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Big Bang Theory Season 04 Ep.09-10

Story Info
Penny's Father Visits and Girls Have a Wild Night Out.
19.1k words

Part 22 of the 177 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/18/2015
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Author's note: The series doesn't reset with this episode.

One of my readers requested adding pictures of the new characters, but this is not allowed by Literotica. When a new character is introduced, I will put in parenthesis the character's real name so you can look them up on the internet.


The guys were waiting for their pizza delivery and were talking about the bravest Marvel heroes and the phone rang. Sheldon answered it and it was the pizza delivery guy, "Yes the elevator's out of order, you'll have to use the stairs."

Leonard got up, "I'll go get Penny while that guy spits on our pizzas."

He knocked on her door and an older gentleman answered the door, "Yes?"

"Oh, Uh...Is Penny here?"

He pointed to him, "You're Leonard, right?"

He nodded and very slowly replied, "Yeahhhhh!"

He went to shake Leonard's hand, "Damn, it's good to finally meet you, son."

Leonard chuckles, "Okay, I think a bit of context here might help."

All of a sudden Penny hopped up beside her father, she had a big smile on her face, "Oh, hey, Leonard. I see you met my dad."

"Oh, good, context!"

"Come in, buddy, take the load off."

Penny broke in, "Oh, Dad, Leonard can't stay. He just dropped by to say hello." She turned back to Leonard, "Thanks for stopping by, sweetie. I'll see you later!" She planted a big, wet kiss on him and turned back into the apartment, "Bye!" She slammed the door behind her.

He turned and stopped, "That was odd." He walked back into his apartment, "You'll never guess what just happened. Penny kissed me."

Raj looked up from his comic books, "What kind of a kiss?"

"A big kiss, on the mouth."

Howard chimed in, "Is it possible that she was going for you cheek and you moved and accidentally got lip?"

"No, she introduced me to her father, kissed me and then shut the door in my face. I'm just saying, it felt like it may have meant something."

Howard chuckled, "Oh, this take me back, Leonard obsessing about Penny. Don't get me wrong, I love the new stuff, but once in a while, it's nice to hear the hits."

Raj put up his hand, "Ooh, ooh, Do "Our babies will be smart and beautiful." That one always makes me laugh."

There was knock on the door and before answering it, Leonard retorts, "Why do I bother talking to you people?" He opened the door and Penny was at the door.

"Can I talk to you out here for a sec?"

"Yeah, sure." He closed the door and they are both in the hall.

"You're probably wondering what that was all about."

"What? The Kissing and everything? Naw, woman do that to me all the time."

She shook her head, "Well the thing is... I kind of told my father we got back together again."

"What? Why?"

"You're the first guy he's ever really approved of. You know, you're a scientist who went to college and you don't have a neck tattoo or outstanding warrants, or a baby."

He scrunched up his forehead, "What kind of guys did you used to go out with?"

In a low voice she replied, "Just guys. Anyway, when I told him we split up, he was heartbroken. He kept bugging me, "How's Leonard?" "Why can't you get back together?" "I bet Leonard never tipped over a cow on himself." So to get him off my back, I told him we worked things out."

"Really? How—How did we manage that?"

She looked confused, "What?"

"I mean, did you apologize? Did you have to woo me?"

She crossed her arms, "Get over yourself, I whistled, you came running."

"Yeah, no, I don't think so."

"Okay, why are you arguing about this?"

"I'm just saying, if we fake got back together, that's totally not how it fake happened."

"Oh, whatever, will you please just play along until my dad leaves?"

"Hold on, you actually want me to deceive your father with some sort of sham play-acting and kissing? Because I'm good with that."

All of a sudden the door opened Penny's father called out, "Penny are you out here?"

Leonard grabbed Penny and planted a hot kiss on her.

She breaks the kiss and giggles, "Come on, honey, not in front of my dad."

