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Big Taboo Pt. 02


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"You might want to work on resisting, kiddo." Ada's advice seemed to fall on deaf ears, as she noticed Nick was still rather out of it, and his cock still throbbed. He still did rather well, considering. Watching him slip into a slumber, she wondered maybe he'd do much better next time.


"Are you absolutely sure you should be doing that, given your state?" Frank's words might've been coated with concern, but a layer of disdain was neatly hidden underneath them as he watched his wife repeatedly suck Nick's balls, drawn slowly and with passion not seen from the woman in years - at least from him. She was naked, knelt in front of her equally undressed and well-endowed son, her throat muscles bulging and flexing in tandem with each suck. "Think of the baby, Jan."

Frank brought his attention to Janet's pronounced gravid stomach with unmistakable worry flashing in his eyes. The doctor said it was a strange case of rapid development, but just how 'rapid' was a mystery in itself. Frank tried to piece the puzzle together, dug deep into the cause of his wife's state. Was it the dick pills? Did they have a part to play in how the family's life had changed forever, for better or worse? No, it couldn't have been because Frank used them too. And given his manhood hadn't been up to par in recent months, he'd used double the recommended helping from the get-go.

Nick shuddered with ecstasy, gripping his mother's cartoonishly large shoulders for support as he came in her mouth, who welcomed his offering like a prized gift, her muscles suddenly bursting larger as a result, her ballooning weight bearing down on the floorboards. Four times that day she'd had asked to empty his balls, each time he was ready, willing and able to partake. It was as if they never seemed to drain - another closeted reason why Frank resented him. When done, Nick's cock casually slipped out of Janet's mouth and greasily slid down her chest before its respective muscles clenched and held his manhood tightly, taking it prisoner.

"Thanks for lunch, babe."

Janet knew using 'babe' to describe Nick stung her husband's heart. But truth be told, Nick was now one more than his father ever could be. The hardcore sex with Janet and Zoey helped sculpt his body into one Frank was truly envious of. He watched his wife stand up and finally face him, her husband. At least, he was in title. Everything the man of the house ought to do had fallen into Nick's lap. If anything, Frank was just an extraneous presence in the household. Sure, he supplied income for the every expanding needs of the family, but that was all.

Janet stroked her belly covetously, watching the child within her shift, move and gyrate as Frank watched on in what could only be described as horror. Whatever pregnancy his wife was going through, it certainly wasn't natural. Or...maybe it was for a woman such as her. The existence of females muscular as Janet was like trying to find a needle in a haystack. She and Zoey might've been the first of an entirely new breed of woman, Frank thought. No, that couldn't be right either - their body chemistry couldn't just start changing, could it? Then again, before the pregnancy started taking shape, Janet was already growing muscle at an abnormal rate. Zoey too.

"To answer your question, Frank: I think you'll find..." Janet groaned lustfully, the unmistakable trickling of drool oozing from the corner of her lip as her abs pushed outwards to grow and better house the child she was destined to bear for Nick, each abdominal thick as a stone slab shifted with it. " baby's going to be okay."

Frank didn't know what to think. What exactly caused the growth he just witnessed? The supernatural seed Nick spilled into his mother's waiting chops, or did the baby itself have some sort of correlation with it all? As if things weren't crazy enough.

As Nick slipped into a pair of jeans that were edging close to being too small for his manhood, Janet looked sideways into the mirror. She thought the doctor was half-right. Her child's development was faster than natural pregnancies, but he had no idea it was more so than presumed. Simply put, Janet wasn't going to give birth within the next few weeks. The next few days would be far more accurate. Of course, there was the possibility the added girth was due to her having just swallowed nearly a gallon's worth of semen. Frank continued watching from behind, unsure of just about everything, the question of where exactly he was positioned in this immoral family of his swirling around his head.

He was just about to cut in and protest when his mobile buzzed. A text message from Zoey: glass of orange juice, Daddy?

There was no denying it now: Frank was a slave to his family's ways, as much as he wanted to deny it. The unflinching sense of hatred and disdain for those he cared took precedence, burned brightly even as he poured the orange juice into a glass. Ironic how he was angry and yet still complied with his daughter's wishes. It was almost as if there was the slightest semblance of willingness within him. However long that would last, though, was a mystery.

