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Big Taboo Pt. 02


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"STOP! You know we can't afford it, so don't even bother signing." Nick came up to Janet's side, the unmistakable sent of aftershave hanging over him, looking into her eyes pleadingly. He knew this was the perfect house for them, with all the space and utilities needed for a 'growing' family, but it just cost way too much. Glancing at the contract pitifully, he shook his head in defeat. "Sorry, but we just can't."

As much as the fact she was shocked to see him so affronted by her hidden agenda, Janet knew Nick was right. Perhaps it was enough that they had the chance to at least explore their dream home. Not everyone's lucky enough to do that. She didn't say anything, but Nick knew he had his mother's support in the decision. They would just have to look elsewhere.

Phoebe though, could see the couple's heartbreak like it was looking through glass. Obvious, distinct. Looking at the contract, she offered her own devilish grin as an idea sprouted. "I don't do this often, and, frankly, it's against the firm's regulations, but I am prepared to offer a fifty percent price cut."

Janet and Nick's eyes lit up in unison. It was as if their prayers had been answered by a redheaded angel.

"You just have to do something for me in return," Phoebe added. Janet and Nick's hopes weren't immediately dashed or put into jeopardy on account of the agent's words, rather a strange sense of interest filled them. Perhaps it was the blood-boilingly suggestiveness that came with Phoebe's words, or her curling lip.

Beckoned forth by Phoebe's finger, Janet approached the dainty girl and bent down so she could hear what the redhead had to say. Nick couldn't hear the words that seemed to casually ooze from her lips, but the expression that came with them was nothing short of something truly filthy.

Janet gasped, turning slightly to face the shameless Phoebe who returned with a grin of her own. "My, my. You are an interesting little minx."

Janet turned to face Nick with an expression that caused an almost instantaneous erection.


Most couples would've felt a sense of unease crawl up their spines upon knowing someone was watching them fuck roughly. But Janet and Nick were far from within the 'most couples' spectrum and actually detected a wave of stimulation in being ogled by the perverted Phoebe. Her lustful moans matched the pacing of her masturbating, sat on a chair in the corner of the bedroom with her legs spread the front, a sheen of sweat at her brow

The redhead didn't know what turned her on the most - the sex itself, the sound of Nick's gargantuan balls slapping back and forth against the front of Janet's bare reddened pussy, her even larger musculature being used to coax her lover into faster thrusts, the collective moans and grunts they shared in the heated moment, or perhaps the fated creaking of the bed frame. No, it wasn't any one thing in particular that urged Phoebe to be so furious in her self-stimulation, but the cacophony of it all happening at once.

"Yeah, that's right. Pummel that pussy, plough it deep!" Overcome with lust, Phoebe unbuttoned her cream white shirt revealing her sweat-greased tits, their perfect nipples hard as knives. Fondling them shamelessly, she maintained her perverted stares on Janet and Nick's fornication, unaware of their true relation to one another. But would it really matter? It stood to reason Phoebe was as perverted as they could come and, frankly, just might find a sense of gratification in knowing the truth about the couple rutting before her. They really wanted that house. "Is that really as rough as you can go?"

Urged on by the redhead, Nick thrust deeper into Janet, feeling her inner pussy muscles throb and coil around his cock as it entered her. She responded with a moan of lust so loud the windows cracked like eggs, gripping the bedsheets to better keep herself in place feeling a lone thrust manage to shift her weight upwards to the headboard. Drooling, her eyes rolled back as another thrust came, pushing deeper into her. Phoebe observed the thick outline of Nick's cock push itself to the surface of Janet's skin, kneading and shifting her abdominal muscles to bloat and bulge larger, which, in turn, only made the redhead quicken the pace of her self-relief, something about the growth itself quite literally blinding her to Nick's cock growing inside his mother's womb.

Janet buckled and shifted her weight in sync with Nick grunting as he came inside his mother for the second time, watching her belly ripple as cum flowed into her mound like waves, filling her belly up like a barrel of ageless wine, observing the inevitable surge of growth that took place merely seconds afterwards; hands pressed against the headboard, she bit her lip as her pectorals audibly expanded to touch Nick's own, equally matted with perspiration, her quads surging outwards to casually spill out over the bed frame, calves brushing and pushing the sheet away to reveal the dark patch of sweat the couple made in their lovemaking.

