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Big Taboo Pt. 02


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The situation only worsened for Nick when Ada continued sending messages to him, though this time it was a five-second video. Nick's eyes turned into saucers at the clip's thumbnail - Ada stood sideways to reveal the fullness of her pregnant belly, implying someone else was filming the clip. Nick thought ahead, turning the volume down on his phone so he could watch the video stealthily, having reached a point in the incestuous relations with the women in his family where he just had to watch the clip.

Being short, the video obviously didn't show much, but there was definitely enough there to instill intrigue in Nick. Ada turned clockwise to face the camera before ultimately cupping her belly with a smile. It was at this point Nick noticed the several abnormal prominent bulges shifting from his grandmother's stomach, jutting in several directions and forcing her faintly defined abs to flex perhaps involuntarily.

Ada was close to delivering, and Nick wouldn't be there to see his daughter come into the world. He was at a crossroads now. Should he go and see the delivery through, or stay and give his family a chance at a more prosperous life?

Nick made a choice, but hoped it was the right one.

One week later...

"Now remember sweetie, I don't want the estate agent figuring out we're a mother-son couple, so try sticking to the story, alright?"

Nick wasn't sure what he thought was more important: that he do what his mother told him, or maintain staring at her outrageous glutes continuously pushing themselves further and further away from the rest of her colossal musculature. Between the audible stretches and visible tearing of her makeshift shorts, Nick wasn't sure he could maintain a level of decency within the next minute, let alone the duration of the visit to their potential new home, the Clifton mansion.

"To reiterate since you're too busy staring at my huge ass again. We're a couple from out of town, met on a dating site. You're into older buff women for the experienced, arguably rough sex, while I'm into younger guys for their increased libido." It was a fairly straightforward story, to say the least, but Janet was practically rife with the paranoia that would set in if Nick blabbed. Despite the obvious lies she'd tell the realtor, the woman knew it would be wise to also be as close to the truth as possible. "We've got a couple of kids at home being minded by your uncle, your father, and we're looking to buy the house for extra space."

"Are you sure we'll be able to afford this place though?" It would be remiss of Nick to think he hadn't given some proper thought to buying the mansion. The extra space was needed, sure, but Nick wasn't so confident in being able to maintain his growing family's needs, even with his new job. Grimacing at the mere sight of the marble porch, he was fairly certain this was a big mistake. "I mean, this place doesn't exactly scream 'middle class family' to me."

"You leave that to me, darling. Now be a good boy and behave or you won't get that blowjob you want."

Nick's cock lurched instantaneously into a monstrous erection at the simple hint given by his mother. Her words were spoken simply, but Nick felt an undertone of teasing eroticism like it was a sharp blade. Even with his own custom-sized trousers his erection ballooned large enough to strain the fabric, his cock angling close to Janet's pulsing glutes.

She pressed the doorbell and shrugged. The woman didn't even have to say anything to know what was going on behind her, her eyes picking up both Nick's groans of uncompromising pleasure and anguish coupled with the fabric's pulling.

"I told you to tussle with Zoey for a bit before we left. Can't afford to have you blowing our chances on account of you being turned on."

Nick didn't know whether to keep his mouth shut or tell his mother that he did, in fact, empty his balls into Zoey as suggested. She took every drop he had to offer, too, smiling by the end as a string of semen dangled in the space between her chin and his throbbing phallus. Not to mention the coating of white paste that casually ran down her tits like a river.

Janet adjusted her strained blouse as the figure approached from within the house. The door opened definitely with a creak, suggesting age to the great abode. Before long, the estate agent revealed herself, a youthful redhead comparatively diminutive when juxtaposed against the inhumanly large mother that was Janet, a name tag with 'Phoebe' pinned her left lapel.

"Sorry about the door. Really must get that—" Phoebe froze, suddenly taking in the sight that was Janet, futilely blinking in the belief the morning light was playing tricks on her eyes. But no—that monstrously large woman was real. Phoebe had read the client report on Janet being a 'big bodybuilder woman,' but those few words certainly didn't do her any justice. As Janet stared on, Phoebe managed to bing herself out of her paralysis, though understandably still lost for words. "I'm sorry, madam, it's just...I don't think I've ever seen a woman so—"

"Huge? Ripped? Buff? Milfy?" Janet chuckled as Phoebe's face quickly turned beet red from what could only be described as embarrassment. "I could go on, but wouldn't want you hot under the collar like most people. At least, not right now."