Wyatt (Keith Carradine) snickered, "Relax, I've seen you do a lot worse with a lot stupider"

Leonard smiled, "See, he doesn't mind."

"Leonard, I'm taking your gal out for a steak dinner. You wanna join us?"

"Oh Dad, that's nice, but Leonard had to work. Right, Leonard?"

"I do, I have to work. But I'm gonna blow that off to spend the evening with my sweetie and her father, because it's just the kind of boyfriend I am."

They leave together for the restaurant

While that was happening; Raj and Howard were monitoring some stars at the planetarium and Bernadette joined them, "Knock, knock!"

Howard jumped up, "Oh, great, you made it, come on in."

Raj whispered in Howard's ear and Howard replies, "I invited her."

She looked around, "So where's the telescope?"

Howard walked over to the panel, "Well, it's in Hawaii, but Raj controls it from here. He's hoping to see Epsilon Eridani dim which would be evidence of a planet orbiting it."

She looked around, "So we just sit and stare at the screen, waiting for something to happen?"

He nodded, "I did it with you when we rented "The Notebook". You better open up that bottle of wine or I'm gonna end up with swimmer's ear."

Raj whispered to Howard, "Excuse me, I can't be drinking. I'm about to make an important scientific discovery here."

"What-? Galileo did his best work while drinking wine."

"How do you know that?

"Well, he was Italian. It's a reasonable assumption."

"Dude, can you even open your mouth without spewing a cultural stereotype?"

"I'm sorry, Galileo drank diet Sprite. Look, you're my best friend, she's my girlfriend; you two should bond. You know, like you and my mom did."

"Your mom creeps the hell out of me."

"Yes, but she stopped calling you Slumdog Millionaire."

Bernadette came over with three glasses of wine, "Here we go." She was wearing a cotton flowery patterned blouse under a burgundy button-up sweater. She was wearing matching colored thigh high burgundy stockings and a tan corduroy skirt.

"Oh, well, I'd like to propose a toast. To science and friendship."

On the way back from the restaurant, in the car Leonard turned to Penny's father, "Thanks for the steak, Wyatt."

"My pleasure, it's nice to have dinner with a boyfriend of Penny's that knows how to use a napkin."

Penny was in the back seat, "So not funny, Dad."

"Let me tell you about this one genius she was going out with, this fella Donnie."

"Will you please let it go Dad?"

"Donnie was gonna make millions, turning farm waste into biofuel and selling it to the government."

Leonard chuckled, "A lot of people are doing that."

Penny added, "Oh, see?"

"Yeah, but all Donnie did was mix pig poop with a little water and pump it into his mom's Camry."

Leonard cracked up and laughed his ass off.

Penny was getting pissed off, "Yeah, that's great, it's a funny story, moving on."

"Donnie was a rocket scientist compared to that boy who wanted to get beer pong into the Olympics. What was his name sweetheart?'

She was pissed now, "Curtis and I'm pretty sure he was joking."

"Well, I don't know, that petition looked real to me."

"Yeah okay, I think this ends the ex-boyfriend portion of our evening."

"Well, I'm just glad you finally found yourself a keeper."

"Thanks Wyatt" he turned to Penny, "I'm a keeper!"

When they got to Penny's door Wyatt turned to Leonard, "You wanna come in for a nightcap?"

Penny spoke up, "Dad, he'd love to, but Leonard has to work in the morning. I thought you wanted to catch up and talk about our good ties together." She winked at her Dad and he caught on.

He knew exactly what she was implying and hoped Leonard didn't catch on, "Well, good night, son."

"Good night, Wyatt."

Leonard kissed Penny goodnight and went back to his apartment.

As soon as the door closed, Wyatt took a step to Penny and wrapping his arm around her, planted a hot, wet kiss on her lips.

Penny returned the kiss and when she felt his lips part, her tongue invaded his mouth. She pulled away and looked up at him, "Why did you have to make me look like an ass in front of Leonard?"

