to put her discomfort out of her mind.

"What are we doing here?" she asked.

"Stopping for the night," Claude answered. "A friend of mine owns it, though by the looks of it he hasn't been around on the property much. We'll get a fire going and rest up for the night, then get a fresh start in the morning. That should give us plenty of time for you to pay for your ride here. Come on, time for you to be put to good use."

Bethany nodded and climbed down from the cart with Claude's aid. While the setting made her uncomfortable, she did make a deal with him that she intended to honor. Claude took her by the hand and pulled her along to the front door of the old, abandoned house. Deep down, Bethany knew something was wrong, but kept dismissing at as her nerves getting the better of her. She stood quietly, like a meek, little lamb, while Claude opened the door. The door swung open with a tired, old creak that sent a chill down Bethany's spine. Despite every instinct in her body telling her to flee into the woods, she took Claude's hand and walked into the house.

Claude closed and locked the door behind her. It was to make sure no uninvited guests got in, he told her. She nodded and stepped further into the house, which was so dark that she couldn't see more than a few inches in front of her. Claude seemed to know his way around the house extremely well however, within moments he had logs stacked in the fireplace. The fire came to life and the dark house was engulfed in its warm light.

The house was in disarray, with cobwebs in the corners and dust everywhere. Despite the state of the house both inside and outside, there was signs that someone was living there. The stove in the corner looked to be still in use as well as the pots and pans. There was food stored in the kitchen, fresh as if waiting for someone to return to it for their evening dinner. In the corner on the opposite end of the house, was pile of stuff. All sorts of things like dresses and clothes, common items and goods, a giant heap of them.

A knock at the door startled Bethany. She wrapped her arms around herself and backed away from the door towards the fireplace. Upon hearing a second knock, Claude walked over to the door and unlocked it. He opened the door and let in two more men. One was an ugly, skinny man with a rat-like face while the other was a giant of a man, over six and a half feet tall. Claude greeted them warmly as they came in, each looking at Bethany lecherously. Claude closed and locked the door once again.

"Who are they?" Bethany asked, growing so nervous that she was shaking.

"My friends," Claude answered plainly, "the little one is Skinner and the big one is Jones. You are going to service them too."

Claude and Skinner moved over to Bethany who was too frightened to move. They each grabbed one of her arms and held her, while they ripped open her dress. Bethany's breasts were exposed to the men, who continued to rip apart her dress piece by piece. Once they removed her of her clothes, their hands started run over her body, groping her chest and ass. A single tear escaped her eye and fell down her cheek.

"On your knees bitch," Claude commanded her.

Bethany slowly sank to her knees while Claude moved around in front of her. He pulled down the front of his trousers and pulled out his stiff cock. Grabbing Bethany by the hair, he pulled her head closer to him, and slapped her face with his dick a few times. Two more tears rolled down Bethany's cheek as she knew there was nothing she could do but what they wanted. She opened her scarlet colored lips and put her captor's cock into her mouth.

Her lips glided up and down on Claude's shaft. She closed her watery eyes and worked him with her mouth and tongue. Bethany sucked it slowly and carefully, so nervous that she could barely control herself. She felt the power of Claude's grip tighten on the back of her head. Opening her eyes, Bethany could see that he was growing impatient with her. Her efforts were clearly not pleasing him.

Claude grabbed Bethany's head with both hands and shoved his dick down her throat. Bethany gagged, her eyes went wide and she tried struggle against him. He was too strong, too powerful for her. Futilely, she raised her arms and tried to push his body back. Skinner moved behind her quickly and grabbed her wrists from behind. He pulled her arms behind her back and held them there. Free of obstruction, Claude fucked Bethany's mouth. Bethany gagged and choked as the hard cock was rammed down her throat. When Claude pulled out, Bethany gasped for air and was quickly slapped across the face.

"You're going to have suck better than that bitch," Claude sneered. He grabbed her by the hair once again and yanked her head back. "Now you better suck that dick like your life depends on it, because that is the only use we have for you."

"I'll suck better sir," Bethany said, "I promise."

Claude released his grip on Bethany's hair and she went straight into it. She sucked his cock as hard and fast as she could. Bethany slid the cock as deep as it could go, until she felt his balls on her chin then pulled back sharply with a loud gasp. Skinner grabbed her head from behind and pushed it forward, forcing Bethany to continue.

