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Biking Buds Pt. 03

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Mark finally gets what he wants.
4.5k words

Part 3 of the 8 part series

Updated 03/31/2024
Created 07/14/2023
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Mark stripped out of his wet clothes and rinsed his legs. He got dressed in a pair of purple bikini brief panties and a pair of shorts that could be worn by men or women. He first picked a tank top that exposed his shaved armpits and most of his chest, but changed his mind and put on a plain grey t-shirt.

Doug was sitting on his bed waiting for Mark. Mark didn't ask what he wanted to wear. He got a pair of Doug's blue jockey shorts instead of boxers, another pair of black and grey shorts, and blue muscle shirt. He chose the muscle shirt for a reason.

Doug didn't comment when Mark held out the jockey briefs instead of boxers. He just put his foot in them and stood to let his friend pull them up around his waist.

Mark tried to not look at Doug's hanging dick when he stood to have his jockey's pulled up. But it was right there. It was clean. Again Mark had to fight the urge to take it into his mouth. When he had the jockey's pulled up he sort of adjusted things for Mark, but didn't reach inside the jockeys to do it. Was it just a touch hard?

Mark quickly held the shorts for Doug, then put the muscle shirt over his head and pulled it down around his waist. He was trying to not inhale, to not enjoy the scent of Doug's clean body. He really wanted to push his face into Doug's hairy armpit or run his tongue over his hairy nipple.

"There ya go!" he said cheerily as he stepped back.

"Thanks," Doug replied.

They spent the rest of the morning in an uneasy silence. They really only talked when one needed to tell the other something.

Doug sat in front of the tv, but he wasn't really watching it. He was thinking.

Mark was in his office tapping on the keys to his computer. Some of it was working. Most of it was messaging with his friend Yvonne. He told her about the shower, and what happened after.

"How's he acting now?" Yvonne asked.

"No way in particular," Mark told her. "He just sits in front of the tv. I'm sure he's bored."

"I'm sure," Yvonne agreed. "But you don't think he's mad? I mean, he could be mad at himself because he enjoyed what you did. Maybe he wants you to do more."

"I don't think so," Mark told her. "When I was getting him dressed his dick was right there in front of my face, and it was totally soft."

"Well, give him some time. You say you think that's the first time he's let a guy do something like that?"

"I'm sure of it," Mark said. "Anyway, I need to go see if he needs something to eat."

"Are you on the menu???" she typed in the chat window.

"Yeah, I'm sure he doesn't want that."

"You never know."

"Talk to you later."

Mark signed off of the chat before she had time to answer. He walked into the kitchen area.

"Hey, you getting hungry? Do you need me to fix you something to eat?" he called out to Doug.

Doug stood up and walked to the bar separating them. "I'm not really hungry," he said as he sat down. "You know what I could really use?"

'A blow job?' Mark wanted to ask. But he didn't. Instead he said, "What's that?"

"Okay," Doug said. "I haven't had any pain meds all day. And I don't really need any. So what I'd really like is some bourbon and water."

Mark nodded. "I don't see what that would hurt," he said.

He took a cup with a lid and a straw out of the cabinet. "You want ice?" he asked.


"Neat it is," Mark said. He poured what would normally be a weak drink for them in in the cup, added a little water, and slid it across the bar to Doug.

He took another small glass out of the cabinet, added a cube of ice, some bourbon and some water, and sat down on the other side of the bar.

Doug took a sip and laughed. "Just in case I want pain meds later?"

Mark laughed with him. "Nah, just starting you off light. It's been a while for you."

Doug nodded. "You got that right." Doug sucked on the straw and quickly emptied the small cup, then slid it back across the bar to Mark.

"Wow. Do I need to go ahead and make the next one stronger?" Mark asked.

"It wouldn't hurt," Doug grinned. "It'll save you some time mixing."

Mark mixed the next one a lot stronger.

"That's more like it," Doug said when he took a sip of it.

"So, you look like a man with something on your mind," Mark said. He had tried to think of ways to start a conversation about the shower this morning. He was hoping this was Doug's way of starting it.

"Well, yeah, I do," Doug said. "I've been sitting over there thinking, and I'm wondering if maybe this wasn't a good idea, maybe I should have gone to the medical facility."

Mark nodded. He drained his drink and turned to mix himself another.

"And why is that?" he asked as he poured bourbon into his glass.

"Well, as much as I appreciate what you're willing to do for me, I'm not sure that we thought about how much contact you'd have to have with my... penis," Doug said hesitantly.