He ran his lips along her neck and scooping her hair back to nibble at her ear, he whispered to her, "I didn't want him catching on what we have together. Hell if your mom can play with your brother, I want you, I'm just disappointed you live so far away, we need to visit each other more."

She reached down and unbuckled his belt, "I know Dad, I was so pissed when everyone caught the flu last Thanksgiving. In between the puking and sneezing we were only able to fuck, what was it, three times? Now take me to bed Daddy and fuck your little girl like she's used to." She giggled when he picked her up and carried her to the bedroom.

He placed her on the bed and Penny scrambled to her knees, kicking off her shoes as she did so. She bounced up and down, tossing her hair back, "Strip for me daddy!"

"Now Penny, why waste time, I'm so fucking horny, can't we just fuck!"

She knelt there pouting, "Please, pretty please, if you do, I'll let you stick it in my bottom later in the shower. I know how you like me to get you all soaped up and hard. Mmmm I can just feel it sliding in and out of my pretty little bottom Daddy!" She pouted again.

He let out a growl, "You can be so fucking nasty sometimes Sweetie, that's what I love about my little girl, okay, but I always feel silly doing this." He pulled the belt off his pants that Penny undid. He swung it around above his head and moved to spank her. He hit her lightly on the ass when she twisted around and wiggled her tight ass. He smacked her harder when she pouted, "Come on Dad, you can do better than that." He reared back and a loud crack sounded throughout the bedroom.

She giggled and rubbed her ass and spun around, "Off with it old man, I'm so fucking horny and I can't wait much longer!" She licked her lips as Wyatt slowly unbuttoned his shirt. She let out a gasp when he dropped it and pulled his grey t-shirt up and off his toned chest and shoulders. She loved how his muscles rippled, even though he was in his late 40's, working their farm, he body was still ripped. Her eyes were locked on his fingers as they popped open his pants and lowered the zipper. She let out a gasp and bounced up and down on the bed as his pants fell to his ankles and she giggled when he sassily kicked them off his feet and aimed them at her. She caught them and raised them to her face and inhaled his scent. She tossed them aside and waited impatiently for him to remove his shorts. She groaned out when he worked at his shoes and socks, "Come on Dad, you're teasing me and if you don't hurry, I think I'll just explode."

Wyatt chuckled, "Oh Penny, I'm going to make you explode, but not from waiting. My tongue is itching to taste you and ..." Squeezing the lump in his shorts, "This baby, can't wait to feel your tight pussy"-- He lowered his shorts to just the top of his bulge, "And your sweet little ass!"

Penny groaned out in frustration for making her wait, she reached for him, but he chuckled and jumped back, just out of her reach. "Daddy, you're mean and I'm going to scream and Leonard and his buddies will rush in here, so stop teasing and get over here!"

Wyatt laughed out loud and in one quick movement, he dropped his shorts and kicked them to Penny. He chuckled when she tossed them aside. She wanted to feast her eyes on her father's big, fat cock. It wasn't as large as Sheldon's, but larger and thicker than Leonard or Raj's. He approached the bed and gripping his cock; he slapped it against the mattress and pulled back when she reached out for it. He shook his head, "Oh no babydoll, I'm naked, now I want to see your sexy body, strip!"

Penny let out a moan of need, she licked her parched lips and reaching up, she pulled her long hair from the high, tight ponytail. She ran her fingers though her unruly hair and fluffed it up. She stood and swayed from side to side on the soft mattress. She gripped the bottom of her babydoll top and swaying her lush body from side to side, she drew it up slowly her flat belly and large breasts came into view. She threw it at Wyatt and he caught it and inhaling her scent, he tossed it aside and reached down, he slowly stroked his cock. She bit down at her lower lip and moaned louder, she couldn't take her eyes from his cock. Without looking away, she reached back and deftly popped open her bra and shaking her shoulders, it fell and she threw that at the growing pile of clothes on the floor. She cupped her full, high standing tits. She squeezed them hard and letting out a gasp, she tweaked her stiff nipples and strummed the tips with her thumbs.

