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Beth's New Life Ch. 02

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Beth learns to be a pony named Autumn.
3.5k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 04/10/2024
Created 02/29/2024
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This is a fictional story. All the names, places, and situations have been made up.

No characters are under the age of eighteen (18).

Comments and Rating always Welcome!

Beth is out in the yard, laying in the grass taking in the sun, when Cindy calls to her. "BETH, TIME TO COME IN! ANGELA IS HERE FOR YOUR FITTING!"

When she gets to the barn, Cindy calls her over to where she's talking to a couple women. Cindy motions to the older woman. "This is Angela, she's going to take your measurements."

Angela walks up to Beth and motions to the younger woman. "This is Doris, my assistant." Angela takes out a cloth tape measure. "Spread your legs and hold your arms out." After Beth does as she's told Angela starts taking measurements, calling them out to Doris, who enters them into the tablet she's holding. When she's done, she tells Beth to relax and leans on the wagon next to Cindy.

Beth lowers her arms, letting them hang at her sides.

Doris turns to Cindy. "Can I give her a treat?"

Cindy giggles and nods. "Sure. It'll be her first one, and she should get used to getting them for being a good pony."

Doris reaches into her pocket and takes out a small foil covered ball of chocolate. She removes the foil, revealing a ball of chocolate. She offers it to Beth with the ball of chocolate in her open palm. "Here you go, girl."

Beth starts to reach for the chocolate when Cindy yells. "NO!" She shakes her head. "No hands. Use your tongue and mouth."

Beth puts her hand down, looks at the chocolate, then uses her tongue to pull it into her mouth.

Doris rubs Beths nose with the back of her hand. "I guess that was another lesson." She walks over to Cindy and Angela.

Angela turns to Cindy. "We have all her measurements, and a list of the supplies you want. Is there anything else?"

From the door leading to the house comes Maxs voice. "She will need a tail." He steps into the barn, closing the door behind him. "Can you match it to her hair?"

Angela takes scissors from one of her pockets and smiles. "I thought you might ask, of course I can." She lifts Beths hair and cuts a sample from underneath where it won't be noticed. "Anything else?"

Max leans against the wagon. "Have Bill come over and set the wagon up with a belt for her." He playfully nudges Cindy. "Are you going to give her a name, or do we keep calling her Beth?"

Cindy bites her lip. "I'm naming her Autumn, because of the color of her hair."

Doris smiles. "That's a beautiful name."

Max walks up to Beth and rubs her nose with the back of his hand. "From now on her name is Autumn."

Angela checks her pockets to make sure she hasn't forgotten anything. "Cindy, why don't you come with us? You can look through the outfits and pick out the styles and colors you like. There are some new things that haven't made it into the catalog yet."

Cindy smiles excitedly. "Can I go daddy?! Please!"

Max continues looking at Autumn and petting her nose. "Sure baby."

Max and Autumn watch the others leave, then Max takes a few steps back from Autumn. "Put your hands on your head and spread your legs."

She does as told, spreading her legs so her legs aren't touching even up around her pussy.

Max walks around behind her. "In the future, when anyone enters the barn, you will stand in the middle of the room facing them, and take this pose."

Autumns body twitches when he slides his hand between her legs, and lets it rest against her pussy. "Don't worry, you'll get used to being handled." He takes his hand away, walks to the wagon and leans against it. He unzips his pants and pulls out his cock. "You may suck my cock."

Autumn is looking at him in disbelief, not moving.

Max reaches into his pocket, pulls the remote, and taps it, causing the collar to give her a small shock. "I said you may suck my cock. I'm not going to have to repeat myself, am I?"

She quickly goes to him, gets on her knees, put her hands on his thighs and starts sucking her brothers cock.

Max puts the remote back in his pocket. "Put your hands under your tits and hold them up."

She puts her hands under her tits, her head bobbing on his stiffening cock.

"Much better." He slides his hand over her head. "I've talked to Cindy. Your mouth and ass can be used by anyone we give permission."

Autumn feels her brothers cock harden in her mouth, the tip touching her throat. She can feel herself getting excited and closes her eyes.

Max grabs her hair and pulls it back. Her eyes opening immediately, looking up at him.

"Keep your eyes open." He relaxes his grip. "As I was saying, anyone might use your mouth or ass, but your pussy belongs to me, and only I can use it."

She feels his body stiffen before tasting a drop of cum on her tongue.