"Well, that's true. I didn't really think about that before. But if that's the reason you want to go to the county place, it's not a good reason. Unless it's really bothering you for me to touch your penis," Mark said. "It's no big deal to me."

Doug looked down at his drink. "I'm not sure what it is," he said quietly. "I just feel, uh, I don't know, kind of weird knowing a guy is touching me there."

"Look, Doug, we're both grown men. Shit happens. I mean, if you really want to go to the county place I'll call the nurse and see if she can arrange it. But someone there is going to have to touch you, too, and it very well could be a male nurse," Mark said.

"I know," Doug said. "But, you know, it's a medical person. I mean, it's not me. I just don't want it to be bothering you."

"Are you sure it's not bothering you?" Mark asked. "Because it's not bothering me." He wanted to tell Doug that he looked forward to the times he got to touch and handle his cock and balls.

"Well, ok," Doug said. He took a big pull on the straw. "Uh, maybe it's not bothering me like I think it should, and that bothers me."

Mark looked at him, trying to make sense of what he just said. Was he saying that he secretly liked it when Mark had to touch him?

He was trying to think of a way to answer that when Doug's phone rang. Mark walked to the couch and looked at the number, then hit the button to answer it.

"Doug Baker's phone, this is Mark," he said.

"Hi, Mark, this is Jamie Ferguson. I was Doug's nurse when he was in the hospital. How are you doing?"

"Oh, hi, Jamie. We called you Nurse Jamie," Mark said. "We're doing good. Do you want me to put you on speaker so Doug can hear you, too?"

"Yeah, that would be great," Jamie said.

"Okay, we're both here now," Mark said when he put the phone down on the bar.

"Hi, Nurse Jamie," Doug called out.

"Hi, Doug. So tell me, how are things going? Any big problems?"

"No," Mark said.

"Uh, yeah," Doug said.

"Uh, oh. That's not a good sign," Jamie said.

"Well, we were just discussing if I should go ahead and go to the county health place," Doug told her.

"So what's the problem, Doug?" Jamie asked.

"No big problems," Doug said. "It's just some things we didn't really think about going into this. I think we might both be more comfortable if we didn't have to deal with certain things."

"Mmm, hmm," Jamie said. "Okay, we can talk about that. Listen, I was calling to tell you that I need to come by for a welfare check on you. Would now be a good time?"

Doug looked at Mark, who nodded. "Yeah, you can come by if you want to. We're not... well, I'm not going anywhere," Doug laughed.

"Great. I had actually planned to try to schedule something for tomorrow, but I've got some time on my hands this afternoon and it sounds like there are some things that need to be discussed today."

She verified the address and got some general directions.

"Okay. I'll see you in thirty minutes or so," she said.

Mark disconnected the call. He drained his drink and turned to fix himself another. "You want a refill before she gets here?"

"Yeah," Doug said. "Make this one a little lighter, though," he laughed.

"She's probably not going to be happy that you're drinking," Mark said.

"Probably not. But, like you said earlier, I'm a grown man."

Mark slid his drink back across the bar.

"Look, man, you're right. You're a grown man. It's your decision, and you're not on drugs this time. I'll go along with whatever you and Jamie decide," Mark told him.

"Thanks, man. I appreciate it."

When Jamie arrived Mark put the glasses in the sink and Doug moved back to the couch. Mark opened the door and saw that she had another young nurse with her.

"This is Paula," she told Mark and Doug. "She's never done a welfare check, and we're not allowed to go alone, so I figured this would be a good time for her to do her first." She looked at Doug. "Are you okay with her being here?"

"Sure," Doug said. "I mean, we're just going to talk, right?"

Jamie nodded. "Pretty much, yeah. Can you stand up for me?"

"Do I need to go in the other room?" Mark asked.

"Not as far as I'm concerned," Jamie said. "Doug?"

Doug looked at his friend. "Nah, dude, you're cool."

Jamie had Doug hold his arms out while she and Paula inspected the bandages and cast.

"Everything looks good there," she said. She stepped closer to Doug and put her face close to his chest. "And I'd say you had a shower this morning, right?"

Doug blushed. "Yes."

Jamie put her stethoscope in her ears and held it against Doug's chest and back. "Sounds good," she said. Paula pulled a small battery operated blood pressure cuff out of her bag and put it on Doug's wrist. While she waited she held a digital thermometer against his forehead. She wrote down both numbers and showed them to Jamie, who nodded.

"Ok, you can sit down now," she said. "And let's talk."

They all sat down, Doug on the couch, Jamie beside him and turned to face him, Paula on the other side of him, and Mark in the big chair facing the couch.