"Okay, enough Penny, that's my job, off with the rest of your clothes and then I'll take over." He watched as she released her tits, they were blushing from the firm squeezing she gave them. His eyes dropped to her hands as she unzipped her slacks and began peeling them from her lush hips and shapely ass. He licked his lips when her plump pussy came into view, although still hidden by her skimpy panties, he was salivating just imagining licking and sucking and drinking down her intoxicating elixir.

Penny saw the lust in his eyes and she wanted to tease him the way he teased her, but she was aching too much for his touch to do that. She hooked her fingers in the tiny panties and lowered them. She was so wet already, that the gusset of her panties clung to her fleshy cuntlips. She pulled harder and they gave way and she rolled them down her strong thighs and wiggling her lower legs, she freed them from her body and tossed them to her father.

Wyatt inhaled her sweet smelling panties and his tongue tasted her juices that were trapped in them. He tossed them aside, "I want to taste your juices, but not from your panties Sweetie." He leaped forward and caught her before she could elude his grasp. He pulled hard on her legs and she slid up to his strong body. He pinned her legs to the mattress, his hands caressed the firm flesh and as he let up on the pressure, she didn't move away. He scraped his nails along the sensitive flesh of her inner thighs. He followed his fingers with his mouth and tongue. He exhaled, bathing her flesh with his hot breath; he kissed and plucked her skin. His tongue darted out and painted her flesh with his saliva.

Penny was squirming all over the bed. She clutched at his head; she tried to guide him to her aching pussy, but was unable to rush him.

Wyatt was enjoying himself, feasting on the luscious legs of his gorgeous daughter. He finally reached her thick, blood engorged lips. He placed his mouth completely over those thick, juicy lips. He started off slow, sucking lightly on them. He caught them between his lips and as he felt they flutter, he sucked harder, drawing them deeper in-between his lips, He lightly nipped at them, making sure not to bite too hard or have her buck so hard, she pulled and caught them as he bit down. He held them in place; it wasn't easy because she was rocking her hips from side to side. Wyatt held them still by placing his thick forearm across her belly limiting her hip movement. He brought his tongue into the fray, lapping at them and running his tongue up and down the entire slit. He dipped his tongue into her hole and felt her shutter. He knew she was close and wanted her to have her first of many orgasms tonight quickly. He ran his tongue up until he came in contact with her clit. He released her lips, from past experiences with Penny; he knew she would buck uncontrollably when he did this. Tonight was no different, he felt her hands clutch at his head and her legs tightened around his head and he heard her scream out, "Yes, yes daddy, that's all I needed!" She let out a loud guttural groan, it was so long, she flopped down to the mattress and lay there still and the only thing moving was the pulsating pussy directly beneath his lips and tongue.

Penny finally released his head and he let out a stream of cooling air on his pussy and she bucked slightly and rocked from side to side. She clutched at his arms, "Come up here Dad, I want to give you a great big kiss. You have no idea how bad I needed that. Oh, I've missed you and your talented tongue and that big, fat cock so much!" She coaxed him upward and hugged him and rained kisses all over his face, neck and upper chest. She sucked at her own juices covering his mouth, chin and cheeks, "Mmmm, I am rather tasty, aren't I Daddy?"

Wyatt hovered over her; most of his weight was resting on his forearms. He managed to cup her face and gave her a tender loving kiss. He stroked her disheveled hair and smoothed it back into place. All of her bucking and rocking caused it to tangle around her neck, shoulders and heaving breasts. He kissed her again, this time with a little more passion and he moaned into her mouth when he felt her tongue come out to challenge his. They danced around, their lips barely meeting, as their tongue did all of the moving. He moved to her forehead, eyelids and cheeks. Returning to her mouth, he kissed her again, with even more passion as he felt her hand encompass his cock and guided it to her extremely wet pussy.