Zoey laid out on a deckchair contently, taking in the first rays of Spring sunshine. It seemed even in her delicate condition she was somehow able to oil her body up from neck to toe, every muscle bristling with quantities of power perhaps unknown even to her - she was a mystery caked in oil. With bright blue eyes she watched her father place the glass down onto the nearby table, his legs apparently shaking from what could only be described as nervousness. Whatever did he have to be anxious about?

Frank eyeballed Zoey caressing the burgeoned swelling that was her stomach as a mother would, a delicate finger tracing the odd thick vein traveling down it. To call it a bizarre sight would be an understatement in itself, but Frank's entire family was bizarre, so it was all a norm for him. He was by no means an expert on pregnancy, but was damned sure the child inside his daughter wasn't supposed to move the way it did, nor grow so quickly as it had over the last few days.

Zoey smiled at her father shrewdly - she'd seen that face from him more than once. "What's the matter, Daddy? Jealous of Nick's big cock?" Taking a sip from the glass of juice was strategic on Zoey's part, giving her father that brief moment to feel the dull back-stab she just gave him. He was jealous of his son's bigger meat but that was all. He wasn't like the rest of his family; he wasn't immoral, knew the difference from right and wrong. Zoey knew this to be true, but that didn't stop her from prodding her father's emotional wound once more, rubbing her squirming belly for emphasis. "Or maybe - maybe - you're jealous of Nick because he put this baby in me and you didn't."

"No!" Frank's response was strict and true. He had no latent desire to father a child with his own daughter. Conversely, it was no secret he wanted to be a grandfather, but wasn't desperate for it to happen. It was just unfortunate he had a run-in with bad luck given the present circumstances with his wife and daughter. "I don't know why you would even think that."

"Your loss, Daddykins. I've gotten pretty good at riding the pole, y'know." Zoey didn't care about the debauchery she displayed in front of her father, teasing him with gentle clit rubs, the respective muscles pulsing energetically to the point where they pushed against her bikini bottoms, threatening to burst!

That his own daughter was making blatant sexual advances to him apparently wasn't enough. From the corner of his eye, Frank saw her belly squirm again, his grandchild shifting its form to make itself more comfortable in the caring confines of its mother. Zoey took advantage of her father's evident unease, yanking his shaky hand to place it atop her stomach and get a good feel at the growing entity within her. Even to the touch his daughter's pregnancy wasn't normal. Her belly was too hard, too...strong to be classified otherwise. His eyes grew wide as saucers upon witnessing it shift upwards slightly for the slightest of moments before settling again.

"It's hard to explain, but...I can feel myself becoming slightly stronger every time she grows."

Frank kept his hand over Zoey's belly, oddly marveled by the surprising hardness it retained in spite of her state. It wasn't long afterwards her abs began to take the shape of a roid gut; barrel large and distended, the unmistakable roils of beefy stomach flesh pulling and tugging violently as her child moved again.

"Any day now, Daddy."

Frank gulped.

Frank retained a sense of hope his day couldn't get any worse, but he was often wrong about that kind of thing, so watching Janet do crunches in the kitchen ought to come as no surprise to him. Yet his heart sank. That his wife was working out didn't bother him so much as the fact her stomach seemed to shrink even just slightly with each passing second, bringing her abs closer and closer to their former cheese-grating magnificence. Eventually, it looked like Janet wasn't pregnant at all!

"Where's the baby?" Despite being weirded out by the nature of her gravidity, Frank couldn't help but feel worried for the safety of the child his wife would bear. He knew it was unwise for Janet to be working out so vigorously, yet she did it with such passion. There wasn't a hint of glistening sweat from the burgeoning woman's frame. She wasn't even properly dressed for working out, draped in a skin-tight cherry red blouse.

With boundless energy, Janet quite literally jumped onto the balls of her feet in response to her wary husband, her calves rippling in sync with the near thunderous motion, cracking the tiles. She loved it when he worried; he was cute that way. Such a shame he was flaccid though. Every light breath emphasized her power-packed chest, a curious pasty-white liquid oozing from the cleavage as she smiled. "Here."