"Mu-Janet!" Nick elbowed his mother in the rib, but it felt like hitting a brick wall. All it did was give Nick a bruised elbow. He was fairly certain the impact actually caused her obliques to ever so slightly become larger, which didn't help the predicament he had with his erection.

Then he suddenly realized. The erection - Nick didn't want to give Phoebe the wrong impression by thinking he was turned on by her. Well, she was an impressionable young woman likely in his age group. Then again - he was supposed to be married to Janet. Scooting to the left, he hide behind his mother to conceal his erection.

Bringing herself back into the professional's mentality, Phoebe casually stepped aside and ushered her potential customers in, first watching Janet struggle to squeeze through the tiny gap the door had to offer, then catching a glimpse of Nick huddling close to her, cupping his erection.

"Welcome to Clifton Manor!"

Despite the mansion's obvious spaciousness, the first thing that caught Janet's attention was the chandelier. Particularly inviting indeed. Phoebe noticed the large woman had become especially entranced by the sparkle the crystal shards gave off. Almost otherworldly in nature. Nick watched his mother stare intently. He didn't know much about retail other than first impressions meant a lot, and judging by Janet's expression, he was certain she was sold on the house already.

"The estate currently holds twelve rooms, six of which are bedrooms, coupled with an open-plan kitchen, a lounge room spacious enough for the wife, a swimming pool and en-suite sauna." Phoebe continued observing her freakish client, eyeballing the mother's monstrous calves that jutted and throbbed seemingly at will even as she stood. Nick mirrored the redhead. Ogling Janet's pumpkin'd deltoids that rolled in reckless abandon, the inward muscles pushing and squirming against the layers of taunt skin protecting them. Phoebe continued, shaking herself out of her trance once again. "There's also enough free space for any extensions you might want to add, perhaps a games room or home cinema."

Nick mentally disregarded the comment about the home cinema. As much as it was a nice thing to add, Phoebe suggested the inclusion in a tone that implied he and Janet rolled in money. Which they certainly didn't have the luxury of doing. Of course, Phoebe was merely trying to make a sale. The swimming pool would be more distracting than an indulgence, however. Nick could already picture Janet steeped in the waters, enticing Nick with her naked musculature and drawing him closer until he succumbed and they had sex in the pool. Unsanitary, but definitely worth it.

"The kitchen, while currently without stock, contains a high-powered fridge-freezer that can keep your foodstuffs fresh and cool for an extended duration." The afterthought of mentioning food in front of Janet intrigued Phoebe. Just how many calories did a woman that large even need to sustain a day's worth of activity? Taking Nick into account as well, it wouldn't be that hard to presume the two of them would eat in a day what a typical family of four would over the space of a week. Of course, Phoebe was without the knowledge that Ada, Zoey, her newborns and Frank also existed. "The kitchen table supports up to ten, with the size and width to match."

The kitchen table supports up to ten, with the size and width to match: Hearing that made Janet tingle at the crotch. She'd longed to have sex on a kitchen table. Even before her transformation, it'd been a fantasy of hers but Frank was never one for that sort of stuff, which was partly why their marriage quickly fizzled. They only really stayed together for the kids' sakes. But Nick— Nick wouldn't even hesitate. In fact, Janet presumed he'd be the one to suggest it. She imagined her legs spread across the table's length, wincing only slightly as Nick's length was felt entering her once more, watching his cock bloat and throb within her.

"Is it sturdy?"

Phoebe pouted curiously. "I assume so. It's hand-crafted using Australian Buloke wood, so you'd have to use something heavy to do some serious damage."

"Is there a gym?" Janet inquired. She was still marveled by the exquisiteness of the chandelier above her, its crystals as sharply defined as the muscles sprouting from every conceivable inch of her frame, even her darker cavities.

Phoebe gulped. Admittedly, she had hoped Janet wouldn't inquire about the fitness facilities the mansion had to offer, on account of the fact she looked huge enough to not really find any use for them. Phoebe was no professional in the ways of working out, but even she knew the weights would be too light for the freakish woman. Even so—

"Of course, in the basement. But I'm not so sure the weights will be heavy enough for you."