Janet pulled herself up to lock lips with Nick, making sure to thrust her tongue down his throat to draw the oxygen form his lungs to bring an end to the erotic moment. Pulling away, the woman smiled, looking down the river of cum casually oozing from her snatch. "There's likely enough in there to get me pregnant again. That is, if you want another one."

"Well, we do want this house to make the most of the space it offers," Nick pointed out, tweaking his mother's nipple with his finger. She didn't even flinch, instead she turned her attention to Phoebe, who was in the midst of spasming as a result of her climax to the display that just occurred, love juiced staining the seat, her toes curled back with shaky legs.

"That hot enough for ya, sweetie?" Janet rhetorically inquired with a giggle, finding Phoebe's sexed out spasming strangely adorable.

Phoebe didn't say anything. Not that she had to since her body spoke for her. With breathless panting she nodded, struggling to provide the energy in the smile she sought to give, too emotionally crippled by the display that just took place. Did her client just grow right in front of her because her husband blew his load into her? Impossible!

"You still holding up your end of the deal?" Nick inquired, his cock still casually thrust deep in his mother, its veins throbbing monstrously, its thickness still akin to how a cock would look if erect.

Phoebe nodded. "Sweetie, if it were up to me, after what I've just experienced I'd give you that house for free."

Nick smiled.

Days had passed, and in that time the family had moved into the Clifton mansion and Ada had given birth to two healthy girls, of which Nick was the proud father. His life was made whole in his forging of a family with a roof over its head and a steady part-time job that ensured their security. Admittedly, Nick still struggled coming to terms with the fact the Clifton manor was so readily given to him for such a low price. Luck truly was on his side.

In bed, he looked up at the ceiling with a contented smile, envisioning the future days, months, even years ahead. The worry that the return to college was just around the corner did cross his mind but life was so generous by comparison that it was a mere passing thought and no more. Rolling onto his side, he saw his mother's naked back face him, bulging between her breaths, remembering they fucked likely for hours during the night. Raising the sheets slightly, Nick saw the dried patch of cum soaked into the crack of his mother's steely arse, smiling, remembering she wanted to take his full monstrous length up it, no matter how long and thick it was. She could and did take it.

Maureen rolled into her side, facing Nick with a smile equal to his own. So she wasn't, in actual fact, asleep, just faking it to catch her hunk of a son off-guard. "Morning, Babe."

Nick didn't immediately respond with an equally warm response. Instead, choosing to gaze downward at his mother's cunt that even hours later, was still soaked with his cum. Then he remembered the other thing that happened overnight: pile-driving his mother so deeply that she screamed in crippling lust as his second load of cum that night shot into her and burst like a geyser.

"Thanks for last night's protein top-up." Maureen flexed her pecs with a deliberate grunt, feeling their respective muscles grind on themselves and her skin for space to grow. Striations formed seemingly from nowhere, accompanied with veins of varied thickness, pulsing and dancing. "You were particularly generous with it."

"Well..." Nick reached in to kiss his mother, their tongues wagging, touching and dancing around one another like salsa dancers. In between the kisses, he ran his hand up her thigh, corded with muscle so defined and strong, there was no reason to question why, even now, his eyes bulged in what could only be described as shock. Maureen's muscles grew stronger and larger on a daily basis, something that always positively surprised Nick. His hand glided upwards further, closer to her naked, shaven muff. "...There's more where that came from, should you want it."

Maureen groaned lustily. She ever so wanted to take advantage of Nick's offer, imagining herself more muscular than now, however, being both a new mother ad grandmother to not just Zoey's children but Ada's too, her own mother, had given Maureen far more responsibilities than before; the family had to eat. "Maybe later. Right now, I gotta get some groceries. This monolithic body of mine needs more than just dick, you know."

It would be remiss to think Nick wasn't upset by his mother's words. To fuck even more muscle into her already large form was practically what drove most of his days, at this point. But he hid his displeasure behind a smile not unlike the one previously offered, watching his mother rise from the bed and put on a dressing gown to hide her nakedness.