Like Zoey only a few minutes earlier, Janet grabbed Frank's hand and guided it gently to her eight-pack. He was envious of her muscularity, there was no denying that, but knew Janet's stomach was significantly stronger than the rest of her. Then he felt it, saw it. Was it a foot or an arm? At any rate, it moved so fervently, Frank's fingers parted in response to the surge in girth.

It wasn't enough that Frank had to see that happen. It took him a moment to notice, but when he did, it was as if ice had frozen him over, rooting him to the floor as his wife's blouse little by little ripped and teared as her belly swelled until the cottony confines of her red garments burst like confetti, revealing the squirming in all its unnaturalness, pushing Frank's arm back further. Janet couldn't hold back the groan that came with the feeling of her belly finally being freed. It was almost orgasmic.

"I can feel myself becoming stronger too, you know, like I could lift a tank or three."

Frank didn't know what to make of his wife's words. In fact, he didn't know what to make of any of this, from the incest to the rapid pregnancies. Something had to be the cause of it all. It had to be the pills. Side effects maybe. Frank knew to always read the small print even if others didn't. He was adamant to find out.

It was just a shame the doorbell went before an opportunity to do so revealed itself.

When he opened the front door, Frank groaned upon his mother-in-law Ada being revealed to him in the tightest flamboyant gym shorts she could find, quads close to burst out in all their vascular greatness, an equally close-fitting top hiding the powerful chest she boasted. Frank knew Ada picked up on her daughter's workout plan, but it looked like she'd taken it a new level; from sizing her up shoulder-to-shoulder, he could tell his gargantuan in-law would find great difficulty in entering the house. But the unwavering gaze she displayed implied determination filled her.

Hands on her hips, she smirked condescendingly at her pathetic excuse of a son-in-law, sizing his leg up with her thrice larger quad, fighting back the urge to shake it just for the sake of comparison, even if Frank was past caring. "I'm here to see my grandchildren."

"Um, Nick and Zoey are a little busy right now. She's emptying him out right now." It pained Frank to know he was aware what he alluded to. But Ada simply chuckled. Little did Frank know Ada was in on her family's immorality, and by 'grandchildren,' she didn't mean Nick & Zoey, rather those who were due to come any day now. But nobody needed to worry themselves with semantics.

But then it dawned on Frank: the perfect retaliation to everything that set his life on fire. If Nick could bone and impregnate his mother and sister, then surely Ada wouldn't be bothered by Frank doing the same to her?

Or maybe - just maybe - that was always the plan anyway.


It wasn't a normal thing for Janet and Zoey to argue, but recent events in their lives permitted the naked powerhouse women this one chance. Nick stood between them with arms folded to suggest disdain. Honestly, who really cared who had the biggest belly? It wasn't that fair an assessment anyway - Janet's would be the biggest at one point before Zoey took over, then vice versa.

The weird squelching sounds that came from the budding mothers' bellies persisted as they each made it a point to slap them hard. Nick was understandably worried for the safety of his children if their mothers would squabble over something so trivial, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of understanding creep into his mind. To the women before him, he understood that whoever had the largest belly, the biggest baby, saw themselves as the alpha female, coupled with their already-outrageous musculature.

"No, I've got the bigger belly. I've got veins riding across my obliques and everything." Zoey's statement intrigued Nick so much he cocked his brow and could barely stop himself from looking at her abs to see if she was telling the truth. The fact she was able to retain muscle in spite of her pregnancy was a feat in itself, let alone so much of it - all five hundred pounds, give or take a few for the burgeoning belly she was clearly proud of. Stressing the point, she stroked her stomach in an effort to spite her mother who retaliated by pushing hers out too, to the point where a sickeningly blue vein rose to the surface of her skin hinting at so many things - the immeasurable power swelling within her and how her child could arrive at quite literally any moment.

"If anyone has the bigger gut, it's definitely me. I sometimes struggle to walk and keep my balance, she keeps growing so fast and determinedly." Janet lied about not being able to walk, that much was a fact to Nick given he just watched her give him a BJ not ten minutes ago. She was really just trying to one-up Zoey's efforts. It was rather indecent of her, frankly. And Nick had heard enough on the matter for one day.