"Oh, I'm not so sure of that," Janet quipped.


Nick watched with equal parts arousal and trepidation as his mother hoisted the dumbbell up with no indication of effort or struggle, observing the bundled weight plates warp the bar underneath. Glancing into the mirror wall he noticed her confidently smirk back at Phoebe. The redhead was awestruck by the woman's sheer physical strength that mirrored her willpower, having applied every weight plate the basement gym had to offer on just one bar, bringing the total resistance to around twenty kilos. Janet's physical weight was easily several times that, which itself was a feat.

"So, how did you two meet?" Phoebe sought to break the silence between her and Nick, needing to do something that'd take her eyes and mind of the impressive Janet. The only issue on Nick's part was that he didn't expect Phoebe to go prodding into his personal life. All he thought that needed done was maintain that the lie he and Janet were married, but Phoebe turned into an obstacle.

Nick drew a blank. He had no idea how to proceed. The one rule he had to follow was to stick to the truth, but there was no precedence for that considering Phoebe's question. Sure, he could just lie, but that would be another he'd need to maintain throughout the visit. What to do.

"We met on a dating site, of all places." Janet came to Nick's rescue in the nick of time, placing the bar down with a gentleness defying her size, then shrugged as her shoulders seemed to just...grow on their own terms, even though her biceps got most of the pump. It intrigued Nick, to say the least, so much so that seeing it happen made him blind to the developing erection in his trousers. Janet continued, turning to face her son with a shrewd smirk at noticing his poking hard-on, "I could never get lucky with guys because I'm so damn buff and jacked. Along came Nick, who has quite the thing for buff chicks."

Nick wasn't sure if what his mother said was a lie or the straight truth. Sure, he regularly got boners over chicks with muscle, but wasn't sure if what she said about herself was something Phoebe would buy, even if it was on sale.

"Been married for a couple of years now, too. Our old house doesn't suit the family anymore, especially when the kids start growing," Janet added.

"Kids? You're a mother too?" The more Phoebe seemed to learn about Janet, the more interesting she found the woman. It wasn't intriguing enough for the redhead that Janet was a 700kg muscle freak, but learning the woman was a mother too was, somehow, erotic.

"Oh yes," Janet reaffirmed confidently, running a finger along the length of the pulsing vein on her bicep, watching it pulse and throb energetically. She could sense Nick's erection increase in tandem with the thickening of her veins, as if they acted together. Looking at him with a scheming grin, she winked. "And like any mother, I take great care of my children."

That did it. With a quick grunt and thrust, Nick spontaneously came in his pants. Pooling at his crotch, a dark patch formed in a matter of seconds, and before long, it actually seeped through the fabric and dripped to the floor. He was mortified, but Janet—

Phoebe couldn't resist a glance either, shamelessly cocking her head and bending down to gawk rather perversely at the stain in Nick's pants. Most women would've been creeped out by his misfortune, but Phoebe, unbeknown to even her most trusted colleagues, was a bit of a pervert.

Biting her lip, Janet maintained an erotic stare on the stain for a considerable amount of time before even considering a clear train of thought. Drip. Drip. Drip. There was jut so much of it, far more than what Nick usually shot out.

Pulling herself away, Janet feigned shock. "Oh, I'm so sorry, Phoebe. Side effect of the new treatment he's gone through."

"It's alright. I'd actually consider it a compliment if a guy spontaneously blew his load next to me. I'm sure there's something in the toilet you can use to clean up."

Janet smirked. The toilet - perfect!


It all happened to fast that Nick didn't even get a chance to voice his thoughts on the idea. Sure, getting a blowjob was something no man would rarely pass up on, but not in the presence of a real estate agent cluelessly waiting behind the toilet door. It locked definitively with a loud, almost fateful click, as if the fact Janet practically shoved Nick into the diminutive space wasn't telling enough.

Nick panted in lust as Janet unbuckled his belt and pulled his trousers down to reveal the snake-like yule-log-thick cock formerly underneath, eyes bulging in a semblance of shock as the veins surrounding it pulsed in eagerness as if they knew what would come. Dropping to her knees, Janet licked her lips with blinding enthusiasm and took his cock in her hand, her thumb gently squeezing the tip and her index finger tucked delicately under the shaft. An erotic purr emanated from her throat, staring diligently at her son's pulsing manhood. Janet was ever impressed by his ability to stay erect even after shooting his load - one of the myriad reasons why she preferred him over Frank.

