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Bigger Isn't Better, Right? Ch. 02


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"Well, 38 Double M," he remarked as he read the tag. "You really are stacked, aren't you?"

"More than you know," she replied. "I wear my bras a cup size too small! I like the way they make my titties spill over the cups. I think it's sexy! I really should wear a 38 TRIPLE M."

"You are gigantic, aren't you, Hank?"

"No more than you are, Dirk. Now let's get comfortable in the bedroom."

Leading the way, Hank gestured for him to lie down after removing his shirt and shoes.

Smiling down at him, her breasts hung solidly in front of her, making it difficult for him to see her face. As a result all of his attention was on her breasts, watching her nipples as they grew harder with her excitement.

Sliding into his embrace, Hank draped one breast across his chest. It almost reached to the other side of his body as she snuggled up to him. Her other boob was pressed to his side and bulged up between them.

Instinctively his hand cupped her tit, his thumb lightly strumming her now straining nipple.

Small talk and cooed endearments were all that could be heard for the next few minutes as the lovers rested. After a short while Hank's hand began to slip slowly southward over Dirk's muscular torso and found his prick resting across his groin and upper thigh.

"Dirk, darling, I'm so horny! Slide down. Put your head at the foot of the bed. Let's see if we can get you back up." Standing beside the bed she waited while he reoriented his body with his head at the foot of the bed.

Standing above him Henrietta leaned over to drape her huge breasts on each side of his face. Swiveling her shoulders she proceeded to batter his face left and right with her tits. Groaning in appreciation Dirk tried without luck to suck one of her nipples into his mouth. Her tits were SO big! While her nipples brushed the sheet on either side of his head there was still inches and inches of cleavage between his face and her chest wall.

Then, leaning back she shifted a little to the right and dropped her massive left tit right onto his face. Opening his mouth he took in her nipple and sucked and licked while she gently shook her tit back and forth. Leaning forward she crushed him under her breast. She shifted the other way and repeated the operation with the other breast.

As she continued to smother her lover under her incredible boobs she reached forward to tease his nipples as he had earlier teased hers. Strumming his nipples while once again battering him she smiled as she saw that his dick was starting to return to stiffness.

She rocked back and forth, encasing and then releasing him from the grip of her immense boobs. Placing her hands on either side of her bosom she pressed inward increasing the pressure upon his face and smooshing her massive breasts even tighter against Dirk.

Moving slowly, she leaned forward and started dragging her giant tits down his body until she could reach his slowly erecting prick. Her boobs were forced outward as she leaned forward and reached out with both hands to corral his dick.

Still working his dick she crawled lower over his stomach. She pulled on his prick as she positioned her snatch over his face.

"I want you to eat me out," she instructed Dirk as she manipulated his cock. "I'm going to have to be as loose as possible if I'm going to be able to take this monster in my pussy1"

With a chuckle Dirk reached up and pulled her groin down to where he could apply his lips and tongue to her soft cunt lips.

"GOD I love this dick! And these balls" she said as she stroked him, helping him to get harder and longer.

Gazing rapturously at his immense cock, Hank pursed her lips and gently kissed the large head surmounting his shaft. "So beautiful and so fucking big!" she exclaimed. She anointed his shaft with saliva. Using her lips and hands she spread the moisture over his prong. As she worked on his immense cock she felt Dirk begin to feast on her pussy. She stopped from time to time to gaze in rapture at his dick. She worshipped the immensity of his cock. It was SO big. She tried to push herself onto his dick, taking just enough in to be able to scrape her teeth on his smooth and sensitive cock tip.

As Dirk licked and sucked her cunt she brought her mouth to his dick and finally engulfed the head in her mouth. Perhaps because of the angle she found that it was easier to take him down. Not only his head but an inch or more of his immense staff was soon basting in her mouth and throat.

Bobbing her head, she shook her head back and forth like a terrier trying to snap the neck of its prey. This allowed her to take in a lille bit more of him. But she soon had to give up. He was just too thick, too long for her to be able to take more than just a token amount.

Both hands were woking to push and pull his dick as he rapidly gained the stiffness that she so desired.

Dirk's attentions to her weeping pussy led to the inevitable conclusion. After a few minutes Hank was enjoying a small orgasm.

"Oh, honey, that feels so good! Now roll up here and let's get to the main event, shall we? I want to feel you cram this huge dick into me as far as you can get it!" She was panting with excitement as she pulled him into place above her.

Looking between the jiggling juncture of her tremendous boobs she could see that his dick was at full strength. Kneeling between her thighs Dirk smiled down as he stroked his big prick.

'So long,' she thought to her self. So long it looked like he could tit fuck her with out having to move from between her legs!

She put both hands between her legs. At first he thought that she was trying to protect herself from his immense cock. More than a few women had backed out at this point. Was he going to offered a consolation hand job?

Using both hands she pulled her pussy lips as far apart as she could while using her heels to try to pull him into her drooling pussy. "Come on, come on! I want to feel that monster batter its' way into my pussy and fuck hell out of me! Don't make me wait, Dirk!"