"You're both big as each other, okay?" He didn't quite fancy having a headache the day his grandmother Ada was to visit. He could hear her converse with his father in the hallway, so she must've arrived amongst the women's squabbles. Janet and Zoey looked at each other with narrow eyes before eventually settling on Nick's words. After all, their present, in-the-family-way circumstances were on account of his actions. So, in a sense, what he said, went. "I love you both equally," he added.

At that moment, Ada revealed herself to the remainder of her family, a look of manifest disappointment painted across her face. Judging by the sporadic glances shot at him, she must've been let down by her son-in-law. "You really need to feed that husband of your more, Janet. My quads are thrice thicker than his, and I haven't even worked out today yet." She stressed the point casually, pulling her left leg out in front and shook her pillar-like quad, feeling its respective muscles tighten and bulge to their extremities like they were close to bursting out of their skin! Even so, she forced herself to flex even harder, grinding her mature beefiness more and more until a single solitary vein crept forth. "No wonder you don't fuck him anymore. It must be like cuddling up to a stick."

As demeaning as his mother-in-law's comment was, Frank maintained an air of confidence. He wasn't going to be be put down by a woman twenty years his senior and four times his width who could probably fuck him to death he was so miserly in comparison.

"Been far too busy tending to the little one and Nick, if I'm honest." Janet turned to face her mother after her quick check-up in the mirror. She was still cut, ripped and stole in most areas, save for the ballon she had for a belly that gently squirmed as it came to face Ada. Frankly, Janet's interest in Frank had waned to the point where it felt like he was just there, taking up space, breathing valuable air and eating food better suited for her and Zoey's growing needs.

"Jesus, Gran! You look so hot with muscles." Zoey couldn't resist the urge to squeeze Ada's arm covetously. The girl's biceps were considerably larger - seventy inches as opposed to her grandmother's forty - but Ada's were undeniably harder and more defined, crisp with striations deep into the muscle tissue. "You must really like working out."

Ada continued to toy with Zoey wordlessly, though with a smile, bunching up her tombstone-thick pecs that looked like they could bend steel, muscle fibres rolling sickeningly like violent waves. Nick also watched, trying to hide the evidently growing erection in his underwear. But frankly, getting such a reaction out of him was what Ada had hoped for.

"You're not so bad yourself, kiddo," Ada complimented, giving Zoey's monolithic arm a good, hard squeeze, or at least tried to - it was like touching diamond; unyielding and durable beyond belief, with definition to match its clear-cut vibrancy. In the end, Ada's feeble attempt at squeezing Zoey's arm only forced it to grow slightly larger, visibly parting the older woman's fingers until they were spread wide open.

"I do try," Zoey quipped casually, playing deaf and dumb to her spurt of growth.

Meanwhile, Frank remained behind the trio of godlike women in silence, listening intently to their every word and trying - still - to find his place in this reformed family of his. Between being naught but a hapless slave and comparative weakling to the women and his enlarging son, he wasn't sure what his position was. He missed the days when he was man of the house, when what he said, went. But those were things of the past now. Should he accept his position as a slave or make a stand? That was his dilemma.

He stared longingly at Ada's diamond-hard calves, captivated by the way their respective muscles seemed to just roll and bulge on their own as she laughed at Janet's joke. Did Ada know her calves were swelling larger and becoming crisper in detail as she stood, or not?

"Okay, let's see that prize cock of yours, shall we?" With reckless abandon she leaned closer to Nick with a devilish smile before tearing his jeans off in one swift yank, giggling as the denim burst like confetti to reveal the tight white underwear underneath. Janet and Zoey looked on intently as Ada ran a finger across Nick's evidently thick shaft outlining his whites. By the time she reached the tip, he'd become fully erect and arguably grew a few inches. His underwear visibly strained, pushed violently against the fabric until an obvious rip formed, just large enough to see his tip in all its glory, the tiniest trickle of precum running down it.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Frank was horrified, to say the least. It was bad enough his wife and daughter were made pregnant by his son, but now his mother-in-law wanted him too? Ada didn't give Frank so much as a verbal response, opening her mouth just enough to take Nick by the tip of his manhood, then holding the position for a moment. It looked like she was sucking on a lollipop, drawing his rich and warm precum down her thick throat like juice through a straw, deliberately gulping loudly to make the moment all the racier. But Frank maintained his stance. "Is the whole family into this incest shit or what?"


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