Penny looked into his eyes, those gorgeous, dark green eyes pleading with him, "Make love to you baby girl, Daddy, please? I need you so bad, I need to feel you fill me up and make me yours once again. Claim me Daddy, fuck me till I can't see straight or walk straight." She giggled, "I almost forgot, I can never walk straight after a night with you!" She broke out in laughter, but it disappeared almost immediately. Her laughter changed to moans and groans as he buried his cock, balls deep in her receptive womb in one swift and demanding thrust. She ran her fingers through his hair as she moaned out, "Oh my God, Dad, just like that! Oh fuck me, fuck me hard and fast. We can go slower and enjoy one another later. Right now I need you to...Mmmmm, yes, yes, harder, faster, oh fuck me Daddy, I'm right there!" She tried to wrap her legs around his pumping body, but her orgasm overtook her and her entire body tensed up and exploded. She clutched at his well-muscles shoulders and back as she clung on and rode through her second and even more intense orgasm of the night.

Wyatt was glad she was cumming, he slowed the pace. He was so close, but wanted Penny to release her juices, bathing his cock and giving him a chance to slow; he was in no hurry to cum. He wasn't getting any younger. In the old days he could keep up with her, his personal best with her were five orgasms in one night. He knew that was out of the question now, she was even sexier and hotter than ever, but he knew two, maybe three was his limit and he didn't want to disappoint her and wanted to enjoy her for many, many more hours tonight.

He slowly pulled out of her; he could feel her cunt muscles clutching at his thick cock, not wanting him to retreat.

Penny's legs came up and she tried locking her ankles together, but she wasn't quick enough, he withdrew and sat back on his heels. She smiled up at him and extended her arms, and in a sexy whisper said, "Please Dad, don't leave me just yet. I love it when we just hold each other after a bout like that. I love feeling your body against mine, your sexy scent and your heart beat, it's really comforting and soothing."

He knew she couldn't be denied, but he made sure his still stiff cock avoided her steamy pussy. He knew her act well and he lowered his body, but made contact with hers, on the outside of her wide-spread legs. He heard her let out a groan and he chuckled, "Oh Darling, I know you soooooo well, it may have taken me several years, but I've caught onto your act." He gathered her up in his arms and she turned onto her side.

Penny placed her head on his chest, her long, silky blonde hair tumbled forward and spread across his shoulder, chest and upper belly like a veil of spun gold. Her heavy breast pushed against his bicep and her stiff nipple dug into his arm. She was deploying a gentler, yet very effective tactic. Her lips became active, planting soft, wet kisses along his hairy chest. He made contact with one of his nipples and her tongue came out and flicked at it. She giggled when she felt it pucker up and stiffen. She let out a stream of cool air, followed by another of hot air. She moved downward, her hair tickled and enflamed his senses. She reached his slightly rounded belly. She smiled knowing he put on a few pounds, years ago, when they first started, it was as flat as a board, just like her chest was. Things have changed for both of them. She ran her heavy tits across his forearm as her head moved further south. She reached the patch of pubic hair about his stiff cock. She could smell her sex on his cock and it was shining in the low light of the lamp, his cock was covered in her juices. She opened her mouth and closed her teeth in his pubic hair, she tugged lightly at it and she smiled and released it when she saw him ass come off the bed and heard him let out a tiny grunt. She let out a little giggle and reached out and grabbed his cock at the base. She held her head still; she wet and pursed her lips. She took his cock and swiped it from side to side. She parted her lips and continued to swipe it back and forth. Sticking out her tongue, she flattened it and ran his cock back and forth, "Mmmm I just love how I taste on your cock Dad!" She let out a tiny giggle and kept it up, but moved her head a little lower so she could swipe more of his shaft along her lips and tongue. She now held his cock still and ran her tongue up and down his shaft, she coated all sides and when she reached the large, red mushroomed head, she opened her mouth and enveloped the entire head into her mouth. She pressed her plush tits against his thigh as she took more of his shaft into her mouth

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