"Remember you'll be returning to college soon. Tomorrow, in fact." Maureen noticed the gown casually rip slightly at the arm, revealing her bicep in all its vein-puffed massiveness, the veins themselves a shade of salmon pink. This kind of display was often times enough to entice the woman to do a slight pose routine but she didn't want to tease Nick. "Remember not to go about telling your friends you've been sleeping with me, your sister or your Gran. And especially don't tell them you've given us all children. Such relations are taboo, you know."

Nick rolled his eyes. He knew all this, practically figured it out on his own long before the circumstances between him and either of the women of his family came about. The truth was, though, he wished relationships between family members wasn't taboo. In any case, he knew not to utter a single word on the matter. "Obviously. I knew that anyway."

Maureen smiled, Nick noticing it through the makeup mirror as she casually started dressing in front of him, top to bottom, leaving her cum-soaked clit to breathe and tease him for just a bit longer before putting on her underwear and trousers. "I know you know. Truthfully, it's your sister I'm worried about doing the opposite."

Nick didn't need help envisioning that particularly nightmarish moment, seeing Zoey strut through the college hallway unceremoniously announcing the fact she'd been fucking her brother so much over the summer break that he knocked her up. Of course, barely anybody would believe her since pregnancies don't fully develop over three weeks, let alone the seven she was off. But they definitely would inquire about how her larger musculature came about.

"I'll keep her in check" Nick said in confidence.

Maureen smiled back at him, her striated jaws giving him an instant boner that poked through the bedsheets. "Good boy."

The bedroom door closed gently behind Maureen as she left, leaving Nick on his own once again. He took a moment to properly assess his surroundings, trying to find his underwear and socks. He found them in the corner as though they had been hastily discarded, which wouldn't have been all that hard to believe given the circumstances he woke to. Pulling the bedsheets back, Nick's cock sprung fully at attention as though most of his blood had gone to it; almost as long as his arm now, throbbing fiercely with energy. Reaching out, his manhood pressed into the mattress like a pin into a balloon, wincing, his fingers just out of reach.

The bedroom door groaned open, catching Nick off-guard so quickly he fell off the bed with a slight yelp, his monster cock slapping off the carpet with a dull thud, the impact forcing the nearby vase on the bedside drawer to wobble for a moment before slipping off and rolling across the carpet before a naked foot caught it on its journey.

By the time Nick rose to his feet the bedroom door was shut again, but he found his sister Zoey stood in front of it wearing a bikini, likely to either boast her musculature or arouse him. Or maybe, probably both. It was her foot that stopped the vase from hitting off the wall's skirting. Smiling, she picked the ornament up with one hand and placed it onto their mother's dressing table.

"I was waiting until Mum left before I popped in," Zoey explained.

That was when Nick saw it. The unmistakably familiar box of pills that caused everything in his unquestionably better life to happen, held firmly in Zoey's hand like a coveted object, her bicep ever so slightly bulging from the strength in her grip. Nick saw the label and it made his heart jump. Branadrine - Make Sex Great Again!

"Don't you think my cock's big enough as it is, Zoey?" Nick's inquiry was warranted. If his manhood grew any bigger, it stood to reason sex could become uncomfortable, something he didn't want the women in his family to experience.

Zoey's response surprised Nick though. A wry smile formed across her lips as her thumb rubbed the box's plastic lid, teasing the edge of it as though she was tempted to remove it all the same. "It's funny how you assumed they were for you."

Nick's brow cocked with confusion, unsure by the meaning behind his sister's statement. It was clear she found a sense of enjoyment in his daze.

"I'd been trying to think of a way to spice things up a bit between us, for a little while now. Longer than I'd care to admit, honestly." Zoey rubbed her crotch, finding an itch suddenly come over it, followed by a slight moan that would not be mistaken for lust in its nature. "Found these in the bathroom cabinet while brushing my teeth. They weren't exactly hard to find, like there was no need to hide them."

Nick connected the dots at that moment. Zoey had planned on taking one of the penile growth pills, experimenting with them on herself for the sake of spicing things up with Nick. Of course, she wasn't exactly trying to hide the fact so much as disclose it. She wanted Nick to know. But he worried about the potential consequences as much as he was admittedly willing to have her introduce new ways for them to fuck. Nick didn't want to risk any problems that could arise with Zoey's carelessness either.