Placing the head of his dick at the center of her pussy he hesitated. From his angle it didn't look like it was going to fit. Her pussy was too small, too tight to be able to take his gigantic dick. She was as loose as he had ever seen a woman, but he just wasn't sure...

"Fuck me!" she cried while shifting her hips trying to get her pussy lips wrapped around his dick. "Don't tease me, honey, Fuck me!"

Without a word Dirk leaned forward, putting his weight behind his dick. Her lips splayed apart, stretching as he put more and more effort into sinking into her. He wasn't making any progress. He glanced up from her pussy to see her face locked in a grimace of effort as she tried to push up with her hips to help lodge him deeper into her cunt.

"I need more, honey, more." she moaned. "Please, don't stop! Push it into me. Make me feel your huge dick!"

He leaned forward harder, putting more of his weight behind his cock shaft as she groaned beneath him.

Finally his patience was rewarded. He could feel that his dick head was slowly winning, sinking, ever so slowly, deeper into her out-matched pussy.

Releasing her pussy lips Henrietta used one hand to pluck and pull at her nipples. With the other she stroked her clit, rubbing it in small circles, increasing her pleasure and distracting her from the amazing stretching feeling that was shooting thru her cunt lips.

Staring down her body between her immense mountains of tits she saw that her pussy lips were stretched paper thin. She had taken only the head of Dirks immeasurably large cock, the head and perhaps an inch or two of the shaft. Bigger, thicker than any of her other lovers, Dirk was giving her feelings far beyond any that she had had earlier. And all she could think of was that there was so much more for her to take. And she wanted to take all that he had to offer. She wanted to take everything that she could!

Her tongue darted out to wet her lips as she strained to take in more and more. Dirk was now slowly pulling back and pushing deeper. Each slow advance managed to push another fraction of an inch into her weeping cunt.

Again watching between her jiggling titties Henrietta felt the swelling of an orgasm building and building inside her.

With a shout of ecstasy she wrapped her legs tighter around her lover and pulled him down for a searing kiss.

"Just keep fucking me, Dirk, fuck me, fuck me, FUCK ME!" she cried. Her hips rocked beneath him, always trying to absorb more and more of his incredible shaft.

An hour and forty minutes later, having been able to take just over half of his thunderously large cock, Henrietta lay, exhausted, arms and legs entwined with her lover. Her mouth, her hands. her tits and her pussy had all shared in the most amazing sexual experience of her life.

Twice she had fainted! Both times she had regained her senses to feel Dirk still thrusting away between her legs. The feelings had swiftly grown as they had fucked and fucked.

She came more often, she came harder than anything she had ever thought she could. Her pussy ached from the incredible pounding she had taken.

Dirk had been more than she had ever imagined. As much as she wanted he seemed to always have just a little bit more. And while she had done her best she knew that she would want to have more and more chances to enjoy what they had both done with each other.

"Hand me the phone, Dirk" she told him. "I need to send a text and then I want to wrap my titties around you and see if I can't coax another load out of your balls!" Her voice was husky as she spoke. Just the idea was making her horny.

"Here you are," he passed the phone to her.

Taking the phone while shifting to again smother him between her overly developed bosom she texted Lance:

"You were right, Bigger is Better!

But Gigantic is Best!



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AmbulAmbulover 1 year ago

Love this fantasy. It is very believable and the dialogue is great.

InfiniteXaosInfiniteXaosover 1 year ago

You lost me at Hank. Is she wanting to be a guy now?

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanover 2 years ago

LL, make her ex fiancé watch

MarkT63MarkT63almost 3 years ago

Sad little slut...

HungBigBenHungBigBenalmost 4 years ago

DDD Dave....still one of the best stories on Literotica...maybe the very best story...all because of the last half of the last page. So true and dialogue. Only one thing...she measured his length...EVERY woman who has wanted to measure me has also...ALWAYS....measured the length and circumference of my cocks head, the circumference just below my cocks head, the circumference around the middle of my shaft, and the circumference around the base of my pole. They always want to know the length...even when they know there is "no way" they can ever take all the inches I have...but they want to ALWAYS measure the width across the top so they know how wide I am and how thick around I am in circumference....that is the part of the "anaconda" that stretches them and is far bigger than any before...so they want to know the "challenge" and what they took...IF...they can eventually stretch out enough to take much. And your dialogue...and the reaction of "Hank" to what she did to herself and stretched and her passing out and orgasms and exhaustion...is all very real...and her taking "just over half" (e.g. 8-9ish inches of his long cock)...the first time...is true. Even for experienced size queens. The length is not an issue she has taken "longer" if the longer was no where near as thick and wide and "dominated" her pussy. So great job DDD Dave. In an future expansion....she should finish measuring Dirk...and Dirk measure her waist and hips and bust...and then...Henrietta meets a man who she heard is even larger....another woman tells her about him...and she bets no one is bigger than "her horse Dirk"...and she is shocked to see larger...and gets even more sex and better sex from someone even bigger and better than Dirk..just as Dirk was bigger and better than Lance.

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