He puts both hands on the back of Autumns head and pushes his cock into her throat. "That's right, be the whore you are meant to be!" His hips shaking when he floods her throat with hot cum. "SWALLOW IT ALL, BITCH...ALL OF IT!"

Autumn gags at first, and then relaxes her throat, letting his cum flow into her throat. Her hands tightening on her tits.

When Max is drained of cum, he pulls his cock from Autumns mouth and puts it back into his pants. He pulls a treat wrapped in red foil from his pocket. He removes the foil and places the treat on the side of the wagon. "I remember these were your favorite." He motions around the barn. "Remember, there are cameras, so don't use your hands. He gently rubs her nose before going into the house.

From its shape, she knows the treat is a chocolate covered cherry, which really is her favorite candy. She goes to the sink and rinses her mouth with water before returning to her treat. She carefully uses her tongue to pull it into her mouth. She then goes out into the yard, sits under one of the frees for shade, and enjoys her treat.

She's almost napping when Cindy calls her from the barn. "AUTUMN...COME SEE YOUR NEW THINGS!" She's wearing a blue blouse, denim shorts, and black sneakers.

Autumn slowly gets up, then rushes inside. Cindy and Angela are standing next to a rack of outfits. She moves to the middle of the room as Max had directed. Cindy walks around her, letting her hand slide around her ponies tits, down to her pussy, and across her ass. "I see you talked to daddy."

Angela stands next to Cindy. "Have Autumn do what I say, and you watch what I do."

Cindy looks at Autumn. "Autumn, do what Angela says."

Angela grabs a pair of shoes from a box. "Autumn, sit on the bed and put these on." She puts the shoes down next to the bed. "You will do this every morning when you get up."

Autumn sits on the bed and puts the shoes on. They remind her of leather construction shoes her father used to wear, only with thick padding and a two inch sole on the bottom.

When Autumn is done getting her shoes on, Angela motions her to the center of the room. "Autumn, come here."

Getting used to the shoes, Autumn carefully goes to the center of the barn. She gets in her pose.

Angela has Cindy pick an outfit from the rack.

She chooses a light gray corset that leaves her tits exposed and stops just above her hips, with a hole for her bellybutton.

Angela zips up the outfit behind Autumn, "Ok, Cindy. Are you going to want to use the piece that goes between her legs?"

Cindy giggles. "Of course." She goes to the desk and grabs another piece of clothing. "And a toy."

When Cindy returns, the piece of clothing is small, also light gray, thinner in the middle, a large hole at one end, and with a snap on each corner. She also sees that the toy is a large black dildo with a flat base.

When Cindy tries to hand them to Angela, Angela puts her hands up. "No sweetie. She's your pony. You put those one her." Angela motions Cindy behind Autumn. Remember the end with the hole goes in back."

Autumn feels Cindy snapping the piece on in the back.

Angela and Cindy walk in front of Autumn. Angela hands Cindy the dildo. "If you aren't going to use a lubricant, rub it gently on her clit and pussy to get her wet, before pushing it in."

Cindy slides the dildo across Autumns pussy and clit, stopping at times to test pushing the tip into her pussy.

Autumn can feel her pussy getting wet, and the dildo sliding more easily against her. The tip going deeper each time Cindy tries to push it in. When Cindy sees Autumns pussy is wet enough, she forces the dildo into her, holding it in place as she fastens the snaps in front. Cindy backs up and looks at her pony. "Everything fits perfect...she's beautiful!"

Angela smiles. "I'll have to agree." She pets Autumns nose with the back of her hand. "Don't forget the tail."

Cindy goes to the table and picks up a black anal plug with black lifelike hairs hanging from it. She puts lubricant onto the plug and gets behind Autumn. "Don't worry, this one's temporary, until we get the one that matches your hair." In one swift movement she shoves the plug into her ponies ass. "Perfect."

Angela walks around Autumn, checking the fit. "If you get her bit we can do a little training."

Cindy goes back to the desk, returning with a black, padded, cylindrical bit.

Angela takes the bit form Cindy and holds it up to Autumn. "Open your mouth until I nod, then close your mouth."

Autumn nervously opens her mouth letting Angela put the bit in her mouth, closing her mouth when she sees Angela nod.

"Good girl. From now on when you feel it at that place, close your mouth around it. " Angela grabs the straps on each side, slides them under Autumns hair, and buckles it. "Cindy, get me her arm binder."