Without so much as a moment's hesitation between either of them, the eventuality took its form in the shape of a blowjob; Janet engulfed Nick with no indication of struggle, even managing to offer a smile as she went balls-deep. While her mouth hadn't grown larger to better accommodate his manhood, it was a different story all-together for the woman's throat. With bated breath Nick watched it bulge and squirm as it massaged his monster-sized reproductive organ, seeing the depth of its thick outline protrude sickeningly.

Taking control, Janet squeezed Nick's ass tightly and pulled him closer so more of him could be taken, her nails digging in so deeply that minor trickles of blood streamed from the bare skin, which Nick could feel the warmth of but was too in the moment's erotic heat to really care.

"Is everything okay in there?" Phoebe pressed a perverted ear to the door to hear better, fairly certain soft moans and muffled words came from behind it. And then she connected the dots, her fine-tuned skills moonlighting as a voyeur coming into view. Her face beet red, she wasn't sure whether to be embarrassed or aroused. "Oh—oh my..."

Nick gripped his mother's shoulders for support as she maintained her pace, hands behind her back so only her mouth moved in tandem with the motion, eyes staring strikingly into his own to instill a sense of temptation. As if Nick needed it. He pushed his body further forward, giving yet more of his girth to his mother who knelt in wait for the torrent of semen that would eventually arrive. Wincing, he felt his cock swell with pressure, the same lattice of veins seen earlier becoming ever thicker as if close to bursting.

Phoebe meanwhile, shared in the moment in her own way. Panting, she listened to the sexual escapade that took place behind the door as she put her hand up her skirt, shamelessly masturbating to the mental image of Janet sucking off Nick, listening with razor-edged hearing as his muffled groans passed through the varnished wood between them.

Then came the definitive groan. Phoebe could tell what happened just by Nick's vocal tone, which sent her even closer to the edge of her own private moment, blinded by lust and imagined herself in Janet's place.

There was a moment of silence, in which Phoebe only seemed to grow more curious by the goings-on behind that door. She just couldn't take the waiting, battling with herself over whether to barge in on the couple or not, desperate to see the result of such sexual energy. When the door did, finally, creak open slowly, Phoebe's first response was to shift her weight to a position better suited for looking into the toilet, but Janet's colossal frame took all of it up, leaving nothing but bloated muscle and throbbing veins in the retail agent's line of sight. Janet's only means of vacating the tiny space was to force her body through it, cracking the plaster and walls around her like an egg until she, finally, managed to wriggle free, revealing her cum-soaked blouse.

Phoebe looked over Janet's shoulder, leering curiously at the panting wreck that was Nick draped over the sink, a pool of cum gathering at his feet. Most women would've been creeped out by the display, but Phoebe—


Janet wrung out the excess cum from her blouse, which resulted in a pool forming at her own feet. Giggling energetically at the young agent's sheer negligence of what just happened, the woman turned to Phoebe.

"We'll take it."


"Just sign right here and the house is yours." Phoebe pointed at the faint line at the bottom of the contract as the corner of her left eye caught the briefest glimpse of Janet's bulging arm. It could've just been a trick of the light beaming through the window, but the redhead was fiercely convinced her client was somehow bigger than before.

Staring at the contract with a pen in hand, bent over the coffee table, Janet suddenly grew hesitant. She knew the family needed the extra space, but by signing the contract they'd likely be putting themselves up for decades of debt down the line. The fact Janet was also willing to sign the deed behind Nick's back, while he sought to clean himself up after the escapade in the toilet, was a sure sign she was near desperate for a better life.

Phoebe deftly took a few steps back to marvel Janet's ass and thick glutes taut under her short skirt. It would've been remiss of the redhead to deny the fact she was strangely aroused by the large woman before her. Phoebe always had a 'thing' for the strange, and Janet was at the apex of that mountain. Smirking devilishly, the woman knew she was been watched but deigned to play dumb to the fact. She was just about the sign the contract when—


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