When he came in her mouth, Bethany immediately spat it out. She managed to get the spit and the cum all over her chin and breasts. Bethany was breathing deeply and sore from the abuse. She watched as Claude stepped back to allow Skinner to move around in front of her. His cock was hard and ready, so she opened her mouth for him. Skinner grabbed her by the hair and shoved himself in her mouth, starting the humiliation all over again.

The big one, Jones, just stood and watched as Bethany went back and forth between Claude and Skinner, sucking dick. When they got bored with that, they dragged her to a dirty, old mattress that was next to their stolen horde. They put her on her back and told her to spread her legs. Bethany submitted. Now that she had been humiliated, it was time for her to be ruthlessly fucked.

Claude was, of course, first. He crawled on top of her and penetrated her virgin pussy. Bethany was fucked like a cheap toy. The two villains took turns pounding and abusing her slit while Jones watched, making the experience all the more horrible. She squealed and cried while they grunted on top of her like the viscous animals they were. Bethany's humanity was stripped from her, leaving a hollowness inside that was constantly being filled with their cruel and mocking taunts.

"What a sweet little pussy," Skinner whispered into her ear while he fucked her. "Come on, tell me what a good slut you are."

"I'm a good slut sir," Bethany whispered. She was unable to speak any louder than that. It wasn't enough for Skinner though, he slapped her and yanked her hair.


"I'm a really good slut sir!"

Skinner laughed and flipped her onto her stomach. "If you're such a good slut," he said, "you'll be able to take this."

"Please sir, no more," Bethany begged. "Let me go, please don't do this to me."

Bethany felt a sharp slap across her ass.

"That's not what I want to hear," Skinner said. "I want to hear you begging me to fuck you."

"Please sir, fuck me," she begged. "I'm a stupid slut who ran away from home and I need to be punished. I deserve to be fucked by you and I belong on this filthy mattress as your whore. Fuck me hard and treat me like the stupid slut I am. Please, I beg you to fuck me sir."

Bethany couldn't believe the words that were coming out of her mouth. She would do and say anything, no matter how degrading it was. Skinner put her on her hands and knees and fucked her from behind. His hands gripped her hips tightly, as he slammed his dick into her repeatedly. Her breasts swung back and forth as his flesh slapped against hers. She huffed and groaned, her muscles burned and her body ached. With little strength left, her arms collapsed under her and the side of her face was now on the dirty mattress.

The bastard came inside her. Bethany took in heavy breaths, trying to pull in her second wind. She knew that the thugs weren't done with her yet. They were going to get every inch of enjoyment out of her before discarding her. Even though her pussy was sore, there was more and worse punishment for it take. Now that Claude and Skinner were done for the night, it was Jones' turn to abuse her soft, full body.

Jones' dick was massive. When he approached, Bethany cowered in fear under it. There was no way that monstrous thing was going to fit. She whimpered and tried to crawl away, but Jones caught her by the ankle and pulled her to him. The brute was unimaginably strong. He grabbed her by the waist and lifted her into the air with ease. She was facing away from him, struggling to get away from him. But, she was too tired and too weak. Jones brought her down and impaled Bethany's pussy on his giant cock.

Bethany let out a hoarse scream, it felt as though the dumb beast was going to break her in half. She couldn't move, she could barely breathe. Jones pumped her body with his titanic strength, sliding her pussy up and down on his thick, enormous shaft. Her body limp, she just dangled there while the brute had his way with her. She was a fragile doll in cruel hands, a soft hole for him to use and nothing more. After being fucked and humiliated all night, the only blessing Bethany received was that Jones did not take long. He quickly finished and tossed her back onto the mattress.

The morning sun was coming up, light seeping through the windows. Claude walked over and looked down at Bethany with a wicked grin. Bethany looked up at him with sad, broken eyes, silently pleading for mercy.

"I know that you wanted to travel to the Court of Roses," he said, "but that's a city that you're never going to see. We're going to keep you here as our little whore. Trust me when I say this, you will never escape this house. You're going to be on that mattress for a very, long time."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Hot story.

Like it and can't wait for second chapter.

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