Cindy goes back to the desk, returning with a red leather arm binder that fits between her elbows and wrists, and holds her arms together behind her back. She hands the binders to Angela.

"I love seeing these on a pony." Angela wraps it around Autumns arms, tightening the straps and buckling them.

Angela grabs the ring on the left side of Autumns bit. "Autumn, come."

When they get to the front of the wagon Autumn sees that a thick red leather belt with extensions on the sides, that had been bolted between the two bars on front of the wagon.

Angela turns Autumn around, and slowly backs her between the two bars. "Be sure to back her up slowly, you don't want her to trip, or bruise her."

Once Autumn is in place against the belt, Angela buckles it tightly around Autumns waist. "You're lucky. Autumn has really prominent hips, so you won't need to use the straps that go over the shoulders."

Angela looks over her work. "She IS beautiful!" She steps out from between the bars. "You can kick up the stand and get in."

Autumn hears Cindy kick up the bar that holds the wagon up when there isn't a pony. She then feels the wagon shaking and the weight shift slightly, when Cindy gets in.

Angela grabs a long red leather covered bar with a thin leather strip hanging from the end, that's leaning against the wall, and hands it to Cindy. "Here's your whip, put it in its holder and leave it there until you need it." She then gets two long red leather straps, with a clamp on one end, that are coiled up and hanging from a bracket on the wall.

She clamps one of the straps onto the ring on the left side of Autumns bit, and one to the ring on the right side, then gives the other ends to Cindy. "Ok, are you ready."

Cindy answers excitedly, "YES!"

Angela stands next to Autumn and grabs one of the bars. "Ok, just like in the movies. Give the reins a little shake to get Autumn moving.

Autumn feels the reins jerk up and down and starts walking forward.

Angela walks alongside her. "Good girl." She looks behind her. "Remember what your father said, she's only to be used at a walking pace. She's not for racing."

Autumn imagines Cindy rolling her eyes. "I, knooooow."

Angela walks them out of the barn and into the yard. "And no using the whip unless you have to. You don't want Autumn marked up."

Cindys voice sounds irritated. "I know that too."

Once out in the yard Angela has Cindy use the reins to have Autumn change direction, stop, start, and backup. She has Cindy practice each thing several times before letting her do them without her walking along side.

The more Autumn walks, the more she becomes aware of the dildo moving around inside her, causing her ass to sway more than usual. She feels her tail gently sliding from side to side over her legs.

When Cindy has Autumn return them to where Angela is standing, Max is standing next to her.

Cindy has Autumn stop when Max steps up to the wagon. "Angela tells me you're ready to take Autumn out on the trails."

Autumn feels Cindy moving in the wagon. "Yes daddy! We're ready!"

He walks with them up to the gate, giving Cindy a last minute refresher on the rules and making sure she has her phone and debit cart. He opens the gate and gives Autumn a firm slap on her ass, causing her body to jerk. As the wagon passes by him, he tells Cindy not to be home late. He closes the gate.

Cindy's voice is excited. "I can't wait to show you off to everyone. We'll go to the lake first."

Outside the yard Cindy has her turn left on the trail. After a while Autumn is pleased to find the land is generally flat, with small hills and mounds, but nothing to even slow her down. It's the dildo inside her that fights for her attention, sliding around inside her and keeping her pussy wet.

When she does let her focus move from being a pony to the dildo, she goes off the trail into the grass. It's the feel of the whip rubbing against her ass that brings her focus back to being on the trail.

"I don't want to have to use the whip, so this time I just touched you with it." Her voice stern. "But I will use it." She takes the whip off her ponys ass and puts it back in its holder. "I want us to be able to go out all the time, but if you get us stuck and daddy has to come get us...he's going to be really mad." Autumn feels Cindy moving in the wagon, her voice softer. "I bet you can feel that dildo. You better get used to having one in you. I got several, and that's the smallest one. Daddy said I can't breed you yet, so I'm going to use dildos." Cindy giggles. "But he said you could suck other ponies and let them fuck you in the ass."

Cindy has Autumn turn onto a small field next to a lake. There are two girls sitting at a picnic table, their male ponies tied to a hitching post with their wagons.

Both girls rush up as Cindy and Autumn approach the hitching post. The blonde girl gets there first. "Is this your new pony?!"

Cindy gets off the wagon and ties Autumn to the post. "Yeah, her names Autumn."

The girl with black hair pets Autumn with the back of her hand. "She's beautiful, and I love the name!"