"Put them back right now, Zoey. We could try something else to spice things up between us. How does Bondage sound to you?"

Zoey's laugh only served to instill a sense of fear in her brother. She rubbed her crotch again, although quickened in its pace. Nick was none the wiser to the reality and Zoey found enjoyment in it. "Oh, I already took one to ensure even if you disagreed, you wouldn't have a choice in it happening. And as you can see, dear brother..."

Nick's eyes regarded the sudden unmistakable rip in Zoey's bikini bottoms, followed by the bulge and flex in her crotch where one shouldn't exist, yet did. Zoey looked at her brother's shock and laughed girlishly, listening to the rips and tears not only become louder but more frequent until Nick's eyes caught sight of two testicles dropping from where her vagina ought to be, swelling quickly, visibly and audibly like leather stretching outwards, the fabric of the bikini bottoms bursting like a balloon and falling like leaves. Hairless, yet indisputable all the same.

Nick watched Zoey's transformation continue even further, seeing the fabric of her bikini bottoms poke outwards as the apparent outline of a full-sized cock took shape within it before the meatus burst through, salmon pink and throbbing menacingly. Veins made themselves known, rising to the surface of her shaft, crisscrossing its length, practically invading every perceivable inch of it!

" works more than as intended!" Zoey concluded.

"I-I-I" Nick was speechless. His sister had developed a full cock and balls in a matter of mere seconds, within which it became clear not a sign of pain or discomfort had made itself known, rather the opposite; joy, pleasure even. "But what if you want more children? Have you actually thought this through? This is irreversible!!

Zoey flexed her newly-developed manhood and smiled as it doubled in size, balls and all! It became clear that just from this simple action she wasn't concerned at all by the notion of possibly wanting more children, even if Nick did. He himself also came to realize Zoey's cock was double the size of his own after four pills, despite her having consumed just the one.

"I've thought about it and am pleased by the results."

Zoey ran her hand across the shaft of her cock, gently tugging it back and forth, listening to the wet strokes as though they were music. Her cock literally rumbled as it suddenly bloated to double its thickness, cum discharging violently onto the carpet. In panic, Zoey grabbed the vase she saved earlier and held it underneath her torrential ejaculation, filling the ornament to the brim with her bodily fluid. By the time she was done, it looked as though she'd filled a pitcher with milk. She even had the gall to put the vase back onto the dressing table like nothing ever happened.

Her cock re-firmed back into an erection in mere seconds despite all that.

"Oh! Would you look at that!" Zoey slapped her cock hard, watching it bob up and down like a sprung Jack-in-a-box. Judging by the expression she offered after, it became clear she was eager to test her newly-formed appendage fully. "We should totally compare lengths at some point."

"But...why?" That was the only response Nick could muster. He had to know why his sister was willing to experiment on herself, needed to know what she could hope to accomplish with its apparent success.

"I thought about that myself, actually, before taking the pill." Zoey moved up to the window, her cock swaying left and right, her calves bulged and popped between each thumping step, then looked out to the hills beyond. Her thoughts on the consequences of taking the one pill were long and considerate. "I wondered, if taking it was the cause of you knocking me, Mum and Gran up, what would happen if I did the same? Take the pill, that is. Of course we know those results. But now..."

Zoey turned to face Nick. Her cock had grown bigger still! How—

"...I wonder if this magnificent cock of mine is as fully-operational as one ought to be. Do you think, dear, big-yet-little brother, I could impregnate a woman too?"

Nick recoiled. Why would Zoey even think to ask a question like that? "I d-don't think I'm the one to answer that question, honestly."

Zoey chuckled. It was funny seeing her brother squirm upon being asked such a simple question. There was nothing wrong with it. "Of course, it's all hypothetical in nature. I'm not saying I'd actually have the balls to bed Gran in the hopes of her given me children or anything."


Zoey rolled her eyes. "Just humor me, will ya?"

Nick shook his head. He couldn't believe he'd found himself in a situation like this. Of all the things he and Zoey could talk about, it had to be this one? Even so, he felt compelled to answer her, mostly out of fear for what would happen if he didn't. "I guess so. I mean, you've the full package. It's not as if you've just got the cock."


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