"First, I'm going to assume you're done taking pain meds since you're been drinking?" Jamie said.

"Yes. I haven't had any pain meds since before I went to bed last night, and I'm not sure I even needed them then," Doug told her.

"Okay, that eases my mind some. Now you know if you decide you need pain meds and you've been drinking you have to wait at least eight hours after you stop drinking to take them, right?" She looked at Doug, then at Mark.

Doug nodded.

"So noted," Mark said.

"Okay, so what's this noise about you wanting to go to the county health clinic?" Jamie asked. "It's not near as nice as this place, and they will not serve you..." She leaned in close to Doug's face. "Crown?" Doug nodded. "Yeah, Crown won't be on the menu there."

"Gotta love a woman who knows her bourbon," Mark laughed.

"Thank you," Jamie said. "So tell me why?"

"Well, just some parts of it I'm not real comfortable with," Doug said.

"Like what?" Jamie asked. "Yes, I want specifics."

Doug looked at her, then at Paula, then at Mark.

"Just tell me," Jamie said. "Paula's a nurse, too. You can't say anything to shock us."

Doug took a deep breath. "Okay. Well, when I need to, um, pee, well, guys have to aim, you know, and, uh, well, I can't do that for myself."

"That's why when you were in the hospital we had you sit to pee," Jamie laughed. "You can do that here, too."

"True," Doug said. "Well, not always. Um, sometimes, um, like first thing in the morning, um, well..."

"Okay, I can see where sitting to pee when you have morning wood wouldn't work so well. What did you do about that in the hospital?" Jamie asked.

"Well, it didn't happen there," Doug said. "I guess the drugs, or I was still in pain... I don't know."

"So how did you handle it here?" Jamie asked.

"Um, well, I uh," Doug started.

"He stood next to the tub and I had to make sure it was pointed in that general direction," Mark said.

Jamie nodded. "Ok. And that worked?"

"Well," Doug said. "Yeah, I didn't pee all over the bathroom, but did you hear what he said... he said HE had to make sure it was pointed in the right direction."

"So that's all this is about?" Jamie asked.

"Well, no, not exactly," Doug said. "Um, there was the shower, too."

"And what was wrong with the shower?" Jamie asked.

"Well, I mean, then he had to touch me all over," he said.

"I know he did," Jamie said. "And if you'd been in the care facility it would have been the same way. Except it wouldn't be your friend. It would likely be a male orderly."

"Well, yeah, but..."

"Is it that it was your friend?" Jamie asked.

"Well, yeah, sort of, I don't know," Doug said.

"I understand," Jamie said. "But aren't you glad you have a friend willing to do that for you?"

"Well, of course, but..."

"Okay, so here's the deal. The county health facility is no longer an option," Jamie told him. "Once your friend here offered to take you in that option was off the table for the insurance company. So, you're stuck with this. The good news is everything is looking good and you should get your arms and hands back next week."

Doug frowned. Mark tried hard to not smile.

"If you want I can arrange for someone to come by every couple of days to give you a shower. It will probably be a male home health technician. I'm pretty sure your insurance will cover it. You want me to do that?" Jamie asked.

Doug looked at Mark. Mark shrugged. "Whatever you want to do, bud," he said. "You know I don't mind helping you out."

He wondered if Jamie saw him blush when he said it.

Doug shrugged. "I guess if you're still going to have to help me pee you might as well help me shower."

Doug hoped no one could see that his dick was half hard in his shorts as he thought about the shower.

Jamie smiled. She had noticed that the slight bump in Doug's shorts had gotten slightly larger. She had noticed Mark's blush when he said he would help Doug out.

"Okay, then, if you're both sure," she said.

Mark walked Jamie and Paula to the door. When he came back in Doug had stood and was walking back to the bar. Mark noticed a definite bulge in his shorts. Mark's small dick was hard in his shorts, too.

"Ready to finish those drinks?" Doug asked as Mark followed him to the bar.

"Sure," Mark said.

Doug saw him staring openly at what was becoming an embarrassing bulge in his shorts. The thought of the shower had started it. He was pretty sure Jamie looked down at his crotch and saw it, so that make it grow even more. And now Mark was staring at it. And there was nothing he could do to adjust it so that it was less noticeable.

Mark got both their glasses out of the sink. He emptied what was left in them and started with fresh bourbon and water. He had a plan. He didn't know if it was a good plan. But it was a plan.

"So, that's settled," he said as he again slid Doug's cup across the bar. "Was there anything else you wanted to talk about?"