The blonde pets the pony next to Autumn. "I think Smoke likes her too."

Autumn glances at Smoke. He's Autumns age, or close to it. 5'11", muscular, with short black hair, a large cock, and a black tail.

The other girl laughs. "Denver too." Autumn glances at Denver. He's younger than her, 6', athletic, with short dark brown hair, a cock almost as large as Smokes, and a dark brown tail.

When the girls go to the picnic table, Smoke pulls his cart to get as close to Autumn as he can, and stretches trying to touch his face to hers.

At first, she wants to pull away, but moves as close to him as she can, stretching so their faces touch. She feels his lips on her cheek, moving as he tries to kiss her. She turns her head so her lips touch his and does the same.

When she hears a shuffling sound, she glances at Denver and watches as he kicks at the ground, frustrated.

As she strains to stay close to Smoke, the dildo presses against her inside her pussy. Her hips moving back and forth, wanting to feel it inside her.

Suddenly Smoke starts to kick at the ground, his breath heavy. When Autumn looks down Smokes hard cock is releasing cum onto the ground.

It only takes a moment for Autumn to cum, her legs shaking as she releases into her outfit, her cum oozing out of the sides and down her legs.

The blonde girl giggles and points, saying something to the other girls who turn to look and start giggling with her.

After a while the girls come, untie their ponies from the hitching post, and climb into their wagons. The blonde girl calls to the others as they head for the trail. "TOMORROW, WE MEET AT THE CORRAL!" They all wave to each other.

The two girls go in one direction, Cindy and Autumn go in the other direction. Cindy excitedly repeating everything the other girls said about Autumn, and talking about how much they liked her. When they get back to the ranch Cindy hops off the wagon and opens the gate. Instead of getting back in the wagon, she holds the reins and walks Autumn to the barn.

Max must have seen them on the camera, walking out of the barn to meet them. "How did Autumn do?"

"She did great!" She turns Autumn around, gets in the wagon, and carefully backs her into the barn. When they are in place, she hops out of the wagon, puts down the stand, takes the reins of Autumn, and releases her from the belt. "We went off the trail once, but that was all, and it was in the beginning of our walk.

Once Autumn was disconnected from the wagon, Cindy has her pony take her pose in the center of the barn and undresses her. "We went to the lake, Mindy and Jen were there. They think she's beautiful."

Max gently slides his hands over Autumns tits. "I'm glad they like her."

Once Autumn is nude, except for her shoes, which she will take off herself, Cindy stands next to her daddy. "Jen asked if she could breed her with Smoke."

Max gets a wicked smile. He lets his hand drop from Autumns tits to her stomach, gently rubbing her up and down. "Maybe later, I'll think about it."

Cindy looks up at her daddy. "Do you have any treats? I didn't take any, I was afraid they'd melt."

"Sure baby." He hands her a treat from his pocket. "But from now on you have to have treats ready at all times, understand?"

"Yes Daddy." Cindy and Autumn watch Max go into the house.

Cindy unwraps the treat. "A hard candy? I never thought of these, and they won't melt." She holds the butterscotch treat in her palm. "Tomorrow, we go to the Corral." She giggles. "I think you'll really like it."

She watches Autumn take her treat. "Good night, Autumn." She stops before going onto the house and points at a hook on the wall. "Gather up your outfit and hang it here, we'll have it cleaned. And don't forget you need to clean your tails plug and dildo." She closes the door behind her.

Autumn gathers her things and hangs them on the back of the door, and put her shoes next to the bed. She cleans her tails plug and dildo in the sink, then takes a shower.

When she crawls into bed, she's exhausted. The short time she's awake she thinks about Smoke and his large cock.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I’m a sissy gurl l would like to be a pony hauling my master and having to submit as he whishes

DaveyPirateDaveyPirate6 months ago

Agreed, Beth/Autumn puts up nearly zero resistance and there is no time spent on her internal feelings or outward reactions to anything except the dildo making her horny and a brief moment when her brother gets a bj. A story like this would greatly benefit from a first person pov or third person singular. Pacing is another issue, I feel a lot is introduced too quick and back to the first point no time is spent with Beth's reactions to the events unfolding.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I really enjoy pony girl stories but this just doesn't reach me. The origin story in Ch. 1 isn't BDSM, sad but it happens too often here. But in this whole part 2 Beth/Autumn has simply accepted it. No description what she feels, why she isn't more surprised about the male ponies etc.

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