Doug took a big sip of his drink. He had wanted to ask this morning, in the shower. But he didn't. He had instead decided to avoid the subject and move to the health care facility. Now that he wasn't going to do that, he wanted to ask some questions.

"Uh, yeah, there kind of is," he said. "But I don't want to get too personal."

Mark took a big gulp of his drink, then a deep breath. "I think things got a little personal in the shower," he said. "So go ahead and ask what you want to."

"Yes, they did," Doug agreed. He didn't look at Mark. "Uh, ok, let's start with this. You wore socks in the shower. Any reason why?"

"I think you already know the answer to that," Mark said. He was wanting to get it all out in the open.

"Yeah, I think I do," Doug said. "So, it's because your toe nails are painted?"

"Yes," Mark answered honestly. "A girlfriend of mine, Yvonne, and I get together now and then and we give each other pedicures."

"But you don't keep them painted all the time," Doug said. "I mean, I've seen you barefoot plenty of times. Just something you like to do on a whim now and then?"

"Yeah, sort of," Mark said. "Um, probably more often than you think. I don't go barefoot very often."

"So you just like how it looks?" Doug asked.

Mark nodded. "Yes, I do. I've always admired women's pretty feet when they do their nails and take good care of their feet. So I decided I want to have pretty feet, too."

"Pretty feet, huh," Doug said. "Um, and you also shave your legs?"

Mark nodded. "Yes."

"So you'll have pretty legs?" Doug asked.

"Well, you tell me," Mark asked. "Do I have pretty legs?"

"Well, I've never looked at them that way. Let me see them. And your feet," Doug said.

Mark reached down and took his ankle socks off and pulled the legs of his shorts up around the tops of his thighs as he walked around the bar. He stood in front of Doug, showing him his smooth legs and pretty feet.

"I gotta admit, you've got pretty nice legs and feet," Doug laughed.

"Thank you," Mark smiled. He walked back around the bar to his drink.

"Um, Mark? In the shower this morning. Um, that felt really good. Like you knew what you were doing."

"You mean like I had some practice?" Mark asked. He shook his head. "First time I've ever jacked a man off in the shower."

"Just in the shower?" Doug asked.

Mark blushed. "I've done it before, just not in the shower, and it was a long time ago, when I was in college."

"But you liked doing it, didn't you?" Doug asked quietly.

Mark looked at him. "Yes, Doug, I did. And I'll do it again if you want me to... or need me to."

Doug looked away. "I might just take you up on that," he said. "Full disclosure here, I usually take care of that about every day when I don't have a woman doing it for me."

Mark nodded. "I figured."

"So this morning, when I was shooting. It got on you, didn't it?"

Mark nodded. "Yeah, some of it did. Mostly on my clothes that I was going to take off, anyway."

"But some got on your leg. I saw it when you were drying me off. And you didn't wipe it off until I left," Doug said.

"Well, I just hadn't gotten around to wiping it off yet," Mark said.

"Mark, I saw you when you put your fingers in it and then put them in your mouth," Doug said quietly. "Why did you do that?"

Mark drained his drink and started to walk around the bar.

"Because I wanted to see how it tastes, and I couldn't do this."

When he was in front of Doug he dropped to his knees. With Doug sitting on the bar stool he had to stand up straight on his knees to put his face in his friend's crotch.

"Mark! What the hell are you doing?" Doug asked. He tried to use his hands to push Mark back, but couldn't.

Mark was kissing and licking Doug's hairy thighs. The legs of Doug's shorts were loose enough that Mark could push his face all the way up to his jockey shorts. He inhaled Doug's scent, a mixture of musk and the soap from this morning.

Doug tried to twist on the bar stool to move his crotch away from Mark's face, but Mark put his hands on the insides of Doug's thighs to keep him in place. He pushed his thighs apart and started to wetly lick along on the legs openings of Doug's briefs.

"Mark, what the fuck!" Doug said again. "What the hell made you think I want you to do that?"

Mark put his hand up the let opening of Doug's shorts and gripped his now hard shaft.

"That does," Mark said without looking up at him. He hooked his fingers in the waistband of Doug's briefs and pulled them down. Now he was able to pull Doug's cock and balls out of the leg hole of the shorts.

He ran his tongue up and down the underside of Doug's hard dick.

"Shit, Mark!" Doug almost yelled. "You can't do that!"

Mark held Doug's shaft with one hand while he ran his tongue around his balls. As he ran his tongue back up Doug's shaft he pulled it down so that when he reached the tip he could take it into his mouth.


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